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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm IRST

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your prestivivia headlines several palestinians are killed in new israeli attacks on gaza where the death toll. is already passed the 24,600 mark. germany army says targeted an american ship in the gulf of aden with appropriate naval missiles and support of the palestinians in gaza. the iraqi prime minister once again calls for the withdraw of us forces from his country, saying it is crucial for iraq security and stability.
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hello everyone, it's 11 a.m. in the besieg gauzo strip and you're watching press tv world news and now 105 days into israely war on the gazo strip and the regime continues with this carpet bombing campaign across the besieg palestinian territory in the latest such attack at least five people were killed in an israeli air strike on a residential building at khan unis in southern ghaza. another 12 people lost their lives in the strike at an apartment near al-shifa hospital in gaza city. latest casualties bring to over 180 number of palestinians killed in israeli raids across gaza in the past 24 hours. raids are conducted under cover of near total communications blackout. overall death total from the regime's uh campaign of genocide.
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has passed 24,600 mark, meanwhile, a un rights expert says that what israel is doing in gaza is violation of international law and highly illegal. now joining us from capedown for more in the story is mohammed khalid sayid, south african politician and youth activist. so pleasure to have you on the program: your initial thoughts in atrocities after 105 days taking place against the palestinians of gaza. thank you very much for a having me, um, well firstly we have to extend our condolences and sympathy and solidarity with the people of gaza, but also express to them that we are inspired that in spite of these atrocities and genocide, and i'm from south africa, my government in south africa, led by our party, the african national congress, took the bold decision of taking israel. to the international court of justice
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for genocide, buse this is a genocide, the pictures are here, the death toll speaks to it, but even within that context, the people of gaza and the resistance and hamas in particular have put up a brave fight and they continue to resist, and we want to commend them for that, and also i am on press tv, press tv, which is a tv station affiliated with the government of the... islamic republic of iran, we want to comment the role played by the islamic republic of iran in supporting the resistance, in highlighting these crimes, in supporting even south africa's application at the icj, without iran, this particular access giving support to the suffering people of gaza, the resistance in gaza will not be possible, answer, and much power to... the um the
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government there in pretoria bringing this case in the icj, but we've had we there's a near complete communications block out right now as on gaza, it's the seventh one since october 7th, it's been the longest one, it's it's impacting a first responders uh un missions that are trying to uh help nearly two million displaced people in gaza seek refuge from one shelter to the next, my my question to you what's suppointing the regime uh carry a black communications blackout. this long to what end could it benefit uh the regime and to what price for the desperate people of gaza? the aim of the israeli regime in carrying out this particular black up is so that they can suppress the information coming out of gaza so that their crimes, their atrocities, their genocide cannot be sent out to the rest of the world, but still the information is at our disposal, so that's
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their objective, but also, you know, um, crazy regimes like the israeli regime, especially the one led by ben netanyahu does not always even think rationally, even in terms of their own interest, yes the interest is to obliterate, to flatten gaza, to kill each and every palestinian living in gaza, but the blocking out of communication, they see it as part of that, but they do not understand that this is simply backfiring, it's making the israeli regime yet again look like a regime that wants to close out each and every communication. from from a regime that claims to be the only modern democracy in the middle east, a regime that is supported by the united states, claims to be this great democracy and promoting human rights across the world to block out communication, so they're actually further
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embarrassing themselves and they are enhancing the case that we have even put out there as a south african government, so we must not be these are the actions of murderous regime, this was a similar situation that happened um during the days of apartite, as the apartite regime in south africa was collapsing, they were also blocking off all forms of information, so this is the natural steps of a dictatorial regime, of a blood thirsty regime that it's its way down, and speaking of to your point, sifling voices and trying to... for the atrocities and the information coming out of gaza, there have been over 120 journalists killed since october seventh, in your from your perspective, is this collateral damage or deliberate and explain why you feel whichever one you choose? this is not
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collateral damage, israel claims to have uh the greatest amount of precision when it uh does its targeted kill. israel does not involve itself in collateral damage, every piece of damage, every murder is deliberate, they kill shirin abule a few years ago of al jazera, and must say a christian palestinian journalist, it's not just a muslim, the reason for killing journalists is again they want to suppress the truth, and i want to add that this regime is killing journalists, it's regime that is support by those who claim to be the bastians of free media, the bastians of those are promoting transparent and robust journalism all across the world, by the bastians of western liberalism, so further yet again, this particular moment in history
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now is exposing truth and justice, it's exposing the hypocrisy of the western world, and so before you let you go, you mention that capable, the regime is capable has... sophisticated weapons that it gets from the us, very capable of using precision guided munitions to go after just hamos, but it chooses, according to the uh south african case the're at the icj to use dumb bombs on tightly densely populated civilian um areas, why? that is because they want to kill civilians, they want to ethnically cleanse gaza and the whole of palestine of palestinians and that is why south africa. has gone to the icj, we are not saying that the israelis are responsible just for war crimes, or they want to kill hamas, no, they want to ethnically cleanse the land of palestinians and that's why they are doing that. my goodness, thank you, mr. mohammed khalid sid, south african politician a youth
