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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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your headlines on press tv, ivan says it reserves the right to respond to israel's organized terrorism, which proves the regime's profound ties with the terrorist groups in the region in. including daesh. the new report says israel has killed hundreds of university professors and teachers in gaza as death toll from the regime's genocide nears 2500. and worldwide rallies are held in solidarity with palestinians in gaza as the israeli protesters call for an end to the regime's genocide in the coastal territory.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in teran. thank you for joining us. now in today's top story, the israeli regime launched a fresh attack on saturday against syria hitting a building within a residential area in the capital of damascus where iranian military advisors and syrian citizens were residing. more de from our corresponded in damascus ibrahim wadi. once again, the israeli regime launched aerial attack against syria, targeting a residential area in the syrian capital, damascus. several syrian troops and at least five iranian military advisers were martered, according to an irgc statement. military experts say that these acts are clear evidence of israel's failure in gaza. the repeated attacks by the zionist entity on residential air. indicates that this entity
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is internally troubled due to its failure to control the gaza strip. therefore, the occupation regime is attempting to export its crisis to the region and drag it into a regional war. today's aggression on the capital, damascus and the targeting of iranian figures violates international laws and norms because they are present in syria at the official request of the sovereign syrian government. it is within the rights of the syrian government. to seek the assistance of advisers to combat terrorism, just like any other country in the world. at least seven bodies were retrieved from under the rubble of the three-story residential building, which was within a street full of diplomatic missions. syrian civilians, political figures and popular media have all of this criminal aggression that demonstrates the savage nature of the zionist regime. they said that such terrorist acts would not intimidate the resistance front. is very
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ugly, worse than you can imagine. i live here nearby. heard huge explosions in my neighbor's building. lot of glass was broken, vehicles were destroyed, and when i went outside to see what had happened, i found a three-story building completely destroyed. this has frightened all the residence in this street. children were crying in fear and women were screaming. my neighbor is sick and didn't know what to do. israelis have failed in gaza, so they have gone crazy and are firing in any direction to make it. clear that they are present, but they will not succeed because the access of resistance is resilient. i was less than 100 meters away when the explosion occurred. may god bless the souls of the marters. late last month, the israeli regime assassinated a senior iranian advisor, general sayid rasi musavi in a missile strike that targeted his house in the vicinity of saida zenab shrin south of damascus. the israel regime is trying to intimidate the peoples of the region and is... pushing escalation through
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assassinations and terrorist attacks in the region, but people insist that they will never be afraid of the apartide regime. ibrahim wahdi, press tv, damascus. reactions are pouring in following in the israeli airstrik in syria that led to the martism of several people. iran strongly condemned the attack as a clear violation of syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity. foreign ministry spokesman nasa canani said iran says the right to respond to israel's organized terrorism, which proves the profound ties between the regime and various terrorist groups in the region, including daesh. iran's president ibrahim reise has also condemned the attack saying that the islamic republic will not leave israel's crime unanswered. the palestinian resistance movement hamas also slammed the terrorist act saying such actions by designist regime will never stop the resistance movements from continuing to support the palestinian people.
