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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 7:30am-8:00am IRST

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tops here on press tv, the yemen army says is targeted another american ship in the gulf of aiden with appropriate naval missiles and support of the people of gaza. iraki prime minister once again calls for the withdraw of us forces from the country, saying it's crucial for iraq's security and stability. and rights experts salams of israel's measures in gaza is violation of international law, describing them as highly illegal and highly unlawful.
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hello everyone, 6 a.m. in the besieg gaza strip, you're watching press tv, world news. the yemen army says carried out another operation against an american vessel navigating through the red sea. spokesperson for yemen's armed forces yahyasari said in a stavement operation took place in the gulf of aiden with appropriate naval missiles resulting in a direct hit sorry reaffirmed marine traffic in the arab red sea and red seazel continue. to all destinations around the world except for ports and occupied palestinian territories. he also warned that recent attacks on yemen by the us and uk will not go without response and punishment. sorry uh said that yemen's operations in support of the people of gaza ammit israel's genocidal war. he stress that operations against ships owned by or bound for israel will continue until the israelite on and siege of gaza ends. leaderman movement has vowed the
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attacks on israeling ships will continue despite us threats and air strikes. this aggression will not change anything in the stance of our people and is spiritual obligation in supporting the palestinian people and the residence of gaza as well as the continuous targeting of ships linked to israel and this is clear in our cont continuous operations and the last one was last night against the ships, it will also include the american and british ships. he lashed out at washington over his complicity of in israel's genocidal war on gaza, calling the war a us managed killing campaign. he said us insists on the continuation of the genocide in gaza and uses the media to white wash israeli crimes.uti said americans have a
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dark history of committing crimes against various people around the world and are known for their moral bankruptcy. he also said that yemy forces will continue to develop the military capabilities and that recent air strikes by the us and the united kingdom on yemen do not sgression will not change. the issue that america and britain have joined the var directly and that we are now in direct confrontation with the americans, british and israelies, does not scare us at all, the aggression towards our country and our people will enhance the development of our military capabilities. donald trump's campaign is about him, not america, not you. yemany leader called us, uk and israel, the access of evil, he said what palestinian people are subjected to is unjust and destructive aggression in violation of all laws and norms. he lamented israely war machine committed 20 massacers against palestine. in the past 100 days. political
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commentatoriti joined us earlier from the yemeny capital sunah. he says the fact yemani army has attacked two us ships after washington designated the anserola movement as a terrorist organization is a clear sign that anti-israely operations will intensify and soon include uk ships as well. designation of the united states doesn't, i mean in here in yemen, they don't care about that, but they are honored uh to to to have that relisten as a terrorist organization, because we know and as said abdul malik have said united state is just the face of the crime, united states is one of the country that have destroyed, i mean the have destruction wherever they go, so we are honored to be designated as terrorist because as always they say one man terrorist is another man freedom. uh fighter and i just
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want to add that uh uh uh there are three ship that united state owned ship that has been uh targeted uh two of them was after this real of ansarullah as a terrorist organization and there's a clear message that here in yemen they actually will can will not stop their attack but they will continue their attack against israeli linked ship or israeli own ship or ships going toward israel and sayid abdul malik have said today that as well british ship will come under attack and as yahya sar the spoke person of yemani army have said in his statement that the retaliation of the attack on yemen by the united states and uk, it will, and it's still to come. iraqi prime ministers reiterated his government's opposition to presence of us forces in the country. sudani says that american troops must leave as daesh is no
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longer a threat to iraq. the reasons for the presence of coalitions forces were to confront daesh. today. security situation, to the testimony of all specialists in iraq and friends, daesh does not pose a threat to the iraq state. today, after the repercussions and attacks on the iraqi security headquarters, we have the right to start this dialogue immediately in order to reach an agreement on arranging a time table for the end of the mission of international advisors. sudani was addressing a panel to... discussion at the world economic forum in a davos, he said ending us military presence is crucial for iraq's security and stability, his remarks came as us bases in iraq have been repeatedly attacked by iraqi resistance groups over washington support for israely genocide in gaza, in response us militaries
