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tv   News In Brief  PRESSTV  January 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:03pm IRST

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and now we're eagerly anticipating a yemininy armed forces spokesperson yahya sorry to speak any time. now uh in uh reaction in response to us and uk bombing a series of targets on yemini soil earlier and that was in a response to retaliatory operations carried out by yemen armed forces against israeli ships and israely bound in linked ships in the red and arabian seas and that was for in retaliation for the atrocities committed and the uh genocidal campaign that tel aviv is carrying out against palestinians in the besieg strip and what you're seeing on
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your screen there are images, okay seems like he's he's on, let's listen in his book, whoever launches assault against you, then therefore you should retaliate and launch another assault against them, and you should know that god is with with the faithful, god is the most truthful, the american and you british enemies have in light of their continuous support of the israeli crimes in gaza to launch and and these the shelling led to the killing and marterdom of seven people and six others wounded from the brothers in the armed forces, the british and us enemies bear the full responsibility for their crimes against our yemani people. "this
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will not pass without punishment and this will not go without any retaliation. the yemani armed forces will not hesitate to launch attacks against the source of this threats whether in the sea or in the land, defending lebanon, defending its sovereignty, defending its independence. this aggression will not stop yemen to continue with support, which is stop the oppression of the palestinian people and the armed and naval forces and rocket forces." continue to stop the israeli ships and vessels which are heading towards the ports, the occupied palestine to continue to ship in the red sea and god is our savior, god is our supporters, god is our victor, may yemen live long, free and prosperous and sovereign and independent and victorious for yemen and all the free people of the muslim nation the 12th of