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tv   Economic Divide  PRESSTV  January 4, 2024 5:02pm-5:31pm IRST

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rury uh and that's like no claim, no blame, of so if hezballah was to not overreact but to over-respond to the provocation, then they can say we cannot iadly sit by while our civilian population of forced from the homes and people are put under threat from a uh terrorist organization, hezballah only exists to uh prevent israeli aggression? on lebanon, lebanon is only a free sovereign nation at this moment in time without being uh occupied apart from the shiba farms because of hezballah, hezballah are protecting the whole lebanese sociadi, sunni, shia and christian and marionite, so uh, i think they're being provoked, i think they're not going to overreact, and i think the whole idea that i
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ber as somehow trying to rean in israel uh on the ground is is totally false premise and i think israel is in a position of thinking that they're going to ethnically cleans gaza, they're destroying the west bank by going in with these tanks and bulldosers and ripping up the roads and destroying the infrastructure, we are witnessing a mini gaza and the west bank right now, there are three million. minions in the west bank uh, there's no way they're going to displace them all, but they're going to make their lives as miserable as possible, the're going to shoot and arrest as many of them as possible, mean the reports of the the beating of young men and old men by armed israeli troops uh, that's just again another war crime being visited upon the indigenous people of palestine, so you know i think what we're witnessing. is deliberate attempt to widen
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the uh the the the the battlefield and i think if they succeed, which i hope they don't uh, and then i think you'll see nero coming in on the back of it. right, and for and much of all this, we have to admit starts and ends with what the occupying israeli regime, it has new cabinet, a bunch of i don't, far right fringe fanatics that if there is such a thing to get far right. than the were in the past that netanyahu had to get in bed with to to try to get back into power and try to change the status quo of the regime's judiciary to keep himself out of prison on corruption charges of fra and now this far right cabinet they've drastically stepped up aggressions against palestinian to what you alluded to at the alaxa mosk and the occupied west bank and in gaza we had unprecedented 700 uh settler violence incidents and those were the ones that were just reported which was record in the last 40
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years in the uh occupied west bank against palestinian uh civilians - there and so hence this uh operation alaxa flood was answer to that escalation by netanyahu's out of control extreme far right cabinet. yes, for every action there's a reaction. there's cause and effect. what do you have is the you know? repression builds resistance uh, you have the very nature of the beast and that israel is an apart colonial white european settlement, which is totally alien to the environment that it finds itself in, that it it that it has set itself up as uh this western outpost uh, which claims to be you know the civilized wast in among the bar islamists uh animals
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and beasts, some of the people you're talking about, in the is really connessit elected members elected by the constituents to represent their views in the parliament have been convicted terrorists in the past. netanyahu is trying to stay out of jeal, netanhu may be feels at the longer the... more goes on, the less chance there is of uh of him facing these uh judicial uh fraud investigations, the icj thankfully south africa had the courage to bring forward this uh this uh fail against uh netanyahu and by extension the uh israeli government, i think that meets is it next tuesday, it's going to start to deliberate it, i promise you one
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thing at the end of that process, regardless of the charges brought before israel, regardless of netanyahu's defense, this is the one opportunity that the international... world uh uh collective through the icj has an opportunity to hold israel's leaders to account for the first time in the history of the step and if the icj lets down the people of palestine and allows that genocide to continue then not only is is there no hope for people of colored skin for people who are uh muslims uh for. people who are black africans, for people who are still indigenous populations uh throughout the world - some of whom still live in a partite states like australia and canada and north america the way they entry they treat their indigenous populations. this is a litmous test for those
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who claim the rule-based order and if the icga feels the people of palestine will will honestly. 'i mean i would almost give up on on there being any hope of uh of justice and dignity for the palestinian people, and now with this uh military commander uh basically and also second the political head uh sheikh saluri assassinated their fraud, how do you think this is going to change uh the dynamics of this thing because you know palestinians they hold hamas very dearly, hamas does not, it could out of the be'. gaza strip keep his fingers off uh the missile buttons when there are atrocities against palestinians in the occupied west bank when young 16 17 year old kids are killed by the regime in this daily raids in nabis in jening um in romala and but it doesn't uh when their homes demolished and
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shake shot of people driven out of their homes uh we know that hamas doesn't have to answer he could just say we're going to basically take care of you gazans and our situation here in gaza and uh basically but they don't, they they answer all the atrocities in the occupied west bank uh with just as much voracity as they do of the atrocities committed against uh gazans. yes, well i would view it as hamas or also protecting the christian population and gaza and in the occupied west bank. what they're doing is this is a we hold that thought don't go anywhere okay? let me we have mary saw that she's at the funeral uh ceremony she's on. location now let me swing over to her get an update and i'm come right back to you hold that thought we're going to pick up right uh we're going to leave off with you for we're going to swing over now to madyam she's in lebanese capital beirot on site of this funeral procession for saying hamas commander sheikh salahuri let's listen it the latest
