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tv   News In Brief  PRESSTV  January 9, 2024 2:00am-2:03am IRST

2:00 am
calls health ministry says 250 palestines have been killed over the past day that brings the death tool and gaza trip to over 23,000 since october 7th, some of the latest his really attacks have hit residential buildings in han units their balah and brafa. cyon sound throw out occupied territories as palestinan resistance fires launch attacks and response. israel stop on gaza. the alasam brigades fired missiles and rockets at central northern parts of occupied lands and israely soldiers also killed in attack in central gattha. is forced to kill three
2:01 am
palestinians including four-year-old girl after shooting a two vehicles a checkpoint near the occupied city of alcots. islamic jihad resistance movement says this killing proves israel is waging a campaign of extermination, ethnic cleansing and displacement of palestinians. a senior hezbollah commander is killed in israely strike in southern lebanon. wasam hasan tawil was murdered along with another hezbulah fighter in. attack on their car in the village of majdal salm, he was deputy head of the elite rad law enforced of the lebanese resistance movement. iraq's islamic resistance has attack yet, another us military base in syria and retaliation for us-israely onslot on gaza. the resistance group says his trucked ramalan base with drones that follows and earlier strike by the resistance group on the israeli city of pifa.
2:02 am
hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marsia hashimi, thanks so much for being with us, it has been more than... three months since the israeli genocide on gaza has been taking place, from bombs falling on their heads to being ordered to move from place to place without any fuel to not having enough food or water, gazons literally live in hell. now the majority of the 2.5 million palestinians are internally displaced and living intense. residents feel that any moment could be their last one alive as israeli regime continues to indiscriminately hit anywhere from homes to hospitals to...