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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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the headlines the... iran's islamic revolution guards course says four of its military advisors have been assassinated in an israeli terror attack in the syrian capital damascus. 106 days into the u.s. israel in gaza, the united report reveals that at least two mothers are killed every hour in the passage strip. and successfully launches a research satellite, placing it to orbit, placing into orbit at altitude of 750
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km above the earth's surface. of of 4:30 pm at iran's capital tahron. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. israel carries out another terror attack in the syrian capital, damascus, number of people, including four iranian military advisors. of iran's islamic revolution guard score as a statement said, four of its members along with number of syrian forces, were murdered in a regime's air strike on damascus. the attack targeted a three-story residential building in the cities meza neighborhood, which is home to several diplomatic missions. israel repeatedly targets syria, killing syrian civilians, military officers as well as iranian military personnel who are on an advisory mission at the invitation of the
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syrian governments. the latest israely strike came just days after the irgc targeted base of israel's spy agency musad in iraq's kurdistan region over its anti-iran terror plots. iran has already warned that the israel regime will pay heavy price for his criminal acts. abraham is our correspondent joining us from damascus to tell us more about this. well the dust has settled so to speak. now that this has taken place, give us roundup of uh what has occurred and what any new information that you may have for us? okay, good afternoon, today at 10 am lot explosions were heard in damascus due to the israeli aggression that targeted one of the civilian neighborhoods in the city, mazze neighborhood, western maz the the ministry of of defense, syrian ministry of defense issued a state. lately saying that at 10:20 am this
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uh this morning uh the israeli enemy carried out an air aggression from the direction of occupied syrian jolan targeting residential building in the neighborhood the building was completely destroyed destroyed its three stories building civilian building was destroyed level to the ground and uh "the explosion caused also material damage to the neighboring buildings, the neighborhood itself has several diplomatic missions, as i said before, the japanese ambassador is living there, like two buildings away from that building, the south africa embassy, the venezuelan embassy as well and other embassies, the aggression unfortunately resulted on in..." the martur them of four
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military advisors of the islamic revolution, islamic revolution guards corps of of iran. these military advisors are here at the invitation of the syrian government official invitation, they are they were fighting combatting terrorism that's been hitting syria for almost 12 to 13 years in the past '. so th these are not the first israeli attacks, assassinations of this type, as we know in the 25th of december they assassinated matter commander sayid the same way different area, that was in naqaba and the vicinity of shrine, but the same way exactly, although this time the... explosion
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was more was was high was huge, the whole building was collapsed, nothing is there left uh so far uh i believe when we are... seen there were five bodies uh retrieved uh there was also multiple injuries but later while we were there and the scene we've seen uh three bodies also retrieved from under the level taking a look at what you say in in terms of the operation itself uh the second one you said was a more powerful um guess strike that happened was it one strike or is it multiple strikes the one that? today uh according to the uh statement of the uh syrian ministry of defense, the israel enemy launched several uh missiles uh the syr the syrian air defenses intercepted uh the missiles we were most of us were at home uh we've heard the explosions
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in the sky so some of these missiles were dropped were shut down uh but accord if you look at the scene there's nothing left uh israel is uh israel either used a high explosive ammunition um, i don't what kind of missile that would cause all this destruction, or two or three of them reached uh their targets uh successibly at once, all them and destroyed took down the whole building. um, the way of the attack indicate that israel wanted to make sure that no one would get uh out of this alive. uh, if you look back uh at previous assassinations, for example, in the same neighborhood, two to three years ago, they assassinated, they tried to assassinate a palestinian faction leader aljuri and they couldn't, they he wasn't at home, at the moment his son was martered, unfortunately, they targeted the
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second floor of the building, only the second floor, and if you look back also few years before when they assassinated samir quntar... was responsible of the popular resistance in jolan, they targeted him and his also and in his house in jaramana, in the countryside of damascus, also specifically in his house, so what we're trying to say here is israel is capable of targeting a specific apartment if they wanted to, in this time they took down the whole building, okay? thank you very much for that ibrahim washi there, of course want to talk to us from damascus, thank you abraham. political commentator ali risk says the israely attack in syria shows the regime is seeking to further escalate the ongoing situation as israely officials talk of the third phase of his gaza onslot. israel is
