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tv   Mideastream  PRESSTV  January 16, 2024 9:02pm-9:31pm IRST

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on the 27th of december 2008, the israeli occupation began one of its many military aggressions against the gaza's trip with an operation called cast lead, while the palestinian resistance chose to call it the battle of al-furqan and it lasted about 23 days and on january 19, 2009, now known as the day of gaza. the islamic republic of iran commemorates the day of gaza every year as the symbol of resistance of palestinians against the zionist regime. this year, the day of gaza will have very special impact given the genocide gaza is still currently living through, as syanist israel gets away with terrorism and aggression yet again. the 2008-2009 war resulted back then in at least 1500. borders including 300
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children and massive destruction of gaza's infrastructure. many palestinian civilians were killed in attacks by high precision weapons, which were capable of pinpoint strikes and can hit within a meter of their targets and which have exceptionally good optics allowing those carrying out or directing the strikes to see the targets in detail. hence, as anticipated, zinius israel deliberately targeted civilians. despite its end and the past. of years the israeli entity leaders were never held accountable and punished for their crimes against the gaza strip and its residents, despite international and human rights organizations acknowledging in their reports the occurrence of war crimes against civilians, which is why ladies and gents zianist israel opted to continue its genocide against gaza again in 2012, pillar of defense war named shailstones by the resistance, then in 2014 protective edge war, name consumed storm by the
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resistance, then in 2018 and 2019 and saif al-quds 2021 and the unified battlefield 2022, and last but ever so not least al-aqsa flood 2023, the largest, most horrifying, ongoing genocide ever to be witnessed in the 21st century, in which zionist israel has so far killed 23,000 civilians, 7 thousands of whom are children. let us clear the air once and for all. no, it did not start on october 7. gaza has been under the most severe siege by zinius militias of the past two decades and tel aviv under various pretexts took anti-human measures such as cutting off contact with other areas, preventing people from fishing and importing fuel, food and medicine, or is imposing white spread military aggression against gazans. back in 2008, designist regime, which has always been... known for break promise and child
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killing since the establishment of its aggressive regime, launched massive airstrikes on gaza on december 27 and used 64 fighter jets and military helicopters and in its first hours more than 100 tons of missiles and bombs were fired at gaza. this time in 2023, during the first five days of the al-aqsa flood in gaza, over a thousand murders rose and more than 5000 were injured. today, more palestinians were killed and more properties were destroyed in the 100-day zionist genocidal war than in any previous israeli offensive. this makes the day of gaza this year a monumental one. welcome to the mid stream, i'm osman. january 19. marks gaza day in iran, a day in
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which iranians voice their support for the resistance of the people of the gaza strip against the israeli entity hostilities. day of gaza in iran commemorates the resistance of the brave palestinian people during the 22 days of the designist regimes aggression on the gaza strip in 2008-2009. now this year, gaza day has a special residence giving the ongoing genocide in gaza for 100 days now, taking lives of at least 23,000 civilians, 700 of whom are children under the age of 14. to discuss this issue with us from beirot is mr. saleh abu azze, palestinian political commentator, thanks million for being with us, mr. saleh, now as we commemorate day of gaza announced by the islamic republic of iran on january 19, remembering the massacers committed by the zionist entity back in 2009, we witnessed today the genocide of the century, like other. uh right there in the
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same space in gaza, as we enter uh actually we surpassed 100 days of the zionist aggression already, the psychotic war of genocide against the palestinian people, but how does... remembering massacres that happened 2009 to what what is happening today, mean what we witnessed today is a complete genocidal act, how does remembering the past help? there is no doubt that the acts of genocide committed by the israeli occupation against the palestinian people have not seas since 1948, every year witnesses series of massacres perpetrated by israeli force. settlers and gangs against the palestinian people. 2009 specifically marked the first assault on gaza, starting at the end of 2008 and extending into the beginning of 2009. this attack followed the liberation of gaza in 2005 and was one of the most brutal assaults witnessed in the
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post-liberation period. the occupation did not stop at the 2008-2009 assault. it continued throughout the previous 15 years with attacks occurring nearly every year or every two years. demonstrating brutal aggression against gaza. without doubt, remember in 2009 we faced a significant increase in palestinian casualties at the hands of the zionist american death machine. perhaps the main difference in addition to the increased casualties compared to 2009 is that the attacks in 2009, 2012 and 2014 had israeli entity origins overall. as for the year 2023-2024, this prolonged. aggression lasting for more than 100 days is a zionist american british assault. this implies that zionist israel acts as an executive tool for the united states and to some extent for the arabs receiving support in various forms, especially considering that the missiles and projectiles launched at gaza are
