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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm IRST

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rec headlines, on the 107th day of the us israly genocide in gaza, the death b rises to more than 25,000, predominantly comprising women and children. the pentagon acknowledged 140 attacks on us bases in iraq and in syria resulting in injuries to at least 70 american troops with varying degrees of severity and funeral processions are underway in the syrian capital damascus for the marders of yesterday's israeli terror attack targeting iranian military advisors.
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one welcome to our studios here in the capital tran, this is press tv news, thanks for joining us. the death toll from israel's onslot on the gaza strip has surpassed 25,000 as the regime continues its deadly strikes on the besieg palestinian territory. gaza's health ministry says at least 178 people were killed and 293 injured in just 24. hours put the number of those wounded since october 7 at more than 62,600. thousands of bodies are also still under the rubble, some two-thirds of those killed in gaza are women and children. israel's aggression has also displaced hundreds of thousands of palestinians in gaza, which has been under near total blockade since the beginning of the onslot. author and journalist robert fantina believes israel's targeting of palestinian educational centers. is attempt
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to eliminate the nation's history and culture as part of the regime's genocidal campaign. israel wants to eliminate all of god uh of palestine's cultural heritage, all of its educational abilities and opportunities, it these are not accidental uh bombings, these are are targeted and with a purpose, and the purpose is part of genocide, which is to destroy everything about palestine, their their history, their culture, their their thousand-year-old background, it wants to destroy everything, this is this is intentional, and this is why one of the many reasons why the that israel has been brought to the international court of justice to to finally be held accountable for these crimes, we'll see what the international court says hopefully in the next couple weeks, but these things are blatant of violations of international law, they are blatant uh war crimes and there are blatent aspects. of
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genocide, and this is what israel is involved in doing, and it's savagery, and the people of gaza are suffering horribly because of it, and will for decades in the future, because of israel's actions today. this will military says it is lost another soldier during its incursion into the gaza strip. the 23-year-old reservist was killed in the south of the coastal liver over the weekend. according to the regime, the latest fatality brings to 195, the number of israel troops. built on the ground in gaza, however palestinied hamas says far more israeli soldiers have been killed in fighting in gaza. despite a steadly and destructive campaign in gaza, israel has so far failed to achieve its main goals in the onslot, namely destroying hamas and securing the release of his captives through military means. israely forces have blown up the home of a palestinian in the occupied west bank city of al khalil.
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the israel military also evacuated the residence of a jason buildings. the house that was destroyed belonged to nastrola al-kawazmi. he was one of the three palestinians who carried out a retaliatory shooting operation in the ramot settlements in occupied these stocklets in november. at least three israelis were killed and eight other. was injured in the operation. kwawasmi and the two other palestinians were also killed. the hamas resistance movement claimed responsibility for the operation, describing it as natural response to unprecedented israeli crimes against palestinians in the gaza and the west bank. at least two us service personnel have been injured an attack a western iraq military base housing american forces. us official has confirmed the injuries, adding that initial reports indicate that nl asasad base. was hit by
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ballistic missiles. the islamic resistance in iraq has claimed the attack. resistance forces reportedly fired over 40 rockets at the base and the biggest anti-us operation by iraqis since israel began its on. slot on gaza on october 7. the pentagon says american forces have come under over 140 attacks in iraq and syria since then, amit a backlash over washington's support for the israeli genocide in gaza. according to the pentagon, nearly 70 us personnel have been injured in the operations, some of them seriously. asha krishna swami, podcaster and journalist joins us from st. petersburg. welcome to the program. look at the uh way that has been uh uh targeted by the islamic resistance, i think there needs to be a distinction made that uh the attacks on us bases and assets in the region, syria and iraq in particular has been ongoing, but it has picked up since october 7th due to the operation alasa flood,
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um, but when it comes to the uh way that the us has reacted, we can see that uh they uh have reacted in a very controlled manner, what is your view about? this latest attack in particular, which is the strongest um on this particular base? first of all, it exposes the us weakness in the region and generally how they are overstretched militarily across the world, but unfortunately right now the iraqi civilian government is having talks about talks with the us about having them leave, but the pentagon spokesperson said that they have no plans to leave and allegedly their reason for staying. is to ensure the defeat of isis, although we know that the us has not been doing much to help the defeat of isis, many years ago john kerry said they were watching isis come from iraq to syria to see what kind of damage they will do to the present