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appear intent on escalating the situation further, i think netanyahu in particular and i think it's important. to note as well that uh when they talk about the third phase, the israelis, the americans and the israelis, but the israelis in particular, i think that what the israel is have in mind for the third phase doesn't only include withdrawing or low intensity conflict in gaza, but at the same time that includes further escalation beyond that particular front to hit other areas and escalate in other areas, and i believe that there was a assassination just... after this operation targeting some palestinian officials, if i'm not mistaken, in south lebanon, so there appears to be, as i said, in israeli plan escalate more broadly in the so-called third phase. the israel regime has
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carried out yet another deadly attack in southern lebanon with security sources saying the strike led to the marcherdom of two hamas members. for more on that story, we're joined by our correspondent mariam saleh in order to get uh... information on that, well mariam, uh, there are two targeted assassinations that have taken place here, seems like israel is uh busy at work, what do you have for us on this last incident that happened in southern lebanon? yes, well, it seems that we don't have lot of details on this, uh, this seems to be one of the very few attacks where we don't have directly who the victims were, we know that now there are the dna tests are... being done on the the people who were killed in this attack in order to know their identity, and although there were lot of conflicting reports, some were saying that it was members of the hamas resistance, others said no, it is members of the hizbullah's
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islamic resistance, so it's still not clear, but we do have information - saying that it is most probably members of hizbillah's resistance fighters who... were in this um in this car in this vehicle that was attacked by israelis, it's also not clear whether the attack took place from an israeli drone or it was an f16 fighter jet uh but "it was a pretty big explosion to the extent that we're saying we need dna tests in order to be able to recognize uh the bodies and so it's this it could be another attempt by the israelis and this is one of the the new strategy that is being implemented by the israeli military basically going for direct and specific hits and assassinations uh whether against commanders or leaders of the resistance in hamas in hazbullah and also against member" the resistance when they don't have intelligence in order to be able to target the commanders and leaders of the resistance
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groups, they are able to basically attack and target members of either hamas or we've had this instance before also in the town of sil which is the town for hisb commander wisan who was murdered and assassinated also very close to the assassination of sheikh salahuri also in in south beirot he was assassinated in south lebanon and after that we had another assassination, of course the israelies were quick to say that it was hazbullah commander uh, but of course they did not have the correct intelligence on that, but they did target hezbollah member, one of the fazballah, we also had member of the hamas movement who was killed recently in one of the areas near the coast in tire, and so basically they're going further off and here this was done in a town that is called uh between two towns actually, the main road between the towns of bezuri and these are towns that have not been targeted by the israelis, they are in south lebanon, but they
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are way further off the the border, the they're at least an hour away from the border, and they are close to the town of tyre, which also has not been directly targeted by the israelis as opposed to what we used to see in the 2006 confrontation, and so if the israelis continue with this, this type of strategy, basically trying to target directly, if they do have information that these are members of resistance and so on, just like hazbullah has also made it a strategy to target any movement of soldiers, and we had just yesterday um two two instances of where they targeted soldiers with burcon rockets and basically may be trying to make sure that they inflicted uh casualties on those soldiers, and as we know there is very high number of human casualties among the israely military despite the fact that they have not completely admitted to the entire number even israeli experts themselves are also hinting to the fact that the numbers that are being admitted by the israelis or
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being declared are only are very very minimal that they could be they could be multiplied by three times or four times, some are saying we should multiply it by five times as we heard from secretary general sayid hassan so this is why this heavy losses and there this is why the israelis are also trying escalate the situation but at the same time we have two conflicting reports basically from the sources that we're getting uh when it comes to the us mediation that uh through almost in he is the uh the medier who came to lebanon whether it is since he heard from the lebanese officials saying directly that the issue of hizbillah cannot be solved except with the fact that we have a cease fire in gaza if we have sease fire in gaza then hizballah will stop their their attaction their resistance operations in south lebanon if we don't have sees far then hazball will continue and we cannot enforce anything on hazballah to move them away from the border whether. they the us gave israel a green light escalate the situation is still not clear because i we also are hearing that the
