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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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on the 107th day of the us israely genocide in gaza, the death toll rises to more than 25,000 mainly women and children. acknowledges 140 attacks on us bases in iraq and syria in the past three months, resulting in injuries to at least 70 american troops. funeral processions are held in the syrian capital for a modders of saturday's is terrorist attack, targeting iranian military advisors.
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it's 6:31 pm here in tehron. this is press tv news. amember, it's good to have you with this. the death toll from israel's unslot on gaza strip has surpassed 25,000 as the regime continues deadly strikes on the besse palestinian land. the gaza health ministry says at least 178 people were killed in 209. three injured in the past day. it put the number of those wounded since october 7th at more than 62,600. thousands of bodies are still under rubble, some two-thirds of those killed in gaza are women and children. the aggression has also displaced hundreds of thousands of palestinians in gaza, which has been under near total blockade since the beginning of the onslot. now to get some in.
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on this let's bring iner abusarada academic and political analys, good to have you with us, so kar tell us about the developments going on, the 107 days pass and the war is still raging, how much longer do you believe this will go on, yes it's day number one 107 days - the start of this israeli war against the gaza strip which has lead up until now to about more than 26000 palestinians did and thousands of missing and and injured which basically makes it about 4% of the palestinian people after the 2.3 million people in gaza are either killed injured or missing as a result of this israeli war and aggression against the... unian people, which
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has been going on for 107 days now, and unfortunately, in spite of the fact that there is lot of death, lot of destruction on the gaza starb, but the international community has so far failed to put an end to this israeli war and this aggression against the palestinian people, hopefully the international court of justice who is going to issue its decision probably. this week, hopefully the the icg will issue an order for israel to put into its genocide of the palestinian people in gaza. the telaviv regime is not sticking with any international norm, any conventions like the geneva commission, they've never abided by their responsibilities within an occupying force, so do you expect the regime to accept a ruling by the icj? well, unfortunately israel
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has been behaving for a long time now, as a country above international law, it's even before this israeli war and aggression against the palestinian, israel has not respected consultative decisions by the icj in the past in which in in the year of 2004 there was a consultory decision by icg which basically viewed the israeli separation wall, between israel and the west bank as illegal and must be removed and israel must also compensate palestinian the palestinians for the loss of property as a result of that separation wall, but israel has never really respected what icj has issued, and i i agree with you that it's gonna be very tough issue here, but i think it's up to the international community to to put more
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pressure on israel to try to isolate israel politically and also to put economic pressure on israel to abide by international conventions and international agreements and also to abide by any decision that is going to come from the icj, otherwise, if if israel is gonna continue to behave as a country above international law and claiming that what it's doing against the palestinian is part of the so-called self defense, that will definitely endanger international humanitarian law and danger international institution. and will probably encourage other ruge countries in the future to behave as as such right, appreciate that, academic and political analyst. dr in gaza's european hospital warning that children are facing
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humanitarian crisis due to the ongoing israel, they say the children are suffering from various illnesses, some of which are life threatening. the department of pediatrics here has almost 100 illness cases every day, in case the child comes to the hospital, they came under the circumstances of heavy illness. parents face difficulties and fear coming to the hospital, so only heavily sick children come to the hospital. unfortunately every day we lose lot of children due to medicine shortages, even simple medicines that should exist in every hospital, clinic or health center in the... hospital now, there is not even a simple treatment like acomol syrup. as you see here, achomol syrup is the simplest children's treatment that is available in hospitals. hardest thing is when children come to the hospital without the company of mother or father, an orphan, and we do not find a
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treatment for them, and unfortunately we lost a lot of children due to medicine shortages in the hospital. the israely militaries as it's lost another soldier during its incursion into the gaza strip, the 23-year-old reservist was killed south of the coastal of the weekend, according to the regime, the latest fatality brings to 195 the number of israeli troops killed on the ground in gaza, but hamas movement says that far more israely soldiers have been killed in the fighting, the spotted steadily in destructed campaign in gaza, israel has failed to achieve its main goals in the onslot, that's destroying kamas, and securing their... police captives through military means, at least two people have been killed and several more injured and suspected is really drawn strike targeting a car in southern lebanon. the incident took place near the lebanese army checkpoint in the village of kefra.
