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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 7:00am-7:30am IRST

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news and brief at this hour, the yemeni army says it has targeted another american ship in the gulf of aden with appropriate naval missiles in support of the people of gaza. it added that the recent attacks on yemen by the united states and the uk will not go unanswered and unpunished. a un rights expert islam's israel's measures in gaza as violation of international law, describing them as highly illegal and highly unlawful. the un special rapiture on the occupied palestinian territory says the regime used 600 bombs per week during the first two weeks of this aggression alone. the iraqi prime minister reitrates government's opposition.
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into the presence of us forces, mohammed shadani says american troops must leave as daesh is no longer a threat to iraq. he says ending us military presence is crucial for iraq security and stability. fresh israeli attacks on gaza bring the total death toll of this invasion to over 24,600, mostly women and children with nearly 62,00 others wounded. israel has lately stepped up his strikes on the... areas of the gaza strip and another palestinian journalist has been martied following israel's strikes on the gaza strip while abu fanuna the chief executive officer at quds today satellite channel was killed in israeli strikes in central gaza city. nearly 120 journalists have been killed by the regime's occupation forces since october the 7th.
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on october 7th, the world was a point where the palestinian cause was all but forgotten. ukraine was the main focus, saudi arabia and israel were on the virge of normalizing ties and moving ahead with their economic ambitions using gaza's geostrategic. location and stealing its gas, as i outlined in part one and part two. when hamas saw netanyahu's plan for new middle east with palestine literally wiped off the map. they understood that it was now or never, and they preemptively struck israel on october 7th sabotage these ambitions, and they used that as an opportunity also to take hostages so they could later free the thousands of palestinians held hostage in israeli jails. hamas wanted a simple hostage exchange. but
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israel jumped at the opportunity to play the victim card to make up propaganda and start ethnically cleansing gaza or their economic ambitions. a genocide on live tv. the israelis know that they cannot fight man to man against the resistance in 2023, so they just slaughter civilians. to the point they even massacred some of their own people on of october 7th with attack helicopters and tanks. that day was major... humiliation for israel, so to save face, they said a, we will defeat hamas or hamas and b, retrieve the hostages. okay, well, what has israel achieved in three months? nothing. israel, this great military power, summoned 360,00 reservists, 150,00 active troops, it has nuclear weapons, military and political support from the west, biden sent them $14 billion and delta... force and what did
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israel achieve? not one military objective, nothing. hamas are still here. every day brigades filmed themselves, just casually taking out israeli tanks, bulldozers, ground units. mean each destroyed merkava tank is costing the israelis a fortune. israel are taking so many casualties, they just withdrew five brigades plus their elite golani brigade. mean israel was unable to liberate a single hostage and they even killed over 60 israeli hostages in gaza with their own bombs, but the war in gaza is not just in gaza, this is a war on multiple fronts, the first is gaza, but the second is the west bank, genie nablus, ramalah and many other towns are still under israeli occupation, it's war every day, and after october 7th, israel executed even more raids, more arrests, killings, torture, this united the... palestinians signed the oslo accords,
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palestinians recognized israel, they gave half their land away, and what did they get after 30 years? israel built more illegal settlements, killed more people and blocked any viable path to a palestinian state. the third front in this war is syria. syria is the only arab state actor in the region that's still champions the palestinian cause. i mean, palestinian islamic jihad is headquartered in damascus for example, and syria is demonized because of this and it suffers at the hands of the same enemies. israel have been occupying the syrian goalland heights since 1967. 1/3ird of syria's land with all the oil and the crops is occupied by the united states. now the