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us is calling on the israelies to fix the situation if we may say in in gaza try to deescalate the situation over there at even in south lebanon and they will also see that there is diminishing of operations from hazbollah so it's still not clear exactly what it's gonna what's going to happen but in the next few days i think we will either see escalation from the israelies moving more more on more attacks in south lebanon even further away from the border, or there might be some sort of a deescalation where the israel is limit and go back to the boundaries that hazbullah had also drawn for them, basically hitting only the bordering towns of course hasballah continued with their operations even today, of course we had at least several talks against the barks, against the the movements of soldiers and gatherings of soldiers and deployments of soldiers, and so it's it's it has not stopped. confrontations will continue whether in hunin, so those are some of the places that have been targeted by hazbullah, and it
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doesn't seem that hazbullah will be stopping any time soon. so just to make sure that we understood you correctly, mariam, in terms of what has happened, um, you believe uh, even though there's a dna test that will uh then prove that this uh, based on what you have said, are hisbullah fighters who have been assassinated, not homoss fighters. well, some sources are saying that it is most probably members of the hazbullah resistance, i cannot verify this at this moment, since we do need an official statement, and hisball has been adamament from. from the beginning of the of the the war, not to hurry and release statements uh, first of all, until they know first of all the the identity of the fighters in order to tell their families and then after that we do have an official statement, this is why we need to wait and see just to make sure whether hizbullah will be announcing that they have uh several members that were murdered. very well, thank you very
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much for that. mariam sal from beirout, thank you so much. 106 days into this... war on the gaza strip, the regime continues with this carpet bombing campaign across the besieg palestinian territory. the gaza health ministry says 165 palestinians have been killed and 280 others wounded in the past 24 hours. the overall deaththoll from the regime's war has risen to nearly 25,000. more than 62 thousand others have been wounded and thousands are still under the rubble of their homes. israel keeps bombing residential buildings and refugee camps in areas it had said that would be safe. hospitals are overwhelmed across the bessieg territory, with people literally waiting on the floor for medical staff to intervene and save them. the deadly raids are being conducted while the coastal territory is under near total communications blackout imposed by tel aviv. as the us managed israely genocide in gaza continues, new un figures indicate that women
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are among the main victims of the regime's deadly carnage in the besieg trip. according to the un entity. for gender equality and the empowerment of women, also known as un women, out of nearly 25 thousand people killed in gaza, some 70% make up women and children. un women says two mothers are killed every hour by the israeli regime's bombing and shelling campaign. the agency says out of nearly 2 million internally displaced in gaza, half of them are women and girls. un women also estimate that at least 30 women who may have become widows or heads of. holds are in urgent need of protection and food assistance, figures by the agency come as nothing has been done to address the crisis concerning women in gaza. according to figures, only 09% has been directed to national or local women's organizations. this
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is my land and my country. it is not only the 1948 or... 1967 borders from the sea to the river, i am not ready to let go of a centimeter. israel is here like any for by the support of the europe, by the support of the united states, that's why they separate the land, well i was at the babo sham's protest last week and i myself had a my head banged against the bus by soldier. illegally on illegal stolen land and they are arresting us, the palestinians. this is historical palestine. welcome back to the news here on
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press tv. "iran has successfully launched a research satellite into orbit as the islamic republic moves ahead with plans to expand a space program. the satellite dubbed saraya was placed into orbit at 750 km above the earth's surface. it was aborded launch vehicle belonging to the aerospace division of iran's islamic revolution guard square. the launch vehicle is named 100, which has solid fuel three-stage engine. iran's ministry of telecommunications has hailed the launch saying the satellite..." has set a new altitude record in the country. iran seeks to expand his aerospace sector to be able to use satellites for various applications, including for research activities.