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launch attacks on iraq's popular mobilization units, killing a number of their members, the iraqi government has slam us attacks as grave violation of the country's sovereign. last year sudani vow before the iraqi parliament to put an end to us military presence in the country. political commentator christopher hilali has shared his views on the recent issue with us. he says us insistance on maintaining a military presence in iraq is actually aimed at being close to iran to shower up anti- iranian terror groups. everywhere the us goes, they bring with them. destruction, kudatas, color revolutions and so on and so forth. the main idea here for us to analyze is why the us has stayed after all these years since the defeat of daesh, and we recognize and we can understand that the
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reason isn't about daesh, the reason isn't about iraq, the reason is ultimate iran. the reason is to have a military position close enough to the islamic republic of iran, where the united states can continue to project its um its power and of course we know from uh the the the former national security advisor uh john bolton that the united states has been funneling arms and equipment to various terrorist entities uh across the border into iran and has been funding and training and promoting terrorist organizations that seek to overthrow the islamic. republic like the terrorist organization, the mujahadin of halk in albania, so of course we recognize that the us being there is one to project its aims at tehran, it has nothing to do with anybody else in the region. a us military drone has
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been shot down over northern iraq while flying close to the border with iran. according early reports, mq9 reaper drone was shot down near the iraqi city of muktadia indiala province. unmanned aerial vehicles reportedly taken off from a us air forces ali al salam base in kuwait. no group has yet claim responsibility for the attack development came amid height and tensions and simmering anti-american sentiments across the region. during recent months a iraqi resistance forces have carried out attacks on american bases both in iraq and neighboring syria on an almost daily basis attacks took place in response to us support for the israely regime's genocide in gaza. without the politicians uh just to spare head the independence, total independence of congo, and today we are proud of him as a hero, to
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know what, what is your fight and uh, how far you are ready to go for that, because if you do that, you will... inspire your community and your community will inspire a big bigger community and that's that's how you change the world. left us a great legacy that is working for the people and uh avoiding influence from from western countries. in the latest edition of press tv's explainer program offers some insight into islamic resistance in iraq and its recent spade of anti-us and anti-israely operations. "there has been a massive increase from regional
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resistance groups in targeting us assets in the region, in particular syria and iraq. the iraqi resistance group in particular has taken it to another level by claiming responsibility for targeting israel's ha. this may signal a new front that the islamic resistance has opened against israel. when it comes to the islamic resistance in iraq, it is umbrella group, which means it is rep presentative of roughly 62 resistance groups that operate out of iraq. they all share a common goal to drive u.s. forces out of iraq and syria, which they view as source of instability, but why have these groups increased their attack since october 7th? their mission statement is to show solidarity with palestinians in gaza, and the grave injustices by the occupying entity against palestinians, that it will continue to hit enemy strongholds, warning that more is yet to come. first, look at the attacks that took place against ha. this is the general area of the region. from the western rocky deserts,
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the missiles were launched and hit two targets in hafa. the islamic resistance in iraq used the long-range alab upgraded cruise missile. it traveled a distance of almost 700 kilometers and hit infrastructure in haifa, again haifa port and the other haifa oil refinery. the range of this missile is significant, the distance this long range. missile travel to hifa means that all other israeli occup israeli targets in occupied territories are within the range of iraqi fire. the resistance groups have increased targeting us interests since october 7th, like al-assad airbase, al-harir airbase and airbil airport. it should be noted that the presence of us forces in iraq has been opposed by iraqi parliamentarians that us forces should leave the country all together and here are some of the us military bases targeted in syria, altanf, kobani, and
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rather, us forces have also been targeted at the al-umar oil field in deirazuul governor at, keep in mind that some of these locations you see here in syria and ones you saw before in iraq have come under multiple attacks, here's a tally of the number of times us asset. have been targeted in the two countries, around 130 attacks against its troops in iraq and syria since october with 78 in syria and 52 in iraq, some 100 us soldiers have been injured in terms of the us troops presence in iraq and syria. there were roughly 2,500 american troops in iraq and some 900 there in syria. the us has a struck resistance groups in iraq and in syria, but the major us retaliation. came recently when it carried out a targeted assassination in baghdad, violating the country's sovereignty.