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please yes yes we are here at the funeral site and we are very close to the cemetery where are we? we usually have uh palestinians in lebanon uh the they they are laid to rest in the cemetery specifically of course you have huge turnout today and when you're looking at the flags actually we're not just seeing flags for the islamic uh resistance of hamas, we're also looking at flags of all the palestinian factions uh we have islamic jihad, you have the uh democratic and popular fronts for the liberation of palestine, other factions as well in addition to hisballah flags and so therefore. it seems that they resist this assassination uh could potentially backfire against the israelis, the israelis attempted of course to uh target target the a hamas official, a resistance palestinian official in the heart of beirot, seemingly trying to perhaps put hezbullah in
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the corner of whether they can respond or not, they can retaliate or not, um, but this of course hazballah has responded to, they have said that this is a crime. that will not go unpunished, and by saying unpunished, we have learned from experience that the resistance is not mean that they will have a direct reaction or perhaps launch rockets uh against um other areas deep in the heart of the home front of the israeli regime, here we're looking at something that could be of the long term, and just like previously after the assassination of commander general qasim sulaimani after his assassination said something very significant. that he said that the retaliation for his martterdom will not be, or even if it is a direct reaction or direct direct retaliation in military terms, it will also be a strategic meaning as well, and he mentioned something very significant that the us presence, all of the us bases
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inside the region as a whole, we're talking about the muslim world, the arab world, they will find themselves that they are in a state of withdrawal, they are... state of demise that if they do decide to remain, they will not leave this land except in their coffins uh, and this is something very significant, he did not say the same to the israelis, but i think that... he meant something similar to that, he said that the days and the battlefield and the nights will witness and will prove and show that this retaliation will take place, this punishment uh will uh be conducted as a result of this aggression. now this aggression is too fold uh, we mentioned it before, it's not only against a hamas official uh, someone who is a founder and a main mastermind, someone who established... the resistance in the west bank, also that in itself is significant, since before, in the past, the israelies had
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always bargained that the west pen, west bank is marginalized, the west bank is isolated from anything that had to do with military resistance, we saw it growing more and more in the west bank more than ever before, and as a result we saw the many confrontations that took place, all the clashes that we saw, the the fact that you had the the lions then, you had more uh groups growing even in... individuals in the west bank that were ready to take on arms and fight even on their own with their own planning perhaps to go and fight the israeli occupation since of course as we are seeing in the west bank bit by bit they are taking more land, the israelies are building more settlements and it seemed to reach a state when the entire world was silent when any certain certain israeli settler who was just newly arrived maybe two palestinian land would go and choose the house and take any house of his two. actually and remove its people and take that house with the support and protection uh from the
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israeli army, and so that is why we found that there was growing resistance. sheikh salih who was today being laid to rest here in beirot is one of the main founders of the resistance in the west bank, and that also is very significant. this is why the israelis were extremely frustrated with sheikh saluri that he was able to form some sort of a resistance movement, military wing. inside uh the west bank that continues to flourish even without him being present. of course, as a result of his establishment of the resistance over there, his uh support, his arming and his presence over there in in the west bank, he was take put in prison for at least 15 years uh, but and after after that he was exiled, he mostly remained in lebanon despite the fact that he was going back and forth in some many countries uh in the region, whether in doha, uh, you mentioned turkey as well, he was there for a couple of times and our... colleague uh interviewed him just recently, i'm sure she can tell us more about the uh
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the sentiment of course and the atmosphere and his words and how significant that was and the fact that he was someone who was quite ready for murderdom, we heard it in all his words and he said that he had lived long enough uh basically throughout the wars, throughout his struggle, very long years of struggle and sacrifice and so on that basically at the end he um it reached this paramount of... significant stage which he believes and he was always striving for and that was martterdom. now we hear of course there seems to be the procession uh bringing in the marters uh seems to have arrived, of course we are still waiting for that uh to reach this place where we have the the the shatila cemetery and this is one of the camps uh that witness the massacres of sabra and shatila. these are two adjacent areas in uh southbroot which uh where which were a place with where the lebanese of course was quite hospitable, many of the palestinian refugees
