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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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your headlines on press tv, the yemeny army says it has targeted another american ship in the gulf of aden with appropriate naval missiles in support to the people of gaza. the iraqi prime minister once again... calls for the withdrawal of us forces from the country saying it is crucial for iraq's security and stability and the un rights experts slams israel's measures in gaza as violation of international law describing them as highly illegal and highly unlawful.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehan, thank you for joining us. the yemani army says it has carried out another operation against an american vessel navigating through the red sea. spokesman for the yemen's armed forces, yahya sari said in a statement that the operation took place in the gulf of aiden with appropriate naval missiles resulting. a direct hit, sari reaffirmed that marine traffic in the arab and red seas will continue to all destinations around the world, except for ports in the occupied palestinian territories. he also warned that the recent attacks on yemen by the united states and the uk will not go without response and unpunished. sari said, yemen's operations are in support of the people of gaza emid israel's genocidal war. he stressed that operations against ships owned by or bound. for israel will continue until the
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israeli onslot and siege of gaza end. the leader of yemen's ansur allah movement has vowed that their attacks on israeli link ships will continue despite us threats and air strikes. this aggression will not change anything in the stands of our people and his spiritual obligation in supporting the palestinian people and and the residence of gaza as well as the continuous targeting of ships linked to israel, and this is clear in our continuous operations, and the last one was last night against the ships, it will also include the american and british ships. abdul malik alhoti lashed out of washington over his complicity in israel's genocidal war on gaza, calling the war a us managed killing campaign, he said the us insis on the continuation of the genocide in gaza. and
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uses the media to white wash israeli crimes. ahuthi said, americans have a dark history of committing crimes against various peoples of the world and unknown for their moral bankrupcy. he also said the enemy forces will continue to develop their military capabilities and that the recent air strikes by the united states and the united kingdom on yemen do not scare them. anything. issue that american britain have joined the war directly and that we are now in direct confrontation with the americans, british and israelies, does not scare us at all, the aggression towards our country and our people will enhance the development of our military of capabilities. the yemani leader called the us, uk and israel the axis of evil. he said what the palestinian people are subjected to is unjust and destructive aggression in violation of. laws and norms, he lamented
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that the israeli war machine committed over 2000 massacers against palestinians in the past 100 days. political commentator hussen albuiti joined us earlier from yemen's capital sana. he says the fact that the yemani army has attacked two us ships after washington designated assirolah movement as a terrorist organization is a clear sign that anti-israely operations. will intensify and will soon include the uk's ships as well. designation of the united states doesn't, i mean in here in yemen, they don't care about that, but they are honored uh to to have that realisting as a terrorist organization, because we know and as said abdul malik have said, united state is just the face of the crime, united states is one of the country that have destroyed, i mean the... have
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destruction wherever they go, so we are honored to be designated as terrorist, because as always they say one man terrorist is another man freedom fighter, and i just want to... had that there are three ship that united states owned ship that has been targeted, two of them was after this relisting of ansarullah as a terrorist organization and there is a clear message that here in yemen they actually will can will not stop their attack but they will continue their attack against israeli linked ship or israeli own ship or ships going toward israel and sayid abdul malik have said today that as well british ship will come under attack and as the spoke person of yemani army have said in his statement that the retaliation of the attack on yemen by the united states and uk it will and it's still to come. the iraki prime minister has
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reiterated his government's opposition to the presence of us forces in the country. mohammed shial sudani says american troops must leave as daesh is no longer. a threat to iraq, the reasons for the presence of coalitions forces were to confront daesh. today, the security situation, to the testimony of all specialists in iraq and friends, daesh does not pose a threat to the iraki state. today, after the repercussions and attacks on the iraqi security headquarters, we have the right to start this dialogue immediately in order to reach an agreement on arranging a timetable for the end of the mission of international advisors. sudani was addressing panel discussion at the world economic forum in the swiss city of davas. he said ending the us military presence is crucial for iraq security and stability. his remarks came as us bases in
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iraq have been repeatedly attacked by iraqi resistance groups over washington support for the israeli genocide in gaza. in response, the us military has launched attacks on iraq's popular mobilization units, killing a number of their members. the iraqi government has slammed the us attacks as violation of the country's sovereignty. last year, sudani vowed before the iraqi parliament to put an end to the to the us military presence in the country. a us military drone has been shot down in northern iraq while flying close to the border with iran. according early reports, the mq9 reaper drone was shot. down near the iraqi city of muktadia in diala province, the unmanned air vehicle had repiken off from the us air forces ali al salalum base in kuwait. no group has claimed responsibility for the attack yet. the development come came emid heighten tensions