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government of syria, so we know that their facade is not real, but that's the reason they recently gave in a press conference maybe few days ago, in in terms of the way that "the us assets have come under attack again, not only just in iraq but also in syria. um, it has reached a point where that fine line has not been crossed yet, for the americans, i'm saying. um, do you think that if the local governments, well syria obviously they're in there illegally, but if iraq pushes this uh to point where uh, to what point can it push it as to for the americans to..." actually leave iraq because it doesn't seem like the americans are willing to do that or want to do that or have a desire to do that, the they're viewing one in terms of an example, iraqi soil, a place to project their power, whatever is left of it when it comes in particular against iran,
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um, absolutely true, so it will need a lot of force and actual military threat to the us military for them to leave, so basically conditions that existed in vietnam in... 72 or afghanistan in 2001 is what it's necessary, and unfortunately the iraqian military is probably unable to protect that kind of force right now, so they can try to make talks about limiting the number of us personnel or whatever, but yeah the the us also claims it's a shared military base with the iraqi where there's 2,500 person now, but we all know that's not exactly. the case us sees iraq as a way to project its power and in case of like whatever happens with the iran if like tensions increase they want to be able to have a stronghold there and that's why it's going to be very hard to get them to leave in iraq um in syria yeah the their presence is unwanted top of it they take one
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fourth of the oil production in syria and much of the wheat in a very in a nation that very much needs it so um that's a completely different story and even there they kind of see it as a way to protect as a way to get entry, guess way to protect their interests or assets in israel also. um, the the number of groups that exist in iraq, not so much in syria but in iraq in terms of the numbers um is quite a bit, i mean the islamic resistance in iraq is uh basically umbrella group of lot of different groups. um, if these groups were to um act out against the us ass assets and and then increase the the number of attacks for example, um, would wouldn't that in a sense make the us then uh reach that uh deciding point as to what it has to do, uh,
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one option being leaving the country, the other being uh counter-reacting, which would then obviously jeopardize uh iraq as a whole. do you think that uh, we're on that path? um, i think yeah, if the groups unite and form very formidable resistance, which they are amping up, um, i think that is definitely the ultimate patch. that it's going to lead to, and the us is already tied up in ukraine and so many other places that it may not be feasible be for them to continue on with iraq, so i think it's going to be interesting to see the development in the next few years of what exactly happens and yeah, thank you for that, we appreciate it, ishawmi, the podcaster and journalist from st. petersburg, thank you. have a great day to yemen, whereas prime minister has said the u.s. and the uk,
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as creators of the zinist entity in west asia, seek to protect it by all means possible, and destroy any group or country that stands against it. abdul was speaking an exclusive interview with press tv to elaborate on yemen's recent anti-israely operations in support of gaza and the western attacks on yemen. he said the u.s. and britain are not aggressive against yemen alone, but against all of human. and especially any country that may seek liberation from western colonialism, the prime minister said his country started anti-israel operations in the red sea after arab regimes shunt their responsibility to protect the people of gaza. said yemen's enemies try to distort the reality by claiming that yemen is a threat to the world. he said this will not discourage sana and it will continue with anti-israel operations until the aggression and blockade on gaza stops. a plot hatched by zinis, to occupy, to
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disintegrate and to plunder palestine. this documentary tells in five parts how the israeli regime kickstarted its sinister project. project in palestinian lands through the gradual strategy of settling the so-called jewish colonies. welcome back to the news here on press tv. the uk's west midland city of birmingham has been the scene of a massive pro-palestine demonstration, one of several held since the start of the us israel genocidal war in gaza. comes in face of continued uk government support for the israeli regime that has caused unprecedented public outrage and also alienated the
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country's muslim community. said purisa has more. true to their word, they've done it again. thousands on foot or by bike have thrown the streets of birmingham to say this. we are riding for palestine. we want to see fire now. people and children are being killed in gaza. is completely unacceptable, stop murdering children and innocent people. in the run-up to today's protest, activists glute shot a branch of london headquartered banking giant barkley's in birmingham for allegedly investing in israeli weapons manufacturers. i think a lot of people are now fed up by carrying out totally non-violent, non interactive events, and now they're taking a... proactive step so that they get noticed, and this is desperations, and in a one way, it's showing the great