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they have any army. that is targeted an american ship in the gulf of aiden in response to us-uk strikes on the arab country. washington and london launched air strikes on yemen last friday, response to what they called threats to international shipping in the red sea. the move has escalated tensions already high in the region due to israel's war on gaza. the united states has launched a new wave of attacks in yemen. the fresh missile was fired from us navy ships, stationed in the red sea, and targeted sites that were allegedly prepared to launch attacks. over dozen locations were set to have been hit in the strikes. the amamini saba news agency reported that the aerial assault hit the provinces of odeda. the aggression was accompanied by the presence of surveillance aircraft over the western part of yemen. this aggression will not change anything in the stands of our
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people and his spiritual obligation in supporting the palestinian people and the residence of gaza as well as the continuous targeting of ships linked to israel, and this is clear in our continuous operations. yeny armed forces have said that they will not hesitate to target all sources of threat in the arabian and states within the country's legitimate right of self-defense. they've also warned that any aggression against yemen by the us or the uk will not go unanswered and unpunished. the washington designated antara movement as a terrorist organization. the anteral resistance movement has described the us move to redesignate the movements as a terrorist organization as quote a badge of honor. designation of the united states doesn't, i mean in here in yemen, they don't care about that, but they are honored uh to to have that realisting as a... terrorist organization because we know and as said abdul malik have said united state is just the face of the crime. united states is one the country that have destroyed, i mean the
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have destruction wherever they go, so we are honored uh to be designated as terrorist because as always they say one man terrorist is another man freedom fighter. answ the spokesman mohammed abdul salam added that the move also proves the impact of yemen's anti-israely operations in the redsay as part their support for palestinians, the yemini armed forces and popular resistance movement have over the past month targeted several ships owned by the israeli regime or bound for ports in the occupied territories in the strategic red sea after multiple warnings earlier in january the us along with the uk attacked yemen in a theatrical show of support for the israeli regime. the issue that america and britain have joined the war directly and that we are now in direct confrontation with the americans. against british and israelis does not scare us at all. the aggression towards our country and our people will enhance the development of our military capabilities. this was a brutal
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aggression, violation of our sovereignty. mean after 10 years of war on the yemen people a siege on land, air and sea, and to add to that they are targeting us with new aggression. this is new stage of the conflict. what does this reflect? it effects a violation of sovereignty, further injustice towards people, since november yemini armed forces have carried out operations against israely link ships in the red sea. they say the operations are aimed at forcing the israely regime to stop its war in gaza and to allow medicine and food into the territory. the emine armed forces have also made it clear that the retze operations will continue until those goals are achieved. washington and london have supplied money, weapons and diplomatic cover for design occupation of palestine. they are actively promoting
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genocide, ethnic cleansing, racism, partide, pruel, dehumanization and extreme barbarism in occupied palestine. it's obvious who is on the side of genocide, britain, france, canada, the netherlands and others and germany especially, and on the side of right, on the side of morality. as world public opinion, yemy government, the western hijamonic powers and their zinist alli have faced the disgraceful defeat in gaza in the face of the resilience and steadfastness of hamas and other palestinian resistance groups. germany military has single-handedly posed the biggest threat to the economic functioning of the israeli occupation by forcing it out of the red sea and further promising to stop the movement of ships to the occupied territories if the aggression against gaza continues. response to the yemini militaries actions. the us formed so-called multinational coalition in the red sea under the guys of protecting international trade, which in reality was attempt to protect the status quo and regional waters that have traditionally been
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in the service of western interests. yemeny military's efforts have been noted for being highly sophisticated and precise. the yemini attacks have been extraordinarily effective. first of all, shipping costs are rising, have risen, insurance. four ships is going up uh and this will this will only uh get worse, so israel is taking a a pretty significant economic hit. major shipping companies have had to halt operations in the red sea and to take new longer routes and the us has been scrambling to pressure the saudis to avoid a peace deal with yemen. yemen's retaliatory strikes has also halted all commercial activities in the port de vilats and the occupied territories. yemen has in fact... set a new equation with global consequences and has pushed the us from a position of dominance to one of defense, having to react and succumbed to the resistance demands.
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and with that we come to an end for this additional world news, thank you so much for tuning in, i'll be back at the top the hour with a review of the top stories, it's bye-bye for now.
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אנחנו בשמחה בשם עם ישראל להשמיד את הכפר שלארץם ועבדנו שבועיים עבדנו קשה עבדנו במשימה בכבוד בגאווה בשם כל עם ישראל אנקית תראו את כל הערך תראו מה עשים איזה מטורף סוגה ג' גדחן קומנדו 8219
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israel carries out another terror attack on the syrian capital damascus, assassinating number of people, including four iranian military advisors, the tank targeted a three-story residential building in the city's mesa neighborhood, which is home to several diplomatic missions. 106 days into the israely war in the gaza strip, the regim continues with his carpet bombing campaign across