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day 101 of the us israelity genocide of palestinians in gaza, the result, according to euromed human rights monitor, 100 thousand palestinians have been killed, wounded or gone missing. palestine resistance fighters are engaging and the invading troops online and responding to the air strikes and artillery shelling with their missiles and rockets at the same time. now more importantly, tel aviv has not. been able to
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achieve any of its estated goals of eradicating hamas, pushing the palestinians out of gaza or releasing its captives. welcome to the spotlight. i'm behrus najafi. let me introduce our guests in this edition. saab shah, author and west asia expert is joining me from belfast. also with this is glen deeson, professor political science. at the university of southeastern norway in oslo. now welcome to the show gentlemen, let me uh begin with uh saib shath. unprecedented dimensions of this war, as you now uniquely you recorded around the world and live tv, targeting civilians including women and children, hitting schools, hospitals, one
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offices, shelters, stealing of body parts and now we have reports of looting and thieving, reports of thieving emerging now of palestinian's property, beating gaza or the west bank. let's begin with your thought on this and what kind of atrocity can we call this? this is not a new to start with, they looted the whole of palestine, they as they say they took a country with the... the key palestine was one of the fewest countries on earth was documented by the united nation prior to the 181 resolution of the division of palestine mistakenably issued by the united nation, at them the palestinians were everything was surveyed what the palestinian owns, so if you go back to this the statics and the calculation they done, you would...
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know what the zin entity gangs stole with the help of the british and the americans and the western of course from palestine, today as in west bank or in the gaza strip when the zianist entity goes invade village or house or anything, the first thing they go and they look for the jewelry of these families and they sometimes like what happened in gaza some of the of the victim. they said uh the they even when they stole their jewelery they burned their money in front of them and they throw them nearly naked in the street, i'm talking about women and men in the gaza strip, so the looting is is part of of the the style of the invasion and the incubation forces they do all the time in the palestinian, they as as one of the the the...
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minister was saying we have to invent a way of inflicting pain on the palestinian worse than death, by they mean by that is killing their own, killing their kids in front of them, shooting pregnant women in front of them, the their parents or their husbands or this and that, that is kind of maniacs and psychopathic army is the zianist entities of have and this is... done with the knowledge of the west, i'll give you a maltese member of the european parliament said the describing the eu, he said the funny enough unique is starting with the eu, the word, which is making the eu is like part of the american harim, he's stating, while they are killing and assassin and helping this entity committing genocide. "and we cannot do
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anything about it, so they admit uh to this in the european parliament, sure. now glenn, civilians are being killed execution in style as you might have thought. seeing the footage, medical staffers are killed, journalists are intentionally gone down, and uh, in the face of all of this, just check out the reaction by those western countries that, cried out of the top of their voice for helping ukraine with a conflict started there, so what can you call this, selective human rights or human rights for select people? yeah, i think selective human rights will probably be a good a good description. uh obviously this is not a new thing because uh we see that uh calling for human rights uh it's often instrumental for power politics. now after the cold war when it was asked that we would elevate the role of human rights in international affairs, the idea was that we
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would all try to transcend power politics and put the human security first, but instead what we see is being used very selectively, so uh so for example "we we we like to call out human rights abuses when we would like to reduce the sovereignty of other states, so be it you know from yugoslavia, iraq, syria, it's used as an excuse to bomb. meanwhile, when there's real severe human rights abuses such as the genocide going on in gaza, it seemingly doesn't matter at all, so it's it's not a new phenomenon, we see this over and over again. "this is uh, we pick and choose which human rights we care about, so it's a very damaging i think for the eu as well, because it built up its entire reputation as being a sort of normative power, one that's attempted to primarily advanced uh, values,
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primarily than human rights values, and instead we see that it's become mary instrumental, it's simply a tool used to advance power politics." "and of course this is not a new accusation, but in gaza due to the grotesque and severe extent of the war crimes being committed, it's quite glaring and obvious that uh, yeah, human rights are not really uh a principle, which is the health. right, sab, regarding these reprisal attacks by resistance fighters, yemenes have been pretty active, we just had a statement by the yemen arm forces, terron warning washington." london against militarizing right see and attacking yemani cities and iran regards western anti-yemen attacks as strategic mistake now you force intend to just stop israely boundships and that in response to the atrocities in gaza. the uh
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yemen is stated from the beginning that they are taken a brotherly action uh... support their brothers in in palestine and that is to impose like a blockade in any of these bound to go to the zinis entity ships entity ships or ships carrying goods to the zin entity and they put a condition this is will stop if they left the siege and the blockade on gaza and allow humanitarian aid in gaza and stop this genocidal and gaza, the united states of america and britain supported by canada and olland and bahrain as well, they they didn't see that, they wanted to act in more protection to to bring more protection to the
