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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 10:30am-11:01am IRST

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106 days in the us israely genocide in gaza, of new report reveals at least two mothers are killed every hour in the bessieg the strip. the un says thousands of palestinians are detained by israeli forces in gaza and they face humiliation and torture. israel occupation forces launch fresh raid on several areas and occupied west bank abducting several palestinians there.
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hello everyone, it's 9 am in the besieg gaza strip, you're watching press tv, world news. 106 days into israeli war on the gaza's trip and the regime continues with this carpet bombing campaign across the bessieg palestinian territory. overall death tool from regimes war has passed 24,800 and more than 62, thousand people have been wounded and thousands are still missing and presume buried under rubble. israel continues pounding residential buildings and refugee camps in areas it had said would be safe. hospitals are also overwhelmed throughout the besieg enclave with people literally waiting on floors for medical treatment. deadly raids are being conducted while coastal territories under near total communications blackout imposed by the regime in tel aviv. us manage
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israely genocide in gaza continues, new un figures indicate women are among the main victims of the regime's deadly onslot on gaza. according to un entity for gender equality and empowerment of women, also known as un women, out of nearly 25,000 people killed in gaza, some 70% makeup women and children. un women says that two mothers are killed every single hour by the israeli regime's bombing and shelling campaign, agency says of nearly. 2 million internally displaced people in gaza, half of them are women and girls. un women are also estimated and at least 3 women who may have become widows or heads of households are in urgent need of protection and food assistance. figures by the agency come as nothing has been done to address the crisis concerning women in gaza. according to the figures, only 0.90% of un fund funding that is has been directed to national or local women.
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organizations, join us now from nairobi is uh, mr. booker and guess member of the kenyan palestine solidarity movement. hello sir, pleasure to have you here on press, you get your thoughts on this story, you can start anywhere you like with the atrocities being 106 days and committed against the gazans there, or the plight of women in gaza in this latest uh report saying that they're really bearing the brunt of the uh onslot and the genocidal campaign there, thank you very much, and our solidarity still goes to the heroic people of palestine, and the african of people shares lot in their pain, their sacrifices as they confront the genocidal zionist regime that continue to indiscriminately... bomb innocent children,
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una armed women and men in the name of uh, you know, what they are calling their right to self-defense against the, unarmed population, the humanitarian crisis in gaza, you know, has reached already its fever pitch with the children suffering from malnutrition and israel regime is still determined to block you know any kind of support that may reach the children of gaza in time, that is how determined that they are to suffocate the gaza children and women you know with anger with to try and make them to subdue them into accepting their genocidal attempt. and even
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trying to see that they broke, they want to break their will, but we have seen that these events that is happening in gaza. has continued to happen, in fact our analysis is that it is better now because the world can see what the israel regime is determined to do and even though they have not achieved any what what we are calling military or strategic military gains since they are since they start to bomb and even the onslot on gaza running over the gaza population and build. things, they haven't received any of their military targets, but they continue relentlessly to bomb innocent people in gaza, and their gear towards you know unrolling any
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other statehood that can be of help to the palestinian people, and i think the the move by the palestinian people to resist this occupation. confirms like in history that the only option left for our palestinian brothers and sisters even with the overwhelming solidarity across the world, particularly africa, europe and america, is to resist this occupation. many years have passed when the israel when the israel regime you has continue to detained palestinian children in their pres without much hygienic condition, even food, they have continued to torture the palestinian brothers and sisters in their prisons, but at least for this time the world can see, even the united nations has continued to observe that the illegal
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detention of the palestinian people continues against all odds and the rules of war, right, let me get this, we don't have much time, i want to get the second question out to you, it's important for me, when you hear the un say that mother is killed, um, two mothers are killed every hour in the besieg gaza strip, do you when you hear that, what what crosses your mind, do you think this is accidental consequence of this war, what they call collateral damage, or do you think this is deliberate campaign and please explain why. first of all, the killing of the innocent people, including the women, that the numbers continue to rise, is not an accident, in fact it is deliberate attempt by
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the israeli army to make sure that they try to annihilate the gaza population. and even though they are saying that this could be you know what they are calling unprecedented, but for us we see when you continue to bomb hostels that houses women maternity wing that it cannot be accidental when you continue for example to bomb civilian. places where women are the majority of those residents, then you cannot say that these are actually things that are not deliberately done to actually liquidate the palestinian population. we have seen even in camps where previously was
