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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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you're pressing your headlines, yemy army says has targeted an american ship in the gulf of aiden with appropriate enable missiles and support of palestinians in gaza. iraki prime minister once again calls for the withdraw of us forces from his country, saying it's crucial for iraq's security and civility. un rights experts sams, israel's measures in gaza is violation of international law, calling them highly illegal and unlawful.
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hello everyone, it's 8:30 in the iranian capital, tehran, you watching press to press tv, world news. the yemen army says it's targeted an american ship in the gulf of aiden in response to us uk strikes on the arab country. the naval forces of the yemani armed forces carried out the target. operation against an american ship came ranger in the gulf of eden with several appropriate naval missiles resulting in direct hits. sorry described as inevitable yemen's retaliation for the aggression by the us to united kingdom. he added that any new strike on yemen will not go unanswered or unpunished. us has confirmed the attack its ship. the pentagon says it was a third attack by the yemenese this week on us-owned vessels in. around the red sea, that's a crucial lane
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for international trade where tensions have been spiking over the last two months. yemen's been attacking, israely link ships and retaliation for the regime's campaign of genocide in gaza. tensions in the red sea have escalated further in the past week after us and uk began air strikes on yemen, siting what they call threats to international shipping. political commentator hussein alb khaiti joined us earlier. the yemani capital sona he says the fact that yemani army has attacked two us ships in recent days after washington designated anseril as a terrorist organization is a clear sign, anti-israely operations will intensify and soon include uk ships. designation of the united states doesn't, i mean in here in yemen they don't care about that, but they are honored uh to to have that realisting as a terrorist organization because we know and as said
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abdul malik have said united state is just the face of the crime. united states is one of the country that have destroyed uh, i mean they have destruction wherever they go, so we are honored uh to be designated as terrorist because as always they say one man terrorist is another man freedom uh fighter and i just want to add that there are three ship that united states owned ship that has been uh of targeted. two of them was after this relisting of ansarullah as a terrorist organization and there is a clear message that here in yemen they actually will will not stop their attack but they will continue their attack against israeli linked chip or israeli own chip or ships going toward israel and sayid abdul malik have said today that as well british ship will come under attack and as yahya sar the spoke person of yemani army have said in his statement that the retaliation the attack on yemen by the united
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states and uk, it will, and it's still to come. iraqi prime ministers reiterated his government's opposition to presence of us forces in the country. says that american troops must leave as daesh is no longer a threat to iraq. the reasons for the presence of coalition's forces were to come from. daesh today, the security situation, to the testimony of all specialists in iraq and friends, daesh does not pose a threat to the iraki state. today, after the repercussions and attacks on the iraqi security headquarters, we have the right to start this dialogue immediately in order to reach an agreement on arranging a timetable for the end of the mission of international advisors. sudani was addressing panel. discussion at
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the world economic forum in the swiss city of davos, he's a ending us military presence is crucial for iraq's security and stability, his remarks came as us bases in iraq have repeatedly been attacked by iraqi resistance groups over washington support for israeli genocide in gaza. in response, us military has launched attacks on iraq's popular mobilization units, killing a number of their members. the iraqi government has slamed us attacks as violation of the country's sovereignty. last year sudani vow before the iraqi parliament to put an end to the presence of us military in the country. political commentator christopher hilladi has shared his views on. issue with us says us insistance on maintaining a military presence in iraq is actually aimed at being close to iran to show up anti-iran terror groups, everywhere the us goes, they bring with them destruction, kudu datas, color revolutions
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and so on and so forth. the main idea here for us to analyze is why the us has stayed after all of these years since the defeat of daesh, and we recognize and we can understand that the reason isn't about daesh, the reason isn't about iraq, the reason is ultimately about iran, the reason is to have a military position close enough to the islamic republic of iran where the united states can continue to project its its power, and of course we know from the the the former national security advisor john bolton that the united states has been... funneling arms and equipment to various terrorist entities across the border into iran and has been funding and training and promoting terrorist organizations that seek to overthrow the islamic republic like the terrorist organization, the mujahadin of halk in
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albania, so of course we recognize that the us being there is one to project its aims at terron, it has nothing to do with anybody else in the region. a us military drones been shot down in northern iraq while flying close to the iranian border. according early reports, mq9 reaper drone was shot down near the iraqi city of muktadia and diala province on mandarial vehicle reportedly taken off from us air forces ali- asalam base in kuwait. the development came amid height intentions and simmering anti-american sentiments across the region. during recent months iraqi resistance groups. have a carried out attacks on american basis both in iraq and neighboring syria on an almost daily basis. attacks have taken place in a response to us support for the israel regime's campaign of genocide in gaza. earlier this week iran's islamic revolution guard core
