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tv   Gaza Under Attack  : PRESSTV  January 11, 2024 12:02am-12:31am IRST

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welcome back to gaza under attack, a deep dive into the us israeli genocidal campaign in the besieged gaza strip, now in its fourth month. first off, a quick look at the latest developments in the region. the u.s. israeli genocide in the gaza strip rages on. gaza's health ministry has warned of a looming catastrophe for displaced palestinians facing hunger, dehydration and disease. israeli forces have been conducting more rates in the
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occupied west bank as well, three palestinians have been killed, another abducted during israeli incursions into the area. 340 palestinians have been killed in the occupied west bank in the past three months. in southern lebanon, three members of the resistance movement hezbollah have been killed in another deadly israeli air strike a day after the israeli regime killed one of hisbollah's top commanders. hisbollah has launched drone strikes against the headquarters of the... israeli military's northern command in response to the assassinations of top hamas and hizbullah officials. on the latest leg of his middle east tour, the us secretary of state, anthony blincon has met with israeli officials as the threat of israeli violence against palestinians turning into a regional war, looms large. and here in the uk, the first national pro-palestine demonstration of the year is planned for later this month, the mate fury over a former labor politician.
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calling for protest organizers to pay for the cost of policing their demonstrations. my guests for this program in the studio, politician and analyst ahib mahmoud and alongside him from belfast in the north of of ireland, journalist and activist fra huse. gentlemen, thank you very much for being of here. um, ag, let me start with you. um, the us secretary of state, blincon, continuing of his tour of, the middle east, what is he hoping to achieve in your opinion, and and of what do you think of of some of the comments he's been made making recently? well, if we look at his comments, first of all, they would be laughable if it wasn't so, the consequences weren't so tragic, because it's like giving a sticking plaster to someone after you've shot them 10 times, that's what the equivalent of those comments are, so to say that we're giving more and more aid to gaza. and we than we've ever given before,
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and and and things like that, when really the reality of the situation is that they have given israelch in terms of weapons, in terms of funding and in terms of political and diplomatic support for the genocide that is carrying out in in gaza, so the com as far as the comments are concerned, it's it's completely hypocritical of him, whereas when you look at what he's trying to achieve, the the mere fact that he's there, his his mere presence alone. it legitimizes the genocide, it would have more impact if he's trying to achieve something in terms of reducing the of conflict or stopping the genocide, it would have more impact if he stayed in washington or went to other countries and actually pointed the finger at israel, which we know that's never going to happen, because politically the us and israel are on the same page. all right, let me um ask a relevant question also uh of frag um we saw blinken getting hackled uh in israel. by uh the
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families of those who want the release of the captives, you saw joe biden get heckle in the united states in one of his speeches uh by of people who are calling for a cease fire. um, at the same time, i mean the question, i guess is, what is public opinion like in your opinion of the way the us has handled all of this? well, you've given two examples of two completely different ' inferences about american foreign policy in west asia and specifically between the conflict war, a genocide that's being carried out in gaza as we speak, american public opinion seems to be of wearing towards the call for sess fire, the fact that biden has been uh hackled in a church - when probably he is beginning his uh election campion for 2024, i think it was...