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the person the us assassinated was the iraqi leader mushtaq taleb al-saidi. the us blamed him for attacks against us forces in the country. and earlier this week, iran's islamic revolution guard core fired a barrage of missiles at an span center of the israeli spy agency, the musad in iraq's kurdistan region. one of those killed in that operation was a kurdish multimillionaire oil tycoon peshral majid aga dizai and now photos obtained by press tv established that his mosad connections and how he was vital cog in the israely spy agency's operations in iraqi kurdistan mainly against iran. one of the photos shows dizai who had close ties with musad with a zionist rabbi at event held to celebrate jewish festival of young kiper. another photo shows them besides a m agent ilan nisim as well as hosen yazdon, the commander of an anti-iran terrorist group.
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according to inform sources, ilan was key musad officer who coordinated agencies operations in iran and iraqi kurdistan. sources say ilong was also killed in the irgc attack along with four other members of his espinage team. disai had made a fortune from illegal exports of iraqi oil to the regime in tel aviv. he also headed falcon. group conglomerate with business interest in security, oil, gas, construction, and agriculture. 105 days in israel war in gaza, regime continues with his carpet bombing campaign across a besieg enclave. total death tool has now surpassed 24,600 along with 62,00 people wounded.
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is... lately stepped up his strikes on southern areas of gaza. gaza's health ministry says occupation is committed 15 massacers against families in the gazo strip killing 172 people in a span of 24 hours. ministry says number of victims are still under rubble and in block streets that ambulance crews and civil defense personnel cannot reach. this as communications and internet services have been completely shut off in wide areas of gaza for longest. period now and also the seventh time since october 7th, highly illegal, highly unlawful. that's how un rights expert describes measures taken by the israeli regime in gaza. un special repertoire and occupied palestinian territories slam relentless israely bombardment of highly crowded areas in gaza
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as violation of international law. francisco albany said regime used 6,00 bomb. bombs per week during the first two weeks of its aggression alone, she added a good number of gaza's hospitals have been closed, bombed or taken over by the israeli regime. un official said number of kids who's who have lost one or two limbs in gaza every day is shocking. albanese said during the first two months oflot 100 kids underwent amputations without anesthesia, describing it as a monstrosity. is currently facing a genocide case at the international court of justice for crimes, it's committed against the palestinians of gaza. international human rights lawyer john philpott says israel is an occupying power and regime western back claim to have a right to self-defense has no place in international law. i think it's important to understand the
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right of self-defense of. israel does not exist, israel is an occupying power it of gaza, and it has to defend the rights of the people living in gaza, has to defend their right to education, to food, to water, and all the human rights that every human being wants education, israel has the obligation under the fourth geneva convention. "gaza is part of israel in the sense it's occupied by israel and israel has a obligation to defend and protect these 2.2 million i think it is people of all their human rights education and i'm not going to repeat it because i just i just stated that so this western concept
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pumpeted by even by justin trudo of canada israel's a right to defend itself is nonsense in" the military wing of the palestinian resistance movement hamases launched retaliatory strikes against the israely regime as fighting on the ground in gaza strip intensifies alcaton brigadees they targeted multiple israeli military vehicles including merkava tanks on thursday. resistance also said it blew up building where over 30 israelly forces had gathered. reports say at least five iof troops were killed and several others injured as a result. israel so far confirmed the loss of over 190 soldiers since onset of its ground invasion into gaza on
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october 27th. the palestine resistance groups however say the actual number of the casualties among the... forces is much higher than the regime, is saying and it's covering up his losses for the purposes of propaganda. lebanese resistance movement, hezbollah and israely forces of exchange fire at the border areas south of lebanon. hisbullah has issued a statement confirming it's precisely targeted several israeli positions with appropriate weapons. madyam saw the reports. you had several operations today in the area for of birkatrisha we had also attack and an operation against a group of soldiers in the area of admini. addition to almaltia and sumka, there are closer to the shaba farms area, the lebanese occupied territories of shabah farms, also conducted several
