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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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a put to be headlines, the headlines this hour, iran's islamic revolution guard score says four of his military advisors have been assassinated in an israeli terror attack in the syrian capital damascus. 106 days into the us. really genocide in gaza, new report
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reveals that at least two mothers are killed every hour in the bessieg strip. any one successfully launches a research satellite, placing it into orbit at an altitude of 750 km above the earth's surface. well welcome to our studio in the capital tehran, this is presav news, it's good to have you with us. this will carries out another terror attack in the syrian capital damascus, assassinating number of people, including four iranian military advisors. iran's islamic revolution guard score in a statement said four of its members along with number of syrian. forces were murdered in the
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regime's air strike in damascus. the attack of targeted a three-story residential building of in the city's meza neighborhood, which is home to several diplomatic missions. israelly targets assyria, killing assyrian civilians, military officers, as well as imanian military personnel who are on an advisory mission at the invitation of the syrian government. the latest israely strike came just days after the irgc targeted base of israel's spy agency musad in iraq's... region over his anti-iran terror plots. iran has already warned that the israeli regime will pay heavy price for his criminal acts. political analyst ellie whisk joins us from beirot to shed more light on this in the form of an analysis. ellie whisk. welcome to the program. tell us what you think about uh why the strike took place and if it had anything to do. with the irgc strikes that happened in
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her bill just days ago, well obviously it's linked to what you just mentioned about the attack on the musad station which took place in arbil um importantly as well, however the the iranians if you recall iran struck um of syria uh idlib which was also i believe message that was sent to the israeli side that um iran can target. areas quite close to israel's home front or to the israeli front in general. um now we have this retaliation from the israeli side which appears to be trying to you know defy iran if you would like or to challenge iran. so it appears that this um this exchange of confrontation um appears to be continuing the israelis appear intent on escalating the situation further. i think netanyahu in particular and i think it's important to note as well. that uh when
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they talk about the third phase, the israelis, the americans and the israelis, but the israelis in particular, i think that what the israel is have in mind for the third phase doesn't only include withdrawing or low intensity conflict in gaza, but at the same time that includes further escalation beyond that particular front to hit other areas and escalate in other areas, and i believe that there was a assassination just after this... operation targeting some palestinian officials if i'm not mistaken in south lebanon so there appears to be as i said in israely plan to escalate more broadly in the so-called third phase? we heard also about what i think you mentioned but it happened in beirot from what we have in terms of incident that happened there do you have any information on that alley in terms of what you think if that is indeed the case or is the one that you refer to in southern beirut?
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"i believe we're referring to the to the same situation, the same assassination. um, i don't have any more information on that, but um, you have to recall that..." "the americans have advised the israelis to resort to low intensity. now what does low intensity mean if they do indeed follow the american advice, if you look at the so-called us war on terror, um, like the operations which targeted osama bin lardan, abubakr al baghdadi, these targeted assassinations. i think what we seeing right now is a similar process whereby the israelis are employing a similar. method now don't forget that the um that the target that the uh designation, the uh terror designation of the iranian revolutionary guards that remains in place, that designation which was placed by the trump administration, biden hasn't backed down from that, what that does is that it
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gives the israelis a free reign to carry out attacks like this one to target the revolutionary gods, so i think that the americans whether they deliberately done it or not is on the... question, but they're in one way or another facilitating this, not just by their lack of pressure on the israeli side to deescalate, but due to these designations as well which give israel more of freedom to of maneuver if you would like, freedom of maneuver to carry out attacks against senior iranian officials in the revolutionary guards, they're targeting syria and they know that that the country as a whole has iranian military advisors uh "if they're doing this, are they looking for escalation uh and a reaction from iran in order to take it to the next level, and what would that next level be if that is their intention? that's a very good question, um, i