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predominantly american, british and european. well, mr. salh after the 2009 war, just like you said, gaza suffered, more zienist wars in 2012, in 2014, 18, 19, 21 with saif al quds and 22 and now 23, 24 as well, however gaza remains that fast, the resistance proves day after day that it is still strong and it does still have the upper hand in the field in gaza, but 23,000 human losses, that's not counting those still under the rubble, how is that? billions still effective inside of gaza. we must remember the numbers well. we witnessed 100,00 victims in the gaza strip, including murders, missing persons, and the wounded. when we talk about 100 days, it means we are talking about 1,00 victims daily
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at the hands of the israeli entity death machine against the palestinian people. this is sufficient evidence that zionist israel is committing genocide against the palestinian people. "the resilience of the resistance and the palestinian people can be attributed to several factors: firstly, the palestinian people's faith in their cause, the justice of this issue, and the belief that a price must be paid for the liberation of the land, people and palestinian sanctities. secondly, we cannot ignore the support standing beside the palestinian people, whether from the islamic republic or the resistance access in general. in this war we observe the diplomatic, political, military and security efforts unified in support of the palestinian cause by the resistance access led by the islamic republic of iran. we witnessed the actions of the islamic resistance in iraq and the northern front ignited by hizballah the following day. we also saw the significant role played by the armed forces in yemen,
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supported by overwhelming popular support from all segments of the yemani people. all of this undoubtedly strengthens the steadfastness of the palestinian people. conviction of the palestinian that the catastrophe in 1948 and the defeat in 1967 will not be repeated and that they will remain resilient on this land regardless of the cost, increases the cost of steadfastness to prevent displacement. in a final note, there is a significant alignment between palestinian resistance and the palestinian people. the majority overwhelmingly support the actions of the palestinian resistance, considering themselves nurturing environment for this resistance. they must severe until the resistance withstands aggression and fulfills its duties against zinus israeli attacks on the palestinian people. well, it it gets us to the support that uh the palestinian people should get and are getting from certain uh friends like the islamic republic of iran who intentionally named uh
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january 19 the day of gaza uh because of its unconditional support to all the resistance in the region and specifically the palestinian resistance itself uh despite the fact that uh it is being named by the western media and the signist entity that iran is behind the october 7 attacks, iran is behind the uh closure of the red sea in front of the shipments or the ships designers ships or any ship. state be truly blamed for standing by the victim, or should the blame fall on those siding with the oppressor, the killer and the
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criminal committing genocide. october 7th was genuine palestinian reaction to all the massacres and genocide committed by the zionist israel against the palestinian people. the islamic republic of iran should be thanked by palestinians, arabs, muslims and even nations worldwide for adopting ethical, humane and national stance by standing with the oppressed and the vulnerable. however, blame should be placed on those standing with zionist israel, which is currently committing genocide. this underscores the credibility of the islamic republic of iran's position, since zionist israel and not the palestinians are being prosecuted in the international court of justice, the palestinian people are the victims in this equation. south africa is globally praised, as is iran and anyone standing on the side of truth for the palestinians. by the way, according to international laws, gaza, the occupied. west bank and al-quds are considered territories occupied by zionist israel. international law
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guarantees the right of peoples to self-determination and the right of peoples to snatch liberation from the fangs of any occupation. now iran, south africa, syria, lebanon, and yemen stand on the side of those resisting occupation. blame should be placed on the united states, britain and germany, which support genocide and support zionist israel with its killing machinery. certainly, what the islamic republic is doing is a commendable effort from free nations, and it should be a blessed and internationally adopted stance. all peoples and all nations should stand by the just palestinian cause. definitely, mr. saleh abui, palestinian political commentator, thanks emilion for joining us to talk about day of gaza, which will be held on january 19, especially in the islamic republic of iran. thank you very much for being with us. stay tuned, ladies and gents, because we will be talking about the... escalation of the united states and britain on the free and sovereign yemen.
