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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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and this documentary, the headlines over dozen palestinians are killed in new israeli attacks on gaza where the death tool has already passed 24 thousand. 700. mexico and chile refer israel's war on gaza to the icc, over escalating violence against palestinian civilians. and the yemini army says it is targeted an american ship in the gulf evaden with appropriate naval missiles and response to us set air strikes on the country.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's 4:30 p.m. here in the iranian capital tehran, you're watching press tv's world news. our top story for this half hour, over uh, rather 105 days into the israeli war on the gaza strip, the regime continues with its carpet bombing campaign across the besseged palestinian territory. in the days of such attacks, at least five people were killed in an israeli air strike on a residential building in hanjunes southern gaza, another 12 lost their lives in a strike aparten near elshifa hospital in gaza city. the latest casualties bring to more than 180 the number of palestinians killed in israeli raids across gaza over the past 24 hours. the raids were conducted under the cover of near total communications blackout. the overall death toll from the regime's war has passed 24,760. meanwhile, a un rights expert has said, what is. israel is doing in gaz is violation of
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international law, it is highly illegal. south african politician and youth activist muhammad khalid saied has talked us about the israeli genocide in gaza. he also explains why the regime is imposing a communications black out there, buse this is a genocide, the pictures are here, the death tells. speaks to it, but even within that context, the people of gaza and the resistance and hamas in particular have put up a brave fight and they continue to resist, and we want to commend them for that. without iran, this particular axis, giving support to the suffering people of gaza, the resistance in gaza, will not be possible. the aim of the israeli regime in carrying out this particular blackout. is so
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that they can suppress the information coming out of gaza, so that their crimes, their atrocities, their geneside cannot be sent out to the rest of the world, but still the information is at our disposal, so that's their objective, but also you know um crazy regimes like the israeli regime, especially the one led by benjamin netanyahu does not always even think rationally, even in terms of the... own interest, yes, the interest is to obliterate, to flatten gaza, to kill each and every palestinian living in gaza, but the blocking out of communication, they see it as part of that, but they do not understand that this is simply backfiring, it's making the israeli regime yet again look like a regime that wants to close out each and every communication. israel confirms new military
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losses and clashes with palestinian resistance fighters in the gaza strip. the military says an israeli trooper died of wounds he sustained in battle in southern gaza on wednesday. these reservists were also wounded seriously in the north and center of the gaza strip according to the israeli military, total of 191 soldiers have been killed in the ground invasion of gaza. palestinian resistance groups however say the toll is much higher as israel hides the real number of its military losses. in the meantime, military wing of palestine samas resistance movement has said that their fighters targeted to a merkava tank with three soldiers aboard. the algasan brigades also detonated uh the mouth of a tunnel in a gaza city neighborhood as a group of israeli infantries were there. mexico and chile have referred israel's war on gaza to the international criminal court, the two countries say the referrals because of escalating violence against civilians in gaza, especially children. "the palestinian
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foreign ministry has welcomed the move by mexico and chile. the ministry ministry rather said the referral confirms the icc's need to fulfill its mandate by deterring and prosecuting the most serious crimes. last week south africa also presented a case at the international court of justice over the gaza war. the case said israel is committing genocide in gaza demanded the icj order and emergency suspension of the regime's military campaign there, a large number of countries backed south africa's move. like many countries around the world, australia, austrians, rather, have also held rallies to express solid date with palestinians in gaza. people took to the streets defying a ban on such demonstrations. correspondent in viena has asked some austrians about media bias and the lack of coverage of pro- palestine voice at stalism. since i am mainly influenced by austrian television, i think it is very onesited. i read lot of international
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newspapers and the reporting there is entirely different than on austrian television, namely it is not as onesited. in austria, there is much reporting from israel. and the situation in a gaz strip is only featured in very few media lets. above all there is hardly any information about what the civilian population in gaza is doing? when you come in maybe austria uh is is a bit uh bias yeah uh also the the mensos where you can in nowadays where you can find the truth is through social media because uh now uh you have access to to information. uh from there also and people uh say the truth and you can see uh the murder of the child uh the children in gaza what you cannot see in the major decision uh take in un also that uh hiding for people hiding for people and you
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can see it through social media yeah this is the this is my opinion there's some uh uh how can i say some uh major? have a high agenda, yeah, some of them, not all of them, yeah, was my fault is, i miss the media coverage of the background to the conflict, the history, the connections, horrible images are shown enough, but not enough information is given to the people about what led to the war and the attacks, i can hardly manage to watch all the hardship and atrocities in the reports about the war, overall i am very skeptical about the media coverage, i have the feeling that the reporting is very on. only presenting israel's perspective. i do not want to defend violence, but there is a reason why this all happened. if you constantly mal treat someone, then of course you have to expect a backlash at some point. the way israel is reacting here with such exaggeration is nothing other than genocide.
