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tv   Documentary 72 Hours 2  PRESSTV  January 9, 2024 3:02pm-3:30pm IRST

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victory and you hear also from from hamas's resistance as well, they always conclude all their speeches by saying that this is a struggle, it's either martterdom or victory even if we do stay alive, so many of those people who were still alive, let's say for example after the liberation of 2000, commanders who lived throughout the 80s, some of them who were fighting the israelis in 1978 as well through the amma movement or other uh lebanese factions, they say that it was too bad that we were not murdered on this event. but then you have the 2006 war also, you had other commanders or significant members that were murdered, but still for them it's very significant, it's happiness, it's joy to give uh victory to their people, but at the same time their ultimate motive is marridom, and this is something that it seems the west or israel have not understood, and as long as they do not understand it, fighting such a group like husball will be very difficult, and it seems that with with
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days with years, it seems hazbillah has gained momentum, gained support, we can even if we can recall maybe there are some footage from the archives, you can see them how has secretary general said hasasrullah used to give his speaches to very few, maybe 20 people, not more than 30 people uh using voice audios without being able to extend his way to the others, but bit by bit with more people gaining. having confidence in the comes leadership of the resistance on one hand, and on the other hand, believing in the fact that armed resistance with faith, armed resistance alone was not able to allow, for example the communist party or any other socialist party to continue on this path, whereas when it to the islamic groups like hizballah like the hamas's resistance, for example, when they keep into consideration the issue of divinity, the issue of this linkage with
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despite the fact that we did have very harsh period of time with all this said considered it a divine victory, he said that if it had not this victory, but with all has really done its job of strengthening.
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explain it, how was really hitting the israelis where he? how is the how are the israelis also retaliating? seems to have done it himself and they said in the beginning said it in the first speech after the confrontation, he said our aim is to support the resistance in gaza and to support the retaliate for all the massacres that are being conducted in gaza, but at the same time we civilian population in lebanon, so far hizballah seems to have succeed. all right now thanks for the explanation uh here uh so uh my name let us know if uh when you talk to analysts and experts about this so would they interpret this and also as well officials uh
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have they uh made it clear that this whether this should be considered as a retaliation for this terrorist operation the assassination of as well leading commander. uh wasam hassan or could that also be interpreted maybe as beginning of a full fledged war? it could go beyond the daily exchange of fire that's been happening for uh the past three months? well of course when you read into the situation and what's happening and though it it does seem like we said it's very complicated and we've had different phases in this confrontation, it started out with very specific and precise targets. against the military uh bases, then hizbullah targeted uh the israeli surveillance units, every all the devices all along the border, then later on started going more beyond that border as long as the israelis were violating, but still with with all of this said we said that the fact, the
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mere fact that hizbullah has deterred the israelis from launching a full-scale war on all of south lebanon or even towards uh beirot, for example the southern suburbs of beirot in 2006 they even launched aggressions. you see for example once you go beyond the areas of that are close to the border, life goes on as normally, you don't feel that there is a war, and mentioned it in one of the speeches, you can definitely hear the sounds of shelling, a daily basis of animals and
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our resistance operations to end in south lebanon, you need to put pressure on the israelis to stop their war, and this time around also, which is different than 2006, the lebanese factions also, and the leaders like the prime minister, the speaker of the parliament, has also been very adamant on saying to the israelis and the americans of course, that telling the americans, they do not speak to the israelis of course, they told the americans that if you want to stop hezballah's resistance operations in south lebanon, in the galili region, then you need to put pressure on the israelis to stop their war on gaza, once that war stops, then everything else will stop. now there will be a speech for as member of the executive council, thanks for that, mari correspondent live for us in south leavanon and uh we'll
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try to uh actually cover uh the rest uh of this event. all right, for now we'll go back to normal programming.
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من مصطفی احمدی روشنم آخرین شبیه که ما تو زندگیمون میبینیم برای همیشه فقط روز. مسئولیت مستقیم آقای احمدی روشن در حوزه بازرگانی و لوجستیک بود در عین حال که تک منظوره نبود ایران هسته ای هسته ایست با شهید کردن آدم کسی نمی تونه این رو حذف بکنه.
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must not become part of south africa's problem. we must remain part of their solution. we must not aim to impose ourselves our solutions, our favorites in south africa. damn it, we have favorites in south africa. the favorites in south africa are the people who are being repressed by that ugly white regime. we have favorites. i also want to say a word about the situation in israel. the more we learned about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes. more than one thousand, one thousand. innocent lives lost, including at least 27 americans, these guys make, they make al-qaeda look pure, they're pure, they're pure evil, i said from the beginning, the united states make no mistake about it, stands with israel, united states stand.
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it speaks with me, the saint of the soil, soil. from the blood and the ashes, it speaks with me the sound of the rain from the battle
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and the victim victim victim victim victim. oh palestine, i free you, i realize you, oh palestine, i free you, oh palestine.
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uh welcome back to price tv's uh live coverage of this special event happening in lebanon hezbollah resistant movement has said that it's targeted and is really military base uh using its kamikazi drones and uh that's in retaliation for a terrorist operation uh in which one top commander was skill and these are live images uh from southern lebanon as you see the funeral procession is just on the way there the hez commander was assassinated yesterday it was called wissam hassan and this comes right after few days ago we had the assassination of another as well like com deputy deputy
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head of the hamas. bureau in uh southern lebanon, now we had this is attack that took place in the city of safad in the northern occupied territories, and hazbullah did announce that this is to avenge the assassination of the movements senior commanders by the israeli regime. so the body the commander being carried, huge frontal procession going on in southern lebanon.
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يا دنيا ليش وياي هديت حيلي. well live uh from south lebanon images from a funeral ceremony actually being held for a recently assassinated hezballah commander and announce taken revenge. hitting the occupied city of
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uh drooms wasasam was a senior commander of assassinated recently while a mission together with a couple of other resistance fighters. and as you see the funeral ceremony is now being held as we speak in south lebanon, but the areas along the southern border of lebanon, they have seen exchanges of fire between hisbollah fighters and the israel regime forces and has been doing this in...