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tv   Gaza Under Attack  PRESSTV  January 5, 2024 12:02am-12:31am IRST

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traders will pay heavy price. this is gaza under attack coming to you from the british capital, london. my name is sied puriza, your guide to unpack some of the biggest talking points emerging from the bombardment of gaza by israel and its ongoing raids in the west bank. but first, a quick look at some of the most recent developments. day 89, and the israeli regime continues its us- europe-backed bombardment of the central and southern regions of bluca. gaza, more
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than 22,00 palestinians, among them thousands of women and children have been killed since the slaughter began, and more than 52,00 have been injured. palestinians in the occupied west bank have shut down businesses across the territory and taken to the streets to condemn the israely assassination of a hamas commander in lebanon. south africa submits a lawsuit at the international court of justice in the hague, accusing the israeli regime of. genocide in the gaza strip, and the crackdown on expressing pro-palestine solidarity here in the uk, a staunch ally of the apartite israel. the uk has seen some of the largest pro-palestine protests since the start of israel's genocidal campaign in gaza. at the forefront of those demos, young people driven to political action by images and stories of palestinian suffering. joining me in the studio is patricia taleb, she's a...
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undergraduate psychology student here in london who has lived most of her life in lebanon. alongside her from ontario, canada, is anti-war activist dr. ali malah. welcome to you both. i'll start with you, patricia. um, new year, old genocide. um, did we feel things would get to the point they have, and your personal reflections on, um, the fact that we are still seeing genocide unfold. as we approach the uh three-month mark uh, first of all, thank you for having me on the show. um, so think i no one was expecting such huge retaliation, i think from the zionist entity. upon reflection, these have been i think some of the harshest three months that any muslim, arab or human being um in the world has experienced for a while now, and the fact that we can see a genocide unfolding in real time. um with the blessing of the
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technologies that we have so we can actually get to point where we see the truth of what's happening um is just it's something that's i think has been unprecedented. this is the first time we can actually witness genocide happening in real life uh time. think upon reflection that has probably been the main thing that has changed public opinion um because before we would not be able the 2006 war in lebanon for example that was something that was not documented on that to... to that level, to that extent, the damage that the zionist entity was doing was not, we were not capable of documenting that, we were not of capable of sharing our voices on those social media platforms and reaching millions of people around the world, so i think israel so far has completely lost the pr war, um, public opinion has completely shifted, and whilst before i would mostly see uh muslims supporting the cause now, i see people from all sorts of ethnic backgrounds supporting uh and... this big zionist propaganda machine
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seems to be failing and seems to be failing against this decentralized media essentially because everyone on ground is a journalist. um, think in terms of the atrocities that the zianist entity has committed, i don't i would not say i'm surprised given its track record in the middle east, um, that's something that was expected, um, the way that the events of october the 7th were presented to the west in order to just... the atrocities committed by designist entity as well as not something that i'm surprised by or the failure of journalism in the west to challenge the narrative the designist entity has pushed out um and those attacks on october 7th were retaliatory against years of occupation and disposition and apartite let me move to dr. mala. dr. mala the israeli occupation forces have suffered heavy losses inside gaza the numbers vary um has the... been more
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steadfast than originally thought, no doubt about it, no doubt about it, as the resistance has been bravely confronting the... depires and causing heavy casualty forum. the people of gaza and the resistance in occupied palestine and gaza has shown the world that you know you cannot be defeated if you believe and committed to your cause. the resistance have learned huge lessons from the previous experience. a ways and tactics and strategy on how to confront the zionist occupiers, and and how much of an indication are the events of the past few days that the so-called israeli military operation is going
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so badly uh from you know killing the israeli the uh iranian commander in syria, the hamas commander in lebanon and today's as we came on air, the suicide... bomings inside iran in in kerman provinces people gathered to commemorate the four-year anniversary of the assassination illegally by the us of the iranian plats force commander general sulaimani. well, you know, any student of history would find out the history of the zionist state is a history of a terrorism and murders, but "due to the heroic resistance of the people in gaza and the resistance in gaza, the the united state has found itself literally trapped and defeated, so there are couple explanation to the terrorist attacks