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"the palestinian islamic jihad strongly condemned the attack saying the assault was part of israel's efforts to make up first defeat. it also said the regime is seeking to expand the gaza onslaught to the entire region." former cia analyst ray mcguven says israel is trying to drag the us to be directly and completely involved in his genocidal war in gaza and a border conflict in the region. let's take a listen. what israel is lusting after is a reason to draw the united states in big time. militarily, that's what this is all about, so your president is already said, this attack will not go unanswered, we can understand that, five revolutionary guards officers killed, we can understand that, the question is, how
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will iran answer this, and israel and the neocons running washington would like nothing more than to have the kind of attack that they can blame on iran to widen the war, less thought here, if the iranians can keep being rather circumspect and avoid giving that kind of pretext to the us and to israel, then in my view, israel is quite capable of doing it for iran, in other words, i would look for false flag attack lamed on iran to drag to mouse trap the estates in with both feet detract detract attention from the the losing cars in gaza and finally give the neocons
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their their reason. 107 days into the israeli war on the gaza strip and the regime continues with this deadly carpet bombing campaign across the besieed palestinian territory. according to new report published by the independent human rights watch euromed monitor, israel has killed nearly 100 university professors along with hundreds of teachers. israel has destroyed literally every university in the gaza strip and as targeted schools that had become shelters for displaced palestinians. hundreds of palestinian lives are all are lost to the indiscriminate strikes every day. the israel onslot on. has so far left nearly 25,00 people dead, most of them women and children. more than 62,00 palestinians have also been wounded. yemen's prime minister says the united states and the uk are creators of the
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zinest entity in west asia seek to protect it by all means possible and destroy any group or country that stands against it. abdul aziz ben haptur was speaking an exclusive interview with tv to elaborate on yemen's recent anti israeli operations in support of gaza and the western attacks on yemen. he said the us and britain are not aggressive against yemen alone, but against all of humanity, and especially any country that may seek liberation from western colonization. and the yemani prime minister said his country started anti-israel operations in the red sea after arab regimes shund the responsibility to protect the people. gaza. ben haptur said yemen's enemies try to distort the reality by claiming that yemen is a threat to the world. he said this will not discourage. sanah and it will continue with its anti-israel operations until the aggression and the blockade on gaza stops.
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pro palestan rallies have been held in various cities across the world. in some cases the demonstrations turn violent with security forces trying to dispase. protesters. "the global outrage against the israel regime's crimes in gaza have even spread amongst israelis. the mainstream media however rarely cover israeli protests against the war on gaza. in the israeli city of hifa, the regime forces attacked anti-war demonstrators on saturday. the israely
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protesters held signs reading stopped the genocide in gaza. elsewhere in italy's north, northern city of vichenza, a propanestan rally also turned into clashes between the..." police and protesters, the police used water cannon to disperse the demonstrators. in some major european cities, protesters demanded immediate and permanent ceasefire in the gazas. i'm 74 today and we are going to march today to say stop to the impunity of the criminal regime of israel, this is a european march, in palestine, we are paying for the crimes committed in europe, stop the impunity of the criminal regime of. israel, yes to immediate ceasefire and a complete end to the occupation in palestine. we are asking them
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to stop bombing palestine and to stop killing palestinians and let them have a state of their own. thousands of protesters marched in spain's madrid and barcelona demanding a cease fire in gaza. the footage shows protest is holding a giant palestinian flag and chanting slogans such as free palestine. and long live the struggle of the palestinian people. also, hundreds of pro-palestin demonstrators joined a rally in paris in support of activists marching from the french capital to the european council in brussels to demand an end to the genocide in gaza. the uk's west midland city of birmingham has been the scene of a massive ppalestin demonstration, one of several held since the start of the us-israely genocidal war on. gaza, it comes in the face of continued uk government support for the israel regime that
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has caused unprecedented public outrage and alienated the country's muslim community. say pureza has more. true to their word, they've done it again. thousands on foot or by bike have thrown the streets of birmingham to say this. we are riding for palestine. we want to see. now people and children are being killed in gaza, which is completely unacceptable, stop murdering children and innocent people. in the run-up to today's protest, activists glute shot a branch of london headquartered banking giant barkley's in birmingham for allegedly investing in israeli weapons manufacturers. i think a lot of people are now fed up by carrying out ' totally non-violent, non interactive events, and now they're taking a proactive step so that they
