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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 9:30am-10:01am IRST

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you're pressing to be headlines, 106 days until us is the genocide in gaza, new report reveals at least two mothers are killed every hour and the beseged. the united nations says thousands of palestinians probably detained by israeli forces in gaza are facing humiliation and torture. israel the occupation forces launch fresh raids on several areas of the west bank, abducting several palestinians there.
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hello everyone, it's 8 am in the siege gazo strip and you're watching press tv world news. 106 days into israely war on gaza and the regime continues with this carpet bombing campaign across a besieged of palestinian enclave. overall death toll from regime's war has the passed 24,800, more than 62,00 others have been. and thousands are - still missing and presume buried under rubble. israel continues pounding residential buildings and refugee camps and areas it had said would be safe. hospitals are overwhelmed throughout the besege enclave with people literally waiting on floors for medical treatment. the deal raids are being conducted while the coastal territory is under near total communications blockout imposed by the regime in tel aviv. and as a us manager israely
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genocide in gaza continues, new un figures indicate women are among the main victims of the regime's deadly carnage in the besieg strip, according to the united nations entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women, also known as un women, out of nearly 25,000 people killed in gaza, some 70% makes up women and children, un women says that two mothers are killed every single hour by the israeli regime's bombing and campaign agency says out of nearly 2 million internally displaced gosons, half of them are women and girls and un women also estimates at least 30,000 women who may have become widows or heads of households are in urgent need of protection and food assistance, the figures by the agency come as nothing has been done to address the crisis concerning women in gaza. according to figures, only 0.09% of un funding has been directed. to national or
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local women's organizations and the united nations says israel's detained thousands of palestinians in gaza since early october when the regime launch its onslot on the besege strip. during my time here, i managed to meet a number of released detainees. these are men who were detained by the israeli security forces in unknown locations for between 30 to... 55 days, they describe being beaten, humiliated, subjected ill treatment and to what may amount to torture. they reported being blindfolded for long periods, some of them for several consecutive days. i don't see any, so let's go to the platform. sung said the palestinians are detained or horrific conditions, he said he personally heard accounts of release detainees who said they were beaten up and humiliated.
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commissioner also urged the release of those held without charge and called for a transparent investigation into all instances of torture by israel. multiple released palestinian detainees said they were transferred in trucks to open air prisons where they suffered different forms of maltreatment. they took me to the truck and the truck was crowded with detail needs. they practiced the worst types of torture. on us. it was rainy night, so they took us to northern area and put us on the asphalt. it was raining hard and it was cold. we stayed in the rain for more than an hour and they beat us while we were tied up. a free prisoners also said they were threatened to be shot and forced to insalt palestinian groups and political figures. such accounts were backed by footage released by israeli troops on social. media which shows
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mistreatment to prisoners. videos often show blindfolded palestinians among them women and children. is... continues to target hospitals in gaza, destroying few healthcare facilities that are still open in the territory. the palestinian red cross said regime attacked alamal hospital in the southern city of khan unis with drones, adding displaced people were injured as a result of israeli drones targeting citizens with intense gunfire there. the world health organization says most of the cold soul slivers 36 hospitals have stopped working. organization says israel is attacked hospitals and other vital medical. infrastructure nearly 600 times. the un office for humanitarian affairs says israel is blocking most of the much needed humanitarian aid into northern gaza, bodies branch in palestine says israel denied almost
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70% of aid that was to be delivered to northern gaza during the first half of january. group added israely military also blocked 95% of shipments of fuel and medicine. the same period, un special reporter said this week israel's destroying gaza's food system and using food as a weapon against the palestinian people. south african politician and youth activist mohammed khalid said has spoken to us about israeli genocide in gaza and tried to explain why the regime's imposing total communications blackout there buse this is genocide the pictures are yet. the death toll speaks to it, but even within that context, the people of gaza and the resistance and hamas in particular have put up a brave fight and they continue to resist, and we want to commend them for that, without iran, this particular axis, giving support to