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and simmering anti-american sentiments across the region. during recent months, iraqi resistance forces have carried out attacks on american basis both in iraq and neighboring syria on an almost daily basis. the attacks took place in response to us support for the israel regime's genocide in gaza. earlier this week, iran's islamic revolution gards corefired the barrage of missiles at an espinage center of the israeli spy agency mossad in the iraqi kirdistan region. one of those killed in the operation was a kirdish multimillionaire all tycoon, peshro majid. now. photos obtained by press tv establish his mossad connections and how he was vital cog in the israeli spy agency's operations in the iraqi kirdistan mainly against iran. one the photos shows adizai who had close ties with mosad with the zanist rabbai at an event
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held to celebrate the jewish festival of yum kipur. another photo shows him besides mosad agents ilan nasseem as well as hussein yazdon the common com commander of an anti-iran terrorist group. according to informed sources, ilan was key musad officer who coordinated the agency's operations in iran and the iraqi kirdistan. the sources say ilan was also killed in the irgc attack along with four other members of his espinage team. this had made a fortune from illegal export of ivarki oil to the tel aviv regime. he also headed the falcon group conglomerate. with business interest in security, oil, gas, construction, and agriculture. when palestinian journalist shirin abule was killed by in hisready sniper on may 11, 2022,
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the israel is meant to get across a clear message. that they don't want any narrative other than their own under decades old. ation of palestinian lands and their aggression. it wasn't the first time israeli sought to put gag on the alternative narrative, and every time it has failed. watch the history of the israeli measures and palestinian counter measures in this documentary. welcome back 104 days into the israeli war in gaza's trip, the regime continues with his carpet bombing campaign across the beseest territory. the total death sol has now passed. 24,800 600 with nearly 62, others wounded.
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israel has lately stepped up a strikes on the southern areas in the gaza strip. gaza's health ministry says the occupation has committed 15 massacers against families in the gaza strip. killing 172 people in a span of 24 hours. the ministry says a number of victims are still under the rubble and in blocked streets that ambulance crews and civil defense personnel cannot reach. this as communications and internet services are completely cut off in wide areas of gaza for the seventh time since october the 7th. highly illegal and highly unlawful. that's how a un rights expert describes measures taken by the israel regime and the besieged
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gaza strip. the un special raporter on the occupied palestinian territories slammed the relentless israely bombardment of highly crowded areas in gaza as violation of international law. francesca albanese says the regime used 600 bombs per week during the first two weeks of his aggression alone. she added that a good number of gaza's hospitals have been closed, bombed or taken over by. the un official said the number of kids who lose one or two limbs in gaza every day is shocking. albanese said during the first two months of israeli unslaught 100 kids underwent amputations without anesthesia, describing it as a monstrosity. israel is currently facing a genocide case at the international court of justice for crimes it has committed in gaza. palestinian investment fund chairman mohammed mustafa has called for
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more humanitarian efforts in gaza saying more people are likely to die of hunger and famine than the ongoing war. he was speaking at the world economic forum in dabas. the catastrophe and the humanitarian uh impact of this war is much bigger than 2014. unfortunately we cannot avoid, but very bad for the families and the people of palestine for the repeated uh wars against him, and i hope this time around will be the last time, i think the humanitarian effort is a priority, and i think that war has to stop, i think the military action got to stop very quickly, there's no need for anybody to build. their political careers at the expense of more palestinian people, so it's time to
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to be bold, i think the international community, all the stakeholders, which we all appreciate, have to move and move fast and boldly to stop this aggression, unfortunately the devastation is huge, we have, if not we are not careful, maybe more people will be killed, or or die from hunger and famon than the war itself, so we do want to wait long to see that happening, i think the time to move is now, which is to bring in the european union parliament has for the first time called for a permanent cease fire in israel's genocidal war against the besieged gaza strip. the resolution was passed by the european body only after a compromise in order to appease pro israel. law makers, the amended resolution also calls for the release of israeli captives and the dismantling of
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the hamas resistance movement. it however is purely symbolic move and carries no legal weight. the parliament's previous position was merely call for humanitarian pause for aid deliveries into gaza. major european powers, the uk, france and germany have repeatedly supported the us israel bloodshed in gaza. the latest of such backings came just recently when. agreed to supply tank shells to the israel regime. palestinian academic and activist as at abu shark says the eu parliament seasfire resolution is hypocritical as it embodies conditions against the palestinian resistance in the gaza strip. let's take a listen. if you read thorly the wordings of the resolution passed
