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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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على the headlines, palestinian officials say the death tool from relentless israeli bombings in the gaza strip is nearing 24,800. mexico and chile refer israel's war on gaza to the icc over escalating violence against palestinian civilians and the emini army says it is targeted an american ship in the gulf of aiden. with appropriate naval missiles in
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response to us sled air strikes on the country. hello and welcome everybody, it's 8:30 p.m. here in the irany and capital tehrany watching press tv's world news our top story for this half hour one 105 days into the israeli war on the gaza strip, the regime continues with its carpet bombing campaign across the besieged palestinian territory. the overall death toll from the regime's war has passed 24,760, more than 62,000 others have been wounded and thousands are still under the rubble of their homes. israel keeps bombing residential buildings and refugee camps and areas that it had set, would be safe, hospitals are overwhelmed across the besieg territory with people literally waiting. on the floor for medical staff to
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intervene and save them, the deadly raids are being conducted while the coastal territory is under near total communications blackout imposed by tel aviv. south african politician and youth activist muhammad khalid said has talked us about the israeli genocide in gaza. he also explains why the regime is imposing a communications blackout there. buse this is a genocide, the pictures are here, the death toll speaks to it, but even within that context, the people of gaza and the resistance and hamas in particular have put up a brave fight and they continue to resist, and we want to commend them for that, without iran, this particular access, giving support to the suffering people of gaza, the resistance. in gaza will not be possible, the
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aim of the israeli regime in carrying out this particular blackout is so that they can suppress the information coming out of gaza so that their crimes, their atrocities, their genocide cannot be sent out to the rest of the world, but still the information is at our disposal, so that's their objective, but also you know um crazy... regimes like the israeli regime, especially the one led by benjamin netanyahu does not always even think rationally, even in terms of their own interests, yes the interest is to obliterate, to flatten gaza, to kill each and every palestinian living in gaza, but the blocking out of communication, they see it as part of that, but they do not understand that this is simply backfiring, it's making the israeli regime yet again look like a regime. that
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wants to close out each and every communication. israel confirms new military losses and clashes with palestinian resistance fighters in the gaza strip. the military says an israeli trooper died of wounds he sustained in battle in southern gaza on wednesday. three reservists were also wounded seriously in the north and center of the strip. according to the israeli military a total of 191 soldiers have been killed in the ground invasion of. as a palestinian resistance groups however say the death tool is much higher as israel hides the real number of its military losses. in the meantime, the military wing of palestine's hamas resistance movement has said that its fighters targeted a merkava tank with three soldiers aboard. al-qassam fighters sit an israeli military vehicle with rocket propelled grenade in gaza city. the resistance forces also targeted a group of israeli occupation forces hold up inside building with rocket. two israeli occupation
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forces soldiers were also targeted in the city of juannes. mexico and chile have referred israel's. war on gaza to the international criminal court. the two countries say the referral is because of escalating violence against uh civilians in gaza, especially children, the palestinian foreign ministry is welcomed the move by mexico and chile. the ministry said the referral confirms the iccs need to fulfill its mandate by deterring and prosecuting the most serious crimes. last week, south africa also presented a case at the international court of justice over the gaza war. the case said israel is committing genocide in gaza. at the icj order emergency suspension of the regime's military campaign there, a large number of countries backed south africa's move. israeli forces have killed yet another
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palestinian teenager in the occupied west bank as the regime intensifies its raids there. the palestinian teen identified a 17-year-old talfig hafiz hajazi was fatally shot in village. northeast of ramala, according to the palestinian health ministry, hajazi was shot in the head, palestinians and the west bank are being targeted and killed by israeli forces a daily basis. on thursday, the regime carried out a more than 35 hour long raid in told karam killing eight palestinians. israel has intensified its deadly raids across the west bank since october the 7th when it began its genocidal war on gaza, israel's raids have left nearly 370 palestinians dead while injuring many others. press tv's monandila is joining us now uh from romalah to bring us up to speed on the recent israeli raid in the occupied westbang what do you have to share with us?
