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tv   Iran Today  PRESSTV  January 10, 2024 6:02pm-6:31pm IRST

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wednesday afternoon, january 3rd, the southeastern iranian city of kermon, people are coming from across the country to take part in the fourth memorial ceremony of murder lieutenant general hajj qasim of sulaymani, the world anti-terrorism champion, suddenly double bombing disturbs the peaceful procession, first bomb is detonated around a 1500 hours local time, that is 11:30 greenwich meantime, about 700 m from the garden of marder's cemetery around the sahibaman mosque in the eastern outskirts of kermon. the second bombing takes place about 15 minutes later, around a kilometer away from the cemetery, far from any security gates. the two blasts leave 89 people, including 76 iranians and 13 afghans. dead
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and 286 others wounded, some of them in critical condition. among those killed is a little girl, her name rayhana, a girl with a pink jacket and heart-shaped earrings. her parents never come to receive her dead body. raihana, her parents, and the rest of her family lose their lives in the blast. the coming summer, rayhana would have turned two. four years ago, on january 3rd, 2020, the united states of america assassinated lieutenant general qasim sulaymani near baghdad airport, and now on january 3rd, 2024, daesh targeted his morners, those who came to kermon to mark the fourth marterdom anniversary of the fallen general. in fact, what links the us to daesh is their common enmity towards marder sulaymani.
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leader of the islamic revolution, ayatollah khamenei promised a harsh response to the terrorist attack in kermon. he said, the evil and criminal enemies of the iranian nation once again created a disaster and murdered a large number of deer people in kermon. the disaster will have a harsh response, god willing. it took daesh nearly 30 hours to claim responsibility for the bombings. this delay was unusual in the dark history of the terrorist group. to know more about the issue, we sat with dr. said riza ami. dr. ami is the head of the world studies faculty at tehran university. university, he said daesh
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is an american ziners project to distort the image of islam and to so a discord in the muslim world. this is the principle of the islam to love everyone, every day muslims are practicing bismillahirrahmanirrahim in the name of god, the merciful, the compassionate. so this mercifulness and compassionate is love environment rather than hate environment, but unfortunately, by xenophobia, by islamophobia, by shiphobia, by iranophobia, they change the picture, they changed the picture of the islamic countries by fearness, by phobia, which is not right, definitely is not right, and that is why many people when they come from europe, from america to iran, they are shocked, what they show? them in terms of picture of iran and
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what was the reality of iran? before daesh of claim responsibility, the finger of suspicion fell on the united states and the israeli regime, the arch foes of the islamic republic of iran. some may argue the bombings in kermon do not fit the israeli pattern as the regime's attacks on iran have been in the forms of acts of sabotage or targeted assassinations, often on nuclear scientists. mehdi baxti name news agency has more to say, despite the fact that the recent terrorist attack is quite different from those that are usually carried out by the zinis regime. some believe that israel is still involved, what do you think, what are your thoughts on this issue? شکل عملیات رو که میبینیم was carried out, it doesn't feel the way the israelies usually carry out the attacks, it looks smaller. prandi, according to what iran's
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ministry of intelligence has said, the attack was suicidal. the point is, israel is reluctant to carry out such attacks itself because it would cause. regime lot, the israelis usually do not act this way, and they usually don't claim responsibility for attacks to carry out. they have an officially claim responsibility for the assassination of the ezbullah military leader, despite the fact that is really writers and analysts have openly acknowledged it in their books and analysis. so as for the kermon terrorist attack, israel is unlikely to cream responsibility, especially at this point in time when the... regime is involved in a bloody war in gaza, but who can say for sure that israel has not changed its rules of engagement with iran. a regime that has killed since october 7th, more than 22,00 people in gaza, many of them women and children wouldn't be conscious stricken if it
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kills more innocent people in iran, a country it considers as its existential threat. after all, the regime has long been threatening the country with military action. this is dr. mohammad hosen qurbani, an iranian senior expert in hybrid warfare. dr. qorbani believes that the israeli regime is acting against iran under the guise of daesh. what do you think about the recent bombings in karman? do you think this is just another attack by daesh who still holds a grudge against general soleimani or is there more to the story? attempt by the israeli regime to redirect ports of the pressure it's facing in gaza to a third country in the region. the regime is waging what we call alternative wars, which is a combination of emerging technologies and the element of denial. this type of war is a subdivision of hybrid
