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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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press tv's news and brief israel continues with its carpet bombing campaign across the besieg gaza strip. now the overall death toll from the regimes war has passed 24,700. 60, more than 62,00 others have been wounded and thousands are still under the rubble of their homes. israel confirms new military losses and clashes with palestinian resistance fighters in the gaza strip. the military says a trooper died of wounds, he sustained in battle in southern gaza on wednesday, it says 191 soldiers have so far been killed in the ground invasion of gaza. mexico and chile
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have referred israel's war on gaza to the international criminal court. they've expressed concern over escalating violence against palestinian civilians, especially children. that comes a week after south africa also presented a case to the international court of justice over israel's geneside in gaza. hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets of yemen and jordan to voice support for palestinians and protesters denounce washington's unequivocal support for israel demonstrators in jordan. ask their government and other arab states not to normalize their relations with israel. the iranian military has held the second day of air defense drills conducting a variety of exercises. the maneuvers featured operations using air defense systems to counter electronic and cyber attacks. also drones were used to electronically disrupt radars as well as air reconnaissance systems.
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los grandes medios, como se autoo de comunicación. de ser neutrales, sin embargo, hoy.
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media ignore that because it is not important, but if a journalist had been murdered by the palestinians, by the palestinian resistance, they would scream in such a way that we would get deaf, but 63 or more is no longer valid, de tal manera que no dejarían sordos, pero los 63 o más ya no valen, the more than 23,000 gozons killed and almost 60,000 injured.
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even some media outlets on their own beyond the origin of the lie that comes from the israeli media added and talked about 100. this is how the media, the big media, act. they do not name the casualties of the occupying army of the zionist entity, which are numerous. they never mention it, it seems that they are immortal. no one is injured, no
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one dies, nor do they talk, for example, about those who have been captured by the gazan militiamen, pues los milicianos, gasatiles, no, no, no. no, they do not talk about their casualties, nor do they name their destroyed weapons, including tanks, nor do they say anything about the recovery of weapons that the gazan resistance constantly makes, that does not exist, nor do they exist for them, for example, the resistance that is taking place throughout the area, the us military bases that have been bombed in syria by resistance in iraq, in lebanon, and importante la actitud valiente, ejemplar que tiene el yemen, el ejército very important, the brave exemplary attitude that yemen, the yemeny army has and that today does not allow ships bound for israel to pass from the
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waters of the red seados barcos, otros incluso han sido bombardeados, some ships have been captured, others have been bombed, that is the... truth or the news to the extent that it serves me, then they tell us that it is a conflict, as they call it, between hamas and israel, and that israel is defending itself against hamas, which is supposedly a terrorist entity sería una entidad terrorista, pero bombardean a la población palestina y no solamente en gaza, sino que también, however, they bomb the palestinian population, and not only in gaza, but also in the west bank.
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and the founder of the palestinian alternative revolutionary path movement massar badil. in addition, the founder and member of the anti-colonial movement, al karama. there is no doubt that the western hegemonic
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media follow certain patterns which are ideological, economic and political. we wanted to talk a little deeper about this topic, what do you see is the? well, hegemonic media have always been subservient to or belong to big capital. these media company or part of imperialist colonialism all over the world. for this reason they implement what is announced to them by the economic hegemony of the world and the united states of america and the zinis regime of israel. are all part of that hegemony, and that's why we see that all the time, and not just now and since october the 7th, the big hegemonic media provide information about the issue of palestine in a way that serves design is propaganda apparatus and their goals. working against the issue of palestine
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and the struggle of the palestinian people is done with the aim of justifying the crimes of the israeli colonizers against the nation of palestine as well as the crime. of all oppressive regimes around the world, we're always witnessed to the role these media play in distorting public opinion with the aim of preventing the collective movement of people that demand justice and human rights. this is not limited to the issue of palestine, but in all parts of the world, especially in palestine, especially since october the 7th and the height of the palestinian resistance, we saw before our eyes the brutality of israeli bombings. on one hand and the false information and bias news published by these media on the other, narratives that make the hair stand on end, all their effort is to justify an unjustifiable issue, the genocide we're witnessing, no one is say from this genocide against the palestinian people in