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it's another palestinian has been shot and killed by the israeli forces. this time 17 year old tofiq hijazi was surprised by israeli. forces near the village of almazrah east ramal and when he saw the israeli forces maybe he was afraid let's say and he tried to return back the israel is chased him and opened fire shot him in the head and unfortunately he was shot and killed according to his father he was surprised by the israeli forces near the village. of almazrah taufik from the village of silwad when the ambulances succeeded to take his body and transferred him to hospital in romallah. we have to mention that as you have said some 370 palestinians were killed by the
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israeli forces since the 7th of october. in addition to the numerous israeli military checkpoints, since the 7th of october the israeli military has escalated its aggressive measures and more policies, aggressive policies are being carried out against the palestinians, more soldiers were sent to the uh checkpoints all across the occupied west bank and there are even metal gates, earth mounts, these are at the entrances to the villages, the towns and the refugee camps and at the same time the israel close all the areas, so palestinians are not able to travel from the center of the occupied west bank to the north or the south without these strict measures and military checkpoints and we can
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say that every day the israelis decide to close one area and at the same time decide to carry out a military raid to one of the palestinian areas like gin, naplas, toulkarem, yesterday the israel is carried out a an operation to toul karim led to the killing of at least seven palestinians in this military uh raid and the number of palestinians being killed continues to rise while those people who are being detained by the israeli forces also thousands today we are speaking about some 700 palestinians had been detained by the israeli forces since the 7th of october. all right, thanks lot. mona press tv's mona candale joining us from romelo. crisis devastating wars, terrorism.
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the israeli lobby, crackdown. diplomacy, usraeli genocide against palestinians. welcome back, israel and hezbollah resistance moving continue to exchange fire along lebanon's southern border, and the latest clashes, israeli occupation forces have conducted new strikes on several southern lebanese towns. in response, hezbulah has fired a brage of missiles at upper. in the northern occupied territories, israely media say a drone was also launched from lebanon
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and reached hifa bay. the two sides have been engaged in intense fighting since israel launched its genocidal war on gaza early october, the lebanese movement says attacks on israel will stop only if the regime ends its onslot on palestinians. well, the emmy army says it is targeted an american ship in the gulf of. in response to us uk strikes on the arab country. the neighbor forces of the yemani armed forces carried out the targeting operation against an american ship came ranger in the gulf of eden with several appropriate naval missiles resulting in direct hits. sari described as inevitable yemen's retaliation for the aggression by the us in the uk. he added that any new strike on yemen won't go unanswered and punished. "the us has confirmed the attack its shit, the pentagon says that it was the third attack by the yeminies this week on us own vessels in
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and around the red sea. that's a crucial lane for international trade, where tensions have been spiking over the last two months. yemen has been attacking israeli linked ships in retaliation for the regime's genocide in gaza. the tensions in the red sea have escalated further in the past week after the us and uk began air strikes on yemen, siting what they called threats to international ship." the united states has launched a new wave of attacks in yemen. the french missile was fired from us navy ships, stationed in the red sea and targeted sites that were allegedly prepared to launch attacks. over dozen locations were said to have been hit in the strikes. the amaminisabha news agency reported at the airal assault hit the provinces of adeda, taz, damar, albaida and sada. the aggression was a company. by the presence of surveillance aircraft over the western part of yemen. this aggression will