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warfare. these types of wars usually use non-state actors and emerging technologies. as for israel, it seems that the regime is using a non-state actor in. its war against iran. this way the regime can deny any involvement. we must accept that we're dealing with a cunning enemy, so we should respond a proper time and place. whatever the case, it doesn't make meaningful difference whether daish claims responsibility for the terrorist attacks in carimont or its paymasters, that is israel and the united states. the group has been by many credible accounts and confessions, the creation of the united states. in the... the iranian officials believed that the main culprate and criminal behind the terrorist attack in caramon was the us and the zinus regime and after a relatively long delay of 30 hours daesh took responsibility for the terrorist attack. now to some there's not a clear
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distinction between daesh and israel. what are your thoughts on this issue? this is the line, this is the policy of the united state to support. the terrorist and indeed one of the very good example of terrorist is isis, so this evidence shows that they are in the side of isis, and i think if isis announce that accept that they did this things in the kirman, is just misleading. that united states is not involved or israel is not involved, this is obvious, mean they it was not only issue in kermon, it was they had, they did the same in lebanon, they did the
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same things in iraq and syria and just within two weeks, so it shows that that was a network hate policy and terror policy. in 2016, donald trump revealed before the eyes the world that obama and hillary clinton co-founded daesh, or when the world was appalled at the terrorist crimes, the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited field hospital in the golan heights where some of the wounded members of the group were being treated. to dr. amili, kirman and gaza are but one thing, just part of a bigger picture. i believe united states of america. and the extension of the united states of america, israel and zin system, they are looking for fear environment, and consequent to fear environment, they try to create hate
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environment. in hate environment, the threat can happen through the war, through the terror and through hybrid sort of war. and kerman qaz are not there not two issue the are one issue. they're very interrelated, what's happening in gazze, what's happening in lebanon, what's happening in iraq, yemen and iran, the are very interrelated issue, and this is a result of the dominate policy the united states of america. mr. baxtiyari believes that the terrorist attack is a win-win game for both daesh and the israeli regime. "if we consider daesh as the main criminal or otherwise as the proxy of the
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israeli regime, what do you think was the main objective and goal of this terrorist attacked? could benefit from the kerman attack, that is can once again make noise and turn heads toward itself. the group is happy, it's kind of taking revenge. as you know, the islamic republic was one of the major forces on the battlefield against. daesh, you all note about the critical role of lotenant general qasim sulaimani in defeating daesh. on the other hand, the israeli regime has tried over the past few months to deal blows with the islamic republic, directly or indirectly, but for example, assassinating sayid razi musavi and salih. since october 7, tel aviv has respately tried to drag iran into the war. the regime has been an heart voter for more than three. monsters and since the us is preparing for a presidential elections, biden doesn't want to get sewishly
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involved in a new war, so by trying to drag iran into the war, the israelies are in fact trying to get washington involved in it with its full force, but how should we treat what just happened in kermon as separate attack by a terrorist group already tatters after it received a series of deadly blows from the resistance front, or as part of a bigger plot, hatched against iran as the center piece of the resistance access. the tragic incident came day after hamas deputy leader saleh al-arori was assassinated in an israeli drone attack in beirot. iran condemned the assassination saying it could ignite another surge in the veins of resistance and the motivation to fight against the zina's occupiers. the carmon terrorist incident also came almost a week after an israeli air raid outside the. capital of damascus assassinated sayid razi musavi, a senior advisor in the
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irdc on december 25th. a few days before the assassination on december 18th, a cyber attack disrupted, though momentarily services at around 60 to 70% of iran's fuel stations. the israel linked group, predatory sparrow or gonjeshke darande in persian claimed it was behind the disruption. it seems that iran has to fight on several fronts a daily basis. is the country involved in hybrid warfare? considering some of the recent events that happened in iran, for example, the cyber attack on iran's gas stations, and the recent zinus assassination of general musavi. do you think that this could be again part of a hybrid war against iran? currently we're located. a gray zone and we need to get out of this zone, which is in fact a zone that constitutes hybrid warfare. it's noteworthy
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that hybrid warfare is more effective and less expensive in comparison to classical warfare. if the israel regime has resorted to hybrid warfare, that's because the israelies are afraid of the islamic republic's heart power. through hybrid warfare, the regime tries to get us involved in different areas such as politics, security and intelligence. we see: how the regime is active here, mean in hybrid warfare, various cyber attacks like the ones that caused disruption in a considerable number of fuel stations across the country are part of this hybrid warfare, or for example when israel uses non-state actors, opposition groups inside and outside the country, all these fall within the ambits of what we call hybrid warfare, is not an ordinary figure for hamas and for the axes of resistance, he is a prominent leader with a
