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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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a on day 107th of the us israely genocide in gaza, the death toll rises to more than 25,000 comprising women and children, mostly. palestinian resistance movement hamas says the alaska flood operation was necessary step and normal response to israel plots against palestinians. funeral processions are held in the syrian capital for the modders of saturday's israeli terrorist attack targeting iranian military advisors. of
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you're watching press tv world news live from our tehen headquarters, i'm behruz najafi. it's good to have you with this. the dead all from the israely unslot and gaza strip has surpassed 25,000 as the regime continues its of deadly strikes on the basis territory. the gaza health ministry is saying at least 178 people were killed and 293. wounded in just 24 hours, it put the number of those wounded since october 7th at more than 62,600. thousands of bodies are also still under the rubble, some two-thirds of those killed in gaza are women and children. the aggression has also displaced hundreds of thousands of palestinians in gaza, which has been under near total blockade since the beginning of the genocidal war. doctors in gaza's european
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hospital warning that children are facing humanitarian crisis, thanks today is ready onslot. the children are suffering from various illnesses, some of which are life threatening. the department of pediatrics here has almost 1000 illness cases every day, in case the child comes to the hospital. they came under the circumstances of heavy illness. parents face difficulties and fear coming to the hospital, so only heavily sick children come to the hospital. unfortunately every day we lose lot of children due to medicine shortages, even simple medicines that should exist in every hospital, clinic or health center. in the hospital now, there is not even a simple treatment like acomol syrup. as you see here, acumal syrup is the simplest children's treatment. that is
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available in hospitals, hardest thing is when of children come to the hospital without the company of mother or father, an orphan, and we do not find a treatment for them, and unfortunately we lost a lot of children due to medicine shortages in the hospital. palestinan resistant moment hamas says that the alexa flood operation was necessary step and normal response to israel's plots against palestinian. hamas said in the statement alexa flod was meant to confront israel's plans to judaize palestinian territories and rule over the alaxa mosk. it added that the operation targeted israeli military basis and all efforts were made to capture only israeli soldiers in order to free palestinian prisoners held by the regime. the group stress that not targeting civilians especially women and children and the elderly is a religious and moral commitment for hamas. fighters, according to the statement,
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some israel captives were killed by the attacks from the occupying regime itself. from vancouver, let's bring in khalid barakat, the spokes person of the mardal movement. good to have you with us, khalat, welcome to our news broadcast, so let's hear your take on this statement by hamas in which of it's saying it's citing the reasons for alexa flood which "as you're mostly in response to all the aggression against them, efforts to judize alax what they were doing and all goods and elsewhere, it was a response to that and it came right after multiple times of warnings against such acts. let's hear your take on that. yes, thanks for the invitation um and for having me in your program, the this is an important document that was produced. today by the islamic
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resistance movement hamas and it's provided in multiple languages, it's concise and clear why the... operation of alaqsa flood and responding to israeli lies and fabrications. we need to remember that one of the main reasons why the zionist regime is continuing their genocide and war crimes against people in ghazza is because they don't want to face the reality of october 7th and what really happened and not just on the front of their failures and their army. failures, their intelligent intelligence failures, but also on the uh israeli army um shelling of settlers in ghaza, enclave and the israeli army reckless work that have ended in killing
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many uh israelis themselves and they don't want to uh investigate whether as an israeli commission or an independent you know commission to investigate what happened in october 7th. let's just remember that the zianist regime have always been fabricating lies for the past uh you know 75 years and palestinians across the board we believe the the palestinian resistance narrative uh and we don't uh no one should believe what designist are saying and we have witnessed in the very first 24 hours following um october 7th, how the president of the united states, joe biden and the western colonialist powers and friends of israel rushed immediately to adopt the israeli narrative without even
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taking their time and you know checking facts on the ground, and they do that not just because uh you know... um, because they don't care about the truth when it comes to the palestinian people struggle, when it comes to the people in the region, and we know that israel media is actually very weak and failing media, it's the us media, it's the british media, it's western media who carry these distortions and you know assist the signist discourse in fabricating these lies, so this document comes in respond to all of that and i think it is the correct time because the resistance it itself had took some time to investigate and gather informations and facts and you know what happened exactly on october seven but you know okay khalid hamas has not been