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i admire south africans who have the courage to call out israel. in austria, the media does not have the courage to do this. i feel like the news in the west is too pr'. there is also a lot of fake news on next and twitter, to better understand the situation, people should see more of the gruesome images of violence and suffering in gaza. well the eminy army says it is targeted an american ship in the gulf of aiden in response to us uk strikes on the arab country. the naval forces of the yemen armed forces carried out the targeting operation against. an american ship came ranger in the gulf of eden with several appropriate naval missiles resulting in direct hits. study described as inevitable yemen's retaliation for the aggression by the us and the uk, he added that any new strike
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on yemen won't go unanswered and unpunished. the us has confirmed the attack its ship. the pentagon says it was the third attack by the emines this week on us own vessels in and around. the red sea, that's a crucial lane for international trade, where tensions have been spiking over the last two months. yemen has been attacking israeli linked ships and retaliation for the regime's genocide in gaza. the tensions in the red sea of escalated further in the past week after the us and uk began air strikes on yemen citing what they called threats to international shipping. well thousands of people have hit the streets of yemen's northern city of sauda to voice support for palestinians in the wake of israel's genocidal war on gaza.
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the demonstrators waved palestinian and yemini flags chanting the us is the mother of terrorism. the slogan is a reminder of washington's unequivocal support for israel as well as his aggression against yemen. the protesters also slammed the us move to redesignate yemen's ansera movement as a terrorist group for weeks yemenis. have been uh holding nationwide rallies every friday in a show of support for the people of gaza, academic and political analyst hakim sal is joining us now from the iranian capital tehran uh miss bedia, welcome to the program, first of all uh let's start off with the news that we just had about uh uh yet again massive demonstrations taking place uh in cities across yemen specifically uh the northern city of saada, what do you make of
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these uh massive demonstrations in support of the palestinians in gaz and also denouncing the uh us backed israeli genocide on gasens? this is what is what we are witnessing in yemen is actually the most exemplary case of the people of the world rising against uh un just world order and a world order that has given rise to a complete you know full blown genocide in gaza, the people of the world are doing that, but the people of yemen are exemplary in this case, they have been under you, so much pressure for the past decade, they have experienced everything that is happening in gaza first hand, you know they have had their... own round of humanitarian crisis backed by the very us government that
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is committing this you know round of violence against yemen, just because yemen is doing its part in trying to basically end the genocide that is going on in gaza, what the yemenian forces, the huti forces want is sease fire in gaza, if that happens everything is going to stop, and of course the united states is not ready to do anything for that to happen, for the ending of the violence and the genocide is happening in gaza, so the people of yemen are showing to the world what everyone has to do, and of course we are seeing you know similar scenes around the world in different you know countries, especially in western countries, people are in unison, they have the same... opinion that this you know corrupt and this unjust world order has to come to an end, you
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know, when there is other way to put an end to an ongoing genocide, what should governments do, what should people do, and this is what we are seeing in yemen, that thehi you know forces are doing their part, and the people of yemen are doing their part in the streets, you know, giving their full support. to you know their representatives and showing to the world that they are still steadfast, even though they have been under so much pressure as i said for the last 10 years having their own humanitarian crisis and having their own you know rounds of attacks by outside forces backed by the us government, well the emi army also uh said it's targeted american ship in the gulf of. in response to to the us uk strikes on the arab country uh please uh give us your
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thoughts uh in uh in that aspect uh as well also uh if you may um give us your perspective on this defined message uh that the yemen armed forces has been giving to the likes of the united states in spite of their so-called coalition uh in that area as i said you know the yemani forces they forces are actually showing to the world that the reality that there are two forces to this conflict, it is not just israel that is, you know, to blame for what is going on in gaza, the united states is the real corporate, if the united states support for israel was not there, this whole you know genocide had had been ended long before, we wouldn't be in this situation where we have more than 24 thousand people, innocent children, women and men killed. and many others under the rubble you know and dynasties watching the whole
