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tv   Gaza Under Attack  : PRESSTV  January 12, 2024 12:02am-12:30am IRST

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thanks for tuning in, this is gaza under attack coming to you from the british capital, london. i'm said puriza. as the israeli regime's genocidal campaign in the besieged gaza strip enters its fourth month. here's a quick look at some of the latest developments. at least 100 palestinians have been killed in series of israeli air strikes targeting multiple areas in gaza in the past 24 hours. this as the israeli occupation
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forces claimed they were scaling down those strikes. in the occupied west bank, iof forces have launched a series of raids and been targeted with explosive devices and gunfire by palestinian fighters. the palestinian resistance movement hamas condemns the u.s. secretary of state for quote, justifying israeli genocide during his tour of the region. the us and uk say they have repelled a large attack in the red sea by yemen. asarola forces, occupation forces have carried out more strikes against lebanese resistance movement hisbollah assassinating another one of the group's members. the british foreign secretary david cameron tells a parliamentary committee he is worried the israeli regime might be in breach of international law in gaza. in just over three months, the us isready genocidal campaign in gaza has killed at least 23,357 palestinians and wounded. 60,000 others. my
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guest for this program in the studio, publisher and political analyst, desmond thompson, and joining us from glasgow, scotland, mick napier, the scottish, with the scottish palestine solidarity campaign. gentlemen, thank you very much for being here. um, mr. thompson, let me begin with you. does it surprise you at all that three months on, and despite all the outcry around the world, "the israeli regime is still pushing ahead with its genocidal campaign in the gaza strip? no, not at all. um, their policy is and has been, and it's been carried out, that is an extermination of the palestinian people, and they got to clear them out of gaza, so regardless of what they're saying, whether they're scaling it down or whether they're going to cut back or they're cutting back, they're..." carrying it
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out as the nickname it's moin the lawn yeah and the moon is going on and their whole goal is to exterminate and move the people out of gaza you have to look at the results what do you make of the israeli um sorry the american secretary of states commons that you know there's no way the israelis should be re gaza, although at least we under british law, gaza is considered as occupied territory, that the palestinians will not have to be pushed out of the gaza strip. well, if he really, if that was a policy and he really believed that, he would then say, stop, saying, you have to look at the results, and that's where you find the truth, not in the words of... politicians or commentars or
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whatever, it's a question of the results of what's happening, then the results are are the extermination of the people. i just find out recently that they destroyed the third oldest church, exactly in the world, yeah, so where where are these christian organizations and leaders of of so-called christianity from the pope onwards, what are they doing about all this? "the certainly not being christian. um, let me bring mick and uh, you are actually seeing experiencing first hand the draconian measures that are being taken against people who speak out in support of palestinian self-determination. explain the charges that have been brought against you in scotland for speaking up for palestinian liberation. well, i mean, i would rather not talk about myself, but there's an opportunity here. to to show some aspect to the picture,
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if if they're dropping bombs, if they're supporting genocide abroad, or if they're invading iraq or some other country abroad and devastating that country, it... has to be accompanied by repression at home, because popular opinion here is by no means behind the government policy. i mean, i, i've been charged arrested and charged with offenses under the terrorism act. tony greenstein an other, another prominent activist has been arrested and also charged under terrorism. the ex- british ambassador to uzbekistan, craig murray, was stopped at glasgow airport and told that he is under investigation. for terrorism offenses, so it's a thing, it's not just an individual here, the they're trying to repress certain elements in the solidarity movement. my crime was to point out in a large public demonstration in glasgow, thousands of people that the palestinian
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resistance hamas had won the election in palestine by a landslide, the last time elections were held, and that therefore because the palestinian people later were. for this election result, it really showed if it needed to be showed, but it showed yet again that britain's commitment to democracy is a complete sham, that was one half of my crime and i'll be very happy to defend that any forum, not just in court in the court the public opinion with confidence win of the charge is i said that i thanked hamas and the palestinian resistance. taking out of the gaza concentration camp in in on the 7th of october, because any other people in the same situation would have tried to do the same, and that although i am not personally a supporter of a mass, i i'm politically inclined to the left, nonetheless from
