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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 6:00am-6:30am IRST

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news and brief for this hour, 17 palestinians have been killed in the latest israeli air strikes on gaza, five lost their lives in a strike a residential. building in hannunis, the other 12 were killed in an air raid near shifa hospital in gaza city. the overall death toll in gaza tops 24,760. the united nations says thousands of palestinians have probably been detained by israeli forces in the gaza strip facing humiliation and torture in detention. a un commissioner says palestinians are kept in horrific conditions urging the release of those held without charge. "the isballah resistance movement
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says it has conducted new retaliatory strikes on israely positions south of the lebanese border. the group says it fired a barrage of missiles at upper galileo. israely media say a drone was also launched from lebanon and reached hafer bay. mexico and chile have referred israel's war on gaza to the international criminal court. they've expressed concern over the escalating violence against palestinian civilians especially. children, that comes a week after south africa also presented a case to the international court of justice over israel's genocide in gaza, and hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets of yemen and jordan to voice support for palestinians. yemeny protesters denounced washington's unequivocal support for israel. demonstrators in jordan ask the government and other arab states not to normalize their relations with israel.
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in welcome to spotlight for more. hundre days every day, hundreds of lives are being taken by israel in the gaza strip, it's more than 100 days at every day, numerous massacers are being committed against palestinians. it's more than 100 days at every day, thousands of people in gaza lose their mothers, fathers, their brothers, their sisters, and lose their children, nearly 25,00, it may just be number to some, but to palestinians, they were loved ones whom they will never see again. what is
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this uh that humanity cannot stop? this textbook example of genocide? we're going to try to figure that out in tonight's spotlight. attorney, activists and political analyst ahmad is joining us from johannesburg and also radio host and journalists at cpr news, don debar is joining us from awesoning, new york. gentlemen, welcome to the program, let's start off with mr. ahmed mayatin johannesburg, now the overall death tool for israel's 105 days of incessant bombing and attacks has passed 24, over 62,000 people have also been injured, schools, churches, hospitals, mosks, ambulances, they've been frequent target of the strikes which have left only a handful of medical facilities partially operational, gasens are literally waiting on the... for medical staff to
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intervene and save them, please share with us your perspective on the horrors that gazints have been enduring during this genocide as the world watches on. i think the south african perspective has been reflected by the application before the icj brought about by the republic of south africa and i think it truly encapsulates what is happening within the gaza strip at the moment, this is purely. signed in the 84 page document that was compiled by the state, what was very clear is that this is a systematic process, a planned destruction of a portion of the palestinian people, everything that has been done by the zinus entity from the destruction of medical facilities to the denial of basic things such as food, water, power, fuel and sorts of
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items that are necessary for the basic survival of human beings and should be guaranteed in terms of the laws of armed conflict have been stopped and therefore it can only be viewed as one thing and that the palestinian people are the target of the zinist entity and that it is a subject to the zinus entities rage, the only thing that we can draw from this is that israel has exposed itself, the mask has fallen and it's exposed itself as a genocidal state that practices apart and is a colonial outpost and it comes as no surprise that former colonial powers have rushed to their aid to try and protect them to all them the card blanch to continue their massacer and fortunately the access of resistance has created equalizer that has changed the battlefield as we see today. don debar, since the beginning of the israeli unslot on gaza, the israeli regime has sought
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to dismantle the resistance groups in gaza, however after 105 days of lethal and deadly attacks by the israelis, the palestinian resistance groups are fighting back strong both inside and outside of gaza, according to... to the israeli military a total of 191 soldiers have been killed in the ground invasion of ghaza, palestinian resistance groups. however, they're saying that the death tool is much higher as israel is hiding the real number of its military losses. is ready settlements continue to be targeted as well, so that means that the israelis have not achieved their military objectives. even israelis are admitting to that, so other than becoming record holders for murdering children, what have the israelies achieved? "they've managed to alienate whatever friends they had on the ground in most parts of the world, and they've managed to uh completely uh dispell the myth of israeli democracy and pluralism. israel is an apartide state, that