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zionist entity trade, and they said this is was a threat to the to the international maritime, which is not. but this is shows how much is the united states of america is gonna go to support this entity in his genocide against the palestinians and the yemani people demonstrated their will to go farther uh today they targeted an american ship which is container ship in 95 miles away eastern of the port of aden. as a reply to the american attack on on the united on yemen, the yemani knows they've been attacked by the united states of america since 2014, they disguise that with saudi, emarati and that, but the yemani knows they've been under attack by the united states of america lid campaign, so
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this is will be continue the campaign and this is will show they are not gonna stop till this war is stop, and this is actually show weakness of... united states of america and and and the british militarizing the red sea and the gulf of eden to the limit they threat themselves the international. uh maritime roots, right? okay, let me go to oslo and ask glenn about the same question, staying with yemen. according to a new york times report, glenn, despite the us, so-called task force operations, the mma military retains two-thirds of its ability to fired vessels transiting the red sea, and just did one uh, just uh minutes ago, and they insist that the anti israel anti-us operations will go on until the aggression in gaza stops. your thoughts on the same question. "well, i don't doubt that they will continue. i mean, uh, this is not new for the
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people of yemen, they've been as the other guest correctly pointed out, uh, the americans been killing them uh in horrific numbers uh, since 2014, 15, of course, they did it primarily through their proxies so being saudi arabia, but the us and uk has been waging this war in yemen for quite some time, so..." assume that they will continue with this uh obviously people point to the fact that they've been able to intercept a lot of the missiles and the drones uh but but again they don't really have to hit any of the ships in order to be successful uh first of all if you look at what one of these cheap drones cost for yemen versus the huge cost of missiles for the united states is already imposing a cost and also if you see the the increased safety concerns insurances goes up for this is ships, the ports are israeli ports are used less, so this is also then can
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be ticked off as a win for yemen, so they they don't really have a reason to to discontinue this uh, if anything i think after the united states and britain attack them uh, i think we will probably see more efforts to to strike back retaliation, so hitting one of the british or american warships in the in the region, but of course overall... this is all very, very dangerous, we see that you know the genocide in gaza now threatens to spread, obviously yemen already been attacked, the many in israel and also many in america was very eager to also go after lebanon, and obviously given the instability from this we see now us occupation forces in iraq and syria also coming under greater pressure and of course in places well people like lince graham, for example, united states also sees this is a great opportunity to bring a war to iran
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saying they should strike their oil refineries and wipe iran off the map so there's no there seems to be enough people hungry for for more war uh but i think uh you know yemen will restrain itself for now to uh to attack these ships as well as american warships okay yes the deal with the one palestinian uh let's say resistance uh faction. hamas first and then think of greater targets like iran, nice joke now uh sahib, let's take a look at the situation of captives held in gaza, some of them are getting killed in israely bombardment at the same time is really uh occupation forces are abducting more and more palestinians especially from the west bank simultaneously, what about the fate of these is captives, does teliif care at all about now, the the des entity have this what... the call the doctrine of hannabal doctrine, which means they they give orders to their soldiers to
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shoot anybody whose they think they fall captive in the hands of the resistance, the same thing they done uh when the helicopters were attacking the concert in near the border of gaza in the 7th of october, they thought these people are, some of them fall in the hands of the resistance, so they start shooting them, and this is when some... the even the zin entities its own people now saying in the investigation about some of these settlers and their homes were blown up by tanks when they said there is resistance with some captives in there so this is is nothing new on that so this is why there is massive split now in within the israeli communities politically and on this some of them want they want the the the resist israeli government to compromise and the news
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there is some news since the split in the cabinet some two ministers went yesterday and joined the demonstrators demanding the cabinet do something to release the hostages but they don't netanyahu doesn't want netanyahu wanted to continue the war and now playing with the card as well to extend the war to the border with egypt to control the... crossing what they call it the philadelphia crossing uh this uh all of it it's it's a political game and this is political game just to sustain himself and his government doesn't care. doesn't care about genocide, doesn't care about his own captives, doesn't care about anything, but there is too much pressure now on him to do something. okay, now in terms of justice glan, you know at the icj, international court of justice, israel, accused south africa presenting a distorted view of the hostilities, and all of them are of course being reported, and the reporters are being
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shot dead. now, israel denies that its military operation gaza is a stateled genocide campaign against palestinians. now some countries like germany also stood by the telaviv regime. now can the tribunal bring the perpetrators and criminals to justice? uh, it's well, that remains to be seen, it's uh, it is quite unique to have this trial going uh to begin with, and regarding the evidence though, what is quite unique in this trial is that uh, israel has been very eager, it seems to provide evidence against themselves, because - it's very difficult to prove uh genocide because there has to be both the action uh which means to seemingly destroying either part of a population or its whole and also there has to be the proven intention that this is what they're going for. now it just happens that the israeli leaders uh many many leaders including prime minister keep making genocidal statements all
