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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm IRST

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of headlines, over dozen palestinians are killed in new israeli attacks on gaza where the death troll has already passed 24,600. mexico and chile refer israel's war on gaza to the icc over escalating violence against palestinian civilians. yemeny army says is targeted an american ship in the gulf of aden with appropriate enable missiles and response to us led air strikes on the country.
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hello everyone, it's 1 pm in the besieg gauza strip, you're watching press tv, world news, our top story, 105 days until israeli war on the gazo's trip and the regime continues with his carpet bombing campaign across the besieged palestinian territory, in the latest such attacks at least five people are killed in an israeli air strike on a residential building at khan unis southern gaza and 12 people lost their lives in a strike on an apartment near al-shifa hospital in gaza city. latest casualties bring to more than 180 number of palestinians killed in israeli raids across gaza in the past 24 hours. raids were conducted under cover of near total communications blackout. overall death tool from the regime's war is now surpassed the 24,600 mark. meanwhile un rights expert said what israel is doing in gaza is vial. of
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international law and highly illegal. south african politician and youth activist khalid sad has spoken to us about israely genocide in gaza. he also explains why the regime is imposing a communications block out there is a genocide, the pictures are here, the death speaks to it, but even within that context, the people of gaza and the... resistance and hamas in particular have put up a brave fight and they continue to resist and we want to commend them for that without iran, this particular access giving support to the suffering people of gaza and to the resistance in gaza will not be possible. the aim of the israeli regime in carrying out this particular black up is so that they can suppress the information coming out of gaza so that the... crimes, their atrocities,
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their genocide cannot be sent out to the rest of the world, but still the information is at our disposal, so that's their objective, but also, you know, um, crazy regimes like the israeli regime, especially the one led by benjamin netanyahu does not always even think rationally, even in terms of their own interest, yes, the interest is to obliterate, to flatten gaza, to kill each and every palestine. living in gaza, but the blocking out of communication, they see it as part of that, but they do not understand that this is simply backfiring, it's making the israeli regime yet again look um, like a regime that wants to close out each and every communication. israel confirms new military losses and clashes with palestinian resistance fighters in gaza. the military
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says israely troops died in israeli troop one died of sustained uh injuries in a battle in southern gaza on wednesday and three reservists were also wounded seriously in the north and center of the besieg enclave. according to the israely military, total of 191 soldiers have so far been killed in its ground invasion of gaza. palestinian resistance groups though say the tool is much higher as israel always hides the real number of its military losses. meantime. military wing of the hamas, palestinian resistance movement hamas said that the fighters targeted a markava tank with three soldiers on board. alkassan brigades also detonated the mouth of a tunnel in a gaza city neighborhood as a group of israeli infantry men were there. mexico and chile have referred israel's war on gaza to the international criminal court. two countries say referral is because of escalating violence against civilians and gaza,
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especially children, the palestian foreign ministry is also welcome the move by mexico and chile. ministry says referral confirms icc's need to fulfill its mandate by deterring and prosecuting the most serious crimes. last week, south africa also presented a case at the international court of justice over the gaza war. case said israel is committing genocide in gaza and it demanded icj order and emergency suspension the regime's military campaign there. large number of countries backed a south africa's move. joining us now from london from the story has said journalist and commentator for more in the story, hello said, always a pleasure to check in with you uh said uh, your thoughts on this case now, okay, we know that the icj case is pending, it's basically in the works and now with the icc, we know israel is not signed up to the hague base court, we know it doesn't respect or basically recognize its jurisdiction over
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itself, the regime uh, so what does this sleeve the international community and this case, well of course the difference between the icc. in the icj, the icc looks into war crimes and allegations against individuals in particular, and the icj settles disputes among states, of course, in this situation, palestine, gaza, many people argue isn't a state, it's an internal issue of israel, which is inflicting a genocide its own people, so that's that aside, the reality is that the isis. uh referral confirms essentially the urgent need for the court to fulfill its mandate to deter, basically investigate and prosecute the most serious crimes that are of concern for the international community, that's that's what would be required, although the icc doesn't