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operations there, and some operations they use the word appropriate weapons and other operations, they say in their statements that they use missile forces. we are hearing from the israeli media usually before a statement is issued by hizballah that an anti-tank missile was sounded in certain areas or it hit a certain targets in the galilea region seems hizballah has been using the very advanced form of anti-tank and anti-vehicle uh missile very efficiently actually uh in manners that has surprised the israelis, they're not using them only against tanks or against vehicles, of course they're using them against post and even against gatherings of soldiers wherever they see soldiers the're using them to target them, of course israeli f-16s were spotted very easily today. in the skies of south lebanon, they launched several massive shelling against itarun specifically and also as well, we had two very heavy
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shelling in those areas, the bombs were seen actually flying down in this in addition to the fact that the drones were flying hysterically over south lebanon, even reaching uh further areas and israeli shelling has not only been limited to the border towns as we know for. the last week or so we have seen instances of israeli shelling in areas that are a far away from the border and that we are told is a an indication that the israelies are attempting escalate the situation. iran's arm forces to launch large-scale military exercise featuring indigenously developed air defense systems.
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various divisions of the iranian army and islamic revolution guard core have taken part in the maneuvers along iran's southern coastline. with persian golf and c of oman. dozens of jets and drones display raft of modern warfare tactics at different altitudes by hitting mock targets. also, number of advanced military systems are used for the first time during these trials. iran's armed forces regularly hold military maneuvers to elevate the preparedness and showcase their prowes in recent years iranian experts and engineers have made remarkable breakthroughs in developing and manufacturing a broad range of equipment. making armed forces self-sufficient. commander iranza khatam air defense space brigidier general provided more
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details of the military exercise conducted in southern iran. in this exercise, the air defense forces of iran's army, the aerospace force of the irgc, iran's navy and irgc's navy and units from the ground forces are participating. this exercise is being held from abadan to chabahar. it includes the coast of the persian gulf, iran's territorial waters and the sea of oman and about 400 km into the country's land territory. the exercise is covering area of about 600 square kilometers. dozens of manned and unmanned aircraft attack the sensitive centers designated in this exercise. they operate in different directions and heights according to the modern warfare tactics. also, the air defense systems are deployed in these areas to respond to the threats. the air defense systems deal with the attack planes step-by-step that includes the stages of discovery, identification, interception and
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engagement. all operations are precisely planned and implemented. the systems and equipment that are used in this exercise are generally indigenous and built by the country's experts in the ministry of defense and armed forces research and self-sufficiency organizations. a number of systems. are being utilized in this exercise for the first time after passing the necessary initial tests, they undergo operational tests in the course of these drills, and that's it for your latest here on press tv, everyone, thanks for tuning in and bye-bye for now.
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בכבוד, בגאווה, בשם כל עם ישראל. תראו את כל הערך. תראו מה. איזה מטורף. 8219.
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the top stories here on press tv: yemeny army says it's targeted another american ship in the golf of aiden with appropriate naval missiles and support of gazens. it had recent attacks on yemen by the us and uk. will not go unanswered or unpunished. a un rights expert slams israel's measures in gaza is violation of international law, describing them as highly illegal and highly unlawful. un special report occupied palestinian territories, says the regime use 6,00 bombs per week during the first two weeks of its aggression alone.