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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm IRST

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press tv headlines: on the 107th day of the us israely genocide in gaza, the death bill rises to more than 25,000, predominantly comprising women and children. the pentagon acknowledges 140 attacks on us bases in iraq and syria resulting in injuries to at least 70 american troops with varying degrees of severity and funeral possessions are underway in the syrian capital damascus for the martters of yesterday's israely terror attack targeting iranian military advisors.
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half past in iran's capital tehran. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. 107 days into the israely war in the gaza streath. the regime continues with deadly carpet bombing campaign across the beside palestinian territory. according to new report published by the independent human rights watch group euromed monitor. israel has killed nearly 100 university professors along with hundreds of teachers. israel has destroyed literally every university in the gaza strip and has targeted schools that had become shelters for displaced palestinians. hundreds of palestinin lives are lost to the indiscriminate strikes every day. the israel in gaza has so far left over 25,00 people dead, most of them women and children. more than 62,00 palestinians have also been wounded. author and journalist robert fantina
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believes israel's targeting a palestinian educational centers is attempt to eliminate the nation's history and culture as part of the regime's genocidal campaign. israel wants to eliminate all of god of palestine's cultural heritage, all of its educational abilities and opportunities, these are not accidental bombings, these are... and with a purpose and the purpose is part of genocide which is to destroy everything about palestine, their their history, their culture, their their thousand year old background, it wants to destroy everything, this is this is intentional, and this is why one of the many reasons why the that israel in has been brought to the international court of justice to to finally be held accountable for these crimes, we'll see what the international court says. the next couple of
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weeks, but these things are blatant violations of international law, they are blatant uh war crimes and they are blatent aspects of genocide, and this is what israel is involved in doing, and it's savagery, and the people of gaza are suffering horribly because of it, and will for decades in the future, because of israel's actions today. israely forces have blown up the home of a palestinian in the occupied city of alkalil. the israely military also evacuated the residence of adjacent buildings. the house that was destroyed belong to nasrolah al-kawasme. he was one of the three palestinians who carried out a retaliatory shooting operation in the ramot settlement and occupied these stocklets in november. at least three israelies were killed and eight others were injured in the operation.
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"kawasmi and two other palestinians were also killed. the hamas resistance movement claimed responsibility for the operation, describing it as natural response to unprecedented israeli crimes against palestinians in gaza and the west bank. the yes prime minister says the us and the uk as creators of the zinist entity in west asia, seek to protect it by all means possible and destroy any group or country that stands against it. abtur was speaking an exclusive interview with press tv to elaborate on yemen's recent anti-israely operations in support of gaza and the western attacks on yemen. he said the u.s. and britain are not aggressive against yemen alone, but against all of humanity, and especially any country that may seek liberation from western colonialism. the amany prime minister said that his country started anti-israel operations in the red sea after arab regimes shund their responsibility to protect the people of gaza. benhaptur said yemen's enemies tried to distort the reality
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by claiming that yemen is a threat to the world. he said this will not discourage sana and it will continue with anti-israel operations until the aggression and blockad in gaza stops. at these two us service personnel have been injured an attack a western iraqi military base housing american forces. a us official has confirmed the injuries, adding that initial reports indicate the anasad base was hit by ballistic missiles. the islamic resistance in iraq has claimed the attack. resistance forces reportedly fired over 40 rockets at the base in the biggest anti-us operation by iraqis since israel began its onslot on gaza on october 7. says american forces have come under over 140 attacks in iraq and syria since then, emit a backlash over washington's support for the israel genocide in gaza. according to the pentagon, nearly 70 us personnel have been entered in the operations, some of them seriously. earlier
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correspon salim joined us with more details about the iraqi islamic resistance latest attack on american forces. just about an hour ago, the iraq resistance has carried out a large, let's say missile attack on ain al-asad, western baghdad, now the significance of this attack that out of these 57 attacks that was let's say carried out by iraq resistance in the country, this is the largest in number of rockets, initial number said that there is number of casualty, not let's say there is nothing specific yet, but the attack was was very large when it comes to the number of rockets like a said it's the largest attack on the on the on an american base in iraq ever since the operation has started, so let's say it's there is only one way to go from now, the the resistance are intensifying their attack as their promise,