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inspire a great deal of um, guess any any kind of positivity neutral onlooker, because they've they've sort of fundamentally failed to do the... job in in so many ways and uh they've also displayed a scant regard for the palestinian case today, one of the uh one of the legal representatives in the icj case as well, it has also been working at the icc, um, his name is mr. marionello, and he's been highly critical of the icc and its lack of commitment when it comes to palestine, i mean he he's compared it for instance to the way the icc uh dealt with. the ukrainian issue, four times as much uh effort in terms of financial effort put into case uh in ukraine obviously against the russians has has actually taken place with the icc and in palestine they hadn't even bothered to visit
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uh palestine previously they didn't give it any real regard so there's a lot of uh skepticism about the icc and generally it's uh it's kind of um it's it's standard of uh uh legal behavior internationally in his credibility. we've often seen uh the icc work against african warlords against eastern uh european uh basically uh uh you know militant leaders we could say like maybe in serbia and what not but then why haven't we seen the icc really work against western leaders for the iraq invasion for afghanistan for lot of conflicts where there's been a clear cases of war crimes committed by western countries and leaders. one has to understand that all these international organizations have uh have been created in the wake of the second world war and they were dictated really by the the the
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global powers and particularly uh the global powers that won that war uh the americans being in in in the forefront of that and since then that power and that influence on the icc in such institutions has has increased, even the united nations, it can be argued, has done very little in terms of fulfilling its its mandates as well, you could go on across many many other organization, the international atomic agency for instance, and many, many others, but they're all now so compromised, it seems that they have either uh funding coming from the united states which deters them from doing the their real job or certainly. people west predominantly or they can they're influenced by uh anglo-zionist corporate power, so for instance, the who is a clear example where people like bill gates and others privately finance these institutions, so to have really neutral, genuine global institutions, i think
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is becoming increasingly a priority for the world, the world is increasingly looking at these institutions saying, who are you really working for, are you really internationally neutral or are you operating for? israel, the zionist agenda and the americans, the icc is facing significant challenges of course with that whole legitimacy question that i raised earlier, but it's got a weak. code of prosecutions, there's discord amongst of course judges and a difficult relationship with the world's great powers, including on the surface russia and the united states, the us actually bullied it the last time um they tried to uh do anything which was against their interests or israel interests and so it'd be a surprise if israel even entertained anything that the icc did did and it would be surprised if the icc devoted any great finances or effort to to the situation. but the gazen genocide is creating shock waves all around the world and it may be that the
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icc and the icj and such organizations now will feel that they're under such spotty that they actually have to do something to change. palestinians get a win at the iccc some kind of a recourse some kind of relief if not a righteous prosecution or reparations. how do the palestinians get a when when it seems like defining and proving um genocide? in gaza will not be tough task either at the icc or the icj, the the other fascinating thing about the uh the israeli war on innocent civilians, the genocide of innocent civilians, is that not only have they carried out the genocide, but south africa made it very obvious, the the legal case that south africa presented was very, very powerful, simply because they managed to gather all the statements. the the israeli leaders, so the prime minister, the president, and very every
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minister at some point another, has made a public statement in which they've made genocidal statements, and then what they've done is they've linked those genocidal statements, the the the south african legal team have linked those words, those statements to actual action in gaza, so you can connect the the israeli oc nation force, the israel defense force, whatever you want to call it, you can, you can, you can see the actions that are being carried out by them every day in gaza, actually reflecting and actually acting on the statements of elected representatives of israel, that makes it very, very compelling, that hasn't really happened before, of course we've seen israeli so soldiers beating up, torturing, bullying, even little children out. on the streets, there are ample evidence of that prior to uh this particular war, and there's been ample
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evidence of phosphorus and other illegal weapons being reined down upon gaza prior to this, and there are many, many genocides that we can refer to over the years since the nakba itself, which in itself was an ethnic cleansing genocide of in its own right, so the the truth is the case has always been there, it's just now the way that the 250 or so... "civilians have been killed virtually every day, a child gets uh killed, you two or three children get killed every hour, literally in the way uh israel has carried out its gastly campaign, and now 90% of these people are starving, they're on the verge of starvation, uh, food, electricity, uh, water supplies, everything's either contaminated or cut off, and that's happening in in real time, in full view on social media across the world, and it's causing an outrage and the..." governments which are shamelessly helping and supporting this, the anglo-zionist imperialist ones, britain, america, germany, all of them, they're
