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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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of your headlines for this hour, the yemani army says it has targeted another american ship in the gulf of aden with appropriate naval missiles in support of the people of gaza. the yuvaki prime minister once again calls for. withdrawal of us forces from the country, saying it is crucial for iraq's security and stability. and the un human rights expert slams israel's measures in gaza as violation of international law, describing them as highly illegal and highly unlawful.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tervan. thank you for joining us. today's up story, the yemani army says it has carried out another operation against an american vessel navigating through the red sea. spokesman for yemen's armed forces, yahya sari said in a statement that the operation took place in the gulf of aden with appropriate naval missiles resulting in a direct hit. sari reaffirmed that marine traffic in the arab and red seas will continue to all destinations around the world except for ports in the occupied palestinian territories. he also warned that the recent attacks on yemen by the united states and the uk will not go without response and unpunished. savi said yemen's operations are in support of the people of gaza emid israel's genocidal war. he stress that operations. ships owned by or bound for
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israel will continue until the israeli onslaught and siege of gaza end. political commentator wissen alkhaiti joined us earlier of from yemen's capital sana. he says the fact that the yemani army has attacked two us ships after washington designated ansarullah movement as a terrorist organization is a clear sign that anti-israely operations will intensify. and will soon include the uk's ships. designation of the united states, i mean in here in yemen, they don't care about that, but they are honored to to have that relisten as a terrorist organization, because we know and as said abdul malik have said, united states is just the face of the crime. united states is one of the country that have destroyed, i mean the have destruction.
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wherever they go, so we are honored uh to be designated as terrorist because as always they say one man terrorist is another man freedom fighter and i just want to add that there are three ship that united state owned ship that has been uh targeted, two of them was after this relisting of ansarullah as a terrorist organization and is a clear message that here in yemen they actually will can will not stop. their attack, but they will continue their attack against israeli linked ship or israeli own ship or ships going of toward israel and sayid abdul malik have said today that as well british ship will come under attack and as yah the spoke person of yemani army have said in his statement that the retaliation of the attack on yemen by the united states and uk it will and it's still to come minista has reiterated his
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government's opposition to the presence of us forces in the country. mohammed shadani says american troops must leave as daesh is no longer a threat to iraq. the reasons for the presence of coalitions forces were to confront daesh. today the security situation to the testimony of all specialists in iraq and france daesh does not pose a threat to the iraqi state. today, after the repercussions and attacks on the iraqi security headquarters, we have the right to start this dialogue immediately in order to reach an agreement on arranging a timetable for the end of the mission of international advisors. sudani was addressing panel discussion at the world economic forum in the swiss city of davas. he said ending the us military presence is crucial for iraq security and stability, his remarks came as us bases in iraq have been repeatedly
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attacked by iraqi resistance groups over washington support for the israel genocide in gaza. in response, the us military has launched attacks on iraq's popular mobilization. units, killing a number of their members. the iraqi government has slammed the us attacks as violation of the country's sovereignty. last year, sudani vowed before the iraqi parliament to put an end to the us military presence in the country. now to talk more on this, we are joined by mr. christopher halali, researcher on political analyst from versaire vermont. mr. alali, welcome to press. now, mr. alali, as we know that... was defeated in november 2017 with the then commander of the quos force of iran's irgc, the late lieutenant general qasim sulaimani declaring the end of the group's terror in the region. now general sulaymani and the deputy of iraq's pmu, as we know, commander abu mahdial mohandis were