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fourth front in this war is iraq. iraq is still occupied by the us since the invasion in 2003. the iraqi parliament voted to kick the americans out, but they don't respect their wishes. so you've got. us bases in iraq, you've got us bases top of syria's oil fields, and with the permission of the syrian government, the iraqi resistance move between the two countries, and they attack these american bases daily with drones, rockets, morters to create chaos for the americans and for their occupation and punish washington for its genocide in gaza. remember, this is just as much an american war as it is israeli. now the fifth front in the war is lebanon, since october 7th, hazballah had been firing. daily at israeli observation posts, destroying their most advanced surveillance equipment, and by limiting the front to a zone of few kilometers deep, hazballah have masterfully put pressure on israel, while also avoiding escalation, thereby drawing israel's forces north and
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stretching them thin. over 100 thousand israelis have been evacuated and put into hotels, placing an enormous burden on the israeli economy and giving them a taste to their own medicine of what it feels like, to be displaced by war. israel invaded and occupied lebanon several times, and hezballah are the ones that finally kicked them out in 2000, except for area called shaba farms, which is still occupied. now yemen is the sixth front in this war and probably the most important. i mean, yemen have done what arab countries should have done from the very beginning, shut down the trade route. yemen have shut down the red sea, and one of the most vital shipping. lanes in the world. yemen's position towards israel is simple: you blockade gaza, we blockade you. so effective is yemen's endeavor, that global trade is disrupted and ships have to go the long way around africa like the old days, adding time and cost. western companies in
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israel are losing billions of dollars. cargo traffic at eliat is down 80%. remember, israel were also involved in the saudi and american war against yemen, and they have a... legal military presence on the yemeni island of saqatra. the us lost that war, but now foolishly declare a new war on yemen by killing 10 yemeni soldiers. look, if the americans think that they have the right to come all the way from the other side of the planet and police the red sea to protect their precious israeli base, well then yemen certainly have the right to close it. their water, their rules. the israeli economy is failing very badly since october 7th. the sheckle is down, you've got 300 thousand displays settlers who need to be put up in hotels, fed, given benefits, many small businesses have had to shut down, many israelis are not coming to work, israelis trust in the military government has eroded, they failed to protect them on october 7 and even killed some of their own people and
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killed some of the hostages. there is lot of internal pressure on the israeli government, especially from the families of hostages. many israeli soldiers are now disabled or suffering psychological trauma if they haven't been... already on the front, israel claimed to be the safest place for jews, at least 500,000 have left since october 7, and it's unlikely they'll return. israel's very existence is now under microscope, zinanism is facing an existential crisis. mean it's a product of the 19th century. how can anyone in 2023 continue to justify settler colonialism? south africa who suffered under settler colonialism and have now referred israel to the international court of justice for genocide in gaza. malaysia have imposed the ban on all israeli owned and flagged ships. colombia and chile have recalled their ambassadors to israel, bolivia cut ties completely. israel, their image as a military
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power is gone. netanyahu has nothing to show for the last three months in gaza and has turned to assassinating resistance leaders who aren't even in gaza. "you know, the israelis want to bait hezballah and bait iran into a wider war, so netanyahu can stay in power with his war cabinet, and so in the span of a week, the israelis have assassinated an iran." officer in syria, hamas leader in lebanon, and bombed a commemoration in iran on the anniversary of sulaimani's death. these events are no coincidence. remember, hamas doesn't run the west bank, syria, nor lebanon, and yet israel just keeps attacking them almost every day. this shows you that the israelis are the problem. even if hamas disappeared the next second, israel would still behave like this and still be occupying other countries and murdering people. it took the israelis by the way, three months to kill one.