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crisis that we face in this country, that when the public wants the government to call for a cease fire, yet our politicians are not listening to the majority of the british public. britain's support for apartide israel takes many shakes. visiting tel aviv in mid-october last year, british prime minister rishi sunak stood next to his israeli counterpart benjamin netanyahu and said this: as your friend, we will stand with you in solidarity, we will stand with your people, and we also want you to win. prime minister, whatever a win might look like for apartied israel, sunax conservative party and the opposition labor party, whose leader kier starmer has also backed netanyahu's war, have both lost voters like karen, a lawyer. i feel like we've been massively let down by all governments, all parties across the board. "and i've completely lost all faith in all of them. one group that say the uk position on
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the us-israeli genocide in gaza has completely alienated them, are british muslims who constitute nearly 7% of the population. we feel that the people that we have elected to represent us in the corridors of power have become a bunch of yes-men. they are saying yes sir, yes sir, three bags full, maybe because they are afraid to lose their careers, this is how bad it's become. disappointed with the government and the political establishment, it is in the streets of britain where people see the future of pro palestine's solidarity in the uk, as they hope for peace that couldn't come. come a minute too soon. press tv, birmingham. people have marenza in northeastern italy to protest the presence of israeli exhibitors in the city's jewelry fair, which is one of the largest of his kind in the world. was there and interviewed some of the protesters.
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israel is slaughtering thousands of children before their parents. everybody is saying. it's wrong, everybody is with us, italians, foreigners, why doesn't our governments tell israel to stop killing innocent people, turnout has been large in this rally because all people in europe and italy strongly identify with the oppressed palestinians, people that has been stripped of its right shelter, livelihood by a ruthless bunch of israeli politicians, there's a world of rich and prepotent people. to the palestinians and god knows who else. we have to oppose all this. many people are responsible for these killings. in the first place. those physically carry out these homicides. then those in abbet the killers. the united states with the support of all european governments, but i'd like to say more. our media are being controlled, the reports are biased, and it's
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a disgrace that people cannot do anything to change this situation. it's not about self-defense. israel wants to get the land, period, they want the land that belongs to the palestinians. this is despite the fact that 2 million people live there. the oppressor cannot claim a land which is not his. israel has chosen to attack and exterminate an entire people. in the us supporters of palestine are often braving sub-zero temperatures to demand that washington and it support for israel's genocide in gaza. well, in chicago protesters have let a car caravan protest to voice their support for palestine. press tv's ramin mazari has more. winter has arrived with vengeance across the united states, but that didn't stop pro-palestinians from protesting nationwide and in chicago, the home of the nation's largest palestinian community. with
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temperatures in the windy city feeling like -21° celsius or... minus 5 degrees fahrenheit, palestinian supporters led a car caravan to remind commuters, passers by and those safe at home that gaza is being destroyed with homicidal impunity and with american bombs, guns and diplomatic cover. our people back home are going through lot worse um than just you know being cold and so we we can definitely you know we could live through it um we we have to keep the new putting pressures uh you know it's in these winter uh months and winter days. it's you know we've we've gotten more creative with our actions, that's why we have sometimes we have caravans, caravans will still make some noise, you're still you know making some disruptions to the city, the flow of the city, the flow of the traffic, so yeah, we we have to continue, we don't have a choice. in just over three and a half months, israel has killed some 25,000 palestinians, 70% of them women and children, and wounded over 60,00
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people. a stunning 60% of gaza's buildings have been destroyed or damaged, and israel is... formally facing charges of genocide in the international court of justice at the hague. the propaganda machine is is starting to die. so um, i think the the you know the us propaganda machine, the israeli propaganda machine, they're losing the the language war, the propaganda war, whatever it is, because the youth are seeing everything happen in real time. as you know, the genocide that's happening in gazza right now is being documented, everything is being filmed. unit. united states president joe biden has now repeatedly bombed yemen without getting prior approval from the united nations or his own congress, but there seems to be almost no concern in washington about the illegality of the strikes. it says a lot when people in those conditions are willing to do whatever it takes to put an end to the genocide, while we have billions of dollars going to the
