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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm IRST

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the headlines: iran's islamic revolution guard scorce says five of his military advisors have been assassinated in an israelite terror attack in the syrian capital damascus. iran says it reserves the right to respond to israel's organized terrorism which comes in line with daesh and other tech fury groups in the region and iraq's islamic resistance targets the us run ain al-assad base in the latest retaliation for the american israely genocide in gaza.
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9:30 p.m. in iran's capital, tehran. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. this will carries out another terror attack in the syrian capital, damascus, assassinating number of people, including five iranian military advisors. iran's islamic revolution guards core in a statement said five of his members along with number of syrian force. just days after the irgc targeted base of israel's aspy agency masad in iraq's kurdistan.
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saying that at 10:20 am this this morning the israeli enemy carried out an air aggression from the direction of occupied syrian jolan targeting civil residential building uh in al neighborhoods, the building was completely destroyed, the explosion caused also material damage to the neighboring buildings, the neighborhood itself has several diplomatic missions, as i said before, the uh japanese ambassador is living there like two.
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buildings away from that building, the south africa embassy, the venezuelan embassy as well and other embassies. according to the statement of the syrian ministry of defense, the israel enemy launched several missiles, the the syrian air defenses intercepted the missiles, we were most of us were at home, we've heard the explosions in the sky, so some of these missiles were dropped, were shut down. reactions are pouring in following an israeli air strike in syria that led to the martidom of several people. the iranian foreign ministry strongly condemned the attack, saying the salt was a clear violation of syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity. for ministry spokesman nasar kanani said iranian advisors in syria have a leading role in the fight against terrorism and provide peace and stability in the region. iran's president raise has also condemned the attack saying that the islamic republic will not leave. israel's crime
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unanswered. the palestinian resistance moved hamas also slamed the terrorist act saying such actions by the zionist regime will never stop the resistance movements from continuing to support the palestinians. the palestinian islamic jihad strongly condemned the attack, saying the salt was part of israel's efforts to make up for its defeat. it also said the regime is seeking to expand the gaza onslot to the entire region. political commentator says the israely attack in syria shows the regime is seeking to further escalate the ongoing situation as israeli officials talk of the third phase of his gaz onslot. israel is appear intent on escalating the situation further. i think netanyahu in particular and i think it's important to note as well that uh when they talk about the third phase, the israel is the... americans and the israelis,
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but the israelis in particular, i think that what the israel is have in mind for the third phase doesn't only include withdrawing or low intensity conflict in gaza, but same time that includes further escalation beyond that particular front to hit other areas and escalate in other areas and uh i believe that there was a assassination just after this operation targeting some palestinian officials if i'm not mistaken in south lebanon so there appears to be as i said in israely plan escalate more broadly in the so-called third phase. iraq's islamic resistance says it has launched barrages of missiles at the us run anal assad base in western iraq. us officials says american personnel suffered minor injuries in the attack. the officials said initial reports indicated that the base was hit by ballistic missile. iraqi media reports say that over 40
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rockets were fired in the biggest anti-us operation by the irakis since october 7. over the past months iraqi resistance forces have carried out attacks on american bases both in iraq and in neighboring syria. on an almost daily basis. iraq's islamic resistance says the attacks are in response to washington's support for the israeli regime admit the gaza genocide. earlier correspondent in baghdad muslim salim joined us with more details about the iraqi islamic resistance latest attack on american forces. so just about an hour ago the iraq resistance had. carried out a large let's say miss attack on asad western baghdad now the significance of this attack that out of these 57 attacks that was let's say carried out by iraq resistance in the country this is the largest in number of rockets initial number said that there is
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number of casualty not let's say there is nothing specific yet but the attack was was very large when it comes to the number of rockets like i said it's the largest attack on the on the on american base in iraq ever since the operation has started, so let's say there is only one way to go, from now the the resistance are intensifying their attacks as their promisedly drone strike in southern lebanon has left four people dead. one of the victims was member of hezballah resistance movement, the strike targeted a car near the city of tar. this way drone attack came mid strikes by fighters from lebanon's resistance against israely military. positions in campaign in the gaza strip. our lebanon response to the ongoing israeli genucidal corresponder earlier joined us to give us her accounts of the situation in southern lebanon. we do have an official statement
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from hizballah saying that has passed away and he was one of the members of hazbullah, he actually just recently actually debated his thesis and his hd and so this is very uh someone who was well known in his town in his hometown in berori which is where the attack took place uh and he was of course uh it was basically a shock for many people he is someone who is more civilian than he is military but he is still a member of hizbullah of course this comes also a time when hizbullah has continued with its resistance operations and we can see today that the operations all of the if not all most of them have been those of targeting soldiers, we have it seems to surpassed uh the phase when they're only targeting post or devices, here now we're talking about the fact that it seems to be now a confrontation when hazbullah targets soldiers directly and the israelis are targeting uh members of the