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new york state or new york city where there was a rather large demonstration recently where people called for the senator there to come out and demand a cease fire to a senator in who is probably in the pay of apc and the zanist uh financiers who seem to be so involved and heavily promoting and financing the election campaigns of so many american congressmen and senators and in israel, israel society elected the government which in their name is carrying out the genocide in gaza uh their only concern is for their captives that are being held in in gaza and when the are government murders uh senior deputy commander of uh of hamas and of the polic bureau in the eastern uh sorry southern suburns of uh of bayrut uh it proves that they do not want their captives released,
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they are too intent on trying to ethnically clans gaza with final solution of depopulating gaza and an effect. stealing and occupying uh whatever land that they can continue to get their hands on. um and everybody is looking at this and and saying look this is ethnic cleansing happening, it's genocide happening before our eyes, what is it that is preventing the united states from calling for a ceasefire other than the fact goes the argument that follows that the us is actually directing the whole thing? well absolutely that that's clear for everyone to see that the united states could end this with one phone call, that's all it takes, president biden could end this with one phone call, uh, there's immense public support for the idea of ceasefire across the western hemisphere, and politically it's becoming more and more untenable, but even so the
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united states refuses to do that, and biden was heckled and he tried to say, oh, i've been working quietly for. or reduction in violence and and moving towards a solution and etc etc. well working quietly is not good enough when you're openly and blatently and loudly giving weapons and diplomatic and political support to what is basically an open genocide in front of the whole world yeah and it's not just it's not just genocide it's happening live 24/7 and everyone can see it and no one's moving finger to... no one's lifting finger to stop it, no one who who can actually stop it is lifting finger to stop it, so yes your question is is right that bas your premise is right that basically it is the united states that is directing it, they have this vision where they want to have an israel from the river to the sea and there is
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no question of the palestinians basically, that's what they want, they may not say it overtly, but their actions basically show that all right, and then one final question for this segment and very quickly uh for a journalistic question. and that is, we've seen western media branding this as an israel hamas war, whereas we've seen and heard israeli officials and individuals on the record calling for genocide um of the palestinians, how dangerous is that branding? and the branding itself, the very fact that is really ministers and leaders of government, top generals, army officials and people in the media are calling uh, are basically saying: demonizing the palestinian people is being beasts walking on two feet that they should murder every mind woman uh child and sockling baby that lives in gaza uh is just gris to the mill for the continued - sociatal purge within israel of anything that
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uh could be seen as humanitarianism anything that could be seen as an opportunity to bring this uh horrendous carpet bombing of of gazan civilian infrastructure and indeed the civilian population turn and i think it's really really really important that journalism all out in the ways because uh mainstream media and the government narrative and the media narrative is still portraying this as israel's uh israel's right to defend itself when people are saying israel as an illegal occupying army has no right to defend itself, it is not in a position of self-defense when it illegally occupies another nation. another people, another group who are uh opposed to their occupation, and the resistance has the right in international law to resist the occupation of their land, their homes, of their farms and indeed of the very lives and existence of the people of
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gaza and the west bank and historic palestine. speaking of the people of gaza, the internal displacement of palestinians continues as thousands in the gaza strip have fled to the... south as the bombardment by occupation forces encroached on the central belt of the enclave, most people escaping the city of dairal balah and the nezirat refugee camp, two of central... is mostly densely populated areas have been a perilous journey, first heading west to the coast before turning south to reach area known as mazi near rafa where they have been staying in temporary shelters or simply out in the open. relief agencies and those hoping escape the violence have repeatedly said there are no longer any safe spaces in gaza. i saw the situation here. 'it's not normal. i was shocked from what i saw. this is madness, everyone is fleeing and the banging. even on
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our way there was banging, rockets, strikes, plane. i swear to god, while we were on the road, we said the shahada, thank god for everything, but this situation, i don't know where to stay. i swear i came here and i don't know where my children will sleep. will they sleep on the sand, will they sleep outside? you can see the garbage here next to us, there's no safe place'. 1.8 million palestinians displaced, are there any hins at this point that even israeli allies are finding it difficult to push forward with their unqualified support for the regime and its atrocities? i think regardless of any perceived postback, be it political or public, from people marching in the streets across the globe or from different capitals uh throughout the world that are calling for an immediate seaspher. i think what we're
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witnessing is if we look at the map of gaza, it appears that the israelies are trying to divide gaza into three separate coral areas and northern gaza, central gaza and southern gaza, and they are talking about occupying militarily the philadelphia corridor between gaza and egypt, so in results... uh and in effect what they intend to do is coral the main free sections of the palestinian gazan uh citizenry uh maybe up to 1.6 1.8 million them and rafa which is currently being bombed so there is no political will in washington or in tel aviv to end this war, in fact while the americans are playing good cup bad cup with the zaness you know they want more targeted assassinations and less carpet bombing of the civilian population and yet