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pro palestine rallies have been held in various cities across the world, in some cases the demonstrations turned violence with security forces trying to disperse the protesters. outrage against the israeli regime's crimes in gaza have even spread among israelis. mainstream media however rarely covers israeli protest against the war in gaza. in the israeli city of hifa, regime forces attacked anti-war demonstrators on saturday. the israeli protesters held signs reading stopped the genocide in gaza. elsewhere in
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italy northern city of vicenza, a pro-palestine rally turned violent and clashes erupted between the police and protesters. the police used water cannons to disperse the demonstrator. in some major european cities, protesters demanded immediate and permanent cease fire in the gaza strip. i'm 74 today and we are going to march today to say stop to the impunity of the criminal regime of israel. this is a european march. in palestine, we are paying for the crimes committed in europe, stop the impunity of the criminal regime of israel, yes to immediate ceasefire and a complete end to the occupation in palestine. we are asking them to stop bombing palestine and to stop killing
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palestinians and let them have a state of their own. thousands of protesters marched in spains, madrid and barcelona. demanding a cease fire in gaza. the footage shows protesters holding a giant palestinian flag and chanting slogans such as free palestine and long live the live the struggle of the palestinian people. also, hundreds of pro- palestine demonstrators joined rally in paris in support of activist marching from the french capital to the european council in brussels to demand an end to the genocide in gaza. when palestinian journalists. shirin abu agile was killed by an israeli sniper on may 11, 2022, the israel is meant to get a cross a clear message that they don't want any narrative other than their own and the decades old occupation of palestinian lands
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and their aggression. it wasn't the first time is really sought to put gag on the alternative narrative and every time it has failed. watch the history of the israeli measures and palestinian counter measures in this documentary. welcome back to the news here on press tv. people in the syrian capital damascus have held a funeral ceremony for the victims of the israeli terror attack on saturday. the ceremony was held in saida zenab shrine. the israely attack targeted a residential building in the mazah neighborhood where several diplomatic missions are also located. at least five members of iran's islamic rev'. guard score and number of syrian forces were killed in the attack. the irgc members were serving a
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military advisory roll upon the invitation of the syrian government. the israel terror strike came just days after the irgc targeted musad espionage base in the iraqi kurdistan region over the regime's anti-iran terror plots. the israeli regime launched aerial attack against. syria, targeting a residential area in the syrian capital, damascus. several syrian troops and at least five iranian military advisers were martered, according to an irgc statement. military experts say that these acts are clear evidence of israel's failure in gaza. the repeated attacks by the zionist entity on residential areas indicates that this entity is internally troubled due to its failure to control the gaza strip. therefore, the occupation regime is attempting to export it. crisis to the region and drag it into a regional war. today's aggression on the
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capital, damascus and the targeting of iranian figures violates international laws and norms because they are present in syria at the official request of the sovereign syrian government. it is within the rights of the syrian government to seek the assistance of advisers to combat terrorism just like any other country in the world. at least seven bodies were retrieved from under the rubble of the three-story residential building, which was within a street full of diplomatic missions. syrian civilians, political figures and popular media have all denounced this criminal aggression that demonstrates the savage nature of the zionist regime. they said that such terrorist acts would not intimidate the resistance front. this is very ugly, worse than you can imagine. i live here nearby. i heard huge explosions in my neighbor's building, lot of glass was broken, were destroyed and when i went outside to see what had happened, i found a three-story building completely destroyed. this has
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frightened all the residents in this street, children were crying in fear and women were screaming. my neighbor is sick and didn't know what to do. israelis have failed in gaza, so they have gone crazy and are firing any direction to make it clear that they are present, but they will not succeed because the access of resistance is resilient. i was less than 100 me away when the... explosion occurred, may god bless the souls of the marters. late last month, the israeli regime assassinated a senior iranian advisor, general sayid rasim musavi in a missile strike that targeted his house in the vicinity of sayida zainab shrin south of damascus. the israel regime is trying to intimidate the peoples of the region and is pushing escalation through assassinations and terrorist attacks in the region, but people insist that they will never be afraid of the apartid regime. damascus a russian registered