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the suffering people of gaza, the resistance in gaza will not be possible. the aim of the israeli regime in carrying out this particular blackout is so that they can suppress the information coming out of gaza, so that their crimes, their atrocities, their genocide cannot be sent out to the rest of the world, but still the information is at our disposal, so that's their objective, but also, you know, um, crazy regimes like the israeli regime, especially the one led by benjamin netanyahu, does not always even think rationally, even in terms of their own interest, yes, the interest is to obliterate, to flatten gaza, to kill each and every palestinian living in gaza, but the blocking out of communication, they see it as part of that, but they do not understand that this is simply backfiring, it's making the israeli
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regime yet again look um like a regime that wants to close out each and every communication. it's really forceive carried out fresh raised on several areas of the occupied westbank including a refugee camp near alcots. regime's troops are clashed with palestinians during the raid on the shufat camp. they abducted several palestinians as well. there was another israeli raid on the balata refugee camp near nabolis. military wing of the islamic jihad resistance movement says its fighters from napolis confronted israeli forces at the camp. another palestinian armed faction named alaxamarters brigades also reported confrontation with regime troops there. since october 7th, israel stepped up its crackdown against
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palestinians in occupied territories. region's military has carried out incursions into different areas of the occupied west bank almost a daily basis, killing or arresting palestinians during these. rates. mean while israel and hizbillah resistance movement continue to exchange fire along the southern lebanese border. in the latest clashes, israeli occupation forces conducted new strikes on several southern lebanese towns and in response has fired a barrage of missiles at upper galilei and the northern occupied territories. israel media said drone was also launched from lebanon and reached hifa bay. the two sides have been engaged in intense fighting. since israel launched its campaign of genocide against gaza in october 7th, the lebanese movement says attacks on israel will stop only once the regime ends its onslaught against palestinians. press tv correspondent mattie amsala join us earlier
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with more details about the latest developments along the southern lebanese border. well, we do know that the resistance has uh declared in a statement that they targeted. movement of the israeli soldiers between two of the israeli posts in the occupied chibba farms, it's between ramtha and sumaka, that area seen there was move. four soldier has bulad, they attacked them with the use of a burkan rocket, they also used the burkan rocket in, this is another post for the israelis, but not in occupied lebanese territory, it's an occupied palestinian territory, and it's they also used burkan in that instance as well, it seems hizbullah has been using the burkan rocket more often in the latest round of confrontations, but we also have other operations where... they conducted also other resistance operations in certain areas, we do know from the israeli media that they have
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shot down as they say a drone which flew from lebanese territory, hazballah has not denied or claimed any responsibility on that, but they said that it was flying close to area which was in ha, it could have been a hizballah, it could be could have been from hazballah to towards a strategic area and hafa could have also been something from the... rocky resistance since we know that they are quite active in that arena as well, we know that there was an explosion recently and near the uh oil refineries and in haifa. the islamic resistance in iraq has claim responsibility for downing a us military drone over northern iraq a thursday, group said in a statement that is shot down mq9 reaper drone over diala province. according to the statement, the aircraft was coming from a us air base in kuwait, development comes amid height intentions and simmering
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anti-american sentiments across the region, over the past months, iraqi resistance forces have carried out attacks on american basis both in iraq and neighboring syria on an almost daily basis. this in response to us support for israel's campaign of genocide in gaza. more than 500 the children were. killed during the conflict, what have they done wrong? being born in gaza is not the crime, more than year after the war was waged by the israeli regime on the gaza strip, and approximately year after the cairo donors conference was held for rebuilding gaza, the reconstruction project is still teatering between the cruelty of the siege and the procrastination of the israeli regime, what we are doing here is to keep people survive. living, we are not talking about quality of life in gaza. if you look deeply in what is