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getting increasingly exposed as well, like never before, they've hypocritically hidden behind all sorts of fancy words like israel's right to defense and and other nonsense, but now all of those words are becoming exposed as absolute lies and just complete excuses for genocide, and i think that the the the hands of politicians. thank you, say it, stay safe, it's alja, pleasure to checking with you and pick your brain on stuff like this, from london s they're joining us, a plot hatched by zyanus, to occupy, to disintegrate and to plunder palestine. this documentary
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tells in five parts how the israeli regime kickstarted its sinister project in palestinian lans through the gradual strategy of settling the so-called jewish colonies. and welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv, world news. the yemen army. has targeted an american ship in the gulf of aiden, in response to us-uk strikes on the arab country. the naval forces of the yemen armed forces. carried out the targeting operation against an american ship came ranger in the gulf of eden with several appropriate naval missiles resulting in direct hits. sorry you describe as inevitable yemen's retaliation for the aggression by the us and uk. he added any new strike on yemen will not go unanswered or unpunished. us has confirmed attack its ship. the pentagon says
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it was a third attack by yemenese this week on us own vessels in and around the red. that is a crucial shipping laning for international trade, where attentions have been spiking over the last two months. yemen has been attacking is really linked ships and retaliation for the regime's campaign of genocide on gaza. tensions in the red sea have escalated further in the past week after the us and uk began air strikes on yemen, siting what they call threats to international shipping. "the united states has launched a new wave of attacks in yemen. the fresh missile saba was fired from us navy ships stationed in the red sea and targeted sites that were allegedly prepared to launch attacks. over dozen locations were set to have been hit in the strikes. the amamini saba news agency reported that the areal assault at the provinces of vadeda, taz, damar, albaida and sada. the aggression was accompanied by the presence of surveillance
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aircraft over the western part of yemen. this aggression will not change anything in the sense of our..." people and his spiritual obligation in supporting the palestinian people and the residence of gaza as well as the continuous targeting of ships linked to israel, and this is clear in our continuous operations, yemy armed forces have said that they will not hesitate to target all sources of threat in the arabian and red seats within the country's legitimate right of self-defense. they've also warned that any aggression against yemen by the us or the uk will not go unanswered and unpunished, the washington designated ansara movement as a terrorist organization. the anteral of resistance movement has described the us move to redesignate the movement as a terrorist organization as quote a badge of honor resignation of the united state does mean here in yemen they don't care about that but they are honored to to to have that relisting as a terrorist organization because we know and as said abdul malik have said united state is just the face of the crime united
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states is one of the country that have destroyed i mean the have destruction where they go, so we are honored to be designated as terrorist, because as always they say, one man terrorist is another man freedom fighter. entreral spokesman muhammad abdul salam added that the move also proves the impact of yemen's anti-israely operations in the red sea. as part of their support for palestinians, the emine armed forces and popular resistance movement have over the past month targeted several ships owned by the israeli regime or bound for ports in the occupied territories in the strat. says after multiple warnings earlier in january, the us, along with the uk attacked yemen in a theatrical show of support for the israely regime. the issue that america and britain have joined the war directly and that we are now in direct confrontation with the americans, british and israelis does not scare us at all, the aggression towards our
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country and our people will enhance the development of our military capabilities. this was a brutal aggression, violation of our sovereignty. i mean, after 10 years of war on the yemini people a siege on land, air and sea, and to add to that, they are targeting us with new aggression. this is new stage of the conflict. what does this reflect? it reflects violation of sovereignty, further injustice towards people. since mid- november, yemeni armed forces have carried out operations against the israeling ship. in the red sea, they say operations are aimed at forcing the israeli regime into stopping its war on gaza and allowing medicine and food into the enclave. yemeny armed forces have also made it clear the red sea operations will continue until those goals are achieved. washington and