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activist, stay safe sir, pleasure to have you on, joining us there from cape town. meanwile palestiny residents of the nucerite refugee camp in the middle of gaza speak. about the situation they face following the withdrawal of israeli forces from their area, this occupation army is a failing army, we are civilians who were saying safely in our homes, but we found them raiding us without warning and striking us with shells and rockets, miraculously we fled our homes, they said there are tunnels over here, but there's no such thing, after the withdrawal of the occupation forces, the... situation in the market and noseirat is good after a continuous bombing by the occupation forces, buildings and houses in general were destroyed, roads, infrastructure, suit and wells were also destroyed in the nusirite refugee camp, but thank god after the withdrawal, the situation is getting better
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and people started to return. was one of the set fast camps and was an obstacle to the enemy vehicles, the massive skill of destruction that was... was left after the withdrawal of the 36th division, as you can see, the infrastructure, the communication and internet networks and all the switch networks were struck and flattened and some bodies of... are still under the rubble, now the israel regime has confirmed the new military losses and clashes with palestiny resistance fighters in gaza. military says the israely troop died of bounds he sustained in a battle in southern gaza on wednesday. three reservists were also wounded seriously in the north and center of the besege enclave. according to the israeli military, total of 191 soldiers have been. killed in its ground invasion of gaza. palestinian resistance groups however say that the death
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tool is much higher as the israel highs the real number of its military losses. in the meantime, military wing of palestine's hamas resistance movement says that their fighters targeted a murkava tank with three soldiers aboard. alkassan brigades also detonated the mouth of a tunnel in a gaza city neighborhood as a group of israeli infantry men were there. a plot hatched by zinus, to occupy, to disintegrate and to plunder palestine. this documentary tells in five parts how the israeli regime kickstarted its sinister project in palestinian. lands through the gradual strategy of settling the so-called jewish colonies. and welcome back here
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everyone, you're watching press tv, world news. the emny army says is targeted an american ship in the gulf of aiden in response at us-uk strikes against the arab country. the naval forces of the yemani armed forces carried out the targeting operation against an american ship came ranger in the gulf of aden with several appropriate naval missiles resulting in direct hits. spokes person general yahial sorry there described as inevitable. yemen's retaliation for the aggression by the us and uk. he added any new strike on yemen will not go unanswered or unpunished. us has confirmed the attack its shit. "the pentagon says it was a third attack by the yeminies this week on u.s. own vessels in and around the red sea. that's a
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crucial uh shipping lane for international trade where attentions have been spiking over the last two months. yemen has been attacking israely link ships and retaliation for the regime's genocide in gaza. tensions in the red sea have escalated further in the past week after the us and the united kingdom began air strikes on yemen, citing what they call threats to international shipping." our correspondent abdul latif al-washali earlier joined us out of sana for more on tensions in the red sea. uh, even through the nine years of four that the yemenis have been facing from the satellite coalition which was backed by washington and also uh the uk. yemenis have never attacked any ship in the red sea. they did nothing, but now they are doing this just to protect the palestinian people to support the... palestinian people who are facing genocidal war being carried out by the israeli regime, the yemen is will do this
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just to support the palestinian people, with the yemenes did nothing for themselves, but they are doing this the attacks for the palestinian people, if you uh just uh keep following the news, you will know that the just the us is attempting to turn the uh region into a battlefield and they are just pushing the countries of the region to fight each other as they did during seven or nine years or four by pushing saudi arabia to fight the yemeni people, to kill the yemeni people, and now they are just attempting to support the israeli regime by uh pushing the region into new regional, all what they care about is only the israeli regime, why don't they just stop the war that is happening against the palestinians in gaza? this will make sure, this will uh of course protect the international navigation and international shipping, but they don't want to... do this, they just keep attacking the yemani people even when they realize that these attacks
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will never stop uh the yemani army from attacking the israelian vessels, the attacks or the strikes of the uk and the us did nothing, but they have just pushed the yemeny army to include now the american and the british ships in the red sea and the gulf of eden, so why would they do such thing when they know that it will not be successful according to their statements? and thousands of people hit the streets of yemen's northern city of saada to voice support for palestinians in the wake of israel's genicidal campaign on gaza. demonstrators wave palestinian and yemeny flags chanting us is mother of terrorism. the slogan is a reminder of washington's unequivocal support for the israeli regime as well as its aggression against yemen. protesters also slamed the us move to redesignate yemen's
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ancer of the movement as a terrorist group. for weeks yemenese have been holding nationwide rally. every friday in a show of support for the people of gaza, and as we just mentioned the us has relisted yemenslov movement as a global terrorist group over attacks against israeling ships in the red sea. yemeny citizens though have spoken about the us move as well as ongoing strikes by washington and london against their country. they can hit as much as they want, we are ready to support the... until the last breath, we, along with the generations after us, will continue to confront them, their repeated attacks will never deter us. america has been striking us for a long time, the aggression against us is veiled under the name of the saudi and emirati aggression, but america has been bombing us for a long time.