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going on in gaza, you will find a big slogan that there is no tomorrow. all agree that the slowdown in the reconstruction is due to the slow process of transferring funds pledged by the donor countries of the cairo conference, where the anwar received only 270 million, while the required budget is much more. welcome back here you're watching press tv world news. yemenese from all walks of life have gathered in the capital sana and other cities to condemn a move by the us to redesignate the answer movement as a terrorist group. they also reaffirmed their full support for the palestinians of gaza facing israeli genocide. press tv's abdul latif al washali reports. thousands of yemanies have filled the streets of the capital sana. and other major cities to slam the us black listing of the ansarullah movement. the protesters also expressed their
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continuous support for the yemen army's operations in the rid sea and gulf of eden. we came here today and 70 uh square to send a big message to the sahoni, israelian, american and british. we have a good weapon to make you under the sea, not under. the yemeni people and the whole world know who america is. it's entire history is full of terrorism, murder, crime, corruption, support for criminals and the production of weapons for more killing. there is nothing clearer than the crimes committed by israel and america in the gaza strip with no less than 240 marters every day, not to mention the wounded and the missing. therefore, for america to classify any group in the world as terrorist is very silly and it cannot be believed by rational person. officials say
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the recent us move is in line with washington support for the israeli regime and its atrocities and gaza. they say the us is endangering the region to protect the israeli regime which clearly exemplifies terrorism. it's a great honor for us that the sponsor and the founder of terrorism which has killed countless people around the world and use its atomic bombs in hiroshima nakazaki and kill hundreds of thousands there is the one that classified us as terrorists, but we represent the most honorable position from moral and humanitarian standpoint. america's recent designation is in line with its support for the israeli genocidal war against palestinians in gaza. we stand with palestine and will not back down from this position. in response to the yemeni army's relentless attacks against israeli linked vessels in the rity, the u.s. has announced the redesignation of the ansarullah movement as a terrorist group. the group has been stepping
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up its military operations against american and the british ships and the rid sea and the gulf of aden. the us and uk launched attacks on yemen. following its move to target israeli linked ships in retaliation for the regime's genocide in gaza. despite the strikes by the us and the uk. people have gathered here to prove their point. they say they are not afraid of new war and are ready for all options. they also believe that the us is the godfather of terrorism and has no right to designate any of the resistance movements as a terrorist group. anty. israel initiatives have begun italy's northern city of avichenza as a 70th edition of city's prestigious that is gold and diamond industry fair kicks off, protest in stage in response to a high number of israeli jewelry dealers being present at this fair. placed in italy's wealthy northeast, vichensa is known for
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being the country's capital of gold and for an international gold and jewelry industry fair which has been running for. 70 years, this year's edition has seen a number of anti-israel initiatives organized across the city. on friday, a protest was held in the vicinity of the trade fair premises in protest to tel aviv's massacres against the civilians in gaza, israel, one of the diamond world's leading centers occupied an entire pavilion for its dealers at the jewelry boutique showcase. israel's diamond exports have increased even in the past. masers, even when the regime is committing a genocide against the palestinians. israel's diamonds are drenched in blood. tel aviv steals the precious gems from african countries such as congo, sudan and iwari coast using children as the easiest source of cheap labor. protesters outside vicenza's jewelry industry
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fair are saying that most people don't know that the diamond industry is a main source of funding for the israeli. military, they argue that israeli blood diamonds have bankrawled the mass murder of over 24, gazans, since early october, most of whom were women and children. vicenza has been hosting rallys in response to israeli jewelry dealers participating in its international gold fair for nearly two decades. we are against having the israelies at the vichensa gold fair. for everybody and mostly for our city, doing business with a country that is standing before the international court of justice is dishonorable, a country that is committing genocide now as we speak, what's the difference between? also on friday a public assembly was held in central vicenza, the
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initiative was attended among the others by italian healthcare workers were in gaza during the bombing carried. out by israel regime in the past months, on saturday, vicenza will also host a rell in solidarity with the besieged palestinians, max chivili, press tv, vicenza. one second here, here we go, pro-palestinian demonstration has been held in austrian capital vienna amed ongoing israely genocide in gaza. our correspondent is asked participants there. what they think of ongoing is really bloodshed and us strikes on yemen? i think um the us's instance and involvement is a disgrese and um not only are they happy to support israel uh both vocally and materially with with weapons and money