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get noticed, and this is desperations, and in a one way, it's showing the great crisis that we face in this country, that when the public wants the government to call for a cease fire, yet our politicians are not listening to the majority of the british public. britain's support for apartide israel takes many shapes. visiting tel aviv in mid-october last year, british prime minister rishi sunaks. stood next to his israeli counterpart benjamin netanyahu and said this: "as your friend, we will stand with you in solidarity, we will stand with your people, and we also want you to win. prime minister, whatever a win might look like for apartied israel, sunak's conservative party and the opposition labor party, whose leader kier starmer has also backed netanjahu's war, have both lost voters like karen, a lawyer. i feel like we've been..." let down by all governments, all parties across the board, and i've completely lost all faith in all of them. one
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group that say the uk position on the us israeli genocide in gaza has completely alienated them, our british muslims who constitute nearly 7% of the population. we feel that the people that we have elected to represent us in the corridors of power have become a bunch of yes men, they are saying yes sir, yes sir, three bags food sir, maybe because they are afraid. to lose their careers, this is how bad it's become, disappointed with the government and the political establishment, it is in the streets of britain where people see the future of pro- palestine solidarity in the uk as they hope for peace that couldn't come a minute too soon. said puraza, press tv, birmingham. we're not supposed to talk about demona, that's the game. كان يشتغل بدون اي نوع
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من انواع الاجراءات الوقايه على العكس تماما نفس الزلمه اللي كان يجيب له الاكل او الشرب كان يكون متخذ كافه الاجراءات الاحتياطيه هذا الموضوع ما بفهم فيه رحم الله نفسه ما بفهم الموضوع. welcome back, people throughout pakistan are increasingly joining a campaign to boycott
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israel and american products in response to the ongoing attacks on the besieg gaza's trip. as to the movement, movement and exhibition has been set up in the poor city of karachi to showcase local brands and encourage support for products that are not associated with israel and the us. press tv's correspondent nasa casmi has more. in response to israel's genocidal campaign in gaza, which has resulted in the death of thousands of innocent palestinians, businesses perceived to have ties with israel. and the united states are experiencing significant public discontant and backlash in pakistan, seeking to diminish the influence of pro us and pro israeli companies inside the country, the religious political party jamaate islami has partnered with prominent business entities to organize a two-day exhibition in the port city of karachi. the exhibition aims to showcase over
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200 local brands as a strategic move in support of pakistani. the exhibition serves as demonstration of solidarity with the marginalized population of palestine, advocating for the buycott of products associated with the united states and israel. simultaneously it seeks to promote the utilization of local pakistani brands. the proceeds and funds granted from the sale of these indigenous products will be dedicated to supporting the people of ghazza. the exhibition showcases a wide range of local products across different sectors. including food, consumer goods and various essential commodities. the main objective of the exhibition is to motivate consumers to prioritize local products over those associated with countries facing public censure. by doing so, the exhibition aims to promote growth and support of local industries within pakistan. by couting the
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imported stuffs especially made by the oppressors who are doing the ( the genocide in gaza will help the people of gaza, because financially, as i i have come to know that many of the organizations are badly affected financially after the boycott by the muslims the world. in the pakistani capital of islamabad, the call for boycotting western brands resonated among the protesters who strongly condemned the israeli atrocities in gaza. the relies. served as a platform to urge the masses to buycot israeli products, symbolizing their solidarity with the people of gaza. the aim is to use economic pressure as means of expressing their support and standing against crimes perpetuated against palestinians. i have started using many of the local products and this is something that so many people have been talking from so long
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that we should start using our local products that are very good alternative to the to the international ones. in pakistan there has been. a significant public movement to buycot businesses perceived as pro israeli and pro us. notable brands like mcdonald's, kfc, coke and pepsi have faced intense public boyots resulting in substantial financial losses. these actions have been in response to israel's recent campaign in gaza. the boyots demonstrate the strong public outcry and the impact they can have on businesses associated with. is facing public censure the people of pakistan are showing their solidarity with the palestinians in the gaza strape by actively participating an advocacy campaign that promotes the bicott of pro israeli products and encouraging the use of locally sourced alternatives. press tv islamabad an
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outraged israeli mother has accused the israeli army of deliberately gas. son to death while he was being held in a tunnel in gaza. the mother of ront sherman, one of the soldiers held captive by hamas, said a sun was killed in a premeditated murder by the army. she slammed the cabinet of prime minister benjamin netanyahu as well as israeli military officials. his son's body, alongside two other soldiers, was recovered from a tunnel in gaza in december. the killing follows a pattern of israeli military attacks on captives in gaza that are so far led to the deaths. of dozens of them, now the un chief has called for all countries to recognize the right of the palestinian people to build their own s ladies and the refusal to accept the two-state solution for israelis and palestinians and the denial of the right