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assassinated in a drone strike outside baghdad airport in 2020. now days later iran's parliament voted for the departure of us forces, so uh that was in 20 40, 2020 four years ago, so the question is, what was or is the hold up? i think of course the hold up is the pressure by the united states on iraq, it's the question of one of sovereignty, of course the united states respects no one's sovereignty, and as we all well understand, the issue here is that the iraqi parliament, as you rightfully said, after the assassination of general. money and muhandis uh we have this situation where the iraqi parliament has voted for the us to leave iraq and the us within 40 years and continuing on has not left and even now the iraqi president of sudani is saying you need to leave and
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they're not leaving and so of course it shows the the the disregard by which the united states uh holds governments that they are uh that they consider. below them, that they are subservient to them, and the same is true across the border in syria where the united states has forces illegally there, in the government in damascus, president bashar al-assad has asked for the us to go, they won't go, so it's a question of one of imperialism, one of orientalism, and seeing of course these countries as vassals of the united states. mr. lali said that uh, there are still 2 and f around 2,500 us troops stationed in iraq, so what is the us's real intentions of staying in iraq, seven years after the defeat of daesh, and also your thoughts on analys saying that the us presence is actually causing more instability in the region, there is no doubt in my mind
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that the us presence is causing instability, that is fact, and we recognize that and we know that because everywhere the us goes, they bring with them destruction. datas, color revolutions and so on and so forth, the main idea here for us to analyze is why the us has stayed after all of these years since the defeat of daesh, and we recognize and we can understand that the reason isn't about daesh, the reason isn't about iraq, the reason is ultimately about iran, the reason is to have a military position close enough to the islamic republic of iran, where the united states can continue to project its um its power and of course we know from uh the the the former national security advisor uh john bolton that the united states has been funneling arms and equipment to various
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terrorist entities uh across the border into iran and has been funding and training and promoting terrorist organizations that seek to overthrow the islamic. republic like the terrorist organization, the mujahadin of halk in albania, so of course we recognize that the us being there is one to project its aims at tehran, it has nothing to do with anybody else in the region. thank you, mr. alali, it's always good talking to you, mr. christopher halali, researcher and political analyst from vermont veshrai. thank you sir. now, continuing with the rest of the news, a us military drone has been shot down in northern iraq while flying. close to the border with iran, according to early reports, the mq9 reaper drone was shot down near the iraqi city of muktadia in diala province. the unmanned air vehicle had reportedly taken off from the us air forces ali assalaum base in kuwait. no group has claimed responsibility
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for the attack yet. the development came amid height intentions and simmering anti-american sentiments across the region. during the recent months, iraqi resistance forces have carried out attacks. on american basis, both in iraq and neighboring syria on an almost daily basis. the attacks took place in response to us support for the israel regime's genocide in gaza. earlier this week, iran's islamic revolution guards call fire the barrage of missiles at an espinage center the israel spy agency mossad in the iraqi kirdistan region. one of those killed in the operation was a kirdish multimillionaire all tycoon peshro majid agha dizai. now photos obtained by press tv establish his mosad connections and how he was vital cog. in the israeli spy agencies operations in the iraqi kirdistan, mainly against iran. one of the
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photos shows disai, who had close ties with mosad, with azanis rabbi, at event held to celebrate the jewish festival on yum kipor. another photo shows him besides mosad agent elan nasim as well as usen yazdon pano, the commander of anti-iran terrorist group. according to inform sources, ilan was key. side officer who coordinated the agency's operations in iran and the iraqi kurdistan. the sources say ilan was also killed in the irgc attack along with four other members of his espinage team. thesai had made a fortune from illegal export of iraqi oil to the televif regime. he also headed the falcon group conglomerate with business interest in security, oil, gas, construction and agriculture.
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the israeli occupation demonstrates its hattridge on houses of the lord, this mask was reduced to rubble by f16 warjet, their way led to the... destruction of the houses around the mosk, causing the fall of martters and injuries amongst neighbors of the mosk. the palestinians did not stand on the romans the moskly, but they created temporary moss that don't protect them from neither the cold of winter nor the heat of the summer.