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significant military role. throughout his years in beirout al-aruri played a significant role in networking between the hamas movement and the resistance in gaza as well as the axes of resistance. some may see zionist israel's assassination of alarudi aimed at rekindling the possibilities of expanding the war and escalating the confrontation further with hisbullah. however, the initial retaliation by hizbullah at one of the most strategic science. military basis in northern occupied palestine has rendered the israeli occupation in a quagmire deeper than they ever expected. hisbullah escalates against dionist israel this week on the mediast stream. there's plenty more to be said, but first a quick media review to give other outlets a chance to get a word in. welcome to the news
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section of the program where we'll go over some news exerts: irgc, carmon attacks and to instill sense of insecurity in iran. the islamic revolution guards corp has strongly condemned the terrorist attacks in kerman, saying the blind and malatious attack was aimed at instilling a sense of insecurity in iran. noor news writes, in a statement on thursday, the irgc said, the cowardly enemies should be aware that the flame ignited by martter suleimani and the hearts and souls of iranians and his other admirers will not be extinguished and will... burn the satanic aspirations of the enemies. eu condemns a shocking act of terror in iran. the european council on thursday condemned twin bombings in iran that killed at least 84 victims. anadul agency writes, the eu condemns in the strongest terms the bombings in the city of carman in iran. this shocking act of terror
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has cost the lives of innocent civilians with many injured. eu foreign policy chief joseph burell said in his statment on behalf of the eu. the statement expressed solidarity with the iranian people, adding, our thoughts are with the victims and their families. iran holds day of morning after twin blasts kill more than 80 people. more than 280 people were wounded in the attacks that took place a memorial for slain iranian general qasim sulaymani. al-jazira writes, "iranians have observed a day of morning after twin bombings in the city of kermon. killed and wounded many people a memorial for top iranian general qasim sulaymani four years after his assassination raising tensions in the region. the united nations, european union and several countries, including china, saudi arabia, jordan, germany and iraq denounce the bombings. iran's national orchestra dedicates
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performance to kermon terrorist attacks victims. the national orchestra of iran under the ton of mastro majid intezami paid tribute to the marchers and victims of the terrorist incidents in kermon during the inaugural night of the along with the memories concert on friday. tehran times writes after an 11-year haitis mastro magitezami returned to the stage with captivating performance of his memorable compositions at tehran's vahd hall. at the end of the concert, entazami dedicated the evening's performance to the marchers of kermon. expressing hope that such tragic events would never recur on iranian soil. this brings us to the end of this section. please stay tuned as we go back to our main narrative. there's no wonder if daesh spews out its venomous hatred towards the iranian nation whenever it can. the terrorist group met its waterloo in the face of resistance
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forces under the command of lieutenant general hajj qasim sulaymani. it could have reigned over large parts of and syria otherwise. on thursday, january 4th, daesh media wing al-furqan issued a statement titled and kill them wherever you find them, as they claim responsibility for the twin blasts. iran has come under attack by daesh and its affiliates a few times in the past decade. for example, in october 2022, when a daish gunman killed 13 people a shrine in the city of shiraz. the shiraz shooting. followed twin attacks in june 2017 on tehran where gunmen open fire inside parliament and suicide bombers simultaneously struck near the muselium of grand ayatollah ruhullah komeini founder of the islamic republic killing 17. the terrorist group also claimed the september 2018 attack in the city of ahmoz were gunmen shot a military parade
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killing 25. the tough question is if tehran has lost its intelligence. superiority in the face of relentless wars waged by its enemies. to dr. qorbani, that's not the case. during the past month, we have witnessed some adverse events, uh, for instance, the cyber attacks on specific application that is very used by the people and the gas stations, and again the zinus assassination of general musavi. do you think that iran's security mechanism and basically system? subject to constant threats. when the 9/11 attacks happened, there were 17, 18 intelligence and security services operating inside the united states, and yet that
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tragedy happened. the united states is powerful country, and its intelligence and security services are among the top ones in the world. what i'm trying to say is that there are numerous threats and even world powers cannot have them all under control. in report prepared by the fbi, it is said that there are a number of people with arab nationalities were training to become pilots, but interestingly enough, they're not rehearsing landing exercises. this report was put on the desk of the us president weeks before 911. daesh is one of several adversaries the islamic republic has to face encounter. the united states of america, the israeli regime, and the so-called in halq organization, an anti-iran terrorist group are tehran some other sworn enemies. dr. amili told us that the enemies of the islamic republic are in fact all the main supporters and perpetrators of terrorism in the world.