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whether in syria or lebanon or even in iran to explain what happened, one of the scenario is the ar state wants to cover..." defeat and lass in gaza and want to shift the public opinion inside the israeli society to outside the borders and inflame the region. another one is it is done with you know full coordination with the united states which is the main supporter and enabler of the zion state in addition to some western countries and third explanation is israel this don't state may may have in trying and continue to try to drag the us and europe into a larger regional war, nobody knows its implication and its effect in the region and the people as a whole, so you time will tell, no doubt,
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no doubt in this state, illegal state has been committed massackers before even its inception. the zionist organization back to the mittaries and onward have committed massacers after massacers against the palestinian people and also against people in syria or lebanon or even egypt, you know, if i want to name the list of of the massakers committed by this illegal state, we need more time in this show, and patricia, um, tel avive has already spoken of bringing in... reservists, there was also talk of pulling some of the troops out, there are 40 thousand them in the gaza strip, some of them out, but then they have intensified the bombardment, um, what does that mean, what message does that send? first of all, um, given this
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recent escalation, you have the fate of the captives and also a cease spire, what will happen to that, the seas fire that the whole world, save some countries, uh, is asking for? so i think that that's not surprising, i think from the very beginning, even on october the 7th, israel, which designist entity, which has one of the biggest and most well equipped military arm armies in the middle east, actually needed america and the whole world to come and stand beside it, because it's a it's an entity that's quite um easily shaken, you also see this rise of soldiers killing themselves, suicide rates amongst the iof and lot of... um psychiatric um issues that they're going through, so this is an army that does not really know anything uh, the does not really have any tactic, it's own tactic, even when you see the offense, the retaliation that happened on october the 7th, the response from the iof was essentially to bomb anything inside uh,
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whether they're uh israeli citizens, the settlers or hamas members, so you see this is an army that just panics and uses its extremely um it's brutal force, yeah, brutal force, and um, it uses that brutal force to just annihilate everything in it side, so that's one of the things that um, i think is happening now, they're not really good. "every single attempt a ground invasion in gazze has been an absolute failure, you see uh hamas fighters being able to get to markavas up to point of zero where they put bombs on them, while the iof with all of its um train, military training is freaking out and you see soldiers shooting at walls, if you look at um um footage even from the iof itself, so i think that that's something that's absolutely expected." um in terms of a cease fire, i think um the zianist entity is used to to do doing what it wants and not
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abiding by international law, and this is something that the us has backed and has allowed it to continue to engage in that sort of behavior for years, so uh the fact that uh there is absolutely no regards towards international opinion and towards international law, that is something that is not surprising, netanyahu is a warmer uh and this right extreme right-wing government that we see right now in design entity is actually probably one of the craziest and most extreme governments and the only government that can keep on going with this genocide despite this uh huge shift in public opinion. it wouldn't have been able to go on for another minute without of course yeah uh western backing top of it the united states um just a quick reminder you're watching gaza under attack with me saint where we unpack some of the biggest talking points emerging from the israeli. geneside on palestinians inside gaza. my guests, patricia taleb and dr. ali malah are still with us, of course, but
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watching a live genocide on our screens daily can result in fatigue, in the empathy for the oppressed. earlier we spoke to muhammad hadi juji, a university student based in birmingham, uk, and asked him if he sees this fatigue. right now it does feel like uh, everyone's getting a bit ment. and emotionally exhausted um from constantly seeing everything we're seeing on social media and reliable outlets that have been giving us information on what's going on um the palestinian reporters on the ground have been giving us all this information first hand it definitely is causing a lot of fatigue in the general population especially on like social media you can see a decrease and like the amount of active posts and guess it doesn't help that lot of accounts are getting shadow band, including like individuals who aren't like major creators,