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mariam sar correspon joins us now for more on that attack. maria, yes, well we don't have lot of detail. but we do know that definitely there was a marker for hisbollah in that vehicle uh also sources have told us that it a high ranking commander seems to have survived in attempt assassination attempt since this is one of the cars that is used by his security and as a result of this jone attack there was another civilian car uh that was hit and we have of course at least seven people uh have the who are wounded one of them is a woman it's a civilian woman 'who was wounded severely, there is another uh several other women, also at least two of them, they were slightly wounded, we know that their situation is stable, they of course were taken to hospital, but we do have
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a murder and the murder is said to be one of the members of hezballah, and this is at least the third drone attack that we have where a high'. banking hizballah commander was actually the aim of the israelis in and in the targeting and hazbullah seems to have been able to um save off of course the this this attempt by the israelies. the israelis have since the assassination ofuri begun with what seems to be new policy and that is a policy of assassinations, specific drone attack since the attack also took place in the area of kafra and here we talking a place which is relatively far away from the border, it is in south lebanon, but it is further off from the border, and unfortunately it's become one of the ways where you don't know exactly where the israelis will hit, yesterday, they hidden area in bazuri, which is also a main road, and they targeted of
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course one of the members of hazbullah who was in the car, but he was also accompanied by a civilian, and this civilian was also maddered as a result of this attack, so there's always... of course for the israelis collateral damage is not an significant issue, but this also comes as hazbullah has made it very clear that they will also target soldiers in all the israeli post, we had several instances of israelium barracks where the soldiers were moving either around the barracks or near the barracks and hazbullah seem to have targeted those soldiers with the use of several weapons and several rockets and some since instancesbullah mentions and specifies what type of armments they say, for example burchan or they say they made they made use of rockets, in some places some statements they only say appropriate weapons, so what the weapons were exactly, in some cases it seems hizbullah wants to keep to uh
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that mysterious uh enigmatic if we may say strategy which they continue with, but of course the confrontations continue, we saw the israeli drones hovering over south lebanon even more with very big numbers, three or four, sometimes in one specific area, some people most took them for birds even since they were... of course all over the skies in south lebanon and that was seen just before the drone attack, but of course where the israelies would hit, it's not clear, but also allah has made it something of a surprise for the israelies whenever they target soldiers in areas where they do not expect as as well. all right, thanks for that. mariam salah, press of correspondent in beirot. we're not supposed to talk about demona, that's the game. كان يشتغل بدون
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اي نوع من انواع الاجراءات الوقايه على العكس تماما نفس الزلمه اللي كان يجيب له الاكل او الشرب كان يكون متخذ كافه الاجراءات الاحتياطيه او هذا الموضوع ما بفهم فيه رحم الله نفسه ما بفهم موضوع الذره والديمونه. الاردن واسرائيل هناك معاهده السلام ونحن ملتزمين ببنودها نتمنى انه دمونا يرحل عنا لانه هو السبب. welcome back, let's move on with the rest of this newscast. at least two us servicemen
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have been killed, have been injured an attack on a western iraq military base housing american forces. us official has confirmed the injuries, adding that initial reports indicate that the anal assad base was hit by ballistic missiles. the islamic resistance in iraq has claimed the attack. resistance forces reportly fired more than 40 rockets of the base and the biggest anti-us operation by iraqis since israel began as onslaught in gaza. the pentagon says american forces have come under 140 attacks in iraq and syria since then and that amed a backlash over washington's support for the genocide in gaza. according to the pentagon, nearly 70 us personnel have been injured in the operations, some of them seriously. now ash krishna swami podcaster and journalists joined us from st. petersburg, a show while ago and she said the continuous attacks on american forces. necessary to force them to withdraw from iraq and syria, it will need a