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not change anything in the stance of our people and his spiritual obligation in supporting the palestinian people and the residence of gaza as well as the continuous targeting of ships linked to israel and this is clear in our continuous operations. yemy armed forces have said that they will not hesitate to target all sources of threat in the arabian and red seats within the country's legitimate right of self-defense. they've also warned that any aggression against yemen by the us or the uk will not go unanswered and unpunished for washington designated ansera movement as a terrorist organization. the anteral of resistance movement has described the us move to redesignate the movements as a terrorist organization as quote a badge of honor. designation of the united states does i mean here in yemen they don't care about that but they are honored uh to to have that relisting as a terrorist organization because we know and as said abdul malik have said united states is just the face of the crime, united states is one of the country that have destroyed, i mean the have destruction
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wherever they go, so we are honored to be designated as terrorist, because as always they say one man terrorist is another man freedom fighter. spokesman muhammad abdul salam added that the move also proves the impact of yemen's anti-israely operations in the red sea. as part of their support for palestinians, the any armed forces and popular. movement have over the past month targeted several ships owned by the israeli regime or bound for ports and the occupied territories in the strategic we after multiple warnings earlier in january the us along with the uk attacked yemen and a theatrical show of support for the israeli regime. the issue that america and britain have joined the war directly and that we are now in direct confrontation with the americans, british and israelies does not scare us at all ration towards our country and our people will enhance the development of our military capabilities. this was a
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brutal aggression, violation of our sovereignty. mean, after 10 years of war on the yemini people a siege on land, air and sea, and to add to that they are targeting us with new aggression. this is new stage of the conflict. what does this reflect? it reflects violation of sovereignty, further injustice towards people. since mid-november, yemeny armed forces have carried out operations against israeli linked ships in the red sea. they say the operations are aimed at forcing the israeli regime. to stop its war on gaza and allow medicine and food into the territory. the enemy armed forces have also made it clear that their red sea operations will continue until those goals are achieved. washington and london have supplied money, weapons and diplomatic cover for the zinus occupation of palestine. they are actively
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promoting genocide, ethnic lensing, racism, parthide, pull, dehumanization and extreme barbarism. occupied palestine. it's obvious who is on the side of genoside, britain, france, canada, the netherlands and others and germany, especially, and on the side of right, on the side of morality is world public opinion, yemeny government. the western hijamonic powers and their zinist ally have faced the disgraceful defeat in gaza in the face of the resilience and steadfastness of hamas and other palestinian resistance groups. germany military has single-handedly posed. biggest threat to the economic functioning of the israeli occupation by forcing it out of the red sea and further promising to stop the movement of ships to the occupied territories if the aggression against gaza continues. response to the yemini military's actions, the us formed so-called multinational coalition in the red sea under the guise of protecting international trade, which in reality was attempt to protect the status quo and
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regional waters that have traditionally been in the service of western interests. yemeni military's efforts have been noted for being... highly sophisticated and precise, the yemeni uh attacks have been extraordinarily effective, first of all, uh, shipping costs are rising, have risen, insurance for ships is going up, and this will this will only uh get worse, so israel is taking a a pretty significant economic hit, major shipping companies have had to halt operations in the red sea, and to take new longer routes and the us has been scrambling to pressure the saudis to avoid a peace deal with yemen. yemen's retaliatory strikes has also halted all commercial activities in the port de vilat in the occupied territories. yemen has in fact set new equation with global consequences and has pushed the us from a position of dominance to one of defense, having to react and succumbed to the resistance demands.