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so like i myself have seen impacts on my reach on social media, and it does come discouraging, and i think the constant viewing of all the atrocities that we've seen in palestine are leading to an emotional exhaustion amongst the general people. muhammed hardy also said that despite this fatigue... he appreciates the activism for palestine that exists in the uk, as he hasn't seen much support in other countries, he's been traveling too. i've seen a drastic level of support from the communities in the uk, um, and it's it's a it's a nationwide thing, so it's not just limited to a city, because i've seen massive support coming out of london, birmingham and few other cities, so i think in terms of the uk there's a there's a large..." sport coming through and it's not just coming from like one um one generation,
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i feel like it's across generational thing, you're getting support from youth, millennials a like, you know, everyone's involved, i think the uk has a really good support base for free palestine right now, um, my time in dubai was a bit different, i didn't see as much representation for free palestine - it's a bit discurged. but obviously while i was there - you don't really see it out in the streets like you do in the uk so like in birmingham for example on the bus as you're going across the town you'll see like um art of like free palestine paint on walls and flags hung up you don't really see that in dubai really it's if there is support it's very silent support it's not focal per say um and i've been home for few days now. been out once or twice, i don't think that the, i don't think people are
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being vocal about it in tanzania either, i know there are like specific groups that are like trying to push the message, but in terms of like a public support level, i don't think it's there in tanzania or dubai right now, um, and i think even in the uk people are starting to get exhausted, but i must say that the support in the uk is um, i have felt that it's been a bit more. than in other locations so far, um, but in dubai and tanzania, it does feel almost nonexistent right now. solidarity with palestinian freedom movement takes. on many different forms earlier we spoke to katie miranda, fine artist and illustrator braced in oregon, usa, who told us how she uses her paintings to expose the oppression suffered by palestinians a daily basis. the subject of palestine is a common theme in my work because it's consumed me, it's consumed my
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thoughts for the last 17 years of my life, and people often ask me, like why don't paint this subject or that subject or something else and i paint what i think about lot and i think about palestine a lot because i lived in the west bank for three years and i witnessed lot of palestinian suffering and that's what i think about so that's what i paint one of the paintings i'm sharing is called the paata and most people are familiar with this image because of michelangelo's marble pata in the vatican, the pietta is a universal, universally identifiable symbol of maternal suffering, and i, as i said, i think a lot about the palestinian struggle, it's really consumed me, and the question i would like to raise to the united states is how
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much more of palestinian suffering are you going to allow? "you know, the world has said enough, the world has come out against this wholeheartedly. americans have come out against this, jewish americans have come out against this, but right now it's the united states enabling the israeli government to continue bombing and slaughtering children and women and civilians in gaza, and it's got to stop, the daily petty humiliations. that palestinians are subjected to, and this is not the kind of stuff that is a big media story, but it's stuff that happens every day to palestinians, sometimes they're detained for hours at checkpoints, for no reason other than the soldier is exerting his power on the detained man, and if these people were actual
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resistance fighters, israel would have arrested and them or arrested and put them in prison, but these people are not, they're just regular people, and israeli soldiers just humiliate them a daily basis and imagine how this has built up in the palestinian conscious for the last 75 years. that is what i'm illustrating in this drawing. this drawing was inspired by a time was in the west bank and i was driving. living in a car past the palestinian village of bait omar, and i saw a bunch of israeli soldiers on the roof of somebody's house. now, this is not an uncommon site to see in the west bank, but it is another part of this daily petty humiliation. why are palestinians supposed to accept this as part of their life? why are
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they supposed to accept soldiers going up on their roof? they have no recourse. for this, they have no way to stop this, and when they try to stop through non-violent demonstrations, the israeli army comes in and brutalizes them. katy miranda, fine artist speaking with us before. um, patricia, i want you to get, i want to get you to respond to what we heard little earlier, which was emotional fat. some people have spoken about psychic numbing as we are exposed to a barrage of these horrifying images of genocide, you may want to switch off or how do you overcome that really to to continue to be tuned in? i think one of the main um issues that we need to realize as young people in particular in the west is that buse