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israel is expelling and land cleansing the palestinians from palestine, and there is no objective observer that can deny this." " uh any longer, that's one thing that they've achieved. another thing that they've achieved is that uh, in essence they've been able to isolate the united states among the world um a way that even the incompetent mororons and the white house and around president biden have been unable to do and as previous morons like george bush were unable to do. uh there are now not only the cuba sanctions where the us is... you know one of two or three voices against the entire global community at the general assembly, but there are resolutions including genocidal resolutions uh where the us stands with israel, ukraine and maybe polaw or marshall islands depending on what day it is. um, that is also an achievement of
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israel, it's a remarkable achievement to tell the truth, the united states, the most powerful military on the planet, so at least by dollar spent, um, and uh, with one of the largest. economies if not the largest depending on your measurement stands alone uh in front of the world as siding with genocide and unabfashedly. myat, the recent israeli raids mostly in the south of gaza, which was supposed to be safe zone, were conducted under the cover of near total communications blackout. now, a un rights expert has also said that what israel is doing in gaza is violation of international and is highly illegal. why is the regime of? posing a communications blackout? i think there are three objectives. the first objective is the most obvious one and that is to blind the international world's eyes hoping that the massacres would not be documented, the massacers would not be reported and it would
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not be live streamed. one of the defining characteristics of this particular war is that the massacres, the attacks have been... documented, it becomes impossible for israel to distance itself from the large scale force and disproportion force being utilized against the civilian population and can only be determined that this is means of terrorizing the population. the second reason is to hamstring aid capabilities, and this has been documented by the united nations, by numerous aid agencies that it becomes impossible to coordinate delivery of aid and other important in functions such as medical extractions etc. or to dispatch civilian defense crews to rescue people from bomb buildings if there is no communication. the final aspect and this is a feebal attempt by the israeli regime to try and hamstring the
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resistance capabilities in the hope that because there would be some sort of digital blackout whether it's electronic warfare or destruction of infrastructure. communications infrastructure, they would be able to disrupt the capabilities of the resistance to conduct their operations. what has been demonstrated is that the resistance works in two to three men? cruise, they continue autonomously and they've been incredibly successful on the ground, and israel's plans to in all three phases, or rather all three spheres have failed, the world knows what they are doing, the gazan people remain resilient despite their suffering and the resistance is destroying the zionist entity a daily basis. it's a complete loss for israel despite their driconian tactics. tondabar, mexico and chile. have referred israel's war on gaza to the icc, that's the international criminal
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court. last week south africa also presented a case at the icj, the international court of justice over the gaza war. that case said israel is committing genocide in gaza. what kind of outcome are you expecting from these international tribunals? in addition to that, beniamin netanyahu in a defiant message, recently said that, quote, nobody can stop us, not the hague, and not anybody else. "that sounds just like what a bloodthirsty war criminal would say, doesn't it? yeah, it's exactly what a bloodthirsty war criminal did say as matter of fact, his name is george w. bush, uh, when there were grumblings at uh, in the public sphere about the going to the icc about us behavior in afghanistan and iraq, uh, he said in essence that if any of our and they they passed the legislation, uh, certainly an executive order, i remember made it through the congress, but..." there was law made um or declared that uh if any enforcement of you know arm of the icc
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attempted to mettle with any american military personnel that the united states would defend them, including they call it, i forget the uh bomb the hague act or something, some very aggressive language including military options against the icc, so uh this is exactly what a bloodthirsty world criminal would say because that's what a bloodthirsty world criminal did. but between the two, you have the icj, international court of justice, which is a direct construct is part of the un charter uh, which has is charged with dealing with disputes between states, that's why the parties uh here bringing the case, particularly south africa is it's a nation state, and so they have the, they have standing to do this, the icc uh, they basically they're looking at criminal activity not by states, although that that can be that, but by individuals. so we're looking at cases that are being brought against israel, and i haven't seen the cases yet at the icc, they just filed yesterday,
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but i assume netanyahu and other officials are going to be named. now what happens at the moment at the icj, they're seeking injunctive relief, in other words, not, we'll settle the case later as we can litigate it, but right now we want you to stop them from blowing up gaza, and that is what's before the court, if south africa prevails, a judgment comes out of the icj. then the question of of that is, okay, we have to go to the security council to get authority to have military action taken to enforce this, if israel refuses to do it like netanhu says he will, well the us vetos it, or they have britain or france veto it at the security council, it's a dead end there, if anyone were to actually militarily intervene after that, they would be in violation of the un charter, and realistically speaking, if the us is standing with israel now, whoever is going to challenge that no matter what comes out of these courts is taking a war with the united states and they're making it clear
