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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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your headlines on press tv evance islamic revolution gas course says five of his military advisors have been assassinated in an israeli terror attack in the syrian capital, damascus. iran says it reserves the right to respond to israel's organized terrorism, which proves the regime's profound ties with terrorist groups in the region, including daesh. and worldwide rallies are held in solidarity with palestinians in gaza as the israeli protesters call for an end to the regime's genocide in the coastal territory.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehron, thank you for joining guys, now today's top story the israely regime launched a fresh attack on saturday against syria, hitting a building within a residential area in the capital damascus where iranian military and syrian citizens were residing, more details from our correspondent in damascus, ibrahim wadi. once again, the israeli regime launched aerial attack against syria, targeting a residential area in the syrian capital damascus, several syrian troops and at least five iranian military advisers were martered, according to an irgc statement. military experts say that these acts are clear evidence of israel's of failure in gaza. the repeated attacks by the
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zionist entity on residential areas indicates that this entity is internally troubled due to its failure to control the gaza strip. therefore, the occupation regime is attempting to export its crises to the region and drag it into a regional war. today's aggression on the capital, damascus and the targeting of iranian figures violates international laws and norms because they are present in syria at the official request. the sovereign syrian government. it is within the rights of the syrian government to seek the assistance of advisers to combat terrorism, just like any other country in the world. at least seven bodies were retrieved from under the rubble of the three-story residential building, which was within a street full of diplomatic missions. syrian civilians, political figures and popular media have all denounced this criminal aggression that demonstrates the savage nature of the zionist of regime. they said that such terrorist acts would not intimidate the resistance front,
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this is very ugly, worse than you can imagine, i live here nearby, heard huge explosions in my neighbor's building, lot of glass was broken, vehicles were destroyed, and when i went outside to see what had happened, i found a three-story building completely destroyed, this has frightened all the residents in this street, children were crying in fear and women were screaming, my neighbor is sick and didn't know what to do, israel in gaza, so they have gone crazy and are firing in any direction to make it clear that they are present, but they will not succeed because the access of resistance is resilient. i was less than 100 meters away when the explosion occurred. may god bless the souls of the marters. late last month, the israeli regime assassinated a senior iranian advisor, general sayid rasi musavi in a missile strike that targeted his house in the vicinity of saida zainab shrine south of damascus. "the israel regime is trying to
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intimidate the peoples of the region and is pushing escalation through assassinations and terrorist attacks in the region, but people insist that they will never be afraid of the apartide regime. ibrahim wahdi, pressv, damascus. reactions are pouring in following the israeli air strike in syria that led to the martydum of several people. iran strongly condemned the attack as a clear violation of syria's sovereignty and territory." integrity. for ministry spokesman naser khanani said iran reserves the right to respond to israel's organized terrorism, which proves the profound ties between the regime and various terrorist groups in the region, including daesh. iran's president rais has also condemned the attack saying the islamic republic will not leave israel's crime unanswered. the palestinian resistance move in hamas also slammed the terrorist act saying such actions by the zanist regime will never stop the resist. movement from
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continuing to support the palestinian people. the palestinian islamic jihad strongly condemned the attack saying the assault was part of israel's efforts to make up for its defeat. it also said the regime is... seeking to expand the gaz onslot to the entire region. now to talk more on this, we are joined by mr. eves angler, author and political activist from montreal, canada. mr. angler, welcome to press tv. now, mr. angler, we're talking about these recent assassinations uh by the us, the israel regime and their terrorist proxies. uh, what is mostly mentioned by analys, which i wanted you to talk more on, is that these assults are part of. israel's effice to make up for the defeating gaza and also the regime seeking to expand the war to the entire region like iran blamed israel for the recent attack which it labeled desperate attempt to spread instability in the region. yeah, i mean, i think that the defeat, that's we
