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tv   News In Brief  PRESSTV  January 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:03pm IRST

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which the israelis have also violated in lebanon several times, today they have also targeted it, like like we said a civilian car, but we cannot verify if it was hasbullah members inside that car or not, but it was an area that is far away from the border, and so while the israelis continue to uh trespass and be presumptuous when it comes to launching their attacks on lebanon, i think hisbullah is also going to take things way beyond, but we'll still keep... to a some sort of limitations uh that are confined to targeting specific military targets and not going beyond it for an all-out war. thank you very much for that, we appreciate it. from southern lebanon, my am solidar correspondent giving us the latest on this uh attack by hisbullah. thank you so much for uh staying with press tv, for now it's goodbye.
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hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm mari we thanks so much for being with us. it has been more than three months since the israeli genocide on gaza has been taking place from bombs falling on their heads to being ordered to move from place to place without any fuel to not having enough food or water. gozans literally live in hell. now the majority of the 2.5 million palestinians are internally displaced and living intent. residents feel that any moment could be their last one alive as israeli regime continues to indisc. perminently hit anywhere from homes
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to hospitals to you and run schools, nowhere is sacred, and no one is safe. but with this backdrop, us secretary of state anthony blincan calls on the israeli regime to do more to protect civilians in gaza. well, i'd like to welcome my guests to the program. daniel mcadams, executive director, ron paul institute out of lake jackson, texas. glenn dyson, professor of political science university of southeastern norway out of oslo. thank you both for being with me. well, let's start this off uh uh in texas. daniel, i'd like to hear your thoughts on the u.s. secretary of state currently calling for the israeli regime to do more to protect civilians in gaza. i mean, what exactly does that mean? well,