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this decision is a political move to cover up israel's crimes, claiming that we are a terrorist group is to jud. justified the air strikes on yemen and palestine. this decision is not new, it's not an objective decision and is not based any real evidence, because this decision was made before. this classification was approved during the era of former us president trump, than the hutis were removed from the terror list. this proves that it was decision that was not based on practical reality. rather, this indicates that the us makes these decisions to blackmail people and to use the decision. sword against anyone who stands against american and israeli interests. this classification on the least of terrorism is under our feet. we don't care about it. we have fought wars for nine years and from the first day we have been attacked by the us, israel and britain and this is not counting their agents from the arab countries. we say
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to them if anser allah are classified as a terrorist group, then what about israel? what about the us that kills in palestine? and children and that destroys homes above their residence, what do we say about them? are they not our arab brothers and is palestine not arab like us? isn't it our right to stand up and defend our palestinian people with all we've got? palestinians are our brothers and we will not be silent about them and we will not let them down. irack's prime minister has reiterated his government's opposition to the presence of us forces in the country. muhammad shih al sudani says american troops must leave as daesh is no longer a threat to iraq. the reasons for the presence of coalitions forces were to confront daesh. today the security situation to the testimony of all specialists in iraq and friends. daesh does not pose a threat to the iraqi state.
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today, after the repercussions and attacks on the iraqi security headquarters, we have the... tried to start this dialogue immediately in order to reach an agreement on arranging a time table for the end of the mission of international advisors. sudani was addressing a panel discussion at the world economic forum in the swiss city of davos. he said ending us military presence is crucial for iraqi security and stability. his remarks came as us bases in iraq have been repeatedly attacked by iraqi resistance groups over washington support for. israely genocide in gaza, in response, us military has launched attacks on iraq's popular mobilization units, killing a number of their members including commanders. iraqi government to slam us attacks as violation of the country's sovereignty. last year sudani vowed before the iraqi parliament to put an end to us military presence in the country. political
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commentator christopher hilladi has shared his views on the issue with us. he says us insistance. on maintaining a military presence in iraq is actually aimed at being close to iran, everywhere the us goes, they bring with them destruction, kudatas, color revolutions and so on and so forth. the main idea here for us to analyze is why the us has stayed after all of these years since the defeat of daesh, and we recognize and we can understand that the reason isn't a... the reason isn't about iraq, the reason is ultimately about iran, the reason is to have a military position close enough to the islamic republic of iran where the... united states can continue to project its um its power and of course we know from uh the the the former national security advisor uh john
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bolton that the united states has been funneling arms and equipment to various terrorist entities uh across the border into iran and has been funding and training and promoting terrorist organizations that seek to overthrow the islamic republic. like the terrorist organization, the mujahadin of halk in albania, so of course we recognize that the us being there is one to project its aims at tehran, it has nothing to do with anybody else in the region. earlier this week, iran's islamic revolution guard core fired a barrage of missiles at an espinage center of the israeli spy agency the masad in iraq's kurdistan region, and one of those killed in that operation was a kurdish multi. millionaire oil tycoon feshara majid agadizai and now photos obtained by press tv establish his musad connections and how he was vital cog in the israeli spy agency's operations in
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iraqi kurdistan mainly against iran. one of the photos shows dizai who had closeed ties with mosad with the zionist rabbi at event held to celebrate the jewish festival of yaam kiper. another photo shows in besides mosad agent ilan nisim as hussein yazdan pana, the commander of an anti-iran terrorist group. according to inform sources, ilan was key musad officer who coordinated agencies operations in iran and the iraqi kurdistan. sources say the ilan was also killed in the irgc attack along with four other members of his espionage team. dizail had made a fortune from illegal exports of iraqi oil to the tel aviv regime. he also headed the falcon group conglomerate with. interest in security, oil, gas, construction and agriculture. the iranian military has launched day two of air
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defense trails marked by a variety of exercises. the maneuvers featured operations using air defense systems to counter electronic and cyber attacks. participating troops practice, shooting down targets at low altitude, using for a first time domestically developed short-range air defense system called the... of day, the units involved, drills also use drones to electronically disrupt radars as well as air reconnaissance systems. maneuvers also involved intelligence satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles and air defense radars. intelligence gathering systems were also used as well to spot and take out mock enemy targets. drills are carried out jointly by iranian army and iran's islamic revolution guard core, the irgc. that's a rap for your latest here on press tv everyone, thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now.
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as hundreds of people have marched.
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the voice of the voiceless. press tv. depress tv's rolling coverage of this assassination of fasimmani now entering its uh fourth day. we're looking at some.
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top stories here on press tv: yemeny army says it's targeted an american ship in the gulf of aiden warning against any new aggression against the country. over the past week there's been a series of us that strikes on yemen over what washington described as threats against shipping in the red sea. iraq's prime minister reiterates his government's opposition to the presence of us forces. muhammad shih al-sedani says american troops must leave as daesh is no longer a threat to iraq, says ending us military presence is crucial for iraq's security and stability. 17 palestinians are killed in latest israely air strikes on gaza.