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london have supplied money, weapons and diplomatic cover for the zianist occupation of palestine. they are actively promoting genocide. ethnic cleansing, racism, parthide, pruel, dehumanization and extreme barbarism in occupied palestine. it's obvious who is on the side of genocide, britain, france, canada, the netherlands and others, and germany, especially, and on the side of right and the side of morality is world public opinion, the yemani government. the western hijamatic powers and their zionist allie have faced the disgraceful defeat in gaza in the face of the resilience and steadfastness. of hamas and other palestinian resistance groups, germany military has single-handedly posed the biggest threat to the economic functioning of the israeli occupation by forcing it out of the red sea and further promising to stop the movement. of ships to the occupied territories if the aggression against gaza continues. in response to the yemini military's actions, the u.s. formed so-called multinational coalition in the red sea, under the guise of protecting
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international trade, which in reality was attempt to protect the status quote and regional borders that have traditionally been in the service of western interests. yemeni military's efforts have been noted for being highly sophisticated and precise. the yemini attacks have been extraordinarily effective. first of all uh shipping costs uh are rising, have risen, insurance for ships is going up uh, and this will this will only uh get worse, so israel is taking a a pretty significant economic hit. major shipping companies have had to halt operations in the red sea and to take new longer routes and the us has been scrambling to pressure the saudis to avoid a peace deal with yemen. yemen's. totalitary strikes has also halted all commercial activities in the port of ilat in the occupied territories. yemen has in fact set new equation with global consequences and
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has pushed the us from a position of dominance to one of defense, having to react and succum to the resistance demands. thousands of people hit the streets of yemen's northern city of saada to voice support for palestinians in the wake of israel's genocidal campaign on gaza. demonstrators way palestinian and yemeny flags chanting the us is mother of terrorism. slogan's a reminder of washington's unequivocal support for the israeli regime as well as aggression against yemen. protesters also. slamed us move to redesignate yemen's ansera movement as a terrorist group. for weeks, yemenese have been holding nationwide rallies every friday in a show of support for the people of gaza. as we just said, the us
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has released yemen's answer movement as a global terrorist group over attacks against israely link ships in the red sea. yemeny citizens have spoken about the us move as well as ongoing strikes by washington and london against their country. "they can hit as much as they want, we are ready to support the palestinian cause until the last breath, we, along with the generations after us, will continue to confront them. their repeated attacks will never deter us. america has been striking us for a long time, the aggression against us is veiled under the name of the saudi and emirati aggression, but america has been bombing us for a long time. this decision." is a political move to cover up israel's crimes, claiming that we are a terrorist group is to justify the air strikes on yemen and palestine. this decision is not
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new, it's not an objective decision and is not based any real evidence, because this decision was made before. this classification was approved during the era of former us president trump then the hutis were removed from the terrorists. this proves that it was decision that was not based on practical reality, rather, this indicates that the us makes these decisions to blackmail people and to use the decision like sword against anyone who stands against american and israeli interests. this classification on the list of terrorism is under our feet. we don't care about it. we have fought wars for 9 years and from the first day we have been attacked by the us, israel and britain, and this is not counting their agents from the arab countries. we say that... if anser allah are classified as a terrorist group, then what about israel? what about the us that kills innocent palestinian children and that destroys homes above their residence? what do
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we say about them? are they not our arab brothers and is palestine not arab like us? isn't it our right to stand up and defend our palestinian people with all we've got? palestinians are our brothers and we will not be silent about them and we will not let them down. and that's it, pardon, that's rap for your latest here on press tv, everyone, thank you for joining us, and bye-bye for now.
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depressed coverage of this assination of bsimmani now entering its fourth days.
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your top stories here on press tv: 17 palestinis have been killed in latest israely air strikes on gaza, five lost their lives in a strike on a residential building in hanyunus, the other 12 were killed in an air raid near al-shifa hospital in gaza city. overall death tool in gaza has... now topp 24,700. israel confirms new military losses and clashes with palestinian resistance fighters in gaza. military says a troop died of wounds he sustained in a battle in southern gaza on wednesday. it says 191 soldiers are so far been killed in his ground invasion of gaza. mexico and chile referred uh israel's war on gaza to the international.