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plane with six people on board has disappeared from radar screens over afghanistan. russian aviation authorities have said that the airplane was a charter ambulance flight traveling from india by uzbekistan to moscow. they say the plane was a french-made dessault falcon 10jet. afghan officials say that they have received reports of a plane crash in a mountainous region in the northern budaksan province. meanwile. civil aviation authority said that the plane was not a scheduled commercial flight or an indian chartered aircraft. we're going to cross on over to bay route to talk to julia khassam journalist and a political analyst uh regarding the israely um targeted assassinations that took place in syria. welcome to the program julia casem. when you take a look at the uh targeted assassination that has taken place, um, it appears that
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israel is very restless and it's uh, it's going after all that it can, opening up new fronts, but at the same time that could be a sign uh that hopefully you can uh shed more light on as to whether a, it's being defeated inside the gaza strip and it's trying to um divert attention from it, and uh one of the ways that it wants to do it, this diversion, is the ultimate aim of trying engulf the region in a wider uh war. do you think that's the case? how how do you view the way that israel is uh acting out and this particular? case uh going through with these targeted targeted assassinations. this morning in particular, the zin entity withdrew from unis in southern gaza. and we're going to see them withdraw more and more from southern gaza as the complete failure in the ground operation finally solidifies itself a little bit more.
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but in order to distract from that, the zianist entity for the past three four weeks or so has been resorting to to targeted assassinations against the iranian irgc um and hamas leaders in the region in hopes of pulling the united states to back it in a greater regional war, which it feels like it could salvage some of its some of the some of the the deterrants against its against the the resistance access which is... posed a great existential threat to the sustain, the sustainance of its occupation, particularly in the last in the last few years, so last night, the yesterday the the sinus entity in the morning murdered for irgc officials in in damascus, and the the response by the
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resistance access in part was the the targeting last night of the uh occupation and asad air base which will successfully provide a further deterrant in in addition to the over 100 strikes that have hit um the illegal us occupying basis in iraq and syria um a message and a level of material damage to to deter the united states from um backing design. entity and from sustaining its reign of terror and occupation in the in the region, so yes, this this attack is is part of a string that that we've seen from the killing of the you know beginning with the killing of the another irgc uh official in in damascus, field commander about a month ago,
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the the killing of sallah in hamas in beyrut um and and few other examples that shows that in the absence of any victories um given its withdraw from ghazza without without sustaining or making any real um military victories or objectives reach that the zinus entity is just resorting to these targeted assassinations in the region around in syria and on um and uh they're going to attempt this also in iraq um in attempt to distract and deflect themselves from their failures in gaza, try to score some cheap victories and also to pull the united states into backing more of a more of a widespread regional war
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that it wasn't able to successfully um get from washington in uh southern lebanon. all right, the... that you said uh fall in line with what i'm reading over here uh that was announcement made on roughly january the 8th by israel and it's called this third phase which i'm sure you're familiar with uh what you said matches this um you have special operations you have targeted air strikes withdrawal of forces that you mentioned khan unis in the southern gaza strip uh it also adds buffer zone near gaza uh the thing is it's trying to get a reaction from iran what type of reaction do you think that it may get from iran which iran has said that it will uh obviously avenge for this. um that uh is somehow going to then um pull the us into this, are we are really looking at this uh to go based on the speculations that are being made right now such as what you said? yeah, the zinas entity has been doing everything it can to uh push iran for to make this direct attack, which would necessitate the direct
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involvement uh from the us and also more uh rash um strikes and and and you know and rash outrage from from the zinus entity in terms of its military response, so it wants to do everything it can justify, it can do in its power to provoke this kind of widespread um brash attack, but of course the the the strategy and the response of the irgc is going to be to to wage sustainable and and and the meaningful damage on both the us and the design. it's defeat rather than uh to get themselves um you know worked up in in a trap or or having or to kind of wage a predictable