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israel is deliberately provoking both iran and both uh the hizballah resistance movement into uh further uh conflict. it's obvious that without the political will to end this, there is indeed a political will for this to continue. the israelies are saying they could be at this for another 12 months through the whole of 2020. more with 80% of the residential buildings already destroyed, but the hospitals, the schools, the sewage plants and the water treatment and desalination plants destroyed, there is practically nothing in gaza to sustain life outside of immediate humanit, humanitarian in is being refused both by israel and by egypt who could open a rafa border should they choose in order to facilitate further humanitarian in the gaza. so what's going in of course is is is drop in the bucket at this point, but
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everything you said and everything you have disguised has been the reason why south africa started that case against the israeli regime with the icj uh the israeli president isaac herzock has called genocide claims against them atrocious and preposterous. un pick this rebuttle for us, well - uh, i'm, i'm struggling because it's, i'm surprised he didn't say that it's anti-semitic, that's one the other favorite lines that they use, and again an oft-repeated line that they use is that israel has the right to self-defense, and um, what from what i've read, that is what the legal argument that israel is going to present at the icj is going to hinge on, basically that israel has the right to defend itself, and that hamas started this on the 7th of october, whereas we all know the fact is that israel is an occupying power, it does not have. the right to defend itself in that manner and there's precedent for that from the international courts, international law,
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the united nations, you know, there's several um in instance of um legal frameworks that back that, yes, stand, so so basically israel doesn't really have that right to defend itself, it's something that's often repeated by western politicians like, leader of the opposition in the uk, the prime minister, the presidents of the united states and several other allies, but that's... simply is not going to work in the international court if it behaves um not politically but legally, if if the international court looks at this case a legal perspective, there's no way that they can't not come to the conclusion that israel is in fact committing ethnic cleansing and genocide in gaza, not least because of the actions of the israeli military, but also the statements of serving ministers in the israeli government and members of the israeli kenesset. the examples are plenty, and you mentioned the uk um officials, fra your
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reaction to the fact that the uk has supported a genocide case at the icj against over the rohinga genocide of 2017, but has failed to do so in the case of israel. well, it's the world best order from 1945 onwards, from the beginning of the united nations security council and everything that comes along with that. i'm not even going to go down the road of hypocracy, these governments uh do what they want, what is in the interest not of the people of their nations, but of the... elite who run the country of the corporations and of the companies. the uk brought israel into or yes, brought israel into being with the bfore agreement of 1917, it's supported israel wholeheartedly ever since, it gives it as much political cover as the united states of america does. israel is
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a colonial settler outpost of white european uh colonialism and imperialism. "israel only exists, i'll give you two examples, i mean biden said, if israel didn't exist, the us would have to create it, and when israel was created in 1948 and before that, the british claimed that they wanted loyal little ulster in the middle east, now ulster is the occupied part of ireland that i, the british occupied part of ireland that i actually continue to live in today, so i see my country and myself as still being occupied by foreign interl." so britain and america are using israel to divide the uma, to divide arab from persian, to divide christian from jew and to divide the whole of the region in order for it to continue to exploit the natural resources that belong to the people the region on behalf of the capitalist, the
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capitalist elite in the west, and when we look at asia, we look at the borders, we look at the... pecal agreement of 1916, they decided to draw and redraw the boundaries of west asia, every conflict today, every bomb, every death and every form of humanitarian inhumanity in the region is at the beheest of western hegemonic capitalism in order to divide and conquer that happened in the first world war, it's continuing today a century leader. the seeds w that were sown all those decades ago uh creating havoc in that region today. um, just a quick reminder to our viewers that this is gaza under attack, just in case you just tuned in with me said puriza where we take a deep dive into the news of and around the israeli atrocities against palestinians. the war on gaza, as has been
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highlighted, has affected palestinian children in a way that has never happened before. how do these children cop with the? trauma and what can help them even make sense their own feelings? we spoke to learning disability nurse and therapeutic life coach farzana karawali about the methods used to help such children heal. when we look at different kinds of art therapy that happens to you in in war places, this particular guy that i think people need to to look at and his name is um david uh macathy, i think his surname is. um but the work he's done is around um photography um and using toys so that i think the the link that you could look up if you're interested is war toys, the work he does is to depict areas in a child's life where they have experienced issues within war but they've not had closure because what