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while they're bombing yemen saying this has nothing to do with israel in the midst of this genocide. mr. ahmed mat, how important has the unified response been from the resistance in the region and retaliation for the war on gaza. there's lebanon's hezbulah, yemenza resistance movement and the armed forces of the country, resistance groups in syria. iraq, were the israelis in washington not considering the repercussions of a coordinated and unified response from all resistance fronts in the region? i think they did, i think they did take this into consideration and part of the calculus, because the united states was compelled to send two aircraft carrier battle groups to the region to try and threaten the resistance access into sitting on the sidelines and watching the... brotheren being slaughted in ghazza, this did not go according to plan, it
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was impossible for the united states to exercise any form of deterrance, and what we are seeing now is a complete changing of the table, ansar allah in yemen have imposed the naval blockade on all ships heading towards the zinus port of alat, they have targeted us ships as well, despite the heavy presence of us warships within the... and within striking distance of yemen, they have shown fearlessness on the northern front, hazballah has achieved its goal, it was two fold, one was to draw some of the best israel forces up towards the north and keep them occupied there in a war not only of attrition but also keep them in a state of uncertainty, therefore it would be impossible for them to relieve the pressure on the north and going assist the slaughter in gaza, therefore it kept the israeli military force particularly
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depleted in the gaza strip. the second part was to impose econ economic suffering on the zionist entity, by forcing a proximity, the figures are fluctuating, but between 90 to 100 thous settlers in the north had to be evacuated out of the reach of hazballah armaments, so when you look at these two factors combining, hizballah has achieved its goals, we have now new indication that is coming out from the eastern side and that is both through syria. as well as the brothers of hashd shabi that they have attacked both naval assets as well as seen ballistic missiles and cruise missiles through to places like hifa they've hit a lot few times and this has been another dimension if this continues escalate it's very clear that the resistance will continue to escalate they
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have been questions about the resistance access how are they at the moment what is the condition? "and they are in brilliant state at the moment, they continue to work tandem with each other, and the only party that is losing on the ground today is that of the united states, israel and its colonial backers, it's very clear, the evidence is written on the wall that the resistance access has succeeded. don debar, do you believe that the israelis are seeking to expand their onslot on gaza into a wider regional conflict so they can get the us um more directly?" involved and if so are these actions producing the results that tel aviv and washington were seeking, or are they in the words of hezbollah's hasan nasrollah further igniting the resistance front? if you recall, hezbollah just recently said it remains fully ready to go to war against israel. well, first of all, their onslot on
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gaza has always been a wider regional conflict. they've been bombing syria regularly for. years and they've done hits uh in iran also and and elsewhere uh and certainly now i mean netanyahu says that he's making war on iran publicly um and of course we're looking at at the activity that has been taking place across the border from israel into in a number of other places the us is already directly involved they're bombing yemen as we speak you know that they're also providing a-wax and other support for every bombing raid that israel takes takes part in. are they producing the results that israel and the us seek? first of all, the us seeks, israel does what the us seeks? israel has its own independence of motion regionally, the strategic vision is that of the united states, because without the united states there is no israel, and so uh, the u.s. uh, is pursuing right now, um, what it thinks may be, especially listening
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to folks in europe, the last couple of days, it's last chance foreign policy-wise to express... the neochan's desire to take out russia and to establish israel as the dominant power in the middle east, they're going for it, and we're seeing it, in both battlefields, if you want to consider them separate, um, and so uh, the results that they want uh, are you know conquest in essence of iran and of saudi arabia, who's been acting up a little bit lately, uh, of egypt, everyone falling into line and being heavy heavily reliant on israel as proxy for the united states, um, the that is of course an existential threat everyone else in the region, even for even the people in the places like saudi arabia where perhaps the governments may not consider it that way, and so all it does is stoke resistance, people see the the vision that the us has not enough and their backs are against the wall,