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eradicated is really captives have not been released many of them on gazan have not been forced. displace from their motherland, these are the static goals of the israel regime when it uh launched this israeli and us let the genocide war on gaza, 107 days have passed, how much longer do you think this will go on? i think that the us and israel is still hope that they can through their war crimes and the destruction of ghazza achieve their goals, but every... they it shows on the ground that they are failing, they are failing to destroy the resistance, they are failing in freeing the so-called prisoners, they are failing in term of pushing palestinians outside of ghazza, the
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palestinian people in ghazza and the armed resistance have shown a great resistance and resilience and steadfastness, and this is what pushed these us israel plans into failure, at the same time we have seen that for the past 107 days the israeli economy is depleting, the israeli army, the division inside the zionist regime, and they try to come out from these crisis by escalating against the people of the region by these campaigns of assassinations in syria and leban. and attacking everyone because they feel that they want to drag the united states and the western powers into these uh into these wars, this serves designist regime and particularly netanyahu who is uh facing you
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know lot of tough questions among you know from zionis themselves and the israeli economy is in crisis, the palestinian resistance have actually... um depleted the israeli army and it showed that this army is reckless army and this myth about the army that will never be defeated is actually defeated in gaz. the past 107 days over 1100 israeli tanks were destroyed at the hands of the palestinian brave resistance and at the same time the resistance strength is still you know strongly command and control the communication between various different groups the unity of the palestinian resistance is still strong and intact exactly appreciated spokes man of the movement in vancouver, canada. now, at least one member
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of lebanese resistant movement, hezballah has been killed in an israeli drone attack in southern lebanese village of kefra. arankin isb official has survived the strike. our correspondent mariam salah explains more. definitely there was a marker for hizballah in that vehicle. also sources have told us that it a high ranking. commander uh seems to have survived in attempt assassination attempt since this is one of the cars that is used by his security and as a result of this jone attack there was another civilian car uh that was hit and we have of course at least seven people who have the who are wounded one them uh is a woman a civilian woman who was wounded uh severely uh but we do have a marder and the murder is said to be one of the members of hasbullah and this is at least the third drone attack that we have where a
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high ranking hasbullah commander was actually the aim of the israelis in and in the targeting and hazballah seems to have been able to um stave off of course the this this attempt by the israelis the israelis have since the assassination ofuri begun with what seems to be new policy and that is the policy of assassinations, specific drone attacks since the attack also took place in the area of kafra, and here we're talking a place with which is relatively far away from the border, it is in south lebanon, but it is further off from the border, but this also comes as hazbullah has made it very clear that they will also target soldiers in all the israeli pose. israel's genocide on the people of... palestine in gaza and the occupied west bank has cost thousands of lives. it has also
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caused a massive labor shortage. we're talking about, i think here primarily about cross-border workers, that is to say, workers who live in the west bank and commute to work in israel. that's that's quite a large economic volume, particularly locally, around 5 and a half billion usd per year. are some the factors plaging the occupied west bank: so israel see these - this shortage of workers uh that they've created, shortage of palestinian workers, is only a temporary measure. welcome back, people in the syrian capital
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damascus have held the funeral for irani military advisors who are murdered an israeli terrorist strike. our correspondent ibrahim wahti has a report: solem funeral precession has been held at the sayida ruqayy shrine in the heart of the syrian capital, damascus. the procession was held for the five iranian military advisors who were murtered in an israeli attack on the... many people attended the funeral, including religious figures and pilgrims from various countries who affirmed that martter them beves the way to victory over the enemies. the path of martur them will culminate in victory, despite the enemies will. we will emerge triumphant, forcing the enemy out of our land. operational flood will sweep the enemy away through solidarity in the resistance front, from islamic iran to hisbollah in lebanon, the popular mobilization forces in... and the heroic huties in yemen, along with our palestinian people and the palestinian
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resistance. we came to visit the shrine of say and attended the funeral of iranian and syrian martyrs. we are all united as we exist from southern lebanon to iran, iraq and syria and we will not fear or weaken no matter the sacrifices. with great pride, honor and faith in martur them, the funeral procession arrived at the sayidah zainab shrin, peace be upon her, for prayers over them bodies. participants emphasized that the enemy's atrocities cannot intimidate them or deter them from continuing on the path of resistance until victory is achieved with the placing of the martur's blood. iran's charged. affairs affirmed that there will be response to the israeli crime. once again, the zionist entity through its aggression violates syrian sovereignty and targets of building housing iranian advisors in damascus. today, as we participate in the funeral ceremonies of these great marters, we affirm to the zionist entity that this crime will not go unpunished, as the islamic republic of iran has reiterated. we will not