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declared that those camps were actually secure for women and children, palestinian women and children, but the zionist. reg continue to bomb these places, so it is incredible that even though they continue to devent to defend themselves, that they have the right of self-defense, but they continue to murder innocent palestinian population that the only reason that this palestinian people have to stand for their rights and the right to statehood, the right to protect their children, the right to protect their motherland, so we can never ever think that the this genocide that is happening in palestinian in the palestinian territory, occupied territory, that it is something that is not planned, premeditated and executed by the zionist regime of israel. we know for
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fact that the rethoric from the leaders, the the the rhetoric from the zionist leaders continue to revaperate across. the globe and they are talking about the intention to not just bomb the civilians, but they are talking about the intention to even deny the basic commodities like healthcare, like food, like water to reach the people of gaza, so the genoid that is underway, it is premeditated, it is being executed consciously by the zionist regime. thank you for joining us, mr. booker, and guess, two mothers killed every single hour, over nearly 11,00 children so far in so-called self-defense. it's just a crazy position that the regime takes to try to justify what is doing. in gaza bukara and gesa, thank you for joining us from nairobi there, member at the palestine solidarity
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movement of kenya. meanwile, the united nations says israel's detained thousands of palestinians in gaza since early october when the regime launched its deadly onslot on the bessieg enclive. during my time here, i managed to meet a number of released detainies. these are men who were detained by the israeli security forces in unknown locations for between... 30 to 55 days, they describe being beaten, humiliated, subjected ill treatment and to what may amount to torture, they reported being blindfolded for long periods, some of them for several consecutive days. i don't see any, sangay said palestinians are detained in horrific conditions, he said he personally heard accounts of release detainees who said they were beaten. and humiliated, commissioner also urged with the release of those held without charge and called for a transparent
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probe into all instances of torture by the israeli regime. multiple released palestinian detainees said they were transferred in trucks to open air prisons where they suffer treatment uh different forms of maltreatment. they took me to the truck and the truck was crowded with detail needs. they practiced the worst types of torture on us. it was rainy night, so they took us to northern area and put us on the asphalt. it was raining hard and it was cold. we stayed in the rain for more than an hour and they beat us while we were tied up. preed prisoners also said they were threatened to be shot and forcing insult palestinian groups and political figures. such accounts were backed by footage released by israeli troops on social media which shows mistream into prisoners, videos often show blindfolded palestinians among the many women
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and children. south african politician and youth activist muhammad khalid sayyad spoke to us earlier about israely genocide in gaza, he try to explain why he thinks regime is imposing and all out communications blackout, buse this is genocide, the pictures are here, the death tell speaks to it. but even within that context, the people of gaza and the resistance and hamas in particular, have put up a brave fight and they continue to resist, and we want to commend them for that. without iran, this particular access, giving support to the suffering people of gaza, the resistance in gaza will not be possible. the aim of the israeli regime in carrying out this particular blackout is so that they can... suppress the information coming out of gaza so that their crimes, their atrocities,
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their genocide cannot be sent out to the rest the world, but still the information is at our disposal, so that's their objective, but also you know um crazy regimes like the israeli regime, especially the one led by benjamin netanyao does not always even think rationally, even in terms of their own interest, yes the interest is to obliterate, to flatten gaza, to kill each and every palestinian living in gaza, but the blocking out of communication, they see it as part of that, but they do not understand that this is simply backfiring, it's making the israeli regime yet again look like a regime that wants to close out each and every communication and now the united nations office for... humanitarian affair says israel's blocking most of the much needed humanitarian aid into northern gaza, body's
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branch and palestine says israels denied almost 70% of aid that was about to be delivered to northern gaza during the first half of january. group added israely military also blocked 95% of shipments of fuel and medicine in the same period. the un special reporter said this week that israel's destroying gaza's food system and using food as a weapon against the... israel continues to target hospitals in gaza, destroying few healthcare facilities that are still e red cross said regimes alamal hospital in the southern city of khan unis with drones adding this place people were injured as a result of a drones targeting citizens there with gunfire. a world health organization says most of the cost slivers 36 hospitals have stopped working. the organization says israel's attacked hospitals and other vital medical infrastructure nearly 600 times.