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fired a barrage of missiles at an espinage center of the israeli spy agency the mosad in iraq's kurdistan region and one of those killed in that operation was a kurdish multimillionaire oil tycoon pishram. and now photos have obtained by press tv have established mosad connections and now he was how he was vital cog in israely spy agency operations in iraq's kurdistan mainly against iran. one of the photos shows dizai who had close ties with the mosad with zinus rabbi at event held to celebrate jewish festival of yam kipper. another photo shows in besides a musad agent ilan nisim as well as hosan yazdan pana commander of an anti-iran terror group. according to inform sources, ilan was key musad officer who coordinated agencies operations in iran and iraqi kurdistan. the sources say iran was also killed in the irgc attack along with four other members of his espinaage team. dizay has made a fortune from
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illegal exports of iraqi oil to the telebib regime. also headed the falcon group conglomerate with business interests and security oil, gas construction. 105 days until war in gaza strip and the regime continues with this carpet bombing campaign across the besieg territory. death tool is now passed 24,600 with nearly 62, lately israel stepped up at strikes in southern are. videos of gaza, gaza's health ministry says occupations committed 15 massacers against families in gaza killing 172 people in just one day. ministry says number of victims are still under rubble and in block streets that ambulance crews and civil defense personnel
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cannot reach. this as communications and internet services are completely cut off in wide areas of gaza for seventh time since october 7th. a plot hatched by zinus, to occupy, to disintegrate. and to plunder palestine. this documentary tells in five parts how the israeli regime kickstarted its sinister project in palestinian lands through the gradual strategy of settling the so-called jewish colonies. welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv, world news, highly illegal, highly unlawful, that's
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how un rights experts are described measures taken by the israeli regime in gaza. un special repertoire and occupied palestine islam relentless israeli bombardment of highly crowded areas of gaza as a grave violation of international law. francesca albanese said regime used over 6,00 bombs during the first two weeks of its aggression alone. she added. number of gaza's hospitals have been closed, bombed or taken over by israel. un officials said number of kids whose who lose one or two limbs in gaza every day is shocking. albanese said during the first two months of the israeli onslaught, 1,00 kids underwent amputations without anesthesia, describing it as a monstrosity. israel is currently facing a genocide case at the international court of justice for crimes is committed in gaza. international human rights lawyer john philpot says israel is an
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occupying power and regimes western back claim to having a right to self-defense has no place in international law. i think it's important to understand the right of self-defense of israel does not exist. israel is an occupying power it of gaza and "it has to defend the rights of the people living in gaza, has to defend their right to education, to food, to water, and all the human rights that every human being wants, education, israel has the obligation under the fourth geneva convention. um, gaza is part of israel in the sense it's occupied by israel, and israel has a..." obligation to defend and protect these 2.2 million i think it is people of all their human rights education
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and i'm not going to repeat it because i just i just stated that so this western concept pumpeted by even by justin trudo of canada israel's a right to defend itself is nonsense in law. the world health organization's emergency medical team coordinator sean casey. has described the dire conditions of remaining hospitals in the gazo strip saying the patients are waiting to die due to extreme shortages of staff and medicine. i saw evidence again and again of the simultaneous uh humanitarian catastrophe that's unfolding. we see it every day in gaza uh getting worse and worse and the collapse the health system day by day with hospitals. closing, health workers fleeing, casualties continuing to stream in, lack of access to
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medicines and medical supplies, lack of access to fuel, to run hospital generators, to keep the lights to keep the machines running, basically the whole hospital was filled with displaced persons, thousands of them, reportedly tens of thousands of them, living in the operating theaters, living in the corridors, living in the stairs, and the emergency department, seeing hundreds of patients day, mostly trauma, with only a handful, literally, five or six doctors or nurses uh to care for all of those people, patients on the floor, so many that you could barely move without stepping on somebody's hands or or feet. um, in alathley hospital, also in the north, i saw patients who were lying on church pews, basically waiting to die in a hospital that had no fuel, no power, water, very very little in the way of... medical supplies and only a handful of staff remaining to take care of them. palestinian
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investment for chairman muhammad mustafa has called for more humanitarian efforts in gaza saying that more people are likely to die of hunger and famon than the ongoing war. he was speaking at the world economic forum and dobles. the catastrophe and the humanitarian impact of this war is much bigger than 2014. unfortunately we cannot avoid, but but feel very bad for the families and the people of palestine for the repeated. wars against him and i hope this time around will be the last time uh, i think the humanitarian effort is a priority, and i think that war has to stop, i think the military action got to stop very quickly, there's no need for anybody to build their political careers at the expense of
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more palestinian people, so it's time to to be... "i think the international community, all the stakeholders, which we all appreciate, have to move and move fast and boldly to stop this aggression. unfortunately, the devastation is huge, we have, if not, we are not careful, maybe more people will be killed or or die from hunger and famine than the war itself, so we do want to wait. long to see that happening, i think the time to move is now, which is to bring in, like many countries around the world, austrians have also held rallies to express solidarity to palestinians in gaza. people have taken the streets defying a ban on such demonstrations. our correspondent in viena has asked some austrians about media bias and the lack of coverage of pro- palestiring