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think yes, they are, i think that's been the israel strategy for quite some time now, that's a strategy which in my view they clearly employed with hazballah, they..." escalated on the lebanese front, they struck the lebanese capital beirot, and i think one the goals of that was to get husballah to have very, very, harsh, if you would like, disproportionate response that would give the israelis a pretext to fulfill their aim, which some of the officials have been advocating for, like the israeli defense minister gallant, to open up an all-out war against against hazballah, the same scenario i think is playing out now, with iran or with other players trying to drag the iranians possibly into a miscalculated reaction or kind of rash reaction which could then you know lead iran to respond in a certain way that could drag the biden administration and then you'll have the all-out regional war
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which i think the israelis are very much in favor of or at least this particular government is in a favor of that being said i don't believe that iran judging from its performance or approach right now, i don't think that iran will fall into that trap because we've got to, we've been accustomed now to tahran being very calculated in the measures or the steps it takes. okay, thank you very much, we do appreciate it. ali risk, political analys from beirot, pleasure. 106 days into the israely war on the gaza strip, the regime continues with his carpet bombing campaign across the besieg palestinian territory. the gaza health ministry. 165 palestinians have been killed and 280 others wounded in the past 24 hours. the overall death doll from the regime's war has risen to nearly 25,00. more than 62 thousand others have been wounded and thousands are still under the rubble of their homes. israel keeps
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bombing residential buildings and refugee camps in areas that it had said that would be safe. hospitals are overwhelmed across the besseach territory with people literally waiting on the floor for medical staff to inter and to save them, the deadly raids are being conducted while the coastal territory is under near total communications blockout that has been imposed by tel aviv. the was managed is gaza continues, new un figures are indicating the women are among the main victims of the regimes deadly carnage strip, according to the un entity for gender equality and the empowerment of... women, also known as un women, out of nearly 25,00 people killed in gaza, some 70% make up women and children. un women says two mothers are killed every hour by the israel regime's bombing and shelling campaign. the agency says out of nearly 2 million internally displaced in gaza, half of them are women and
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girls. un women also estimate that at least 3 women who may have become widows or heads of households are in urgent need of protection and food assistance. the figures by the agency come as nothing has been done to address the crisis concerning women in gaza. according to figures only 0.09% of un funding has been directed to national or... local women's organizations, breaking news there is note where the harikat al mujahidin has said that the terror attack that occurred in damascus in terms of the military advisors of iran shows that the israeli regime is hit by crisis, so that's not worthy to point out there, the once says israel has detained thousands of palestinians in gaza since early october when the regime launched. slot on the besses trip. during my time here, i managed
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to meet a number of release detainees. these are men who were detained by the israeli security forces in unknown locations for between 30 to 55 days. they describe being beaten, humiliated, subjected ill treatment and to what may amount to torture. they reported being blindfolded for long periods. some of them for several consecutive days. i don't see any, sunge said the palestinians are detained in horrific conditions. he said that he personally heard accounts of released who said that they were beaten up and humiliated. commissioner also urged the release of those held without charge, calling for a transparent investigation into all instances of torture by israel. multiple released palestinian detinies say that they were transferred in trucks to open air prisons where they suffered. different forms of maltreatment, they took me to the truck
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and the truck was crowded with detail needs, they practiced the worst types of torture on us, it was rainy night, so they took us to northern area and put us on the asphalt, it was raining hard and it was cold, we stayed in the rain for more than an hour and they beat us while were tied up, the free prisoners also said that they were threatened to be shot and forced to insult palestinian groups and political figures. such accounts are backed by footage released by israely troopers on social media that show their mistreatment of prisoners. the videos often show blindfolded palestinians, among them women and children. israel forces have carried out. traids on several areas of the occupied west bank in, including a refugee camp near aucklatz.