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the gaza strip, the hegemonic media have the audacity to serve this fascist ideology and somehow give a green light to continue the killings of the innocent people. with regard to your experiences, connections and revolutionary, democratic and civil activities that you have, what is the role of popular entities to deal with this big campaign or what role should they play? this campaign is very big because they have the amazing mainstream media at their proposal. this indicates the necessity to fight on the front of informing and raising awareness about the interests of the people, especially the interests of the palestine. of course, as
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popular entities, we have very important role, we must note that as human rights activists and defenders, we're deprived of financial resources and support, we're from the working class, we are people who do our activities in our spare time, but what we do to defend human rights is necessary. about the rights of the palestinian nation, but about the rights of all the oppressed nations. we publish the truth and correct information, and our work is to raise awareness, because when you have the opportunity to talk and discuss with people, you will immediately see that what we say means something, and it leaves an impact, and the values we defend are reasonable. we help open people's eyes, we attempt to expose the lies that are being. fed to them by the mainstream media and fake news. most people become united when someone speaks to them and
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shows them the truth. and the greatest need today is in fact for more effort to create gatherings, because there are many people who know that the nation of palestine is already under injustice, and they already know that the problem, the struggle of the nation of palestine is for justice. they are aware that the issue is defending the truth and the right. many people have humanitarian approach to the issue of palestine. they're a nation that endures suffering, but we should know that this nation is not suffering from natural disasters. in palestine, there's been neither earthquake nor a flood. in palestine, there's a colonial project in which genocide and the racial cleansing against the nation.
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and replace it with foreign population, in this case the west will have foothold in a military base that will be used to control and create instability and dominate the entire region known as west asia. no, inmediatamente.
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explain to our viewers a little about the slogan that we see everywhere from the river to the sea, what is this mean for palestinians and how can the people who watch this program in western or
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means that we palestinians have never been against the jewish people, there's never been a difference between palestinians based on religion or skin color, ethnicity and gender. this is the palestine. "we want to regain a free palestine which extends from the river to the sea with inclusive and diverse participation, a palestine which embodies the same slogan from the river to the sea that we say, from rush and grottos, which is the border with lebanon to raffa and um al rarash, which is the southern border, this is
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palestine, but well saying from the river to the sea is beautiful, is not enough, this is the history." historical land of palestine, which is against the two-state solution, so-called solution, which means to harm this nation, the united nations voted on the partition resolution of palestine, resolution 181, in which the opinion of the original nation of palestine was never sought, and more than half of the land of palestine was granted to foreign population. at the time in 1947, the number of the israelis did not even reach. which still emphasize the division of palestine and the creation of two states. we firmly announce that the existence of two governments in this land is not practical. what we demand as palestinian men and women and all supporters of palestine is a free
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palestine from the river to the sea and what we mean by the slogan from the river. is very important that you say that the issue is not a religious issue, the issue is not the issue of the jews, because the bios press and the hegemonic media usually describe the struggle against zinanism as anti. jewish activities, while the truth is that this has nothing to do with the followers of judaism. the main issue that we see in all demonstrations is opposition to the zionist regime, which has occupied a land that does not belong to it, and the inhabitants of the land are palestinians, can be catholic, muslim, jewish, non-religious, buddhists and anything else. it is a significant point that
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does not receive enough attention on the hegemonic media, independientemente. católicos ateos judíos es muy importante eso porque la prensa trabaja mucho eso estimada curiosamente la derecha la derecha internacional. and in the arab islamic world, we have never witnessed segregation, persecution and assaults on jews. the fact is that i live here in spain, the catholic kings expelled the jews from spain, the spanish jews, and they took refuge in islamic countries. jews used to have a good life in spain when islam ruled here. they were growing and they were equal to other
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citizens, but unfortunately, europe, instead of compensating for the issue of persecution and the killing of... austria and everywhere else, what they did was to displace them and force them to colonize palestine. for this reason, the problem has never been religious and many jews whom designist regime claims to represent today, deny their affiliation with the zionist camp, opposed the zionist project and fight alongside the palestinians to end this project, a project that confiscates their voices and opinions and commits crimes in their name. therefore, these two have nothing to do with each other. zionism is a political and colonial project that is very similar to the nazi project, racist and superior project that wants to colonize palestine. it serves the interest of the