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thousands of people have taken to the streets of yemen's capital sana to avoid support for palestinians a mid israel's genocidal war on gaza. "the demonstrators waved palestinian and yemeny flags chanting anti-us slogans earlier people gathered in the city of sauda to condemn israel's onslot on gaza. yemeny protesters denounced washington's unequivocal support for israel and its recent air strikes against yemen. the protesters also slammed
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the us move to designate yemen's ansarlo movement as a terrorist group, calling washington quote "the mother" of terrorism. jordanians also demonstrated near the us embassy in ammon, they ask their government and other arab states not to normalize their relations with israel. our message is very clear, no to the american military bases on jordanian and arab lands, no to all the treaties and agreements that are signed with the zionist entity. after 100 days of. resilience and resistance, what is needed is practical steps to support the palestinian people and to support the resistance to defeat the hostile alliance which is led by the united states. we call on our jordanian government to take better stances than the ones it is currently taking. there's no doubt
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that these steps are being taken, but we're asking for more positive ones, especially regarding those related to design enemy to stop. his relations with the zinus enemy and to focus on hostilities with this enemy. political analyst hakim salds says the demonstrations held by yemenese reiterate their support for their country's anti-israel operations that sana says will continue until the genocide in gaza stops. the very us government that is committing this uh... round of violence against yemen, just because yemen is doing its part in trying to basically end the genocide that is going on in gaza, what the yemani forces, thehi forces want is sease fire in gaza, if that happens everything is going to stop, and of course the united states government is not ready to do anything for that to happen, for the
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ending of the violence and the genocide is happening in gaza, so the people of yemen are showing to the world what everyone has to do, and of course we are seeing you know similar scenes around the world. in different you know countries, especially in western countries, people have the same opinion that this you know corrupt and this unjust world order has to come to an end, you know when there is other way to put an end to an ongoing genocide, what should governments do, what should people do, and this is what we are seeing in yemen that the huti you know forces are doing their part and the... people of yemen are doing their part in the streets, you know, giving their full support to, you know, their representatives and showing to
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the world that they are still steadfast, even though they have been under so much pressure, as i said, for the last 10 years having their own humanitarian crisis and having their own you know rounds of attacks by outside forces back. by the us government, well the iranian military has launched uh day two of air defense drills marked by a variety of exercises. the maneuvers featured operations using air defense systems to counter. electronic and cyber attacks, units involved in the drills also use drones to electronically disrupt radars as well as air reconnaissance systems.
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participating troops practice shooting down targets at low altitude using for the first time domestically developed short-range air defense system called the ninth of day we are using noheday system in bulk that is new anti-cruise missile system of course. it has passed its operational tests for more than year. the menuers also involved intelligence satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles and air defense radars, intelligence gathering systems were used as well to spot and uh take out mock enemy targets. the drills are carried out jointly by the iranian army and iran's islamic revolution guards core the irgc. iran says its recent military operation in neighboring pakistan was a timely action to thwart an immediate terrorist threat. in a phone call with his pakistani counterpart,
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the iranian foreign minister said more than 50 terrorists were preparing to carry out a terrorist attack against iran, but the strikes foiled their plot. stressed that iran fully respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of pakistan. the top iranian diplomat called for cooperation between the two countries to eliminate terror space. on pakistani soil and also underscore the importance of unity in the muslim world amid the israeli genocide in gaza, for his part, chali dapos gilani highlighted pakistan's brotherly and constructive ties with iran and said that terrorism is the two countries common enemy, that's rap for now, but stick around, i'll be back on the top of the news and brief.
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crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby. crackdown, diplomacy, usraeli genocide against palestinians, we're not supposed to talk about demona. that's the gate, because it's a secret, this jewish state have 200 atomic, have hydrogen bomb, all the other nuclear plants in the world are
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monitored, but not the ones in israel. كان يشتغل بدون اي نوع من انواع الاجراءات الوقايه العكس تماما نفس الزلمه اللي كان يجيب له الاكل او الشرب كان يكون متخذ كافه الاجراءات الاحتياطيه او هذا الموضوع ما بفهم الله الاردن واسرائيل هناك معاهده السلام ونحن ملتزمين ببنودها وتمنى انه دمونا يرحل عنه لانه هو السبب. i believe that the working together we can make history.
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press tv's news and brief israel continues with its carpet bombing campaign across the visieg to gaza strip now the overall death toll from the regime's war has passed 24,760 more than 620. and others have been wounded and thousands are still under the rubble of their homes. israel confirms new military losses in the clashes with palestinian resistance fighters in the gaza strip. the military says a trooper died of wounds he sustained in battle in southern gaza on wednesday, it says 191 soldiers have so far been killed in the ground invasion of gaza. nex.