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should be clear about what we're talking when we're talking about defeat. i think israel is not having success in its stated goal of defeating hamas. i think it is having a certain degree of success. in its stated but and also unstated goal of destroying gaza and trying to uh ethnically cleanse and to just bas basically make the place unlivable. um now in terms of these recent assassinations, i do think that you're right in that israel is trying escalate. i think netanyahu has very clear personal self-interest in keeping war going on as... long as possible uh once once uh war stops he probably is no longer prime minister uh so he has has a self-interest in keeping it going and escalate and they've been doing that with regards to lebanon um obviously with regards
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to syria they've been bombing in syria kind of a weekly basis now for many years um also i think that israel uh does uh "you know the the access of resistance does provide some degree of a check on israel um and so iran is a is a you know competitor and wants israels constantly trying to weaken iran um and uh and his recent strikes are i think should be seen in that light um partly based upon not succeeding in defeating hamas but i think as much uh it's about uh netanyahu wanting to uh" asia regional war and and i think from netanyahu's perspective, ideally to draw the us into uh as much as possible a direct war with uh with iran. like you said, mr. engler, the israely prime minister might be uh consciously provoking confrontations with
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other fronts, especially uh lebanon uh to delay the political reckoning that he will have to face, so it seems that widening the war is one of the things the regime is pushing for, so the question is why analysts are saying that the regime... is already stuck in gaza and the cross border battle with leabance hezbollah, so let's say the regime gets other parties, other fronts involved, we have the, we have yemen, we have iraq, we have syria, and now they also want iran involved as well, so what happens, get the us back uh them up again, like uh, once someone said it's like the us is spoiled child gets in the fight, and ask the us or daddy for help, i think that's an apt - description. of of what israel is seeking, in part, i think that israel has a bigger picture beyond the narrow benjamin netanyahu self-interest escalating war and maintaining his political survival, israel is a basically
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a nation addicted to war, it's i think we have. with the news and if we get him back, we'll talk to him again. now continuing with the rest of the news, iraq's islamic resistance says it has launched the barrage of missiles at the us run in al-assad base in western iraq. a us official says american personnel suffered minor injuries in the attack. the officials said initial reports indicated that the base was hit by ballistic missiles. iraki media reports say over 40 rockets were fired in the biggest anti-us operation by iraqis since october. the seventh over the past months, iraqi resistance forces have carried out attacks on american bases in both in iraq and neighboring syria on an almost daily basis. iraq's islamic resistance says the attacks are in response to washington's support for the israel regime emit the gaza genocide.
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earlier correspondent in baghdad muslim salim joined us with more details about the iraqi islamic resistance latest attack on american for. forces: let's take a listen, just about an hour ago, the iraq resistance has carried out a large, let's say attack on asad western baghdad. "now the significance of this attack that out of these 57 attacks that would let's say carried out by iraq resistance in the country, this is the largest in number of rockets, initial number said that there is number of casualty, not let's say there's nothing specific yet, but the attack was was very large when it comes to the number of rockets, like i said it's the largest attack on the on the on an american base in iraq ever since the operation has started, so let's say..." it's there is only one way to go from now, the the resistance are intensifying their attack as their promise,
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an israely drone strike in southern lebanon has left four people dead, one of the victims was member of the hizbullah resistance movement, the strike targeted the city near the city of tairai, the israeli drone attack came amid strikes by fighters from lebanon's resistance movement hezbolah against israely military positions in response to israel's ongoing genocidal campaign. in the beseeged gaza strip. our lebanon correspondent mariam saleh joined us earlier to give us her account of the situation in southern lebanon. let's see what she had to say. we do have an official statement from hizballah saying that ali hudruj has passed away and he was one of the members of hazballah. he actually just recently actually debated his thesis in his ph.d. and so this is a very someone who was well known in his town in his hometown in bezorie, which is where the attack took place
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uh and he was of course uh it was basically a shock for many people, he is someone who is more civilian than he is a military, but he is still a member of hazbullah, of course this comes also a time when hizbollah has continued with its resistance operations, and we can see today that the operations, all of the if not all, most of them have been those of... targeting soldiers, we have it seems to surpassed the phase when they're only targeting posts or devices here, now we're talking about the fact that it seems to be now a confrontation when hazbullah targets soldiers directly and the israelies are targeting members of the resistance and even civilians in some cases um even if they were with the the members of hazballah and south lebanon but we we do know that hazballah even in one instance for example used rockets directly at soldiers in near the barracks of hunin, but we also have in zaried and dhaira