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britain, while britain is sending sniper rifle parts to the israeli army, i support and the demonstration supports unreservedly the palestinian right to resist what israel is doing. "that's the summary of my crimes and it'll we'll have to see what happens going forward and the fact that uh britain has not revoked any um licenses to sell weapons to the israelis despite the fact that under the um premiership of david cameron who is now foreign secretary that did happen in 2014 not this time around but this weaponization of the courts to repress pro- palestine solidarity as you said earlier when you look" at the number of people who came out under the streets in the past few months to support the palestinian struggle, um, is that attempt by the uk government having any impact? i don't think so, i think that uh, they are afraid that the movement, i mean a
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million people marching through london in this country, that's that's unprecedented on the issue of palestine, and we see people up and down the country invading arms factories and trying to... interdict the supply chain, we see people invading railway stations and so on. the government's the government's afraid that this could grow and become a serious threat and that's why they're trying to to to use the law, but you know they don't have a great track record of success, because popular opinion can see what israel is doing and can see the crime and the genocide, although the political class is afraid to call it genocide, because of that whenever we go to court, whenever people um in you interrupt the production, arms companies and then go and then and then take their case to court, juries tend to acquit them, overwhelmingly acquit them, and the their arguments very simple, um, if you're passing by a door behind which somebody is being abused, a child, for example, you're entitled
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in british law, case law to smash down the door and rescue the child, so if i go to your house tomorrow and smash down your door, i should go to prison, it's a crime, but if i break down a door or invade an arms company uh in order to prevent israel's huge crimes in lebanon or in palestine, juries will acquit the people who make that argument time after time after time, so they try to use the law, but it's not so simple, i mean even when it's sorry to interrupt you uh mick, it is definitely is not simple, but we're since we're going to cover lot of ground here, let's let's just move if if that's okay, um, we talked about briefly the uh us secretary of state anthony blincon, he well has called on israel to take greater steps to protect civilians, allow more aid into the gaza strip and work with hand-picked palestinian leaders saying regional countries would only invest in the reconstruction of gaza if there is a
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quote clear path to a palestinian state. well blincon speaking during his tour of the region also said he was crystal clear that palestinians must be able to return to their homes as as conditions allow, and said the us rejects any proposal for settling them outside the territory, despite israely officials openly calling for the resettlement of palestinians outside. was these obstacles and how they can become uh be overcome. in today's meetings, i was
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also uh crystal clear. palestinian civilians must be able to return home as soon as conditions allow. they must not be pressed to leave gaza. um, mr. thompson, what did you make of those comments there? you briefly touched upon it earlier, but the ritoric that came out of blinkon's mouth there does not really. match what the us is actually doing on the ground? no, it's, it's just political talk, it's uh, blown smoke in one's eyes, the again, you have to look at the results, when he talks about the palice palestinian people should return, well certainly this millions of refugees have been forced out of their homes and villages and towns throughout the entire area, they should... be allowed to return, it's under national law, it's common, it's common natural law, and yet they're
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forbidden, and even though there have been many actions presented to the un where they have declared it should be, it hasn't happened, so again it's it's a very simple form, what are the results, one can get up there and speak as much as they want and say the right words and we want to... hear this and this is really good, but what are the results? and the results are, as we speak, they are still bombing, they're still killing, defenseless people, these people don't have any arms, they have, they don't have any planes of any description or any rockets, why don't you send in stinger sting stinger missiles, which they did in afghanistan to fight against the russians, that'll that'll help change the situation, no, they're talking word, empty words, yeah, and the results are extermination, and that is fact of what's happening as we sit here