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and huge response that would only invite um more of a chaotic outbreak in the region um so iran has been responding um whether people want to consider it indirect or insufficient um does not really uh consider the the full context to how these operations and how these strikes have been carried and out and how they've been made. um, most sad officials have been targeted at iran's last strike in in arbil and keeping in mind also that the resistance access has been coordinated in its approach to striking us and zionist targets, whether in the red sea, whether in bases in in iraq and syria. or whether in um in uh bases uh from the zinus entity along the border of lebanon uh so those combined have
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done are producing very considerable damage to the zinus entities capacity uh they're inflicting tens of thousands of of damage onto the the zinus entity soldiers onto its leadership onto its command on on to its basis and presence around the region, which is vital to to the sustenance of its occupation and to the to the breathth of its control. so these kind of characterize the kind of response that we're going to see from iran, the kinds of response that we have been seeing, um, and um, but at the same time, iran's not going to let itself be foolish enough to draw itself into kind of a... rash and and chaotic response as opposed to continuing the gradual and precise strategy that has won it um won it in the resistance
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in the region um decisive blows and indecisive um incremental successes thus far. thank you very much for that julia cassam journalist and political analyst there from baywood. we appreciate it. russia's deputy foreign minister has denounced nato's upcoming military drills as an irrevocable return of the us-led alliance to cold warm methods. alexander grushkov pointed to the scale of the exercises, saying that the drills are another element of the west hybrid war against russia. around 90 thousand personnel will participate in the alliance's biggest war game since the cold war. nato says the drills will rehearse the execution of its regional military plans on the eastern flank. the war games dub steadfast defender 24 are expected to... until the end of may since the start of russia's war in ukraine in 2022, the alliance has provided kiev with military and financial support. moscow says the support will only prolong the war. the
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uk's west midland city of birmingham has been the scene of a massive pro-palestine demonstration, one of several held since the started the us israely genocidal war on gaza. it comes in the face of continued uk government support for the israeli regime that has caused. unprecedented public outrage, alienating the country's muslim community. said purazar reports. true to their word, they've done it again. thousands on foot or by bike have thrown the streets of birmingham to say this. we are riding for palestine. we want to see fire now. people and children are being killed in gaza, which is completely unacceptable. stop. murdering children and innocent people, in the run up to today's protest, activists glute shot a branch of london headquartered banking giant
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barkley's in birmingham for allegedly investing in israeli weapons manufacturers. i think a lot of people are now fed up by carrying out totally non-violent, none interactive events, and now they're taking a proactive step so that they get noticed and this is desperate. and in a one way it's showing the great crisis that when the public wants the government to call for a cease fire, yet our politicians are not listening to the majority of the british public. britain's support for a partide israel takes many shakes. visiting tel aviv in mid-october last year, british prime minister rishi sunak stood next to his israeli counterpart benjamin netanyahu and said this, as your friend, we will stand with you in solidarity. will stand with your people, and we also want you to win. prime minister, whatever a win might look like for a partide israel, sunx conservative party and the opposition labor
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party. i feel like we've been massively let down by all governments all parties across the board and i've completely lost all faith in all of them, one group that say the uk position on the us israeli genocide in gaza has completely alienated them are british muslims who constitute nearly 7% of the population. "we feel that the people that we have elected to represent us in the corridors of power have become a bunch of yes men, they are saying yes a yes a three bags, maybe because they are afraid to lose their careers, this is how bad it's become, disappointed with the government and the political establishment, it is in the streets of britain where people see the future of pro-palestine solidarity in the uk, as they hope for peace that couldn't come a minute
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too soon." with that we come to an end for this additional world news, thanks for being with us, to top the hour review of the top stories, let's go bye for now.
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you running for a ministry strongly and them the israeli attack in syria that led to the martidom of several people. for ministry spokesmanani said iranian advisors in syria have a leading role in the fight against terrorism. kanadi said techwan reserves rights to respond to israel's organized crimes. the death tool from israel onslot on the gaza strip is nearing 2500 as the regime continues with this deadly carpet bobbing campaign. according to new report published by an independent human rights watch, israel has killed hundreds of university professors and teachers.