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resistance and even civilians in some cases um even if they were with the the members of hazballah in south lebanon uh but we we do know that hizballah even uh in one instance for example used rockets directly at soldiers in near the barracks of hunin, but we also have in zaried and dhaira where hazballah said in statements that they targeted soldiers, and so therefore there could there's definitely high number of losses and casualties among the israelies as well, the israeli shelling, of course it has not today, is not stopped at all, we have huge number of of shelling and examples. have from tanks for example. 106 days into the israely war in the gaza strip. the regime continues with his carpet bombing campaign across the besieg palestinian territory. gaza health ministry says 165 palestinians have been killed and 280 others wounded in the past 24 hours. the
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overall death doll from the regime's war has risen to nearly 25 thousand. more than 62 thousand others have been wounded and thousands are still under the rubble of their homes. israel keeps bombing residential buildings and refugee camps in areas that it had said would be safe. hospitals are overwhelmed across the beseest territory, with people literally waiting on the floor for medical staff to intervene. and save them, the deadly braids are being conducted while the coastal territory is under near total communications blackout imposed by tel aviv. crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, israel
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organized terrorism. welcome back to the news se on press tv. an appalling video has been released uh which shows the aftermath of a summary execution that involves 15 palestinian men in gaza by israeli soldiers. this horrific event. took place on december 19 when israeli soldiers raided a building in gaza city. according to ironnis accounts, the israeli soldiers shot 15 palestinian men in the back after stripping and torturing them, and forcing them to lay front down on the ground. the atrocity took place before the eyes of female members of the family who say the incident has left a permanent scar on their minds. the israely army subsequently shelled the building that killed. a three-year-old girl, israel in gaza has continued unabated for more than three
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months, with the full support of western governments, especially the us. an outraged israeli mother has accused the israeli army of deliberately gassing her son to death while he was being held in a tunnel in gaza. the mother of ron sherman, one of the soldiers held captive by hamas, said that her son was killed in a premeditated. murder by the army, she slammed the cabinet of prime minister benjamin netanyahu as well as israeli military officials. her son's body, alongside two other soldiers, was recovered from a tunnel in gaza in december. the killing follows a pattern of israeli military attacks on captives in gaza, that is so far led to the death of dozens of them. people around the world have held rallies to express solidarity with the palestinians in the besieg gaza strip. people in the uk city of birmingham are no exception with ralliers calling for immediate end to the us israeli
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genocide in gaza. our correspondencied porza tells us more. what i'm seeing cover is a large crowd of brumies, people in birmingham who have come together today. of course, people have also traveled in from the capital london and other cities around the uk to be here today. at the top of their demand. is a permanent cease fire followed of course by an end to the decades long military occupation of palestinian by the israeli regime. what they're also calling for is an end to um arming, the arming of the israeli military by the uk. um, but the fact remains that people here are outraged and angry and disappointed, angry and outrage and heartbroken at the sheer scale of the brutality and the ongoing unfolding genocide in the gaza strip and disappointed with the political leadership
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here, both the conservative party that is in power as well as the other major political party in the uk being labor, and lot of them are telling us that come next general election, which will be happening in the next couple of months, the're not going to be voting for either of those major big political parties here because... as in their words they don't represent them that they are doing the bidding of the israeli regime, that their vote is going to go to some independent candidate, perhaps in the next general election that will decide who will be taking the case to number 10 downing street. the pro-palestinian demonstration has been held in the austrian capital vienna as well. our correspondent has asked the participants what they think of the ongoing is sid in gaza as well as us strikes on yemen, here's what they had to say with weapons, 90% of the weapons
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come from america, the aggression would not work without america, i believe that the us is part of the genocide, what i want to say about yemen is that i do not think that america is saying why yemen is stopping it really ships, america just says yemen is attacking vessels, but they do not say what the reason is, the yemenis prevented the israeli ships in solidarity with the palestinian. population so that this genocide and wars stops and food and medicine are allowed into gaza, but the americans do not say that. america is not just part of the problem, they are the main problem, without america there. for me, the geopolitical situation is a crisis of the western world, with the us, europe and all the satellites such as japan and australia at the forefront, lot is changing, the us used to be in charge, but now that's changing under russia, china and others, what america is doing now is
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fighting so that they can maintain the leadership position, but america is in crisis. usa. the us presence is nothing new. the us repeatedly provokes conflicts around the world. in west asia and in vietnam in the 1960s, there are countless examples of them starting wars against the people of the world. they think they are the policeman of the world, but now, after a long time, there are other countries who stand up to them. their power in the world will now come to an end. yeminies from all walks of life have gathered in the capital sana and other cities to condemn the move by the united states to redesignate the anteral movement as a terrorist group. they also reaffirmed their full support for palestinians in gaza facing the israeli genocide.hali has more. thousands of yemanies have filled the streets of the
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capital sana and other major cities to slam the us black listing of the ansarullah movement. the protesters also. suppressed their continuous support for the yemani army's operations in the red sea and gulf of aden. we came here today in 70 square to send a big message to the sahoni, israelian, american and british. we have a good weapon to make you under the sea, not under the ground, under the sea. the yemen people and the whole world know. guys, its entire history is full of terrorism, murder, crime, corruption, support for criminals and the production of weapons for more killing. there is nothing clearer than the crimes committed by israel and america in the gaza strip with no less than 240 marters every day, not to mention the wounded and the missing. therefore, for america to classify any group