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where hazballah said in statements that they targeted soldiers and so therefore there could there is definitely high number of losses and casualties among the israelies as well, the israeli shelling of course it has not today is not uh stopped at all, we have huge number of uh of shelling and examples we have from tanks for example, 106 days into the israeli war on the gaza strip and the regime continues with a scarpet bombing campaign across the besieged palestinian territory. the gaza health ministry says 165 palestinians have been killed and 280 others wounded in the past 24 hours. the overall death told from the regime's war has risen to nearly 25,000. more than 62,000 others have. been wounded and thousands are still under the rubble of their homes. israel keeps bombing residential buildings and refugee
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camps in areas it had said that would be safe. hospitals are overwhelmed across the besieg territory with people literally waiting on the floor for medical staff to intervene and save them. the deadly rates are being conducted while the coastal territory is undernear total communications blackout imposed by the tel aviv regime. the un chief has called for all countries to recognize the right of the palestinian people to build their own state. ladies and the refusal to accept the two-state solution for israelis and palestinians and the denial of the right to statewood for the palestinian people are unacceptable. these would indefinitely prolong a conflict that has become a major threat to global peace and security. exacerbate polarization and embolden extremists everywhere. the right of the
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palestinian people to build their own state must be recognized by all. antonio guetres told a non-aligned movement summit in uganda that the denial of the right to statehood for palestinians is unacceptable, he said such a stance would indefinitely prolong a conflict that has become a major. to global peace and security, the un leader was reacting to the recent comments by israely prime minister benjamin netanyahu in which he reaffirmed his opposition to the creation of viable palestinian state. the remarks drew criticism from many, even the us, which is israel's main backer. the palestinian presidency spokesman also condemn netanyahu's remarks, nabil abu rudeine, said it is time for the us to recognize the state of palestine, not just to talk about two state solution, he added that the israel regime is not interested in peace and stability. israel's genocide on the
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people of palestine in. and occupied west bank has cost thousands of lives, it has also caused a massive labor shortage. we're talking about, i think here primarily about cross border workers, that is to say workers who live in the west bank and commute to work in israel, that's that's quite a large economic volume, particularly locally, around 5 and a half billion usd per year. these are some of the factor. is pling the occupied west bank, so israel sees these - this um shortage of workers uh that they've created, shorters of palestinian workers, it's only a temporary measure.
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welcome back, an appalling video has been released showing the aftermath of a summary execution of 15 palestinian men by israeli soldiers in gaza. the horrific event took place on december 19th when israely soldiers raided a building in gaza city. according to eyewitness accounts, the israely soldiers shot 15 palestinian men in the back after stripping and torturing them and forcing them to lay face down on the ground. the atrocity took place before the eyes of female members the family who say the incident has left a permanent. score on their minds. the israeli army subsequently shelled a building that killed a three-year-old girl. israeli savagery in gaza has continued unabated for more than three months with full support to western governments, especially the united states. an outraged israeli mother has
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accused the israeli army of deliberately gassing her son to death while he was being held in a tunnel in gaza, the mother of ront. chairman, one of the soldiers held captive by hamas, said their son was killed in a premeditated murder by the army. he slammed the cabinet of prime minister benjamin netanyahu as well as israeli military officials, his son's body alongside two other soldiers were recovered from a tunnel in gaza in december. the killing follows a pattern of israely military attacks on captives in gaza that has so far led to the deaths of dozens them. pro palestan rallies have been held in various cities across the world, in some cases the demonstrations turned violent with security forces trying to dispers the protesters.
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the global outrage against the israeli regime's crimes in gaza have even spread amongst israelis. the mainstream media however really cover israel's uh protests against the war on gaza. in the israel city of hifa the regime forces attacked anti-war demonstrators on saturday. the israel protest as hell signs reading stopped the genocide in gaza elsewhere. italy's northern city of vichenza, a pro-palestine rally also turned into clashes between the police and protesters. the police use water cannon to disperse the demonstrators. in some major european cities, protesters demanded immediate and permanent cease fire in the gaza strip.