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lot of force and actual military threat to the us military for them to leave, so basically conditions that existed in vietnam in 1972 or afghanistan in 2001 is what it's necessary, the pentagon spokesperson said that they have no plans to leave and allegedly their reason for staying is to ensure the defeat of isis ( although we know that the us has not been doing much to help the defeat of isis, i think yeah, if the groups unite and form very formidable resistance, which they are amping up, i think that is definitely the ultimate pat that it's going to lead to, and the us is already tied up in ukraine and so many other places that it may not be feasible be for them to uh... continue on with iraq in syria, yeah, the their presence is unwanted, top of it, they
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take one fourth of the oil production in syria, and much of the wheat in a very in a nation that very much needs it, so that's a completely different story, and even there they kind of see it as a way to protect as a way to get entry, i guess way to protect their interests or assets in israel also. the people in the syrian capital damascus have held the funeral for the victims of an israeli terrorist attack on saturday. the ceremony was held in saidaya shrine. the israeli attack target a residential building in the mea neighborhood where several diplomatic missions are also located. at least five members of iran's islamic revolution garscore and number of syrian forces had been killed. irgc members were serving as military advisors upon the invitation of the syrian government. the israelity terrorist strike came just days after the rgc targeted a mosad espinage base
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in iraq's kurdistan region over the regime's anti-iran terrorist plots. once again, the israeli regime launched aerial attack against syria, targeting a residential area in the syrian capital, damascus, several syrian troops and at least five iranian military advisers were martered, according to an irgc statement. military experts say that these acts are clear evidence of israel's failure in gaza. the repeated attacks by the zionist entity on residential areas indicates that this entity is internally troubled. due to its failure to control the gaza strip. therefore, the occupation regime is attempting to export its crises to the region and drag it into a regional war. today's aggression on the capital, damascus and the targeting of iranian figures violates international laws and norms because they are present in syria at the official request of
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the sovereign syrian government. it is within the rights of the syrian government to seek the assistance of advisers to combat terrorism. just like any other country in the world, at least seven bodies were retrieved from under the rubble of the three-story residential building, which was within a street full of diplomatic missions. syrian civilians, political figures and popular media have all denounced this criminal aggression that demonstrates the savage nature of the zionist regime. they said that such terrorist acts would not intimidate the resistance front. this is very ugly, worse than you can imagine. here nearby, heard huge explosions in my neighbor's building, lot of glass was broken, vehicles were destroyed, and when i went outside to see what it happened, i found a three-story building completely destroyed. this has frightened all the residents in this street. children were crying in fear and women were screaming. my neighbor is sick and didn't know what to do. israelis have failed in gaza, so they have
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gone crazy and are firing in any direction to make it clear that they are present, but they will not succeed, because the access of resistance is resilient. i was less than 100 meters away when the explosion occurred. may god bless the souls of the marters. late last month, the israeli regime assassinated a senior iranian advisor, general sayid rasi musavi, in a missile strike that targeted his house in the vicinity of saida zenab shrin south of damascus. the israel regime is trying to intimidate the peoples of the region and is pushing escalation through assassinations and terrorist. attacks in the region, but people insist that they will never be afraid of the artid regime. ibrahim wahdi, press tv, damascus. now in our explainer program elaborates on iran's recent missile strikes a mosad spying center in iraq's kurdistan region and terrorist bases in syria. iran's islamic revolution, guard's
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core, irgc, targeting terrorists in syria and an israeli spying base. iraqi kurdistan was precise, but looking closer at the strikes at the spying base in iraqi kurdistan, it becomes clear the building was used to carry out masad operations, particularly against iran. first the irgc strikes, it launched a barrage of missiles at an spionage center of the israeli spy agency known as musad in iraqi kurdistan. the musad spy center overall function was to develop spy operations. and commit acts of terrorism in general, but its focus, its main focus was the islamic republic of iran. now this uh base also had an intelligence name to it as well, so uh, it was known as the israeli 8200 intelligence core unit task with conducting surveillance and information gathering and generally was a