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the us attempt to persuade the yemenis to allow israeli entity ships to recross through the red sea straight appears to be one of the most prominent immediate challenges facing the united states of america, which many in this world classify as a superpower. today the united states is shocked by the free yemen and its resilient people, and this is what makes its incitement threats and blatant and illegal military aggression, absolutely useless, no matter the advanced weapon. it chooses to use. more details in the following report. the us- british aggression on several
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yemini provinces under the control of the sanha government last week, failed to achieve any military objectives turning into a blatent assault on yemeny sovereignty. these attacks no doubt will have military repercussions that may extend to american bases in the region. sana will be pushed to escalate to the third stage in the red sea where the yemani armed forces have said their goals to close the sea to commercial ships belonging to countries attacking yemen's territories and national sovereignty. sana was aware of the aggression last friday, according to informed sources expecting it to happen about a week ago. however, washington and london waited for the un security council's decision, which us media reported, citing diplomats that the united states modified its wording to overcome chinese objections. then both the us and the uk were surprised by the large scale. attack launched by yemeny forces last tuesday, considering it an unprecedented insult instead of naming it
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as it is, a retaliation to the targeting of the yemeni naval forces which led to the marturdum of 10 yemeni soldiers the week before the last. the us then resorted to a military aggression utilizing all their media means to propagate misleading information that yemen is targeting international navigation and trade in the red sea, rather than merely ships heading to occupied palestine in solidarity with. to ensure the genocide stops and much needed food and aid reaches gaza. hours before the execution of the aggression operation, washington and london addressed their statements to the american and british. before addressing the yemenis, whom they did not urge to exercise caution, ignoring the fact that this people had withstood 270,000 air strikes without yielding to the saudi emirati aggression, acting as proxies for the united states and britain. contrary to the expectations of the latter after the operation, which the us central command stated was carried out using advanced weapons through about 100 air and
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missile strikes on several yemini provinces, some of which involved tamahok missiles. by submarines, the aggression concluded without achieving any objectives. this marks the first declared military aggression operation by major powers against yemen, ending in failure and opening the door wide for the yemeny armed forces to respond forcefully and painfully in the coming days and weeks. it is noteworthy that sanad's naval forces initiated a primary response just seven minutes after the strikes launching a missile attack on us warships in the red sea. following massive popular protests on the same. day, with the participation of millions of yemanise in response to the aggression, the supreme commander of the armed forces in the sanah government, mahadin mashad, who serves as the head of the supreme political council, affirmed in a statement reported by official media that the unjustified american zionist british aggression on yemen is violation of all laws and the countries participating in it will pay a high price.
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now to this. this issue with us from the yemeny capital sana, mr. talib al hassani, political commentator, it's a pleasure to have you with us, mr. talib, now um, sana has been anticipating a comprehensive western war on yemen, since the first attack it launched against israeli entity navigation in the red sea, specifically ships going to uh the zionist israeli entity, since uh that was very clear back then for. the yemini leadership that there will be some sort of retaliation by the west, why did they choose to proceed with this plan of theirs? greetings to you and to your esteem viewers, i believe there are three backgrounds for taking this decision, the first background is the religious dimension and religious
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responsibility, especially given the fatwa from the association of yemen scholars and before that the position of sayd. the religious background is a significant factor in many decisions related to domestic affairs and even foreign policy. the second issue is aligning with the access of resistance within the unity of battlefields in confronting the israeli zionist enemy. this commitment cannot be ignored, particularly in the face of heinous aggression and an unprecedented siege on gaza. the third issue is the popular will, the popular support, the large and confident popular mobilization and internal national. community standing behind the political and military leadership, there is also military readiness, even if they were other backgrounds without military readiness and military preparedness, i believe there would have been a different stance, but ultimately military readiness is the foundation for this yemeny position. well, amid the growing
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reactions, both popular and political inside of of yemen and in the media as well supporting yemen's. of navigation against israeli entity and rejection of the american and british aggression obviously on yemen, what do you think the upcoming yemeni approach will be in the event that the foreign aggression continues because we did see it continuing over the past days with the cohesion of the yemani forces despite their national differences? i believe that facing off with the united states and how yemen's response is already predetermined, the nature of yemen's response was defined. as outlined by sayid abdul malik badriddin al-huthi in response to the threats. the recent military action by the united states and britain and possibly its continuation, albeit with reduced intensity, was preceded by clear threats. therefore, sayid abdul malik baddin predetermined the nature of the response, stating that any aggression or attacks on