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particularly watching what's happening to the people in gaza, so of course they're going for it uh from the west side. and of course the resistance is is amping up to meet that challenge and we're going to see how that plays out right now zachiram uh mayat um the ameny army says that it's targeted an american ship in the gulf of aiden in response to the us uk strikes on the arab country the pentagon says it was a third attack by the emines this week on us own vessels in and around the red sea. now sano had said that the retaliation for the aggression by the us and the uk was inevitable. tell us more about the defiant. message that the yeminies are sending to the us and its allies, as they've been clear that these attacks will persist until israel ends its crimes against gazens. "i think there are few things that have happened with regards to the brothers ofsar allah in yemen, they've exposed the united states as supporters of genocide, and that has a specific legal
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implication as well, when you place it in the context of the icj case that south africa has raised, there has been reports within the media that south africa will be pursuing cases against the united states and the united kingdom as well for supporting the genocide against the..." palestinian people, so that is significant and sah's actions have exposed the united states as supporters of the genocide and that they are prepared to take military action to ensure that israel's blockade or the blockade that has been imposed on israel comes to an end so that it may have the latitude to continue with its massacre of the palestinian people. the second thing that the yemenis have demonstrated is the capabilities to challenge both the united states and israel, there are ships from around the world, the united states, israel's worships are there, the united kingdom, there are french vessels as
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well, there are indian vessels there, and yet they are capable of hitting targets with great degrees of accuracy, and in instances where they have not, they have sent a very clear message, so they have demonstrated the capabilities of the resistance access and then when we look at the... the third point what has transpired is that when yemen was hit by the united states and the united kingdom, the response both from within palestine as well as the resistance axes, we're talking about lebanon, we're talking about syria and iraq, all have sent messages and made public statements that if the aggression continues against their brothers in yemen, they will ramp up the attacks and it will lead to a regional explosion. at the moment we have. have grades of escalation, we have ladder of escalation that is being followed through by the resistance. what the united states is doing is that they are trying to distract the entire international
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community from the failures in gaza, they are trying to quietly withdraw israeli forces and try and impose new regime to govern in gaza, that is the aim, it's the distraction to move everyone away from the failure of the emp. one last question for you, mr. don debar, the attacks on yemen, were they even more of a revelation that the us is fully supporting and fully green lighting the israeli massacre in gaza? absolutely, uh, and in fact amplifying that, the statements from, if you want to call them statements uh, from biden when asked uh, if um, first of all, if this has anything to do with the war in israel and he did and then asked if he thought that the bombings would stop the uh your assaults or interdiction or interference or whatever with ships going to israel he said no and then he
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said but they're going to continue anyway so there's no doubt there's no other purpose that these things other than as an integral part of the war that israel is conducting they're denying it because as your other guest pointed out in essence if there's coordinating military activity and one party is committing genocide, the other side is is also culpable, but it's in essence what you calling contract law jointing several liability, they're both doing it if one is doing it and they're working together. all right, thanks lot gentlemen, attorney activist and political analist joining us from johannesburg and radio host and journalist at cpr news, don debar joining us from aussining new york, and also thanks to you our viewers for staying with us on tonight spotlight, it's good night for now and see next time.
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صور وانشر بدنا نشوف صور وانشر بدنا نشوف الرجال السرايا سمع للرجال السعاديه حيوا رجال محمد ضيف الانتقام الانتقام. والجصر البري هي والطباعيه والارتيهان قوم فلسطينيه.
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wirtschaftsminister, die karte gezeigt, wenn ihr nicht fahren würdet, und deswegen danke ich ihnen auch noch mal.
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this is my land and my country. it is not
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only the 1948. or 1967 borders from the sea to the river, i am not ready to let go of a centimeter. israel is here like any for by the support of the europe, by the support of the united states, that's why they separate the land, well i was at the babo sham's protest last week and i myself had a my head banged against a bus by soldier. illegally on illegal stolen land and they are arresting us, the palestinian. this is historical palestine.
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your headlines on press tv, palestinian officials said the death told from the relentless israely bombings in the gaza strip is nearing 24,800. the united nations says thousands of palestinians have problem. been detained by israeli forces in the gaza strip facing humiliation and torture in detention and the hizbollah resistance movement says it has conducted new retalitary strikes on israeli positions south of the lebanese border.