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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  January 10, 2024 2:02am-2:26am IRST

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uh, for almost 100 days, palestinians in gaza have been fighting back his already occupation forces to have ruined most of the tiny coastalist liver, killing more than 23,00 people, mainly women and children. now tel aviv's closes allied washington has directly engaged into ethnic cleansing and lending full support bit monetary or military hardware and intelligence. secretary of state blincon just had tour of west asia meeting with number of ranking officials there.
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discussing genocidal war on gaza and the future of the palestinian land. the fact of matter is that in words, american officials criticize targeting civilians in gaza, but in action they give the iof soldiers weapons to do just that and even more. i'm behrus and these are our guests in this episode. rick sterling, investigative journalist is joining me from walnut creek, california. nicholas js davis, independent journalists and author a blod on our hands is also joining us out of miami. okay, welcome to the uh show gentlemen. now let me uh begin uh with uh rick if i may that there are many analysts uh rick arguing that it's not possible for. the
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telaviv regime to continue with the crimes against palestinians without the backing of the us and of course involvement and we yesterday we had president biden uh making this a speech in a church in south carolina where it was heckled, there were some people interrupted him by shouting, if you really care about lots of lives you're talking about, okay, let's have sees fire in gaza now, so to begin, let's review the us president performance vis the us managed israeli war on the gaza strip. well of course israel could not continue the uh this war without support from the us, the us has provided over 25 thous bombs and 57 artillery shells. israel has drop over 89 days they dropped over 6500 tons of unfortunately.
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you have the blood of more than 20,00 palestinians on your hand, does he deserve such a name? absolutely. um, i think the the problem for the us is um is really when a public relations and it's and it's the way people around the world see it. the united states is guilty of killing far more civilians than have been killed in gaza in in all of its wars um in mosul in iraq uh an iraqi kurdish intelligence report estimated the civilian dead at 40000 um and that as in gaza was not counting uh many more thousands very under rubble uh never seen an natural estimate of civilian dead raca ' but uh by
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many accounts uh racker was more completely destroyed even than uh than the the center of most um so so the united states do problem.
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on the same elements in in israel, what's going on right now, we all south african for file petition at the international court of justice, and i think you it's not coincidence that just a couple of days ago israel said that they are rendering new phase and it's going to be less intens but less ground troop and less lessing, and i think that's a direct result, i think the us is also earned because it's um even organizations such save. the children and unicef are reporting that over 100 children have had one or two limbs amputated right and this is sometimes without anesthesia so in respects is on children so the the information the newsity about the reality of the on the ground is getting out
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lot through social media and through alternative media such as tv mentioned apart from genocide uh, between all the statements intent, and the south af, south africa in applying for this case, included an 84 page document, documenting what israel is doing,
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and and also 10 pages quoting what israel leaders say they are doing, as we have discussed, they are talking over. that they want to kill or expell the people of gaza from from their home and and so really i think there's a real chance here that the icj will in fact rule against israel in the genocide convention and and the first pr af part of this operation. with israel in the genocide, even though the united states is not actually been named as um, as a ticket of the of the south african case, um, this is this is going to be, you know, just almost
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unprecedented uh, global public relations problem for the united states, if in fact the the court orders israel to stop, because... "you know, is israel going to stop? i don't think so. israel has signaled again and again and again that uh, it takes all the us actions simpl as a green light, and it is, and it it it essentially ignores calls from around the world to stop, to stop killing garsans and uh, so so then we will have a situation with the us backing uh..." an operation that the international court of justice has openly in front of the whole world um called a genocide and this is you know has been able to do for the last 25
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years military immune to the rule of international law. it's officials enjoy blanket impunity and nothing of has has really even more countries in the world trade than the united states. appealing to foreign governments and embassies in washington and new york at the
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united nations to support the south african petition and for the us creating a proxiding. and internationally. all right, nicholas, let's take the us aid has received the
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highest amount of military aid in comparison to any other us all, the aid has ex 124 billion dollars and was provided with so called bombs. needs at home, to address like maybe very old and delapitated collapsing infrastructure for instance. yes, i mean, i mean, the the, i think people will, people in the united states even will look back on this period as absolutely tragic for the united states and its people, um, at the end of the cold war, we hailed a peace dividend, we were promised a peace dividend, but unfortunately the, you know, at that point the neocons emerged. dominate uh us foreign policy and essentially of the lack of gear competitors
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in the world to expand its power and to use military power openly in clear violation of international law and the un charter to attack any countries that stood in its way whether afghanistan or iraq or you know before that you slavia and we have seen um complete flagrant disregard for international law by the united states spending, it's now close to a trillion dollars a year on its military spending waste of us resources okay, i'm so sorry for jumping in, we're out of time, let me thank my guest rick sterling in waln creek california. miami, florida, and thank you for watching this episode of the
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spotlight, with me your host nag, i'll see you next time.
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خليل طبش.
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you're not strong enough to face the resistance, your power has lost its effectiveness against the forces of resistance. now you're targeting innocent people, know that you will pay heavy price for this horrible crime.
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من مصطفی احمدی روشنم آخرین شبیه که ما تو زندگیمون میبینیم برای همیشه فقط روزیم مسئولیت مستقیم آقای احمدی روشن در حوزه بازرگانی و لوجستیک بود در عین حال که تکم. you are not taking any options off the table,
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no options off the table means i'm considering all options. somebody. united states is manufacturing a false premise for confronting iran, for what reason? regime change.
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at least nine israeli soldiers are killed and several injured in the gaza strip as palestinian fighters put up stiff resistance against invading forces. regime so far confirmed the loss of 182 of its soldiers since onset of its ground invasion, resistance groups however say israel is under reporting its casualties. who officials say helz is collapsing a very rapid pace, it's a human. catastrophe is unfolding before their eyes as the israel regime continues bombarding the besieg territory non-stop.