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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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your headlines on press tv: on the 108th day of the us israely genocide in gaza, the death toll rises to more than 25,000, mostly comprising women and children. the palestinian resistance move in hamas says operation alaqa flood was necessary step and normal response to israel's pots against palestinians and palestinian resistance fighters carry out retalitary strikes against israely forces in gaza destroying their vehicles and killing invading troops.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in terfan. thank you for joining us. now the death toll from israel's onslaught on the gaza strip has surpassed 25,00 as the regime continues its deadly strikes on the besieged palestinian territory. the gaza health ministry says at least 178 people were killed and 290. three injured in just 24 hours. it's put the number of those wounded since october the 7th at more than 62,600. thousands of bodies are also under the rubble. some two-thirds of those killed in gaza are women and children. israel's aggression has also displaced hundreds of thousands of palestinians in gaza, which has been under near total blockade since the beginning of the onslot. doctors. gaza's european hospital war that of
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children of facing humanitarian crisis due to the ongoing israeli onslot. they said the children are suffering from various illnesses, some of which are life threatening. the department of pediatrics here has almost 1,000 illness cases every day. in case the child comes to the hospital, they came under the circumstances of heavy illness. parents face difficulties and fear coming to the... hospital, so only heavily sick children come to the hospital. unfortunately, every day we lose lot of children due to medicine shortages, even simple medicines that should exist in every hospital, clinic or health center. in the hospital now, there is not even a simple treatment like acomol syrup. as you see here, achomol syrup is the simplest children's treatment that is available in hospitals. hardest thing is when children come to the hospital without the company. of mother or
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father, an orphan, and we do not find a treatment for them, and unfortunately we lost a lot of children due to medicine shortages in the hospital. the military wing of the palestinian resistance movement hamas has released a video showing the latest losses is fighters have inflicted on israeli forces in gaza. fighters of the algasar gates targeted invading israeli forces who had gathered inside the building. they also hit an armored vehicle parked outside. the video also shows a military bulldozer belonging to the regime's troops being struck with an rpg shell. palestinian fighters have put or have been putting stiff resistance to invading troops and carrying out retaliatory attacks on the ground in gaza. scores of israeli troops have been killed since the regime launched this ground invasion of gaza in november. the resistance groups believe that the israeli military is hiding the real.
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number of fatalities amongst his forces. the palestinian resistance movement hamas says the alaxa flood operation was necessary step and normal response to israel's plots against palestinians. in a statement, hamas said flood was meant to confront israel's plans to judize palestinian territories and rule over the alaxa mosk. it's added that the operation had targeted the israeli military basis and all were made to capture only israeli soldiers in order to free palestinian prisoners held by the regime. the group stressed that not targeting civilians especially women and children and the elderly is a religious and moral commitment for hamas fighters. the statement said that some israeli captives were killed by the attacks from the occupying regime itself. political analyst khalid barakat believes the israeli regime and his allies do not want to accept
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their defeat following operation alaxaflood and that's why they are committing a genocide in gaza. let's take a listen. we need to remember that. one of the main reasons why the zionist regime is continuing their genocide and war crimes against people in ghazza is because they don't want to face the reality of october 7th and what really happened and they don't want to investigate whether as an israeli commission or an independent uh commission to investigate what happened in october 7th let's just remember that design regime have always been fabricating lies for the past you know 75 years and the israeli economy is in crisis, the palestinian resistance have actually depleted the israeli army and it showed that
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this army is reckless army and this myth about the army that will never be defeated is actually defeated in ghazah the past 107 days over 11. hundred israeli tanks were destroyed at the hands of the palestinian brave resistance, and at the same time the resistance strength is still, you know, strong, the command and control, the communication between various different groups, the unity of the palestinian resistance is still strong and intact. at least one member of lebanese resistance moving, hamas has been killed in an is. drone attack in southern lebanese village of kafra, a high ranking hezbulah official has survived the strike. our correspond of miami has the details. definitely there was a martter for hisbollah in that vehicle. also sources have
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told us that a high ranking commander seems to have survived in attempt assassination attempt since this is one of the cars that is used by his security. and as a result of this jone. attack there was another civilian car uh that was hit and we have of course at least seven people uh have the who are wounded one of them is a woman a civilian woman who was wounded severely but we do have a murder and the martter is said to be one of the members of hazbullah and this is at least the third drone attack that we have where a high-ranking hezballah commander was ' actually the aim of the israelis in and in the targeting and hazballah seems to have been able to save off of course the this this attempt by the israelies. the israelis have since the assassination ofuri begun with what seems to be new policy and that is a policy