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place where many terrorist and sabotage attacks were planned against iran, but the characters who were who were killed in... our main focus, so we have this man uh, peshara majid aga dezay, he was one of the main players, this headed the falcon group conglomerate covering things like security, oil, gas and construction. interestingly, it provided security services to international oil companies as well, further proof of his deep links to iraqi kurdistan security and intelligence apparatus. another fact was his close proximity with kurdistan's ruling barzani family, when all of it is put together, his relation to israeli mussads. by agency becomes pretty apparent, so far we have established desires prominence, he was the main man for musad in air bill who coordinated operations for the spying agency and helped recruiting agents as well, now his associate, this man, ilan nassim, he was the notorious team leader of tasa elite a massad affiliated spying firm responsible for
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training terrorist groups and recruiting agents in the west asian region, including the iraqi kurdistan uh for musad, and finally this man uh who we're going to see uh over there, his name is hussein yazdan panah, the secretary general of the kurdistan freedom party, a terror group based in northern iraq, he was one of the key mercenaries for musad in the iraqi kurdistan region whose activities include guiding intelligence and operational team to act against iran. now we have an interesting photo here that shows all three of them in action during an operation of some sorts and uh perhaps more interestingly we have ilan nasim a photo of ilan nassim who is carrying a an israely tor 21 multi-use weapon showing his affiliation with the spy agency. now when it comes to the number of masad agents killed, it's a bit confusing in how it was reported, one reports indicated three were killed uh in iraqi kurdistan's air. another indicated elan was
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killed along with four other musad agents, the names that you see here, both due to irgc strikes, all in the same location, that makes it seven the number of mussad agents that were killed, and that's all we have uh for this explainer and for this issue. so i'm going to hand it back uh to the anchor for the rest of the world news. now people have marched in northeastern italy to protest the presence of israeli exhibitors in the city's jewelry fair that's one of the largest of its kind in the world. max chivel was also there and he talked to number of protesters. israel is slaughtering thousands of children before their parents. everybody is saying it's wrong. "everybody is with us, italians, foreigners, why doesn't our governments tell israel to stop killing innocent people?
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turnout has been large in this rally because all people in europe in italy strongly identified with the oppressed palestinians, people that has been stripped of its right shelter, livelihood by a ruthless bunch of israeli politicians. there's a world of rich and prepotent people who want to slaughter the palestinian." and god knows, we have to oppose all this. many people are responsible for these killings. in the first place, those who physically carry out these homicides, then those who aid and abet the killers, the united states with the support of all european governments, but i'd like to say more, our media are being controlled, the reports are biased, and it's a disgrace that people cannot do anything to change this situation. it's not about self-defense. israel wants to get the land, period. they want the land that belongs to the palestinians. this is despite the fact that 2 million people live there. the oppressor
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cannot claim a land which is not his. israel has chosen to attack and exterminate an entire people. and uh that report brings us to the end of this newscast. thank you for watching, the news in brief shortly. crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown. diplomacy, resistance against aggression. welcome to the
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palestinian village of alakaba. it's in the northern jordan valley. you think life here would be relative. relatively simple and uncomplicated, for palestinians in area c, uh, the way that israel treats them is hostile population, it makes them their lives as difficult as possible, those palestinian bidwin families who live in in almost about 52 communities without any kind of service,
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now entering its uh fourth day, we're looking at some uh
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almost 180 people have been killed and more than 290 injured and is really attacks on gaza in the past day that raised death toll there since october 7th to above 25,000 some 62. thousand people have also been injured since the beginning of the onslot. the pentagon says 140 attacks have been performed on us bases in iraq and syria since israel began the ononislot on gaza. nearly 70 us personnel have been injured in those attacks. two of them were injured in the latest such attack that happened in iraq. israely forces have...