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we're not supposed to talk about demona, that's the game, because it's a secret, state have 200 atomic b, have hydrogen bomb, all the other nuclear plants in the world are monitored, but not the ones in israel بدون اي نوع من انواع الاجراءات الوقايه، على العكس تماما نفس الزلمه اللي كان يجيب له الاكل او الشرب كان يكون متخذ كافه الاجراءات الاحتياطيه او هذا الموضوع ما بفهم. احنا الاردن واسرائيل هناك معاهده السلام ونحن ملتزمين ببنودها نتمنى انه دمونا يرحل عنا لانه هو السبب.
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welcome back everyone, you're watching press tb world news. it's really force have carried out fresh raids in several areas of the occupied west bank, including a refugee camp near alcots. virginan troops clash with palestinians during raid on shufad camp, they abducted several palestinians as well. there's another israely raid on the balata refugee. camp nearnapolis, the military wing of islamic jihad resistance movement says its fighters from napolis confronted israeli forces at the camp. another palestinian armed faction named alaxa marcher's brigades also reported confrontation with regime troops there. since october 7th, israel's intensified its raids and arrests throughout much of the occupied territory. virginian
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forces withdrew from refugee camp in the city of tukaram on friday after raiding several locations there for almost two days. raid killing at least eight palestinians and left a trail of destruction. the israeli army comes to kill, not to detain or arrest wanted people. no, they come to kill young people, old people, animals or inanimates. if they see a shadow of a cat, they'll kill it. at the beginning of the rate, they entered this house and they stayed in it. there was a window there and they were observing through it, more soldiers joined them and they raided the area and destroyed houses. dozens of palestinians have been abducted during two-day raid onto a karam refugee camp, according to an advocacy group, palestinian prisoners club, some of those detained were severely beaten by israeli forces. since
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october 7th, israel's military and settlers have carried out incursions into different areas of the west bank almost. a daily basis, killing and arresting palestinians during these raids and joining us for an update from romala ispress tv's mona candeel. hello mona, i hope you're safe and doing well. what more can you add to the story, mona? used to say israeli forces raids palestinian areas almost a daily basis, but today we can say every day the israelit. storm the palestinian refugee camps, the palestinian towns and cities, even the centers of the cities, and like the city of ramallah, the israeli forces have raided jabal and sath barbaba areas near ramalah, and those two areas are very close to the
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illegal settlement of pesagot, no one was arrested in these two areas, however sometimes the israeli forces raid palestinian areas close to the illegal israeli settlements in order to to check the area to make sure that no infiltrations would be taking place from the palestinian territories to the israeli israeli areas like the illegal settlements in shafat refugee camp israeli forces have read the shafat refugee camp uh near al quds and the clashes have taken place between palestinians who threw stones at the israeli forces and the israeli to immediately fired heavy to. gas and rubber coated bullets, number of palestinians were detained including one lady, however the identity of the lady was not revealed yet, in navlas, the
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israeli forces have stormed balot refugee camp and the clashes have erupted, as you have said, the saraya al quds, the arm doing the jihad movement andsa morters brigades, the armed wing of fath movement said that their fighters clashed with the israeli forces and that they uh fired let's say explosive devices at the israeli military and they clash with the israeli forces, the israelis have also raised the azun and this morning israel and those palestinian villages, east qilqilia and usually the israeli troops raid palestinian areas in order to conduct arrest. among the people, in for example, thousands of people were detained according to the palestinian prisoner society, they were interrogated by