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welcome back 105 days into the israeli war in the gaza strip and the regime continues with his carpet bombing campaign across the beseed territory. the total death sol has now passed 24,600 with nearly 62,00 others wounded. israel has lately stepped up his strikes on the southern areas in the gaza strip. gaza's health ministry says the occupation has committed 15 massacres against families in the gaza strip killing 172 people in a span of 24 hours. the ministry says a number of victims are still under the rubble and in blocked streets that ambulances or ambulance crews and civil. defense personnel cannot reach, this as communications and internet services are completely cut off in wide areas
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of gaza for the seventh time since october the 7th. highly illegal, highly unlawful, that's how a un human rights expert describes measures taken by the israel regime in the besieged gaza strip. the un special rapiture on the occupied palestinian territories slammed the relentless israely bombardment of high... crowded areas in gaza as violation of international law. francesca albanese said the regime used 6,00 bombs per week during the first two weeks of his regression alone. she added that a good number of gaza's hospitals have been closed, bombed or taken over by israel. the un official said the number of kids who lose one or two limbs in gaza every day is shocking. albanese said during the first two months of israeli unslaught 100 kids underwent amputations with. about anesthesia, describing it as a monstrosity. israel is currently facing a
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genocide case at the international court of justice for crimes it has committed in gaza. now to talk more on this, we are joined by mr. john philpot, international human rights lawyer all the way from montreal, canada. mr. philpot, welcome to press tv. now uh, mr. philpot, the us fact israel regime is committing these atrocities under the pretext of self-defense. now my question is, is killing civilians, as we've witnessed, nearly 25,00 people have been killed with around 1000. them being children, is this new kind of self-defense and also bearing in mind that many analysts are saying what happened on october 7th, was the real self-defense by the gazans against an apartide regime imposing their will on palestinians on their rifle lands for more than seven decades now? well,
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i'll start with the last comment you made, and mr. mirandi of iran has talked about it as a being a jailbreak. and um what happened in on the seventh was an amazing military effort, we don't know what, maybe something went wrong, we don't know, we know israel practiced the policy of killing their own hostages, and um, so i'm not going to comment on the legality or not, because we don't know the facts, obviously the people in a jailbreak. still have to respect civilians, but that's not the issue because whatever hamas did, what israel has done over the last 15 days, you said, um, is a thousand times worse, it's immeasurably worse, and it's done from position of power, and with a real intent, and mrs. albanesi has done a very
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made very good statement on this. i think it's important to understand the right of self-defense. of israel does not exist, israel is an occupying power of gaza, and it has to defend the rights of the people living in gaza, has to defend their right to education, to food, to water, and all the human rights that every human being wants, education, israel has the obligation under the fourth geneva convention. now the right to self-defense example because if russia attacked iran, iran could fight back against russia by all means necessary to defend itself against russian aggression under article 51 of the charter of the un, which is
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kind of normal. now this is obviously not a real example, but this is how international relation. are defined, so israel is not, gaza is part of israel in the sense it's occupied by israel, and israel has a obligation to defend and protect these 2.2 million i think it is, people of all their human rights, education, and i'm not going to repeat it because i just, i just stated that, so this western concept pumpeted by even by justin trudo of canada, israel's a right to defend itself is nonsense in law, and the 2004 decision of the international court of justice on the illegal illegality of the of the wall, which they which they did to separate and kind of create the accentuate the apartite system, there's many other aspects of the apartite, of course, clearly
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stated that israel has an obligation to defend under the fourth geneva convention. so that's part of it, then even if israel has a right to defend itself, which is nonsense, in the war, theoretical war against hamas, they cannot attack civilians the way they do it, they are attacking civilians, infrastructures, they're telling people to move to from one area to another, then they're attacking them where they run run away to, so the...