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i'm 74 today and we are going to march today to say stop to the impunity of the criminal regime of israel. this is the european march. in palestine, we are paying for the crimes committed in europe, stop the impunity of the criminal regime of israel, yes to immediate cease fire and a complete end to the occupation in palestine. we are asking them to stop bomming palestine and to stop. palestinians and let them have sate of their own, thousands of protests marched in spain's madrid and barcelona demanding a cease fire in gaza. the footage shows protesters holding the giant palestinian flag and chanting
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slogans such as free palestine and long live the struggle of the palestinian people. also, hundreds of pro-palestin demonstrators joined the rally in paris in support of activists marching from the french capital to the european council in brussels to demand an end to the genocide in gaza. meanwile people in the english city of birmingham have also held rally calling for immediate end to the us israel genocide in gaza. our correspondence sai tells us more. what i'm seeing cover is a large crowd of brumies, people in birmingham uh have come together today. of course people have also traveled in from the capital. and in other cities around the uk to be here today, at the top of their demand is a preminent cease fire, followed of course, by an end to the decades long military
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occupation of palestinian by the israeli regime, but they're also calling for is an end to um arming, the arming of the israeli military by the uk, um, but the fact remains that people here are outrageed and angry and disappointed, angry and outrage and heartbreak. looking at the sheer scale of the brutality and humanity of the ongoing unfolding genocide in the gaza strip and disappointed with the political leadership here, both the conservative party that is in power as well as the other major political party in the uk being labor, and lot of them are telling us that come next general election, which will be happening in the next couple of months, they're not going to be voting for. either of those major big political parties here, because as in their words, they don't represent them that they are doing the bidding of the israeli regime,
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that their vote is going to go to some independent candidate, perhaps in the next general election that will decide who will be taking the case to number 10 downing street. now going back to the recent assassinations in syria, we have uh eves, mr. eves engler. and political activist from montreal back again uh, mr. engler, welcome back. now, mr. engler, just a short, we've got time with one more question, we know that the us backed isis and al-qaed in iraq, syria and afghanistan, and now with these new assassinations in iraq and syria, especially the recent terror attack on the fourth martidum anniversary of lieutenant general qasim sulaymani, which killed around 100 people in kermon, which claimed responsibility for, now analys are saying that considering the timing of the attack. is indicated that the us and the zanist regime orchestrated the attack or at least had a helping hand in it, so do you think that is the case that uh the us and israel are
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supporting these uh terrorist groups? well, i mean, i think it's it's clear that the us definitely has supported daesh in the past uh, as a trying to oust the syrian government, um, i don't... "if they were involved in the uh recent assassination, that that that's not clear to me, um, it's clear that daesh has not focused much on on targeting israel, and it seems pretty odd that they would be targeting iran on this anniversary, that's obviously horrible us war crime, um, but i think that the..." the a more macro level uh the us and israel are they they want to weaken and and eliminate governments that that challenge their
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dominance of the region and uh whether that's through supporting terrorist groups that perpetrate hor horrific massacers like we uh recently saw in iran or that you they're okay with that um but i don't know i can't say whether... they you have a direct hand in this um in this horrible massacre. isn't it possible? isn't there a possibility that they are involved in a way to get iran involved in the war as well? directly involved? i think there's no doubt that the the us in israel or israel's particular the us maybe a little bit less are engaged in innumerable different acts right now to basically - stabilize the region and to draw iran in, i think that that israel clearly has that as a self-interest. israel wants to draw the us into a war with iran, and and so um, it's... i think it's
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definitely in this case uh the assassination that daesh is taking responsibility for, whether they did it or not, i don't know that for sure either, but but that that that it it it coincides with israel's interests, that's for sure and maybe to slightly lesser extent uh us interest. there you have it, mr. engler, thank you for your time sir, mr. eves engler, author and political activist from montreal, thank you sir, and with that we come to the end of this bulletin, thank you for being with us, care and bye-bye.
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news in brief for this hour, israel carries out another terrorist attack in the syrian capital, damascus, assassinating number of people, including five iranian military advisors. the attack target story residential building in the city's mesa neighborhood, which houses several diplomatic missions. iraq's islamic resistance says it has launched a barrage of missiles at the us run anal assad base in western iraq. reports say this is the biggest anti-us operation by the iraqi resistance since october the 7th. there has been no immediate reports of casualties.