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thing and actually supporting it, so the yemeni people and the yemeni forces are actually showing to the world that this is the two sides of the conflict and they are ready to do their part which is to keep make the united states responsible for what it is doing, so if the united states wants this to end, there is one simple solution, that is do something for the seasfire uh you know to be on the table right and uh would you say that the with the attacks that uh the uh the united states and uk launched on targets in yemen, it was basically a revelation of how uh the united states is giving its full support and backing to the israeli genocide that's being committed against gazans, of course that is the case and of course the timing of the you know the attacks are also noteworthy just as the south african case
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against you know the africa the south african case against the israeli government for gen uh doing committing genocide in gaza was being talked about being in the news because in the international court of justice, at the same time we see that the united states is carrying out these strikes, so this is you know two-sided, basically we could say there are two goals here, one is to keep supporting israel in its you know crimes, against the people of palestine, but also on the other hand is trying to open up news front on the other side of the you know in another area in the middle east in order to basically distort and basically you know changed the the news agenda, so this is what is happening, but i
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think as i said the yemen people are stead fast in their support. for the palestinian people, no matter what the cost. looking at these international demonstrations that are taking place, not just in uh various yemini cities, but since the onset of this uh israeli genocide against gazons, we've seen similar demonstrations taking place in city after city. would you say that this is the most isolated uh, at least in terms of public opinion that the israelis and their allies have been in recent memory. of course, yes. yes, that is a reality that you know the israeli government has hidden all its you know crimes against the palestinian people behind pr spins you know behind the media behind the complicity of the you know the western mainstream media and of course that is not working anymore you know people of the
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world have realized what is happening and israel is the most ' related at the moment and one last issue before uh we wrap the segment up uh the protesters uh they've slammed the us's move to redesignate yemensor movement as a terrorist group uh i want to get uh your thoughts and and your perspective on that issue uh as well some uh shipping lane disruptments and uh a terrorist uh group but uh so many innocent women and children uh dying at the hands the israelis and there's no such mention of the israeli regime being uh a terrorist entity uh that's uh a blood thirsty terrorist entity that is out for uh the killing and the genocide of innocent women and children. another case of us hypocrisy when it comes to human rights when it comes to you know anti-terrorism the us
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has had that car that sort of hypocrisy ever since you know we have had this anti-terrorism or the war on terror after 2001 and it is you know getting to the climax of it you know the people of the world are seeing that hypocrisy you know more clearly than ever that you know we always heard about good batters but you know the freedom fighters that were basically labeled that terrorist fighting. united states in many different countries ago was the the assassination of the of patrice lumomba the prime minister of democratic republic of congo who was victim of a us back coup back
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in 19 the end of the 50s - so and he was killed and he was most probably labeled as a terrorist back then as well, any freedom fighter who is is basically brave enough to stand against this unjust world order, at one time it is the colonial world order, at one time it is the bipolar world order, at this moment it is the american back world order that is you know basically implicit in this genocide, the the israeli genocide of the palestinian people, so this is the most plain case of us hypocrisy, you know, saying that israel has the right to defend itself when it is actually the occupying power in palestine which you know has made gaza into an open air