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voices. since i am. influenced by austrian television, i think it is very onesited. i read lot of international newspapers and their reporting there is entirely different than on austrian television, namely, it is not as onesited. in austria, there is much reporting from israel's perspective, and the situation in a gaza strip is only featured in very few media outlets. above all, there is hardly any information about what the civilian population in gaza is doing, when you come in maybe austria, uh... is is a bit uh bias yeah uh also uh the the mensus where you can in nowadays where you can find the truth is through social media because uh now uh you have access to to information uh from there also and people uh say the truth and you can see uh the murder of the child uh the
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children in gaza what you cannot see in the media yeah the the decision uh take in uh un also that uh hiding for people, hide for people and you can see it through social media, yeah this is the this is my opinion, there is some uh how can i say some major have a high agenda, yeah some of them, not all of them, yeah was my feeld ist i miss the media coverage of the background to the conflict, the history, the connections, horrible images are shown enough but not enough. information is given to the people about what led to the war and the attacks? i can hardly manage to watch all the hardship and atrocities in the reports about the war. overall, i am very skeptical about the media coverage. i have the feeling that the reporting is very onesited, only presenting israel's perspective. do not want to defend violence, but there is a reason why this all happened. if you constantly maltreat someone,
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then of course you have to expect a backlash at some point. the way israel is: reacting here with such exaggeration is nothing other than genocide. i admire south africans who have the courage to call out israel. in austria, the media does not have the courage to do this. i feel like the news in the west is too pro israel. there is also a lot of fake news on next and twitter. to better understand the situation, people should see more of the gruesome images of violence and suffering in gaza. and the us election season is already here, but with far more dread than hope. many believe that there will be even more turmoil this november and back in 2020 with widespread concerns about election-related violence. robin maozary reports. the united states election campaign has just officially begun 10 months before
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going to the voting booth. in iowa, ex-president donald trump easily won the republican parties kickoff to primary season, but he's still as controversial as ever. many openly claim that his return to the white house would produce civil war, retribution tribunals, dictatorship, and even worse. in new hampshire, a revolt against the democratic national committee, means local democrats will soon hold a primary which has been stripped of its delegates. that helps reflect the deep dissatisfaction within... party towards president joe biden. many wonder if the previous elections unprecedented political activism and months of chaos will return. yeah, 2020 was crazy. i hope it's not as intense as that. i think 2024 is going to look like 1968. the parallels are uncanning. chicago convention
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etc. etc. i think very good chance biden will pull out in the first quarter of this year and not be the nominee. so i think anything, anything and everything will happen. with both candidates having such high disapproval ratings and amid such economic, political and military disaster. widely expected that both candidates will run extremely negative campaigns. i'm expecting a brutal campaign. they they're all garbage in in some way or another and uh hope for the best uh for the country. mean, how i end up voting, guess is my own particular decision when the time comes, but uh, certainly don't like where the country's at today. biden's support for israel's latest war on gaza has deeply angered his critical. of young voters, many muslim and arab americans have vowed to not cast vote for biden. either group could tip the balance in what polles expect to be the
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fourth consecutive presidential election to be decided by less than four and a half points. i think that's that's the crip tonight for joe biden, he's he's screwed up that that uh situation so badly that, the younger generations turn against him, and i don't see if he continues with his stance on... on gaza, i don't see like the younger generation uh coming back for his his support. the war against gaza will also drastically shape congressional elections. a recent nationwide poll found that voters prefer candidates who support a ceasefire in gaza to those who don't, by a whopping two to one margin. ramin mazahari, press tv, chicago. that's it for your latest here on press tv, everyone, thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now.
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become part of south africa's problem, we must remain part of their solution. we must not aim to impose ourselves our solutions, our favorites in south africa. damn it, we have favorites in south africa. the favorites in south africa are the people who are being repressed by that ugly white regime. we have favorites. i also want to say a word about the situation in israel, the more we learned about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes. more than 1, 1,0 innocent. lives
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lost, including at least 27 americans, these guys make, they make al-qaeda look pure, they're pure, they're pure evil, but i said from the beginning, the united states make no mistake about it, stands with israel, united states stands of israel.
9:00 am
your top stories here on press tv, yemy army says is targeted another american ship in the gulf of aiden with appropriate naval missiles and support of the people of gaza, it added recent attacks on yemen by the us and will not go unanswered and unpunished. agenda experts slams israel's measures in gaza is violation of international law, describing them as highly illegal and highly unlawful. un special repertoire on occupied palestine says regime used a 6,000 bombs per week during the first two weeks of its aggression alone.