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precise when they want to. in gaza, however, they choose to be imprecise and use 2 thous-pound bombs to kill as many civilians as possible on an unprecedented scale. at the same time, the resistance has never been stronger. israel and the us are drowning on six fronts. israel is slaughtering people in this fashion precisely because it cannot win on the battlefield. man to man, soldier to soldier, israel fails. failing to defeat hamas, failing to rescue any hostages. israel's objective is to make gaza unlivable
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by demolishing its crucial infrastructure, hospitals, sanitation, roads, transport, schools. israel's goal is ethnic cleansing, and while israel succeeded in killing civilians and starving them and destroying gaza's infrastructure, the civilians didn't leave. palestinians aren't going anywhere. israel and its benefactors have only proven that they are... hypocrites and terrorists, hence israel's targeting of journalists to hide its crimes from the world. this war has backfired on israel as the palestinian cause is now back in the spotlight. the resistance factions are united as are the fronts and saudi israeli normalization is on hole. israel is losing the propaganda war. social media has raised awareness among young people. they see the double standard, how the west gave ukraine weapons to fight russia, but when it comes to the... palestinians, they oppress them and instead help israel, the oppressor. people also realized that the
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west and israel are hypocrites. this war has exposed how the west do not respect international law or human rights or democracy, but constantly undermine these values while lecturing other countries in the global south and sanctioning them. israel has lost all credibility as more people learn about zionism and settle colonialism. this whole image that the israelis have tried to... cultivate for 75 years, all the legitimacy is gone down the toilet. public opinion is shifting in favor of palestine and people worldwide are coming out to protest regularly. people see now that for the last 400 years you've had the same powers committing the same crimes wherever they go. genocide of native americans, genocide of palestinians, genocide in the congo, land theft, slavery, racism, apartide, dropping nuclear weapons on civilians, carving up the... middle east, carving up africa, carving up yugoslavia, dividing korea, dividing vietnam, bombing vietnam, laos,
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cambodia, bombing yugoslavia, invading iraq, afghanistan, libya, syria, yemen, palestine, sanctions, embargoes, cous in latin america, koos in africa, supporting apartied south africa and on and on and on. what western values are these exactly? why is it always the same handful of europeans especially, but not limited to, anglo-american corporations, army? and banks, are we supposed to be proud of that? you biden in the united states, they support israel so adamantly, because israel is america's outpost in the middle east, it is base, and once israel loses its grip on palestine, the united states will lose its grip on the region and then its hegemony. palestinians are fighting a war in gaza on behalf of the entire world against western imperialism. the west want to rule the middle east with terrorism and fear, with occupation and oppression, with murder and theft,
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stealing. look how they suck the planet dry and fill it with military bases and enslave everyone, killing and displacing millions over and over and over. they violate international law, they deprive people of freedom of life, murder journalists, murder children, murder civilians, no one is safe. what israel in the west are doing in gaza is an... attack on humanity itself, it is affront on all of us, standing with gaza is to stand against imperialism, against zionism and against us hegemony, against the power. has oppressed blacks, south africans, palestinians and native americans. it is the most important, the quintessential fight for justice, for world peace, for security and freedom from oppression. it's not enough to just know these facts. you have to share this video, you have to educate people. many are unaware or conditioned, many are unsure. it's not enough to just watch, you have to pass on
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the message, you have to go out and demonstrate. you have to take a stand against this injustice. be on the right side of history, a plot hatched by zinus. to occupy, to disintegrate and to plunder palestine. this documentary tells in five parts how the israeli regime kickstarted its sinister project in palestinian lands through the gradual strategy of settling the so-called
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jewish colonies. the jeffrey abstein sex scandal has once again captivated the world's attention, revealing a web of alleged sexual
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exploitation and abuse, involving numerous high-profile individuals, including politicians, business. men and celebrities. jeffrey efstein a wealthy financier and convicted sex offender was arrested in 2019 on federal charges of sex trafficking minors. epstein allegedly committed the crimes at his manhattan and palm beach florida properties where he abused. dozens of underage girls, some as young as 14, and conspired to commit sex trafficking, according to prosecutors. epsteen was found dead in his cell a federal jail in manhattan new york in august 2019, while he waited trial on sex trafficking charges. the death was ruled suicide.