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the regime's troops clashed with palestinians during their raid on the shufat camp. they abducted several palestinians as well. there was another israely raid on the balatab refugee camp near the city of nablas. "the military wing of the islamic jihad resistance movement says its fighters from nablos confronted israely forces at the camp. another palestinian armed faction named at the alaska marters brigade also reported confrontation with the regime's troops there. since october the seventh, israel has intensified its raids and arrests across much the occupied territory. the regime's forces withdrew from a refugee camp in the city of tulkaram on friday after raiding several locations there for almost two days. the raid killed. these eight palestinians and left a trail of destruction, the israeli army
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comes to kill, not to detain or arrest wanted people, no they come to kill young people, old people, animals are inanimate, if they see a shadow of a cat, they'll kill it, at the beginning of the raid they entered this house and they stayed in it. there was a window there and they were observing through it. more soldiers joined them and they raided the area and destroyed houses. dozens of palestinians have been abducted during the two-day raid on the tulkkaram refugee camp. according to an advocacy group, the palestinian prisoners club, some of those detained were severely severely beaten by israely forces. since october the 7th, israel's military and settlers. have carried out incursions into different areas of the west bank almost a daily basis, killing or
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arresting palestinians during the raids. earlier, our correspondent from ramala monica dale joined us with more details about the latest israely raids on the west bank. the israeli forces have raided jabal and bar haba areas near ramallah and those two areas are very close to the illegal settlement of pesegot in refugee camp israeli forces have re refugee camp near al-quds and the clashes have taken place between palestinians who threw stones at the israeli forces and the israeli chups immediately fired heavy tier gas and rubber courted bullets number of palestinians were detained including one lady however the identity of the lady was not
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revealed yet so according to the palestinian commission of prisoners affairs. the israelies have detained over 6,100 palestinians since the 7th of october, the majority of those who are being detained are being held by the israeli forces under the administrative detention, this means people are being held and detained without charge or trial. iran has successfully launched a research satellite and orbit as islamic republic moves ahead with plans to expand the space program, the satellite dubbed saraya was placed into orbit at 750 km above the earth's surface. it was aboard launch vehicle belonging to the aerospace division of iran's islamic revolution guard score. the launch vehicle is named 100, which has solid fuel three-stage engine. iran's ministry of
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telecommunications has hailed the launch, saying the satellite has set a new altitude record in the country. seaks to expand his aerospace sector to be able to use satellites for various applications, including for research activities. germanes from all walks of life have gathered in the capital sana and other cities to condemn the move by the us to redesignate movement as a terrorist group. they also reaffirmed that their full support for palestinians in gaza facing the israeli genocide. press tvs abdul latifhali has more. thousands of yemanies have filled the streets the capital sanna and other major cities to slam the us black listing of the ansarullah movement. the protesters also expressed their continuous support for the yemeni army's operations in the red sea and gulf of aden. we came here today and sabine uh square to send a big message to the sahoni, israelian,
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american and british. we have a good weapon to... to make you under the sea, not under the ground, under the sea, the yemeni people and the whole world know who america is. its entire history is full of terrorism, murder, crime, corruption, support for criminals and the production of weapons for more killing. there is nothing clearer than the crimes committed by israel and america in the gaza strip with no less than 240 marters every day, not to mention the wounded and the missing. therefore, for america to classify any group in the world as terrorist is very silly and it cannot be believed by rational person. officials say the recent us move is in line with washington support for the israeli regime and its atrocities in gaza. they say the us is endangering the region to protect the israeli regime which clearly exemplifies terrorism. it's a great honor for
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us that the sponsor and the founder of terrorism which has killed countless. people around the world and use its atomic bombs in hiroshima and nakazaki and kill hundreds of thousands there, is the one that classified us as terrorists, but we represent the most honorable position from moral and humanitarian standpoint. america's recent designation is in line with its support for the israeli genocidal war against palestinians in gaza. we stand with palestine and will not back down from this position. in response to the yemeni army's rilintles attack. against israeli linked vessels in the red sea, the us has announced the redesignation of the ansarullah movement as a terrorist group, the group has been stepping up its military operations against american and the british ships and the rid sea and the gulf of aden, the us and uk launched attacks on yemen following its move to target israeli linked ships in retaliation for the regime's genocide in gaza. despite the strikes by the