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came and took homes here in this place that they always said was temporary, because they always had stroke and worked for the fact that they need to return to their homelands and their homeland is palestine, and that in itself, the fact that the palestinians continue to call for the right of return uh has been something that the israelies have tried to fight, they have tried to end, whether through normalization of ties with several. arab states uh that seem to now have been basically put in the in the trashpins uh all those normalization agreements that were that were signed whether with bahrain or the uae seem to be insignificant when you look at the sacrifices of the palestinian people when you look at the resistance inside palestine and everything that is occurring it seems that it is now the resistance in palestine that is ready to put conditions on the table uh all those arab states have not in the... and will not also now seem to have any say or any role when it comes to an agreement that
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could uh come out of the crisis or the the war that is taking place uh the israeli seem to have gone back, they started out with really high level objectives, they wanted to end hamas, they wanted to um have full control over gaza despite the fact that they said they didn't want to reoccupy gaza, there is an occupation now once more of the gaza strip and still with all that with their military... presence with their macaba tanks, with all those uh their capabilities in deep in the heart of the gaza strip, they are so incapable of ending the hamas resistance and the islamic jihad and other resistance groups still. see rockets being fired from gaza, we still see the fighters basically come out from nowhere and hit the israeli tanks and the armored vehicles and the d9 um machines, everything that they have is being targeted, the soldiers uh the israeli soldiers are also targeted on an hourly basis inside gaza, we're looking at very qualitative, very significant operations inside gaza itself,
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despite the fact that it is a limited geographic site uh still it seems the resistance has the upper hand. and as a result of that it's taking more time for the israelis, the israeli populists are talking about the fact that it is too late that the israeli military is taking too long uh the israeli military is also uh blaming the the cabinet while the cabinet is blaming the the military institution and so it's it is not a very good time for the israelis and despite all the sufferings of the palestinian people and you still have the fact that when it comes sacrifices when it comes to marderdom whether in lebanon that we have witnessed uh for over two decades. decades uh and that we witnessed also in 2006 and now what we're looking at today um and of course with palestine it is not comparable at all with you look at the numbers at the the people that are dying you have whole families that are being wiped out it's not comparable with what's happening in lebanon but we can basically relate to the situation that when you have more massacers when you see that you
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have more sympathy from the world and more people to understand unfortunately many people are forgotten that there was that there was an nation that was occupied for 75 years, a land that continues to be ingulfed by and the other occupation, the israeli aggressive policies did not stop uh during that time, even when they had their agreements with their uh the palestinian authority, which has lost a lot of its support, even among those people uh that had supported for example yasir, now they feel that mahmoud abbas does not have a say when it comes to the future of the palest. sinians uh, but that is of course part of the the entire process. uh, i think that we have um the the marters entering right now, they are coming in, we could probably see uh that maybe we can give you a the images and show you if we can have better image, but it's it's a bit difficult since it is quite crowded, perhaps you have footage of the fact
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that the procession has reached the area where they will be late to... trust um, let's remind people abouturi,uri is someone who is a like a prominent figure, he is not only someone who is a leader of the resistance from a far, people who live perhaps in foreign country while orchestrating the resistance inside palestine, and that is why what is significant, you have the leaders of the resistance, whether it was in in lebanon or palestine, the leaders of the resistance, the commanders, the military commanders, even the political... leaders are in the heart of the battle, yah remains on the battlefield, he's still well alive, and that in itself has frustrated the israelies, they said from day one that they're going to hunt down yahya sunwar, he remains there, and sodi also was one of those people who was in the heart of the battle, he was with the people, he was someone who was born in arura, is the town in
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northern ramala, uh, he grew up with um occupation, he witnessed occupation, he saw the aggressive. policies of the israelis first hand, he was someone who was put in israeli jails uh in a young age and so he was even someone who would be considered a younger prisoner uh for the uh palestinians, he saw first hand how the israelis torture their prisoners, how they deal with them uh, and even after he was released, he still was, it's exiled and he also lived the time of the experience of diaspora, the experience of a refugee, and we have at least five palestinian refugees here in lebanon, we have around three, maybe four generations of palestinian refugees and whether it is the elderly who remembers and recalls being removed from his hometown in in palestine, or it is the new uh generation, the young child who was born here in one of the refugee camps, they all say that at the end of the
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day they are palestinian, they're not attempting to become lebanese citizens or to get a citizenship from anywhere else in the world. they are palestinians and they are striving and working and fighting in order to return to their homeland palestine we have live images and let me share this with our viewers if you're joining us we are in the lebanese capital beirot you are witnessing a quite significant uh funeral procession for now a martur resistance leader from hamasa resistance group sawuri assassinated in a us i mean a part of israeli drones. strike on the uh lebanese capital back on tuesday january the second, he was also killed with five other people, two of which were also high-ranking of hamas commander.