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imperialist west to continue to usurp and steal the resources of the west asia. say anything about the nation of palestine, nor about the various organizations that are there. how do you see the participation of various organizations and the parade of resistance? de organizaciones y expresiones de resistencia, bueno, el pueblo palestino siempre ha sido un pueblo politizado, well
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the nation of palestine is always been a political nation, it's always been involved in politics, there's always been a diversity of political ideologies in palestine, the arab revolt in palestine in 1936 was a great revolution in which the people of palestine fought against the beginning. the zionist project against the entry of the zianis and the privileges that the british government gave them and against the british rule in the land of palestine. at that time hamas did not exist in the 1987 intefada when all the people of palestine pour to the streets with stone weapons to fight tanks. hamas did not exist at that time and today their various groups that participate in the resistance of palestine. of course hamas is one of them. remember that hamas won the last elections held in the occupied territories in 2006, and it is normal to have an islamic government or party in a muslim majority country. there are
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also christians who participate in hamas and these media hate to mention this, or they deliberately hide the fact that there is a christian population in palestine, because they want there to be no sympathy from the mostly christian west with palestine, and so it's natural for this. group to exist. the point is, this hegemonic media have been working hard to promote islamophobia in the west for years. america, for its own people, has always needed an enemy to justify the crimes it commits in a different part of the world. and after the fall of communism in the soviet union, it started to present muslims as enemies and created terrorist groups which it fully supports as islamic groups. for example, daesh was created by the...
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quite the opposite, during the time when they were active in syria and killing people in syria, when daesh members were injured, israel took them to their hospitals for treatment, and there are many documents that support this claim that there is a relationship between israel and investigaciones, hay muchos documentos que lo demuestran. it is very strange that the western media do
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not cover the bombing of christian hospitals in gaza as well as the bombing of christian churches and recently two palestinian catholics who were killed dos palestinos cristianos católicos. yeah, in a catholic church where they all had taken refuge, this is a disaster, but the west, which claims to be christian, cannot even take a look at those who were killed. how is this media under such control, and how are they so much at the service of giant corporations, and basically american imperialism and the zionist regime? there is one minute left, so please, as fare well, i would like you to speak to the spanish speaking nations. hacia el pueblo, hacia los pueblos de de habla hispana, muy bien, pues quiero very well, i want to send my greetings to all the people
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of abiaya and all the people who defend the rights of the nation of palestine, as well as all the people who fight for justice and equality. i want to thank all for the support you had in the streets around the world in abiaya and on other continents for the right of resistance of the nation of palestine. so i'm just saying, let's get on with it. this support and solidarity should not only be limited to the time when the nation of palestine is being killed and bombarded, but the nation of palestine must be defended every day until the freedom of palestine is realized from the river to the sea. that's right, jaldia, thank you very much, the solidarity image of the pro-palestinian demonstrations should be strengthened for palestine and together with the palestinians.
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this is black. رجال السرايا سمع للرجال السرايا رجال محمد طيب الانتقام الانتقام والجسر البري. والطباعيه والارتهان ابو قوم فلسطينيه ومن عنا ادلات
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fahren würdet, und deswegen danke ich ihnen auch noch mal. enduring and surviving the genocide of the century happening in the largest open air concentration camp on earth in gaza does not stop the afflicted people of palestine from remembering past massacers committed by the genocidal zinast regime. day of gaza, which was named by the islamic republic of iran on january 19th. 2009 right after a 22 day of aggression against the gaza strip where 1500 people rose marters as a direct result of zionist belligerants. today we commemorate day of gaza as 70% of the strip is carpet bombed with us made top notch laser guided death projectiles that has taken the lives of more than 23,000 civilians in less than 100 days of genocide. day of gaza
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this week on the mide east stream. when palestinian journalist shirin abu aghale was killed by an israeli sniper on may 11, 2022, the israelis meant to get across a clear message: that they don't want any narrative other than their own and... decades old occupation of palestinian lands and their aggression. it wasn't the first time israeli sought to put gag on the alternative narrative, and every time it has failed. watch the history of the israeli measures and palestinian counter measures in this documentary.
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your headlines on press tv palestinian officials say the death toll from the relentless israeli bombings in the gaza strip is nearing 24,800. mexico and chile refer israel's war on gaza to the icc over the escalating violence against palestinian civilians, and the yemeni army says it has targeted an american ship in the gulf of aden with appropriate naval missiles in response to the us that is rights in the country.