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us and the uk. people have gathered here to prove their point. they say they are not afraid of new war and are ready for all. has asked the participants what they think of the ongoing israeli bloodched in god? america supplies israel with weapons, 90% of the weapons come from america, the aggression would not work without america, i believe that the us is part of the genocide. what i
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want to say about yemen is that i do not think that america is saying why yemen is stopping his really ships. america just says yemen is attacking vessels, but they do not say what the reason is. the yemen is prevented these israely ships in solidarity with the palestinian population, so that this genocide and war stops and food and medicine are allowed into. now is fighting so that they can maintain the leadership position, but america is in crisis. the us presence is nothing new. the
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us repeatedly provokes conflicts around the world. in west asia and in vietnam in the 1960s, there are countless examples of them starting wars against the people of the world. they think they are the policeman of the world, but now, after a long time, there are other countries who st. up to them, their power in the world will now come to an end, in the united states, the election season is already in full swing, but with far more dread than hope, many believe there will be even more turmoil this november than in 2020, with widespread concerns about election related violence. the united states election campaign has just... officially begun 10 months before going to the voting booth. in iowa, ex-president donald trump easily won the republican parties kickoff to primary
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season, but he's still as controversial as ever. many openly claim that his return to the white house would produce civil war, retribution tribunals, dictatorship, and even worse. in new hampshire, a revolt against the democratic national committee means local democrats will... soon hold a primary which has been stripped of its delegates. that helps reflect the deep dissatisfaction within the party towards president joe biden. many wonder if the previous elections unprecedented political activism and months of chaos will return. yeah, 2020 was crazy. hope it's not as intense as that. i think 2024 is going to look like 1968. the parallels are uncanny. chicago convention etc etc. i think very good chance biden will pull out in the first quarter of this year and not be the nominee, so i think anything, anything
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and everything will happen. with both candidates having such high disapproval ratings and amid such economic, political and military disaster, it's widely expected that both candidates will run extremely negative campaigns. i'm expecting a brutal campaign, they... they're all garbage in in some way or another and uh hope for the best uh for the country. i mean, how i end up voting, i guess is my own particular decision when the time comes, but uh, certainly don't like where the country's at today. biden support for israel's latest war on gaza has deeply angered his critical base of young voters. many muslim and arab americans have vowed to not cast vote for biden. either group could tip the... balance in what poles expect to be the fourth consecutive presidential election to be decided by less than four and a half points. i think that's that's the crip tonight for joe biden, he's he's screwed up
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that that uh situation so badly that you know the younger generations turn against him, and i don't see if he continues with his stance on on gaza, i don't see like the younger generation uh coming back for his his support. the war against gaza will also drastically shape congressional. elections, a recent nationwide poll found that voters prefer candidates who support a ceasefire in gaza to those who don't by a whopping two to one margin. ramin mazaheri, press tv, chicago. and that is with this additional world news. thanks for being with us, i'll be back at the top the hour with a review of the top stories. it's bye-bye for now.
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'more than 500 the children were killed during the conflict, what have they done wrong? being born in gaza is not the crime, more than year after the war was waged by the israeli regime on the gaza strip and approximately year after the cairo donors conference was held for rebuilding gaza, the reconstruction project is still teatering between the cruelty of the siege and the procrastination of the israeli regime'. "what we are doing here to keep people surviving, we are not talking about quality of life in gaza, if you lock deeply in what is going on in gaza, you will find out big slogan that there is no tomorrow. all agree that the slowdown in the reconstruction is due to the slow process of transferring funds pledged by the donor countries of the cairo conference, where the anwar received only $270 million
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while..." the required budget is much more.
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israel carries out another terror attack on the syrian capital damascus, assassinating at least five people, including two iranian military advisors. the attack targeted a three-story residential building in the city's mesa neighborhood, which is home to several diplomatic missions. 106 days into the israely war on the gaza strip, the regime continues with his carpet bombing campaign across the besieg palestinian territory. the gaza health ministry says 165 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. the overall death doll from the regime's war has risen to nearly 25,00. new one figures indicate the women.