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in the world as terrorist is very silly and it cannot be believed by rational person. officials. say the recent us move is in line with washington support for the israeli regime and its atrocities and gaza. they say the us is endangering the region to protect the israeli regime which clearly exemplifies terrorism. it's a great honor for us that this sponsor and the founder of terrorism which has killed countless people around the world and use its atomic bombs in hiroshima and nakazaki and kill hundreds of thousands there is the one that classified us as terrorists, but we represent the most honorable position from moral and humanitarian standpoint. america's recent designation is in line with its support for the israeli genocidal war against palestinians in gaza. we stand with palestine and will not back down from this position. in response to the yemeni army's relentless attacks against israeli linked vessels in the
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red sea, the us has announced the redesignation of the ansarullah movement as a terrorist group. the group has been stippen up its. military operations against american and the british ships and the red sea and the gulf of aden, the u.s. and uk launched attacks on yemen following its move to target israeli linked ships in retaliation for the regime's genocide in gaza. despite this spike the us and the uk, people have gathered here to prove their point. they say they are not afraid of new war and are ready for all options. they also believe that the us is the god father of terrorism and has no right to designate any of the resistance movements as a terrorist group. initiatives have begun in italy's northern city of vichensa as the 70th edition of the city's prestigious gold and diamond industry fair kicks off. protests have been staged in response to a high number of israeli jewelry dealers being present at the fair. placed in italy's wealthy northeast
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vichensa is known for being the country's capital of gold and for an international gold and jewelry industry fair which has been running for 70 years. this year's addition has seen a number of anti-israel initiatives organized across the city. on friday, a protest was held in the vicinity of the tradefair premises and protest to tel aviv's massacres against the civilians in gaza, israel, one of the diamond world's leading centers occupied an entire pavilion for its dealers at the jewelry boutique showcase. israel's diamond exports have increased even in the past months, even when the regime is committing a genocide against the palestinians, israel's diamonds. are dranged in blood. tel aviv steals the precious gems from african countries such as congo, sudan and iwary coast, using children as the
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easiest source of cheap labor. protesters outside vicenza's jewelry industry fair are saying that most people don't know that the diamond industry is a main source of funding for the israeli military. they argue that israeli blood diamonds have bankrawled the mass murder of over 24. gazans since early october, most of whom were women and children. vicenza has been osting rallys in response to israeli jewelry dealers participating in its international gold fair for nearly two decades. we are against having the israelies at the vicenza gold fair. it's immoral for everybody and mostly for our city. doing business with a country that is standing before. "the international court of justice is dishonorable, a country that is committing genocide now, as we speak, what's the difference between our debts and the
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ukrainian debts? also on friday, a public assembly was held in central vicenza, the initiative was attended among the others by italian healthcare workers who were in gaza during the bombing carried out by israel regime in the past months. on saturday, vicenza will also host the rail in solidarity with..." the besieged palestinians, max chivili, press tv, vicenza. iran has successfully launched a research satellite into orbit as the islamic republic moves ahead with plans to expand the space program. the satellite dub saraya was placed into orbit at 750 kilometers above the earth's surface. it was aboard the launch vehicle belonging to the aerospace division of iran's islamic revolution guards core. the launch vehicle. was named 100, which has solid fuel three-stage engine. iran's ministry of telecommunications has hailed the launch saying the satellite has set new altitude record in the country. iran seeks to expand
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its aerospace sector to be able to use satellites for various applications, including for research activities. and that does for world news. coming up next in news and brief. bye for now, crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby. crackdown, diplomacy, israel's
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organized terrorism.
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a plot hatched by zinus to occupy to disintegrate and to plunder. palestine. this documentary tells in five parts how the israeli regime kickstarted its sinister project in palestinian lants through the gradual strategy of settling the so-called jewish colonies. more than 500 the children
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were killed during the conflict, what have they done wrong? being born in gaza is not the crime. more than year after the war was waged by the israeli regime on the gaza strip, and approximately year after the cairo donors conference was held for rebuilding gaza, the reconstruction project is still teatering between the cruelty of the siege and the procrastination of the israeli regime. "what we are doing here to keep people surviving, we are not talking about quality of life in gaza, if you lock deeply in what is going on in gaza, you will find out big slogan that there is no tomorrow, all agree that the slowdown in the reconstruction is due to the slow process of transferring funds pledged by the donor countries of the kiral conference where the unwell received only $270 million while required."
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it is much more, les bombardements qui ciblent des civils des infrastructures. i'm deeply concerned about the clear violations of international humanitarian law that we are witnessing in gaza. let me be clear, no party to an armed conflict is above international humanitarian law.
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israel carries out another terror attack in the syrian capital damascus, assassinating number of people, including five iranian military advisors, the attack targeted a three-story residential building in the city's mesa neighborhood, which is home to several... diplomatic missions. iraq's islamic resistance says that has launched a barrage of missiles of the us-run analasad base in western iraq. pour say this is the biggest anti-us operation by the iraqi resistance since october 7. there have been no immediate reports of casualties.