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the time calling you dehumanizing the palestinians calling them human scum animals uh. 'you have to be driven into the sea, this kind of rhetoric, so so the israel has provided lot of evidence for their own genocidal intent as well, so this is quite unique, if the if the trial will lead to anything uh, it remains to be seen, obviously the israelis will always rely on american support, which is unconditional, the europeans are less, less so, but still firm support, i think the europeans were very committed to israel after the attacks on the seventh of'. october uh, but then i think many were shook when they saw this indiscriminate mass killings which the israel has been continuing for the past three months, so i i think many europeans might be sitting on the fence, except for countries such as germany who will yeah commit themself completely to israel for yeah historical reasons, historical guilt as it is. all
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right, sab, the us has announced it's sending 1500 troops to syria and iraq. to fight in the words isis or daesh, and you know us bases have been attacked 130 times by resistance fighters, so us troops are not invited by the syrian government to be there, so what's the purpose behind the deployment? oh, very good question, this is where is the still overcoming towards syria? the zionist army and entity and the united states of america, they designs and we witnessed start the activation of daeshh in the near the taraf area and near badia which is the desert of of syria and this is the the plan is to to to further the the war into syria they want to take syria this is what the americans and the z plan, they're going to succeed or not
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this is will be seen and definitely they're gonna be defeated they want to take syria out. the equation since they believe syria is the the the root uh connection between iraq and iran toward lebanon hisballah so this is the first they want to try to age a war on syria dismantle syria and unleashed more of the terror takfiri groups within syria to to keep uh syria involved and mayhem and cannot protect itself and to stop these roots of supply to hisballah and then "the further move will be targeting uh the lebanon, the hizballah, this is what they are planning to, if they succeed they think on doing that, then there are brussures on the iraqi government of withholding the iraq money in the in the american banks and not given as as
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a leverage to be used against iraq to restrain hashd shabi, the popular mobilized unit." which is and its resistant to groups, this is the the the scenario of the american trying to deploy to uh to strangle the resistance within iraq and within syria. okay, golen, if you want to comment on that, we have 30 seconds left only. no, i agree, i think they will try to continue regime change in syria and of course to continue to take their resources and also weakend uh key ally of iran uh case, also i would also add that the al so an occupying force in iraq given that the iraki parliament has asked the foreign forces to leave its soil and refusing to do so effectively makes the us an occupying force there as well, exactly. okay, on that note we come to the end of this uh program chef, author and west asia expert join me from belfast, glenn deesen, professor political science at the university of southeastern norway from osla, and thank you
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for watching this episode of the spotlight, i'm your host najafian, i'll see you next time. الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الانتقام الانتقام.
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when palestinian journalist shirin abule was killed by niswedy sniper and may 11, 2022, the israel is meant to get across a clear message, that they don't want any narrative other than their own under decades old occupation of palestinian lands and their aggression. it wasn't the first time israeli sought to put gag on the alter. narrative and every time it is failed. watch the history of the israeli measures and palestinian counter
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measures in this documentary. this is in this week's show we'll be highlighting how the growing public backing for palestine in britain. contrast sharply with the british political class who continue to give sucker to israel. one such example is the increasingly voluable support for palestine on the terraces of celtic football club. the contradiction is something which has to be worked upon, so steve's talking about from the river to the sea is being regarded as being somehow genocidal and support of terrorism, but of course people are not being dissuaded by uh by by that argument. and what will happen really is that the more the people say there's a right to resistance, the less it will... possible to prosecute people for that, we have the royal fleet auxilillary, which has got rmt members now it in the red sea supporting genocide, now those
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members aren't supporting the genocide, but the leaders are doing nothing about balloting, those members are instructing them not the work, palestinian in jerusalem the west bank and gaza went to the polls for the second legislative elections. international monitors braced the election process and described it as fair and free. hamas was announced the winner with majority that gave it the power to form the 10th palestinian government. for a long time we couldn't reach either eres or the rafath border crossing. we were completely locked in. traveling was impossible, it was very risky, it was a miracle i could get in, and of course we suffered on the egyptian side just because we
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were palestinians.
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pcb headlines: islamic religion guard core fires ballistic missiles as syrian bases of anti-iran terrorists at. center in new york's kurdistan region. un secretary general is called for media sease fire in gaza, describing the humanitarian situation in the territory as beyond words and the palestinian resistance movement hamas hailed retaliatory operations and occupied territories as natural response to israely regime's crimes in gaza and the west bank.