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forget our marters, and the zionist entity will face retaliation from the axis of resistance. these are sacrifices made by the heroes of the popular mobilization forces in iraq as well as the resistance in syria and iran. these are marters who give their lives for the resistance front. this is the path of our marturs and imam hussein, peace be upon him. this aggression exposes the enemy's setbacks in syria and in gaza, which has driven them to commit these crimes. the mooners carried the coffens of the marters with the... of sadness and anger, chanting slogans demanding revenge and punishment, they affirmed their readiness to go all the way on the path of liberating al-quds and all occupied territories, no matter how great the sacrifices may be, they expressed confidence in the capabilities of the excess of resistance and the wisdom of its leadership. once again syrian and iranian blood mixed to water the land of damascus as a result of an
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israeli criminal attack, and once again we see syrians and iranians unit. more than ever and determined to defeat the zionist regime. ibrahim washi, press tv, damascus. press tv's explain program zade elaborates on iran's recent missile striks a mosad spying center in iraq kurdistan region and also terrorist spaces in syria. iran's islamic revolution, guard's core irgc targeting terrorists in syria and an israeli spying base. iraqi kurdistan was precise, but looking closer at the strikes at the spying base in iraqi kurdistan, it becomes clear the building was used to carry out masada operations, particularly against iran. first the irgc strikes, it launched a barrage of missiles at an espionage center of the israeli spy agency known as musad in iraqi kurdistan. the musad
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spy center overall function was to develop spy operations. and commit acts of terrorism in general, but its focus, its main focus was the islamic republic of iran. now, this base also had an intelligence name to it as well, so uh, it was known as the israeli 80-200 intelligence core unit task with conducting surveillance and information gathering, and generally was a place where many terrorist and sabotage attacks were planned against iran, but the characters were who were killed in... our main focus, so we have this man uh peshara majid aga dezay, he was one of the main players as headed the falcon group conglomerate covering things like security, oil, gas and construction. interestingly, it provided security services to international oil companies as well, further proof of his deep links to iraq kurdistan security and intelligence apparatus. another fact was his
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close proximity with kurdistan's ruling barzani family when all of it is put together, his relation to israeli mussads. agency becomes pretty apparent. so far, we have established desires prominence. he was the main man for mussat in airb who coordinated operations for the spying agency and helped in recruiting agents as well. now his associate, this man ilan nassim. he was the notorious team leader of tasa elite, massad affiliated spying firm responsible for training terrorist groups and recruiting agents in the west asian region, including the iraqi kurdistan uh for. and finally this man who we're going to see uh over there, his name is hussein yazdan panah, the secretary general of the kurdistan freedom party, a terror group based in northern iraq, he was one of the key mercenaries for musad in the iraqi kurdistan region whose activities include guiding intelligence and operational team to act against iran. now we have an
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interesting photo here that shows all three them in action during an operation of some sort uh and uh perhaps more interestingly, we have ilan nassim, a photo of ilan nassim who is carrying a an israeli tour 21 multi-use weapon showing his affiliation with the spy agency. now when it comes to the number of masad agents killed, it's a bit confusing in uh how it was reported. one reports indicated three were killed in iraqi kurdistan's airbill. another indicated ilan was killed along with four other mussad agents, the names that you see here, both due to ir. strikes all in the same location, that makes it seven the number of massad agents that were killed, and that's all we have for this explainer and for this issue. so i'm going to hand it back to the anchor for the rest of the world news. the uk's west midland city, birmingham has been the scene of a massive pro-palestine rally, one of several held
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since the beginning of the us israelity genocidal war on gaza, and that in the face of continued uk government support for the israel regime that has caused unprecedented public outreach and alienated the country's muslim community. said puriza has a report. true to their word, they've done it again. thousands on foot or by bike have thrown the streets of birmingham to say this. we are riding for palestine. we want to see fire now. people and children are being killed in gaza, which is completely unacceptable. stop murdering children and innocent people. in the run-up to today's protest, activivists glute shot a branch of london headquartered banking giant barkley's in birmingham for allegedly investing in israely weapons manufacturers. i think a lot of people are
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now fed up by carrying out totally non-violent, none interactive events, and now they're taking a proactive step so that they get noticed, and this is desperations, and in a one way, it's showing the great crisis that we face in this country, that when the public wants the government to call for a cease fire. yet our politicians are not listening to the majority of the british public. britain's support for a partide israel takes many shades. visiting tel aviv in mid-october last year, british prime minister rishi sunak stood next to his israeli counterpart benjamin netanyahu and said this: as your friend, we will stand with you in solidarity, we will stand with your people, and we also want you to win. prime minister, whatever a win might look like for a part. hide israel, sunak's conservative party and the opposition labor party, whose leader kier starmer has also backed netanjahu's war, have both lost voters like karen, a lawyer. i feel like