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to statewood for the palestinian people are unacceptable. these would indefinitely prolong a conflict that has become a major thread to global peace and security, execerbate polarization and embolden extremists everywhere. "the right of the palestinian people to build their own state must be recognized by all. antonio gutierres told the non-aligned movement summit in uganda that the denial of the right to statehood for palestinians is unacceptable, he said such a stance would indefinitely prolong a conflict that has become a major threat to global peace and security. the un leader was reacting to the recent comments by israeli primer." minister benjamin netanyahu in which he reaffermed his opposition to the creation of a viable palestinian state. the remarks threw criticism from many even the
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us, which is israel's main backer. the palestinian presidency's spokesman also, condemn netanyahu's remarks, nabil abu rudena said it is time for the us to recognize the state of palestine, not just talk about two-state solution. he added that the israel regime is not interested in peace. or stability. iraq's islamic resistance says it has launched the barrage of missiles at the us run anil assad base in western iraq. a us official says american personnel suffered minor injuries in the attack. the official said the initial reports indicated that the base was hit by ballistic missiles. iraqi media reports say over 40 rockets were fired in the biggest anti-us operation by iraqies since october the 7th. over the past months, iraqi resistance forces have carried out attacks on american bases both in iraq and neighboring syria on an almost daily basis.
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iraq's islamic resistance says the attacks are in response to washington support for the israel regime emit the gaza genocide. earlier correspondent in baghdad, muslim salim joined us with more details about the vaki islamic resistance latest attack on american forces. let's say listen. just about an hour ago, the iraq resistance has carried out a large let's say miss attack on ain al-asad western baghdad. now the significance of this attack that out of these 57 attacks that was let's say carried out by iraq resistance in the country, this is the largest in number of rockets. initial number said that there is number. of casualty, not let's say there's nothing specific yet, but the attack was was very large when it comes to the number of rockets, like i said it's the largest attack on the on the on an american base in iraq
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ever since the operation has started, so let's say it there is only one way to go from now, the the resistance are intensifying their attack as their promise, and is really drone strikings that? lebanon has left four people dead. one of the victims was member of hezbulah resistance movement, the strike target of the city or car near the city of tyre. the israely drone attack came amid strikes by fighters from lebanon's resistance movement hezbollah against israely military positions in response to israel's ongoing genocidal campaign in the besieged gazas rift. our lebanon correspondent mariam sal joined us. earlier to give us her account of the situation in southern lebanon. uh, we do have an official statement from hizballah
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saying that ali hudrush has passed away and he was one of the members of hizballah, he actually just recently actually debated his thesis and his phd, and so this is very uh someone who was well known in his town in his hometown in berori, which is where the attack took place, and he was of course... uh, it was basically a shock for many people, he is someone who is more civilian than he is a military, but he is still a member of hezbollah. of course, this comes also a time when hizballah has continued with its resistance operations, and we can see today that the operations, all of the if not all, most of them have been those of targeting soldiers, we have it seems to surpassed uh the phase when they're only targeting posts or devices here, now we're talking. about the fact that it seems to be now a confrontation when hizbillah targets soldiers directly and the israelis are targeting members of the resistance and even civilians in some cases
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um even if they... were with the the members of hizballah and south lebanon, but we we do know that hazballah even uh in one instance for example used rockets directly at soldiers in near the barracks of huneen, but we also have in zaried and daira where hazbullah said in statements that they targeted soldiers, and so therefore there could there is definitely high number of losses and casualties among the israelis as well, the israeli shelling. of course it has not today is not uh stopped at all, we have a huge number of uh of shelling and examples we have from tanks for example, and with that we come to the end of this bulletin, thank you for being with us, take care and bye-bye.
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keeping you up to date with world news every half hour on press tv. news a brief this hour, israel carries out another terror attack in the syrian capital, damascus, assassinating number of people, including five iranian military advisers. the attack target the three-story residential. building in the city's mesa neighborhood, which houses several diplomatic missions. the death toll from israeli onslaught in the gaza strip is nearing 25,000 as the regime continues with its deadly carpet bombing campaign. according to new report published by an independent human rights watch, israel has killed hundreds of university professors and teachers.