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prison has is you know killing men, women and children daily every day we have more than 100 palestinians killed by israeli air strikes, many more are at. you know star and you know being killed by diseases, so this is, as i said, one of the most plain cases of us hypocrisy, and i think this time it is not going to work, as the people of the world have realized what is going on. thanks lot, academic and political analyst, joining us from the iranian capital, tehran, thank you. well, the united states has relisted yemen is a global terror. group over attacks against israeli linked ships in the red sea. yemany citizens have spoken about the us move as well as the ongoing strikes by washington and london against their country. they can hit as
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much as they want. we are ready to support the palestinian cause until the last breath. we, along with the generations after us, will continue to confront them. their repeated attacks will never deter us. america has been striking us for a long. long time, the aggression against us is veiled under the name of the saudi and emirati aggression, but america has been bombing us for a long time. this decision is a political move to cover up israel's crimes, claiming that we are a terrorist group is to justify the air strikes on yemen and palestine. this decision is not new, it's not an objective decision and is not based any real evidence, because this decision was made before, this classification. was approved during the era of former us president trump then the hutis were removed from the terror list. this proves that it was decision that was not based on practical reality, rather, this
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indicates that the us makes these decisions to blackmail people, and to use the decision like sword against anyone who stands against american and israeli interests. these classification on the list of terrorism is under our feet. we don't care about it. we have fought war. for nine years and from the first day we have been attacked by the us, israel and britain, and this is not counting their agents from the arab countries. we say to them, if anser allah are classified as a terrorist group, then what about israel, what about the us that kills innocent palestinian children and that destroys homes above their residence? what do we say about them? are they not our arab brothers and is palestine and arab like us? isn't it our right to stand up and defend our palestinian? people with all we've got. palestinians are our brothers and we will not be silent about them and we will not let them down. the iranian military
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has launched two day uh day two of air defense drills marked by a variety of exercises. the maneuvers featured operations using air defense systems to counter electronic and cyber attacks. participating troops practiced shooting down targets at low altitude using for the first time domestically developed. short-range air defense system called the 9th of day. the units involved in the drills also use drones to electronically disrupt radars as well as air reconnaissance systems. the maneuvers also involved intelligence satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles and air defense radars. intelligence gathering systems were used as well to spot and take out mock enemy targets. the drills are carried out jointly by the iranian army at iran's islamic revolution guard score, the irgc. that's a wrap for now, but stick around, i'll be back on the top of the news and brief,
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we're not supposed to talk about. كان يشتغل بدون اي نوع من انواع الاجراءات الوقايه على العكس تماما نفس الزلمه اللي كان يجيب له الاكل او الشرب كان يكون متخذ كافه الاجراءات الاحتياطيه هذا الموضوع ما بفهم فيه ورحم الله احنا الاردن واسرائيل هناك معاهده السلام ونحن ملتزمينا نتمنى انه دمونا يرحل عنا
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لانه هو السبب. a plot hatched by zinus to occupy. to disintegrate and to plunder palestine. this documentary tells in five parts how the israeli regime kickstarted its sinister project in palestinian lands through the gradual strategy of settling the so-called jewish colonies.
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i am edward said, i was born in 1935 into a christian family. most of my family left jerusalem because they had to, and it was an area that fell to the hagana in i think february of 1948. the idea of being a fugitive is just like being affected by leprosy. all... palestinians feel the same sense of exile the charge which created outrage when it was first raised, i think um, they tried to dub the racist thing, but you see, unfortunately, i think there is something in it, so for him, the writing of orientalism was actually shaped by his engagement with the question of palestine, our homeland was lost in history and right in
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front of people.
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press tv's news and brief: 17 palestinians have been killed in the latest israeli air strikes on gaza, five lost their lives in a strike on a residential building in han unis, the other... 12 were killed in an air raid near el shifa hospital in gaza city. the overall death tool in gaza tops 24, 760. israel confirms new military losses and clashes with palestinian resistance fighters in the gaza strip. the military says a trooper died of wounds he sustained in battle in southern gaza on wednesday. it says 191 soldiers have so far been killed in the ground invasion of gaza.