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happens in war is that there's so much going on and children don't actually get the opportunity to understand stand fully what's happening, the parents are just obviously getting on with what's happening, lot of the time, as we know in in what we're seeing at the moment is that children um are without parents and so there is nobody there to talk to them about what's happening within the war, so the only way that they're able to get closure and have foresight or understand is through either art therapy or you know this photographic toy therapy or playing with toys or enacting through role play what's happening now, what they want to... happen in the future, what's happened in the past, all of this allows the child to understand further, exactly what is happening to them, i think what what happens is they... think so literal around a child that they don't fully understand, how things can improve, and so we
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may have seen particularly at the moment that we lot of people in in the war to help them to understand or see that there is a brighter future, and through that what what else we're seeing is that it gives hope to the young children in particular because they are finding role model. or inspiration and it's a distraction from the difficulties that they're facing at the time during the war. well for also said that art therapy could be used by adults too to make them understand their own traumas. did some work in iraq and i found that children were obviously experiencing lot of pain and distress from losing their family members during the war, and obviously from what they had seen, and we found that the... adults didn't quite understand why we were doing this kind of work with the children, so these were teachers, so we sat with the teachers and actually asked them to do the same work that
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we did with the adult with the children, and actually what we found is that their pictures and their depicting of their emotions and what they had seen was exactly the same, and that way we were able to show the adults that they yet hadn't healed from the trauma that they had experienced during the time where there was war in in their time. and then how the children have experienced exactly the same things during the war, during their time, and so it helps also create a connection between adult and children, so lot of family work can happen using art therapy as well. art is in many different ways, you can use kind of play therapy where there's kind of role play, um, you can use painting, drawings, you can even allow the children to just... take paint and just use that in whichever way they want a really large canvas so they can work in groups and produce um
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some kind of depiction of whatever it is that you ask them to do, so there's many different ways to use art therapy, it's what is appropriate for that particular group of children that you're working with depending on the issues that they've seen. the impact the israeli atrocities on children is not... confined to psychological trauma, some 10,00 them have already been killed in the violence, while living conditions continue to rapidly deteriorate with increasing cases of diarrhea and rising food poverty among children, raising the risk of mounting child deaths. with the lack of medical facilities, relief agencies are pleading for medical corridors to be established, so even basic healthcare can be provided. here's a unisive representative with more. we are here receiving 600,000 doses of routine vaccination, very, very critical for the life
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and the well being of children. unicef and our partners are trying to do everything possible that we can do to protect and save the lives of the innocent children that have been already displaced by the ongoing war in. gaza, today the situation in gaza is unimaginably is stressful for children, we do not want to see children who survived the bombing to die because they are not vaccinated. one quick question, before we bring this program to a close, and i mentioned the beginning of the show, the fact that a former labor mp by the name of now lord walney has rec'. the home office, the interior ministry, that they should charge the organizers of these demonstrations for policing their demos, yeah, so his name is
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jonathan woodcock, and if you look up his history on google, you'll know why he calls himself lord wollen, but leaving that aside, um, it's just a completely ridiculous proposition, these people in the uk, they have the right to demonstrate, we pay our taxes in the uk to... fund all public services, so it's not like the police is not being paid and and there's not enough public funds for the police, and as if that wasn't enough, the united kingdom is supporting israel by selling it weapons to continue this genocide, and it's making profits from this genocide, i'm sure that's plenty enough to to fund the policing activities for any protesters and demonstrations. all right, we're going to have to leave it there, um, that does it for yet another. episode of gaza under attack, many thanks one more time tous for their input, join us again tomorrow for the latest news and analysis, until then
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continue to keep palestine in your... hearts, goodbye. sheikh salih is not an ordinary figure for hamas and for the axes of resistance, he is a prominent leader with a significant military role. throughout his years in beirout aluri played a significant role in networking between the hamas movement and the resistance in gaza as well as the axes of resistance. some may see zionist israel's assassination
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of. aimed at rekindling the possibilities of expanding the war and escalating the confrontation further with hisbullah. however, the initial retaliation by hisbullah at one of the most strategic sionist military bases in northern occupied palestine has rendered the israeli occupation in a quagmyer deeper than they ever expected. hisbullah escalates against dynist israel this week on the media stream.
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israel is committing the world's most documented genocide in history, politing death tool tops 23, most of them women and children. the policy authority president tells the us secretary of state that god is integral to palestinian statehood's aspiration. an iran's parliament speaker hosting international conference on palestine urges action to be taken to stop israely genocide in gaza.