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by the european union. unfortunately, it has been amended. to state that this sease fire cannot be unless the what they call the terrorist organization of hamas is dismantled and then the all the hostages are immediately released then they talk about the two state solution and so on so forth. i think that this statement is... very bad statement, especially after amendment, and this is why one of the representative of ireland opposed that totally, this is a hypocritical statement on the part of the european union, and there is a repetition of two state solution without taking any step towards
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that, and without talking anything about the genocide that the... party the state of israel is committing, the military wing of the palestinian resistance move in hamas has launched retaliatory strikes against the israel regime as fighting on the ground in the gaza strip intensifies. dialgas says it has targeted multiple israeli military vehicles including merkaver tanks on thursday. the resistance also said it blew up building where over 30 israeli forces had gathered. reports say at least five iof troopers have been killed and several others injured as a result. israel has so far confirmed the loss of over 190 soldiers since
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the onset of his ground invasion of gaza on october 27th. palestinian resistance. groups, however, say the actual number of casualties amongst israeli forces is much higher and that the regime is covering up its losses for propaganda purposes. the lebanese resistance movement hezbollah and israeli forces have exchanged fire at the border areas south of lebanon. hezbollah has issued a statement confirming that it has precisely targeted several israeli positions with appropriate weapons. mariam saleh are correspondent. beirot joined us earlier with the details on that, we had several operations today in the area for of birkathisha, we had also attack and an operation against a group of soldiers in the area of admit, in addition to almaltia
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and sumka, there are closer to the shabat farms area, the lebanese occupied territories of shabat farms, hazballah also conducted. several operations there and some operations they use the word appropriate weapons and other operations they say in their statements that they use missile forces. we are hearing from the israeli media usually before a statement is issued by hisballah that an anti-tank missile was sounded in certain areas or it hit certain targets in the galili region seems hazbolah has been using the very advanced form of anti-tank and anti-vehicle uh missile very efficiently actually uh in manners that has surprised the israelis, they're not using them only against tanks or against vehicles of course they're using them against post and even against gatherings of soldiers wherever they see soldiers they're using them to target them of course israeli f-16s were pot spotted very easily today in the skies of south lebanon they launched
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several massive shelling against itarun specifically and also carkilas. well we had two very heavy shelling in those areas, the bombs were seen actually flying down in in addition to the fact that the drones were flying hysterically over south lebanon, even reaching uh further areas and israely shelling has not only been limited to the border towns, as we know for the last week or so, we have seen instances of israeli shelling in areas that are a far away from the border and and that we are told is a an indication that the israelies are attempting escalate the situation, and that's it for this hours bulletin, thank you for being with us, take care. and bye-bye.
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now entering its fourth day, we're looking at
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some. it speaks with me, the saint of the soil, from the blood and the ashes, it speaks with
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me the sound of the rain from the battle and oh palestine, i free you, oh palestine. i free you, oh palestine, i free you, oh
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palestine i free! my every breath is a cry to my enemy, and i cry out, cry out, cry out to the evil's enemy, the flame within my heart will burn you, i cry out, and the thunder in my voice will dep. and you i cry out and the tornado within my soul will will you away my bleeding wound once felt those sounds
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forgot. broken, but the aching sorrow in me never gone, raise it will, my anger and love, love of my land, anger at your deeds, raise it with. my anger and love, love of my land, anger at your dead, wounded by hatred, i'm breathing, breathing, breathing, the magic perfume of my homeland palestine, wonded in
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love, my hands, turn around the branches of the olive tree, seeking peace, seeking peace, but as long as the pillows of our children are drenching blood, as long as you have the thor crown of evil force, i'm a flame and thunder and tornado. and i cried out, i cried out, i pray, i with you, oh my son, i pray you,
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news and brief for this hour, the yemeny army says it has targeted another american ship in the gulf of aden with appropriate naval missiles in support of the people of gaza. it added that the recent attacks on yemen by the united states and the uk will not go unanswered and unpunished. a un rights expert slams israel's measures in gaza as violation of international law, describing them as highly illegal and highly unlawful. the un special rapiter on the occupied palestinian territories says the regime used 6,00 bombs per week during the first two weeks of his regression alone.