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the israeli forces for three days during the rid to, number of them were taken to custody and the remaining were released after three days, so according to the palestinian commission of prisoners affairs, the israelis have detained all 6,100 palestinians since the 7th of october, the majority of those who are being detained are being held by the israeli forces under the administrative detention, this means people are being held and detained without charge or trial just to prevent palestinians from taking part in the different forms of resistance, even peaceful resistance and also not to express... their opinion because at the end of the day the israeli military wants to silence palestinians here and we heard before october 7th and we always talked about this that palestinians in israeli custody uh suffered
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lot of mistreatment but we know that from october 7th onward seems like their situation in israeli detention has gotten much worse according to reports. that's right, before the 7th of october there were over 500 palestinians had been. incarcerated in israeli jails and they were mistreated as usual because the israel is try or do their atmust in order to make palestinians life very difficult even behind the bars, people were not able to receive family visit, they were not allowed to call their family members anyt, it was only once in a month and not for all the prisoners, in addition to the... the literary confinement and the the whole situation as well as lack of medication and after the 7th of october the israelies are
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even beatening the the israel the palestinian prisoners, they are hiding information from the lawyers and family members and number of palestinian prisoners have been killed inside the jails from the occupied w as well as from the goza strip and unfortunately the israelies did not reveal the identity of number of those who worked behind the bars and they were also refusing to allow the lawyers or the doctors to go and check and visit those palestinian prisoners. all right mone, well thank you, stay safe till we speak again, monandiel there joining us from romala. israel and hezbollah resist. movement continue to exchange far along the southern lebanese border. now the latest clashes, israeli occupation forces have conducted new strikes and several southern lebanese towns and in response, hez bull has fired a barager
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missiles at upper galilei and northern occupied territories. israel media says drone was also launched from lebanon and reached hifa bay. two sides have been engaged in intense fighting since israel launch is genocidal war on gaza early october. the lebanese movement says attacks on israel, will stop once the regime ends its onslot against palestinians. press tv correspondent matdy am saw that join us earlier with more details by latest developments along the southern lebanese border. that the resistance has declared in a statement that they targeted uh movement of the israeli soldiers between two of the israeli posts in the occupied shabar farms. it's between. and sumaka that area at seen there was movement for soldiers has they attacked them with the use of a burkan rocket, they also used the
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burkan rocket in. "this is another post for the israelis, but not in occupied lebanese territory, it's an occupied palestinian territory, and it's they also used burcan, in that instance as well, it seems hazbullah has been using the burkan rocket more often in the latest round of confrontations, but we also have other operations where they uh conducted also other resistance operations in certain areas, we do know from the israeli media that they have shot down as they say a drug which flew from lebanese territory, hazballah has not denied or claimed any responsibility on that, but they said that it was flying close to area which was in ha, it could have been a huzballah, it could be, it could have been from hizballah to towards a strategic area, and hifa could have also been something from the iraqi resistance, since we know that they are quite active in that arena as well, we know that there was an explosion
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recently and near... the uh oil uh refineries and in ha that's thanks for tuning in and bye-bye for now.
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17 palestinians are killed in latest israeli air strikes on gaza, five lost their lives in a strike a residential building and haunis, the other 12 killed in air. raid near alshifa hospital in gaza city. overall death tool in gaza has topped 24,800. new un figures indicate women are among the main victims of the israeli regime's carnage in gaza, according to un women, out of nearly 25,00 people killed in the besieg territory since october 7th, some 70% makes up women and children, says two mothers are killed every hour by the israel.