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i have heard this lot from my peer group in particular is that this is not just an emotional reaction that we need to have to this cause, this is something that needs to be a part of our thought pattern, it needs to be something that we have deeply thought about, and it needs to be moral stance, and it apart from uh this coming up and going down of of emotions, this fluctuation of emotions, and uh, it's not just about feeling inspired all the time, regarding numming and stopping with the response, with the emotional response, i think that is the thing that would would fix that issue, because we as young people need to realize that this is our duty and it is our responsibility and especially as youth in the west, especially as citizens of the west, one of the things that we need to make sure. that we don't forget this atrocity, we are blessed in a way to be able to carry that burden of that atrocity uh, and we should never forgive our
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governments and we should take a stance against our governments, so i think realizing that it's not just about um feeling emotional, realizing it's not just about sadness and feeling empathetic, there's something beyond that uh, and we need to act out that behavior no matter how we feel, and we do need to think about neuers. strategies in which we can convince people, because emotion doesn't. all right, let me - this next question to dr. mala. dr. mala, on the south africa's decision to refer israel to the icj, the international uh court of justice. um, of course, we saw the reaction from the israelis, uh, spokesman um, eli levy lashed out, saying south africa history would be judging south africa without mercy. "your thoughts on that? well, it's funny to come from, from a representative of a state who is
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well documented in committing war crimes for many decades. it's a brave move by the south african government to go the to the international court of justice, international criminal court of justice, but the question remain, what?" type of power this court has and what they can do to stop israel from committing this genocide against the palestinian. mind you, in the field of the public opinion, this is very important step, and also i'm sure you heard about more than 300 plus lawyers across europe and mainly in france. "they are documenting and working on legal documents to condemn israel for what have been done. here in canada, we have, we
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have illegal group who actually served the prime minister and couple ministers with complicity and aiding israel to commit those genocides and and main massackers against the palestinian, but if you allow me to go to the point:" about fatigue and the public opinion, very briefly, i think we are, yeah, i think we are seeing new phenomen here, because you know, i don't describe it as fatigue, but people are wondering, you know, is only you know hitting the streets, it's the only way or not, as you seen it in london and in us and in in canada, people now are occupying public spaces, transport stations, and even highways and to me this is escalation of the action and reaction of the pro- palestinian people, plus hundreds of thousands now you
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have been educated and gain a lot of knowledge about what happening in gaza. thank you. all right, very quickly, patricia, the state of pro-palestine solidarity in the uk and the way the state is reacting to it. "one of my colleagues recently was going to winter wonderland with her family members and she did the innocuous thing of wearing a lapel uh badge with the palestinian flag what was pulled over by security and ask to remove it um i want you to react to that the fact that you can't wear something as simple as that in britain at the moment i think i think it's being marketed as trying to av to avoid this escalation um and uh issues" arising from people showing their political stances, but uh, more than that, i think, um, so the uk government is has huge conflict of interest
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because design lobbists have infiltrated every single one of its industries and there seems to be issue of sovereinity, i would say um, with the british government and the relationship that it has with the designist entity, and every single act that i've seen from the beginning, including the... demonization of pro-palestinian marches, this attempt to to find any legal reason to shut us down, this attempt to um back pro-palestinian voices into legal corners, in particular through mainstream media shows by asking them very insightful questions, um, that's something that i don't think i'm surprised by giving the... the nature of the relationship, mean this country was the reason for the foundation of designist entity, and this country has looked after designist entity, like... its own child in
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the middle east and try to secure, but i think this shift is mostly because we outnumber the pro israeli side by far, and they're trying to shut our voices down in any way they can, we're going to have to leave it there, and with those final thoughts, you've come to the end of this edition of the program, many thanks again to my guests for their contributions, gaza under attack, we'll be back next time with more, until then continue to keep palestine in your hearts, goodbye for now.
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some 20 million, that's the estimated number of followers of the islamic movements in nigeria, so join me as i talked to the founder and the leader of this movement, sheikh abraham, if they have... been no islamic republic of iran, those resistance in palestine will not have been able to do what they are, but we'll discuss the message that led to its growth and what it has in common with the palestinian resistance, so make sure you join us right here on hidden files at press tv.
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