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gillaine maxwell, his accomplice, is currently serving a 20-year sentence for helping jeffrey absteen recruit and groom underage girls. the case gains significant attention due to epstein's connections to numerous influential figures. epstein's alet sex trafficking ring was said to have operated for years exploiting. vulnerable young girls for the pleasure of his wealthy and powerful associates. documents recently disclosed by the order of the us district judska have shed light on the extent of this scandal, mentioning the names of high profile
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figures. 19 unsealed documents totaling more than 1,300 pages are part. part of a civil defamation suit filed by virginia jufrey who alleged that fstein sexually abused her as a minor. she also accused gallen maxwell, epstein's former girlfriend of playing role in facilitating sex trafficking of minors and pedophelia. separately, jufrey also claimed an email that former. president bill clinton threatened vanity fair magazine not to publish sex trafficking articles related to fps. after all these years. sarah ransom is one of the other victims of epstein's sex trafficking ring who have broken their silence. this has been a very complicated uh legal case and i don't think any victim
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should ever have to go through what i've gone through or what any eppene survivor has gone through should never have been this hard. it was like being victimized again and again after. the fact, well, it's like being raped again by the system, that's exactly what it was, we were raped by jeffrey and gilen and the system raped us again, and you know, technically, uh, if the fbi and the governmental institutions listen to maria farm in 1996, i wouldn't have been rapped. liz stein, the other survivor, uh, i was 10 years old when she was being trafficked. i was 10, i'm not 37. "i was 10 when she was being raped, now at 37, i'm turning 38 in august. why has it taken this long to get one
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conviction, and who is responsible behind that? who are the people covering for these traffickers? because this was an international sex trafficking ring that trafficked hundreds. of children and young women into the thousands. sarah ransom claims that empstein kept sex tapes involving prominent people. an email sent to the court investigating efstein's sex trafficking ring. sarah ransom alleges that the duke of york, prince andrew of the uk, the ex-us president bill clinton, and the billionaire businessman sir richard. were filmed by abstein. according to sarah ransom, a jeffrey abstein survivor, when my friend had sexual intercourse with clinton, prince andrew, and
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richard branson, sex tapes were in fact filmed on each separate occasion by jeffrey. thank god, she managed to get hold of some footage of the film sex tapes, which clearly identify the faces of clinton, prince andrew, and branson having sexual intercourse with her. several other high profile figures, including former us vice president, al gore, actor kevin space, the late popstar michael jackson, magician david copperfield and former new mexico governor bill richardson have also been mentioned in court documents. among the allegations is the claim that epstein worked for the israeli intelligence agency mosad, speaking to rt internet. national in 2020, former israeli intelligence officer, ari ben manash claimed that maxwell's father, robert maxwell, and epstein were israeli agents. now jeffrey epstein is
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dead, now uh, gillaine maxwell, there are reports she's in paris, you maintained that it was your employer, robert maxwell, owner the daily mirror, you say that he was an israeli agent, and uh, as was his daughter, he was not my employer. i would like to correct that, we work together with him, and uh, you say that his daughter gillaine also though, worked for israel, and it was robert maxwell who introduced jeffrey epstein to gillaine maxwell, way before the 1990s as mainstream media is reporting, correct, um, mr. abstein was introduced to miss maxwell, probably sometime and they... '80's and mr. maxwell also thought he might be introducing a fellow to date his daughter, he tried to do
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favor to his daughter to find her a shid as they say in hebrew a match. he asserted that all these scandals were orchestrated by the massad for intelligence gathering and blackmailing prominent figures. okay, and that didn't really quite work out. i suppose what the most...' alarming allegations that you've been making are that the entire ebsteen operation was a honeytrap operation to entrap politicians, policymakers, celebrities, people in the media eye, basically to become israel's assets, correct, that's it became basically an intelligence operation to entrap uh different politicians around. the name of former israeli prime minister ehud barak has also been mentioned in the absteen court documents, further believes that former israeli prime minister
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ehud barak was aware of the event. meanwhile, allen dershewitz, a well-known pro israel lawyer and harvard law school professor, has also been linked to epsteen through court documents and witness testimonies. he uh, has been heavily implicated, he's probably the most implicated throughout this entire trove of documents of the first batch of the 109 of the uh, sorry, 900 and some odd pages of of these. his first court release documents, he is mentioned 137 times. uh, let's go over some of the things and to be very clear, he was asked to have sex or he had sex with underage girls, there were eight times that he was implicated in crime throughout these documents. israel's benjamin netanyahu had reportedly plan to employ american advocate alan dershuwitz's skills to defend tel aviv
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in the... national court of justice, icj, against the case alleging genocide brought forth by south africa. durswittz has vehemently denied any involvement in epstein's illegal activities, and in turn to defend himself resorted to allegations that palestinian resistance fighters raped israeli women, fake accusations that even the israeli officials withdrew back in october 2023. the epstein court documents have already given rise to honeytraft speculations, suggesting the involvement of mosat and pro israel lobbies using epstein's activities as a tool for political control. these claims suggest that epstein's activities were part of a broader operation controlling american politicians in favor of israel.
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top stories here on press tv. the emmy army says is targeted another american ship in the gulf of aden with appropriate naval missiles and support of the people of gaza. iracki prime minister once again calls for the withdraw of us forces from the country saying it's crucial for iraq's security and ability and un rights experts and sams of israel's measures and gaza is violation of international law, describing them as highly illegal and highly unlawful.