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yemen will be met with a direct military response targeting three arenas. the first arena. includes american interests in the region, especially in the red sea, encompassing various interests. the second arena, targets american naval navigation and consequently british navigation, as britain is a partner in the military aggression against yemen. this will lead to an expansion of targeting in the red sea, including american and british commercial ships passing through this passage. the third arena includes military ships and naval bases on the african side of the red sea, which are: to some islands near somalia. this is the response arena. this will result in many consequences in the red sea, as currently discussed with. companies being uneasy about passing through this area, consequently, the united states has failed to achieve its declared primary goal, which is protecting
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ships. israeli ships are now prohibited from passing and will not pass in the future. the second goal is that america aspires to reduce military capabilities, which is not possible and cannot be achieved because yemen is in a state of war with a fundamentally different military situation. lacks visible military camps, military bases or visible weapon depots. all these complexities add challenges for the americans. therefore, yemen's response in this significant arena will strike the interests of the united states and britain. the escalating effects in the red sea region have already begun with the rising cost of maritime shipping and fuel prices increasing due to the disruption of fuel supplies. approximately 6 million barrels of oil passing through this. even qatari liquified gas is affected as four qatari liquified gas carriers have halted passing through this area today. consequently, america has not achieved its objectives, but
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yemen in return has achieved many goals, including reducing exports in this region. definitely what you're saying will have a direct military effect on the situation in the region around yemen, but it also will affect the political scene inside of yemen. how do you think that will affect the yemeni saudi peace process that has been stalled for the past two years, but it is actually there, how will that be affected? certainly, both saudi arabia and american conviction suggest that the war in yemen, led by the saudi coalition is not progressing in the direction they desire. halting the war, seasing military operations and partially lifting the blockade were primarily in the interest of both the united states and saudi arabia. therefore, the current escalation has not impacted the airspace at san art international airport, or maritime navigation to the ports of hudaida. this serves as guige
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for the continuation of negotiations and commitment to a political solution. ultimately, yemen will not link the political solution to its duties regarding the palestinian cause and gaza. when yemen made the decision related to gaza, there was a conviction that if the political solution were affected, it would not be compromised for. for the sake of the palestinian cause. in reality, there will be no significant impact, and i believe that the absence of saudi arabia from the coalition formed by the united states, at least officially and explicitly, is beneficial for the continuation of the political solution. even if saudi arabia desires to see yemen defeated in this battle, its absence from the coalition is also favorable for the political solution to persist. before the aggression, the united states claimed that a political solution in yemen... will be guaranteed, even one better than what yemen aspires to achieve if it seas support for palestine. however, this proposition was categorically rejected within yemen, hence the political solution
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will continue for reasons related to american interests and the inability to sustain their war against yemen. political commentator all the way from the yemani capital sana, we thank you very much, we support you, we support your cause, we support... your people, victory inshallah for yemen and for palestine and for the entire resistance access in our region. i want to thank you very much ladies and gents for watching the mediast stream this week with all the developments happening. we promise you to give you always the latest updates uh from the region of west asia right here on press tv. do follow us on twitter x and on telegram and we'll be seeing you again next week on the midi stream.
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with other politicians uh just to spare head the independence, total independence of congo, and today we are proud of him as a hero to know what's what is your fight and how far you are ready to go for that, because if you do that, you will inspire your community and your community will inspire a big bigger community and that's that's how you change the world, left us a great legacy that is working for the people and uh avoiding influence from from western
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countries. iran's leader says that the entire world agrees the isidi regime has been defeated and crushed in his wall on gaza while palestinians have emerged victorious. terron says it's missile attacks on mosad headquarters and daesh bases one response to the recent terrorist attacks against iran and the assassination of resistance fighters by israel and the reminatory uses palestinian hostages as human shields in the occupied west bank while the u.s. israely genocide rages in gaza.