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that it was it's uh spy craft and and it's uh uh terror craft actually we should uh not beat around the brush and we have a press tv's uh madiam uh saw there on sight now in madiam we see lot of people are carrying these coffins do we know what resistance factions are these in fact uh hamos members curing the coffins of their marchered uh comrades or are these guys with hezbollah do we know? not all of them are going to be buried here, we also have buried yesterday in
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one of the palestinian refugee camps in area and so they're not all going to be in the same bur at least they are members of the hamas movement. hamas or the resistance in lebanon, it's it's still not clear, but this proves, i think day by day that the resistance whether in lebanon or palestine are more and more united, it has become a united front, and you can see that as a result of the continuous operation in south lebanon. first operation, military operation against one of the bars in lebanese occupied territories, that was one message to two sides, first of all it was message to the
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resistance at palestine that they are going to support it all the way, but it was also message to the israelis that if you do attempt to launch an aggression against lebanon, which they had been talking about, they have been threatening on and on that hisballah's capabilities are growing, that we cannot tolerate all of this um uh... the stock pile of rockets that hizballah has, we need to stop it, we need to push hizballah away from the border, say hizbullah made it clear, and senator salah said this that through this we told the israelies they are incapable of launching an aggression against lebanon, he did also say that if they do decide to launch an aggression, whether it is uh israel or the united states with support of uh support by supporting israel or through its vessels which they had spoken of that they are, this is a warning to hazballah to tell them don't don't. don't don't do anything, stop your um your military operations, hazbillah made it clear, they will not heat to any of the conditions by the us or any warnings from the us as long as
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they are trying to liberate their land, this is why in the beginning they began their operations on lebanese occupied territory, of course the israelis did not launch back against um areas that are uh palestinian, they launched their attacks against lebanese territory, but hazballah made it clear that as long as they launched. attacks against lebanon, we have the right to launch our our operations against all the baracks. hazballah has also made it clear and all their statements, and you could notice in some cases you do have the names of the barracks that the the israeli name or what the the hebrew name, the original uh uh the names that the israelies have put forth, but hazbullah has always mentioned the original name of the town, whether it is occupied palestinian or occupied lebanese towns and as you know we do have some seven lebanese towns that are considered by the lebanese government as occupied and they are lebanese towns based on the uh the demarcation of the borders between lebanon and palestine, i
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think if i'm not mistaken 1923 but it was in the 1920s when lebanon palestine demarcated their border and th so there are some seven villages that were also deported and displaced excuse me by the israeli haganas the israeli gangsters back in the 9 1940s even before the declaration of the state of israel 1948 and many of them are also witnesses, they know they remember that this is their town, you have for example salha, you have, you have qadas, you have even christian towns as well that were that were forced to to to displace, were forced to leave those towns, in addition to the fact that hazbullah also maintains the names of the palestinian original. towns like for example yesterday there was a very significant operation in the town of safat, of course they put the zaraid town for example, what is named by the israelis and at the same time the original name of the town?
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"and you hear many of the people here, many them are actually from the northern side of the uh of palestinian occupied territory, whether the galuli or a bit beyond that, so many of the refugees, if they do decide to return and they have attempted to do so in one instances through the border, they would directly occupy the rest of that uh all of that area, and many are even talking now in lebanon for example jokingly how the entire galili has become a military zone. "it is emptied out of anything that is civilian, so-called civilian, although many people here believe that there are no civilians within the israeli regime, that they are all armed, they are all ready to kill palestinians, to kill arabs and so on, and but at the same time, many people here, especially the palestinian refugees, they say they are ready to return to their homeland, especially in those towns that are very near the border, and that brings us to the images that we saw in 2000 when many people thought it would be
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a dream for..." them to return to their occupied lands in occupied at south lebanon, some people are looking at images that could be very similar, the flocks of people coming out of their refugee camps, holding their bags, bringing the other stuff from here to their towns, even if they don't have, even if they don't have houses, they are going to build tanks and stay on their land, and this is what we're seeing now in gaza, inside the gaza strip, many have lost their houses, but still they go to that place where the... home anything to stay on that lands stressing to was they're making tents, they're trying the israelis that they will not be displaced once more like and there will not be another exodus like 1948 right and we've heard these uh aspirations out of tel aviv that they want to wipe out hamas in gaza, possibly islamic jihad and then with us support, we've seen implications they would love to go after hezbollah, do you see the even with us
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support? israeli regime having the capacity, you've seen hamas his capacity, you've seen very up close the capacities that hizbollah has, the commitment that its members have to the cause of resistance, um, the the weaponry, the sophistication of said weaponry, do you see even the israeli regime even with the help of the us having a capacity put a dent and wipe out how much islamic jihad and hizbullah in the region? well, i think that that's... that's not the case, no, i, i think what we saw from the beginning, despite the fact that the us did bring in its uh naval carriers and the vessels into the mediterranean, they did say are trying to tell the resistance that we are eyeing you, we have the capabilities to monitor and maybe even launch attacks or aggressions, but at the same time behind closed doors, we knew from the political class, we knew from the political leaders and figures in lebanon that the us with eu