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we've been massively let down by all governments, all parties across the board, and i've completely lost all faith in all of them. one group that say the uk position on the us israeli genocide in gaza has completely alienated them. are british muslims who constitute nearly 7% of the population. we feel that the people that we have elected to represent us in the corridors of power have become a bunch of yes men, they are saying yes sir, yes sir, three bags food sir, maybe because they are afraid to lose their careers, this is how bad is become. disappointed with the government and the political establishment, it is in the streets of britain where people see the future of pro- palestine solidarity in the uk as they hope for peace. that couldn't come a minute too soon. staying with europe, people of
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marsh and vicenza, northeastern italy, protesting the presence of hisw exhibitors in the city's jewelry fair, that's one of the largest of its kind in the world. was there interviewed some of the protesters. israel is slaughtering thousands of of children before their parents, everybody is saying it's wrong, everybody is with us, italians, foreigners, why doesn't our government tell israel to stop killing innocent people? turn out has been large in this rally, because all people in europe in italy strongly identified with the oppressed palestinians, people that has been stripped of its rights shelter livelihood by a ruthless bunch of israeli politicians. "there's a world of rich and prepotent people who want to slaughter the palestinians and god knows who else. we have to oppose all this. many people are responsible for these killings. in the first
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place, those who physically carry out these homicides, then those who aid in a bet the killers, the united states with the support of all european governments, but i'd like to say more, our media are being controlled, the reports are biased, and it's a disgrace that people cannot do anything to change this. it's not about self-defense, israel wants to get the land, period, they want the land that belongs to the palestinians, this is despite the fact that 2 million people live there, the oppressor cannot claim a land which is not his, israel has chosen to attack and exterminate an entire people, well and the us supporters of palestine often brave sub zero temperatures and demand washington. and support for israel genocide in gaza, in chicago protesters led a car caravan protest voicing their support for a palestine. ravi has more on that. winter has arrived with
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vengance across the united states, but that didn't stop pro-palestinians from protesting nationwide and in chicago, the home of the nation's largest palestinian community. with temperatures in the windy city feeling like -21° celsius or -5° fahrenheit, palestinian supporters let a car caravan to remind commuters, passers by and those safe at home that gaza is being. destroyed with homicidal impunity and with american bombs, guns and diplomatic cover. our people back home are going through lot worse um than just you know being cold and so we we can definitely you know we could live through it um we we have to keep to you putting pressures uh you know it's in these winter uh months and winter days it's you know we've we've gotten more creative with our actions that's why we have sometimes we have caravans caravans will still make some noise you're still you know making some disruptions to the city the flow
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the city the flow of the traffic so yeah "now we we have to continue, we don't have a choice. in just over three and a half months, israel has killed some 25,000 palestinians, 70% of them, women and children, and wounded over 60,00 people. a stunning 60% of gaza's buildings have been destroyed or damaged, and israel is formally facing charges of genocide in the international court of justice at the hague. the propaganda machine is is starting to die, so um, i think the..." the the us propaganda machine, the israeli propaganda machine, they're losing the the language war, the propaganda war, whatever it is, because the youth are seeing everything happen in real time, as you know, the genocide that's happening in gaza right now is being documented, everything is being filmed. united states president joe biden has now repeatedly bombed yemen without getting prior approval from the united nations or his own
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congress, but there seems to be almost... no concern in washington about the illegality of the strikes, it says a lot when people in those conditions are willing to do whatever it takes to put an end to the genocide, while we have billions of dollars going to the state of israel and continuing to support them regardless, like it says a lot in regards to how serious the people of yemen take it and how impactful it is and how in our relationship as you know muslim and arab communities are are across the country and across the world. activist say that neither washington nor tel aviv seem to understand that nothing can stop the palestinians and their supporters around the world, not murder, bombs, theft, lies, and certainly not cold weather. robin mazeri, press tv, chicago. and that's a wrap for this bulletin. thank you for watching.
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crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy. resistance against aggression.
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around 180 people have been killed and more than 290 injured and is already attacks on gaza in the past day and that raised the death toll since october 7th to above 25,000 some 62,600 people have also been injured since the beginning of the genocidal war. palestin resistant moment hamas says flood operation. was necessary step and normal response to israel's plots against palestinians. the group says that alexa flot was meant to confront israel's plan to judaize palestinian territories and rule over the alalack. israeli forces have blown up the home of the palestinian in the west bank city of al khalid. the house belong to nasarala al kawasmi. he was one of three palestinians killed after performing.