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today, and make another thing of the many things that the us secretary state said in that press conference was that the need for an integrated approach, not is exact words, but integrated approach. to one analyst i was listening to, at the time, that was code for normalization with saudi arabia, in the middle of a... genocide against palestinians, your comment on that? well, yes, i mean, the the the palestinian resistance breakouts out on october the 7th and the killing of hundreds of israeli soldiers has changed everything across the area, and and blincan's got a hard task here, because the saudis were ready to normalize, and the palestinian resistance met render that completely impossible, because saudis, emirates, moroccans, etc. can all watch genocide live on their own tvs, they can see for the first
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time in human history and attempt to exterminate tens and hundreds of thousands of people live on tv. blincan's words are attempt to balance between support for that mass murder which is unstinting, but also to say something for their allies whose citizens can see people being killed because they're arabs, because they're palestinians, because they're not jews. so he has to try to throw them a scrap that they can throw to their own citizens to try to blunt the anger and the rage that's felt across the middle east, otherwise it has no meaning, mean to allow the palestinians to return to gaza, when the when the security situation allows means when israel decides that they're allowed to, so when you look at the detail of what's said, it's a green light for israel to do what it wants and fig leaf for america's allies. not to take action in order to stop the genocide? it definitely is. um, and mr. thompson, um,
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the fact that blincan said that their allies in the region, qatar, turkey, and others, uh, uae, um, having told him that they would help reconstruct gaza even when this genocide comes to an end. um, don't you think that there... "there is more that these countries could do other than wait until uh israel achieves its supposed goals, absolutely, they have to come out very strongly and and say uh" to the washington government, yeah, stop the extermination of these people, and to tel aviv as well, yeah, that's the very first thing it has to happen, truly has to happen is the killing has to stop, the slaughter has to stop, and the slaughter goes on day and night, i'm afraid, yeah, using the most
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advanced weaponry ever, yeah, to kill off defenseless people, first... first bring first things first and these politicians and the referring now to london yeah who voted for the massacar to carry on under the disguise of colonna cease fire yeah and uh the so-called opposition the labor party abstained from voting which was they were voting to carry it on because they knew if they their people went into vote it would probably go against the the stopping of the massacer so they wanted to carry it on the guilty, there are accessories to mass murder and extermination. all right, um, this just a reminder is gaza under attack with me, bruza, where we take a deep dive into the news of and around the israeli atrocities against palestinians. the pain of the occupation of palestine runs across generations of palestinians, from young to old in palestine
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and abroad. earlier we spoke to a palestinian child based in london, ali al-zobadi and asked him what his thoughts were on what is going on in gaza, it's very hard to watch really cuz i every time i see it i think that i could be over there and just wondering how painful it would be to be there during war being bombed, i can't, i can't think about it, i understand that people are claiming land and people came they just started taking over and lizard didn't have the supplies at the time but everyone israel came armed and that's how it started when we go to protests me and my family i make sure that take some role that makes me stand out cuz when when i get go to allah i want to say that i've done
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something they make us right israel rather than... saying, which i feel is suppling, considering i got to islamic school. if we all say something, we all and like, write, we all take stances, we all do our best. i hope they'll change. i would say imagine your child, your son, your daughter, imagine they're in palestine, they don't have medicine, they don't have power, they don't have water, they don't have free hospital, they don't have. education and lot of the populations are just children, they can't do anything, so please, please, yeah, please, hope allah makes it so that you are convinced to try help forest, i know many people my age, are well educated and agree with me on
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what's happening, i feel that in inshallah a few years or sooner than that, inshallah, we'll get down that we will end and palestine will win. ali al zubaidi speaking with us earlier, now the league of arab states at the united nations say they're working tirelessly on a request to grant the state of palestine permanent membership within the international organization. the block which represents arab states of the un say they are. pushing hard to achieve their primary objectives, which include a cease spire, additional humanitarian assistance, and the stop of forced transfers. have look. today our goal is for first and foremost for the united nations to take all the necessary measures through its organs, especially the security council for sease fire. this is the of