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talk about amalek in jewish tradition where they fought back and kill all people, men, women, and children. this is the intention. they said there will be water, no food, no electricity. that is a attempt to kill. now, the other way to interpret genocide is to look at what they've done, because... i've i've worked in international tribunals, they can, you can diduce, you can decide on intention, but what have they done? they've killed about 24,000, i think the figure is probably higher, but because there's a lot of people who disappeared, they are people are, there's one thing which was pointed out, which is not necessarily publicly stated enough, the deprivation of food and water is
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leading to starvation, and i understand this, i'm not an expert on on all the facts, but recent conferences have pointed out that the risk of starvation of um people, is really serious, people are being deprived, they're eating one meal, one meal every two or three days and they're living in very bad conditions, isn't it 10 degrees or 12 degrees, the living intense, the they don't have, so in a sense i don't want the starvation is even worse than the bombing, and i'm not saying that, but it's extremely worrisome this starvation, now um we have this on our television screens on our on our phones, my phone has it, my phone is right here, it has, it has all this, and what's shocking is the passive nature of the
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so-called western human rights nations, and canada, us, britain, germany, france, they are not defending human rights, they are supporting this genocide, particularly the us. keeps arming, arming, arming israel, and um, we should point out, i mentioned to your colleague few minutes ago, germany is going to join with israel at the international court of justice to support their application. namibia, supports south africa at the international court of justice, has pointed out that germany commit genocide of the herrero people, and i think it was 7 or 800 africans were murdered in 1907, someone can correct the year, if i'm wrong, so german
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has, germany has a long history of genocide, and i'm not even talking about genocide of the of the jews and of the russian people, which they tried to exterminate in 1941 and 1945, so germany can't give a lesson to anybody, and i haven't seen what happened, but "they've been called out by namibia and we'll see if germany maintains its support, i i don't know, you know, but it's shocking, absolutely shocking that mr. if i'm not mistaken, it was i think around 120 years ago, if i'm not mistaken, but before we wrap this up uh, just your thoughts on south africa uh, filing case against the israel regime for committing acts of genocide, and also reports of mexico and chile referring the war in gaza to the icc as well, and do you see israel and..." backers, the us, the uk, france, and as you said germany, be punished for the crimes in gaza. yes, i, i think, um, well, my own personal view is it
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has to stop first, all right, we have to have a cease fire and we have to have a the world has to have an international conference to resolve this issue, we can talk more about the icc, where i have worked, i very circumspect about the icc and the bias nature suffered on the 7th the prosecutor karim khan who has never visited palestinians and he's visited israelis who were who um some who were who of october so i i'm i'm very dubious about the icc at this moment they've been seized of this issue since 2014 that's another issue which we you know we need not get into right now but i i really think think that the south african application um to the icc to the international court of justice sorry i made slip is extremely important, it's
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intellectually very good and is worth, if i was a law professor, which i'm not, it's the kind of project which required two weeks of classes to to law students because it's so profound and so well done, and the hearings. "the hearings um last thursday and friday were very good, western media don't talk about the south african hearings, they were black, white people, irish people who argued these legal points very well and very understandable by lay persons, and they all talk about israel's complaint, israel's defense, which was many ways shady, we won't get into the details right now." no, i don't think it was very convincing, but in the west all we hear about is the israeli defense to this very important case, and let's hope that
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it comes out in a positive way. because i've asked for what are called provisional measures, in other words stop the war now, have a cease fire now, an order for a cease fire, because they the genocide or the possible genocide um will be the result of continuing this war, they don't even have to decide definitively whether is genocide, has to be risk, serious risk of genocide to have such such an order, and we can only hope and... talk in all our different political forums about this um with aim to stopping this war and having a solution to this problem. um, there's many more issues of course which we can talk about, which some of them of which i'm not an expert, the military as aspects, i'm not really an expert. mr. philippot, thank you sir, it's always nice talking to you, there you have a mr. john philpot, international human rights lawyer,
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from montreal, canada, and with that we come to the end of this bullet and thank you for being with us, take care and bye-bye.
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news in brief for this hour, the yemeny army says it has targeted another american ship in the gulf of aden with appropriate naval missiles in support of the people of gaza. it added that the recent attacks on yemen by the united states and the uk will not go unanswered and unpunished. a un rights expert slams israel's measures in gaza as violation of international law, describing them as highly illegal and highly unlawful. the un special rapporter on the occupied palestinian territory says the regime used 6,00 bombs per week during the first two weeks of his aggression alone.