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there are lots of evidence for that. i think first who is leading the war against the gaza at the moment. isn't it reality that the equipments of the united states of america is in israel and israel. could not get this, could not resist on this situation unless america support them, isn't it the case that even the president of the united states is saying that i'm a zionist, and isn't it the case that isis are supporting in terms of the military education? in the israel, there are lots of evidence that they have been practically educated in in in in israel, so
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and the the benefit of the this terror, it goes to whom, i mean, united states was the main supporter of the mku, and without their support, mco could not survive, and mco before isis was isis, because they terror 1800 scholars innocent person in iran, and they know that they are terrorist, but they supporting them. despite all the threats, iran is still the securest country in the region if not in the world. iran's intelligence. services uncover and foil successfully countless acts of sabotage aim to destabilize the country. dr. qurbani told us that things have got more complicated for
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intelligence services as the threats they're facing are becoming more and more non-systematic. there is no denying that iran is in a prayerless situation. it is located at one of the dangerous parts of the world where terrorist groups that came into existence are in neighboring countries. and during the past four decades iran has been subjected to the enmity of the us and the zinus regime. now how can iran protect itself against such threats and dangers? what is important here is that these kinds of threats are non-systematic. in the past threats were systematic. the actors were systematic. today they're all non-systematic. today we have to deal with hackers. celebrities and non-state actors such as terrorist groups as well as an array of emerging threats. today we're dealing with smart drones and many countries fail to control or monitor them, therefore
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it's important for security apparatuses to be alert and up to date. a few days after the kermon terrorist attack, all the terrorists involved have been arrested. according to kermon's prosecutor mehdi bakhshi, 32 people have been arrested in connection with carmon terrorist crime case and are going through preliminary interrogations. in the words of the prosecutor, 16 bombs have been discovered throughout kermon province with their explosive power more than the suicide vests used in the wednesday attack. it's really difficult to fall all suicidal operations. it's not possible even in the united states of europe to prevent operations of this nature. on the other hand, carrying out such susal operations. not be regarded as military achievements for the perpetuators, it's not difficult to kill people by blowing yourself up in a crowded area, it's no achievement, it's just blood shed, it's shedding the blood
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of... innocent people, i'm not saying that our intelligence services are facing monumental challenges, but anyway we are involved an all out war and under such circumstances, such tragic events are almost unavoidable, no one could imagine the 9/11 attacks in the united states, but they happened there, we need to be patient and let the intelligence services study all aspects of this story, as a group that once aspired to establish so-called and syria daesh now has to content itself with killing defenseless civilians in the most cowardly manner. four years after his murderdom, the three star general soleimani still haunts the terrorist group. daesh, which couldn't fight him face to face and finally had to skip the battlefield with its tail between its legs, now tries to restore its reputation as fierce fearless group by targeting unarmed civilians, like what its masters do. killing
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a toddler with explosives demands no courage. you just need to be the child of satan or great satan. that's all for today. thank you for watching from the whole team. please do tune in again same times next week and each week after. don't forget to send us your comments and topic requests. you can also follow us on instagram, facebook and x. till next time. take care. everyone you're watching here from your host.
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first of the headlines: israel is committing the world's most documented genocide in history, the palestinian death doll tops 23, mostly women and children. palestinian authority president tells the us secretary of state that gaza is integral to palestinian statehood aspiration. and aron's parliament speaker tells his agent counterparts an international conference on palestine that action needs to be taken to stop the israel's genocide in gaza.