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state of israel and continuing to support them regardless, like it says a lot in regards to how... curious the people of yemen take it and how impactful it is and how in our relationship as you know muslim and arab communities are are across the country and across the world. activists say that neither washington nor tel aviv seem to understand that nothing can stop the palestinians and their supporters around the world, not murder, bombs, theft, lies, and certainly not cold weather. ramen mazahari, press tv, chicago. people in the syrian capital, damascus have held a funeral ceremony for the victims of the israely terror attack on saturday. the ceremony was held in saida zenab shrine. the israely attack. targeted a residential building in the meza neighborhood where several diplomatic missions are also located. at least five members of the iran's islamic revolution guard score and number of
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syrian forces were killed in the attack. the rgc members were serving a military advisory role upon the imitation of the syrian government. the israel terror strike came just days after the irgc targeted amasad espinage base in the iraqi kurdistan region over the regime's anti-iran terror plots. once again, the israeli regime launched aerial attack against syria, targeting a residential area in the syrian capital, damascus. several syrian troops and at least five iranian military advisers were martered, according to an irgc statement. military experts say that these acts are clear evidence of israel's failure in gaza. the repeated attacks by the zionist entity on residential areas indicates that this entity..." is internally troubled due to its failure to control the gaza strip. therefore, the occupation regime is attempting to export its crises to the region and drag it into a regional war. today's aggression on the
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capital, damascus and the targeting of iranian figures violates international laws and norms because they are present in syria at the official request of the sovereign syrian government. it is within the rights of the syrian government to seek the assistance of advisers. to combat terrorism just like any other country in the world. at least seven bodies were retrieved from under the rubble of the three-story residential building, which was within a street full of diplomatic missions. syrian civilians, political figures and popular media have all denounced this criminal aggression that demonstrates the savage nature of the zionist regime. they said that such terrorist acts would not intimidate the resistance front. this is very ugly, worse than... you can imagine. i live here nearby. i heard huge explosions in my neighbor's building. a lot of glass was broken, vehicles were destroyed and when i went outside to see what had happened, i found a three-story building
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completely destroyed. this has frightened all the residence in this street. children were crying in fear and women were screaming. my neighbor is sick and didn't know what to do. israelis have failed in gaza, so they have gone crazy and are firing in any direction to make it clear that they are present, but they will not succeed because the access of resistance is resilient. i was less than 100 meters away when the explosion occurred. may god bless the souls of the marters. late last month, the israeli regime assassinated a senior iranian advisor, general sayid rasim musavi in a missile strike that targeted his house in the vicinity of sayida zainab shrin south of damascus. the israel regime is trying to intimidate the peoples of the region and is pushing escalation through assad. destinations and terrorist attacks in the region, but people insist that they will never be afraid of the apartide regime. ibrahim wahdi, press tv, damascus and that
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does for world news, coming up next news and brief, it's bye-bye for now. now entering its fourth day, we're looking at some. يا قائدنا فوضناك فوضناك فوضناك يا قائدنا
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فوضناك فوض معك فوض معك يا قائدنا فوضناك او الله بالروح بالدم نبديك يا ادفاء عصار يهتم i want you to look in the mirror and ask, where was i when gaza was going through a genocide? south africa is here before this court. in the peace palace, it has done what it could, it is doing what it can by initiating these proceedings by seeking
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interim measures against its self as well as against israel, south africa now respectfully and humbly calls on this honorable court to do what is in its power to do, to indicate the provisional measures that are so urgently required to prevent further irreparable harm to the palestinian people in gaza, whose hopes, including for their very survival, are now vested in this court. thank you so freee balestine from the river to the sea balist time will be free thank you south africa thank you sir africa from palestine thank you south africa from palestine thank you south africa.
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at least 178 people have been killed and 293 injured in israely attacks on gaza in the past 24 hours, this raised the death told there since october 7 above 25,00, more than 62,600 people have also been injured since the beginning of this really onslot on gaza. pentagon says 140 attacks have been carried out on us bases in iraq and syria since israel began its onslot on gaza on october 7. nearly 70 us personnel have been injured in the attacks. two us personnel were injured in the latest such attack in iraq. israely forces have blown up the home of a palestinian in the occupied west bank city of al khalil. the