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permanent importance for the lives and the humanitarian disaster that's happening. "now in in gaza, the cease fire is the key element that we have to work for. the other issue is to allow humanitarian aid in and access to it. we welcome the appointment of uh miss kag as a coordinator for humanitarian aid, but we think that without a cease fire her mandate will be uh significantly curtailed. we look forward to work with her in this regard and for the aid to to move forward a pace which will allow the..." deviation of the suffering, the obstacle is in the security council, we need to find a solution to that obstacle and to remove it from the path so that the state of palestine..." assume its rightful place as member state of the united nations. mc nap, just briefly, what is the
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significance of palestine having a permanent seat at the un? it's completely irrelevant at the moment when they're being murdered in many in huge numbers. the arab governments and my own government in scotland uses this as an alternative to taking concrete action. if the arab governments were to. stop the oil flowing uh, then the attack on gaza could be stopped very, very quickly, they have the power at their fingertips, and in the current situation where russia is also incentivized to join this sort of pressure against the western governments, it would be absolutely unstoppable, so the arab governments are talking about palestine becoming a state recognized by the un, but they're refusing to take the action which they can easily take and which would be support. by their own populations, so yes, it's a side issue, it's smoking mirrors, i don't mean it's without any symbolic significance, design is in normal times would hate it and they would
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oppose it, but it's not a big thing, the main thing is to take practical measures like the yeminies are taking in order to uh defend the people of gaza, smoking mirrors, um, desmon thompson, quickly, your thoughts on foreign secretary david cameron who was put to task yesterday by a parliamentary committee, on whether israel has to broken international law in gaza three months on, well with david cameron, when he was prime minister, he probably declared that he would personally defend zionist israel from a personal basis when he was prime minister of the last time, so that speaks volumes for where he's at, again, and to use mixed terms smoking mirrors, that's it's another thing, i want to comment on the... and he made a statement there at the at the un, they're looking for solution, yeah, yeah, they don't have to look for solution, the solution is stop stop the
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killing, yeah, and then have solution throw the entire area equal rights for everyone indute, well yeah, exactly, that's that's a way to go, in fact that's it's the most ethical way to go and and and quickly, what what kind of support do you think we should provide to people such as mick or other people who are facing these measures by governments to try and suppress their voices? never give up, take to the streets and as mix says, even though he should get arrested or thrown into court, he's is going to stand up for the truth, and that's what will defeat these so-called. policials and governments and political organizations, because they're all involved and they're all part of this of this massacre and extermination. all right,
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it looks like i have one minute to go, make the the threat of of a regional war that are that that is still there, the continuate attacks on southern lebanon by the israeli regime, the american led force in rat sea attacks on on the yemenese um navy, the only force in the area that's um actually doing something to stop uh ships that are bound for israel, um, how serious a threat is that very briefly? it's a serious threat, israel can kill huge numbers of palestinian civilians uh, but against the palestinian resistance, they're having a very hard time, and against the battle hardened fighters yemen who are so prepared to stand up to defend gaza, in which activity they are enforcing international law, because such international law enjoins
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every state, anywhere in the world, they must take action to prevent something they recognizes genocide, so i think israel is surrounded by hundreds of millions of arabs, it's only because they're prevented from taking action in support of the palestinians that israel can do what it's doing, and i think the people of the middle east together in axis of resistance and determined to come to the support of the people of gaza will prevail, the arithmetic is all with them, but for the moment the gazans face, palestinians face terrible, completely mad enemy with a blood thirst and a blood lust, which bl do, they surely do, mcnapier, disman thompson, thank you both for your thoughts and thank you for watching us, join us again tomorrow for more, till then, continue to keep palestine in your hearts. goodbye.
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and give rise to the... the convention is adila has seem to address the court, you have the fore madam. south africa contends that israel has transgressed article two of the convention by committing actions that fall within the definition of genocide. the actions show a systematic pattern. of conduct
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from which genocide can be inferredist
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uh fourth day, we're looking at -