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and arms, but they're actually now uh preventing yemen or... those countries that are are actively supporting uh palestine or actively trying to preventuh the genocide and i'm very very disappointed in the western politics right now and what they're doing including austria and america and germany and so on and how no matter how many times they uh condone genocide um just for nothing and like on blank papers and as many times as they say that all equal all lives matter equally they show. their true thoughts and their intentions when they start bombing gamen and when they ship bombs to palestine and when mike pance uh science bombs that are going to be deployed and like exploded in gaza and that children are killed with um the recent developments in the middle east and american involvement uh and american imp imperialism in the middle east is very concerning uh particularly the bombing of
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yemen um this sort of military strategy of bombing indiscriminately um is a recipe for disaster i don't see anything happening um that will benefit anyone apart from the exacerbation of um more conflict more death. um and continuation of what we're seeing in in gaza at the moment, which is um, the us acting completely irresponsibly in terms of um protecting lives, the safety of civilians. a group of 60 democrats and us house of representatives have urged the government to reject in their words, the forced and permanent displacement of palestinians in gaza. group made the call and letter to the secretary of state, anthony blincan. comments are in reaction to recent figures that show nearly 2 million people are internally displaced in the gaza strip due to the
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israeli onslot. that's over 80% of the territory's population and far right israely ministers want many of them permanently expelled. us lawmakers also asked the government to make clarifications on a request to provide over $14 billion dollars in new security and other aid to israel. request is despite. pressure on the government, including from inside congress to halt armed sales to the regime over its brutal campaign in the gaza strip. and the u.s. election season is already in full swing, but with far more dread than hope. many believe there'll be even more turmal this november than in 2020 with widespread concerns about election related violence. roby mazahery has more in the story. the united states election campaign has just officially begun 10 months before going to the voting booth. in iowa, ex-president
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donald trump easily won the republican party's kickoff to primary season, but he's still as controversial as ever. many openly claim that his return to the white house would produce civil war, retribution tribunals, dictatorship, and even worse. in new hampshire, a revolt against the democratic national committee means local democrats will soon hold a primary which has been stripped of its delegates. that helps reflect the deep dissatisfaction within the party towards president joe biden. many wonder if the previous elections unprecedented political activism and months of chaos will return. yeah, 2020 was crazy. i hope it's not as intense as that. i think 2024 is going to look like 1968. the parallels are uncanning, chicago convention, etc., etc., i think very good chance biden
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will pull out in the first quarter of this year and not be the nominee, so i think anything, anything and everything will happen. with both candidates having such high disapproval ratings and amid such economic, political and military disaster, it's widely expected that both candidates will run. extremely negative campaigns, i'm expecting a brutal campaign, they they're all garbage in in some way or another and uh hope for the best uh for the country. i mean, how i end up voting, i guess is my own particular decision when the time comes, but uh, certainly don't like where the country's at today. biden support for israel's latest war on gaza has deeply angered his critical base of young voters, many muslim. and arab americans have vowed to not cast vote for biden. either group could dip the balance in what polls expect to be the fourth consecutive
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presidential election to be decided by less than four and a half points. i think that's that's the cryptonite for joe biden, he's he's screwed up that that uh situation so badly that you know the younger generations turned against him. and i don't see if he continues with his stance on on gaza, i don't see like the younger generation. uh coming back for his his support. the war against gaza will also drastically shape congressional elections. a recent nationwide poll found that voters prefer candidates who support a ceasefire in gaza to those who don't by a whopping two to one margin. ramin mazahari, press tv, chicago. that's a rap for your latest here on press tv. everyone, thanks for joining us. and goodbye for now.
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top stories here on press tv, 17 palestinians are killed in latest is really air strikes on gaza, five lost their lives in a strike on a residential building at han unis and other 12. people were killed in an error rate near al-shifa hospital in gaza city. overall deathtal in gaza has topped 24,800. the un says thousands of palestinians have been detained by israeli forces in the gaza strip and they face humiliation and torture in detention. un commissioner says palestinians are kept in horrific conditions urging the release of those held without charge.