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of assassinations, specific drone attack since the attack also took place in the area of kathra, and here we're talking a place which is relatively... far away from the border, it is in south lebanon, but it is further off from the border, but this also comes as hazbullah has made it very clear that they will also target soldiers in all the israeli post. member of the israeli kineset says those who opposed tel aviv's military campaign against palestinians in the gaza strip receive death threats. oher kasif said is... israel surpasses the freedom or suppresses the freedom of speech of those who raise their voice against the regime's war on gaza. he added that the people are also being detained for their tweets and other online posts calling for an end to the conflict. according to the legislator, university
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students are suspended, people are fired from their jobs and demonstrators are brutally repressed simply because they demand an end to the israeli war on gaza. kasif was suspended. from the caneset for 45 days for criticizing the israeli onslot which began on october the 7th. we're not supposed to talk about demona, because it's a secret. this jewish state have 200 atomic of hydrogen bomb. all the other nuclear plants in the world are monitored, but not the ones in israel. العكس تماما نفس الزلمه اللي كان يجيب له الاكل او الشرب كان يكون متخذ كافه الاجراءات الاحتياطيه او هذا الموضوع ما بفهم فيه رحم الله الاردن واسرائيل هناك معاهده السلام ونحن ملتزمين ببنودها نتمنى انه دمونا
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يرحل عنا لانه هو السبب. welcome back, political experts are increasingly questioning the united states qualification as mediator in the ongoing war between palestinian resistance groups and the israeli regime, this after the us national security council spokesperson reiterated opposition to any cease fire in israel's ongoing onslaught against the coastal territory. during his latest pressure, john kirby rejected any prospects of an end to israel's brutal aggression on gaza, claiming sease fire will be... benefit no one but the hamas resistance group, the his remarks came amid growing international call for the gaza
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cease fire and an outcry over israel's unprecedented crimes there. meanwile, the united states has been trying to promote the idea of two-state solution to deal with the crisis, posing itself as mediator. washington's rejection of the prospect of a ceasefire is in addition to his veto of several un resolutions on ending the war. political expert. as well as millions of people around the world believe that the us has no respect for the lives of more than 2 million palestinians, including over 1 million kids living in gaza. the us has confirmed that base hosting his forces in western iraq has been targeted by ballistic missiles. it says it's taking the attack by iraqi resistance forces extremely seriously. the white house says using a capability of ballistic. missiles posed in its words a genuine threat, at least two us service
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personnel were injured in the attack asad airbase on saturday. the pentagon says american forces have come under over 140 attacks in iraq and syria since israel began its onslaught on gaza on october the 7th. according to the pentagon, nearly 70 us personnel have been injured in the operations, some of them seriously. the islamic resistance in iraq has claimed most the attacks. saying the us is to blame for the israeli genocide in gaza. earlier today we spoke to firasan najim, manager of canadian defenders for human rights from toronto. he told us that the attacks on us bases in iraq are a clear message that if washington wants to continuous support for the ongoing genocide in gaza, its assets and soldiers will not remain safe in the region. "i mean, this is very special development now
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in this recent battle where many other resistance groups are getting involved to help the people of gaza um and and be able to slap this regime from different corners, obviously the the us is the one that's uh behind fueling and supporting this genocide, um, you seeing that with the the vedos inside the united nations, and by supplying the weapons and..." media backing and so on, so i think that this this is gonna put some pressure, i don't know how much pressure, but it's it is putting lot of pressure and the us is feeling it because the they're losing soldiers, their soldiers are being wounded, their bases are being shaken uh by the resistance, the hajd shabi in iraq, america is not is not allowed to have and host bases inside of iraq and we seen that also you know with elected. members inside the parliament of iraq after they killed qasim sulaymani and the great general abu mahdi al muhendis, the
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two two main generals that destroyed isis, you know they were the majority voted for the us troops to leave iraq, they're illegitimate, they're not supposed to be there and they're forcing themselves on the iraki soil, and obviously it's not for the interest of iraq, it's for the interest of israel, it's for the interest of the puppet regimes that have been installed in west asia in the middle east. people in the syrian capital, damascus have held a funeral for the iranian military advisers who were martied an israeli terrorist strike. our corresponder to ibrahim wadi has this report: solem funeral procession has been held at the sayida ruqayy shrine in the heart of the syrian capital, damascus. the procession was held for the five iranian military advisors who were murtered in an israeli attack on the residential neighborhood of mazze. many people attended the funeral, including religious figures and pilgrims from various countries who affirmed that martterdom baves
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the way to victory over the enemies. the path of martur them will culminate in victory, despite the enemies will. we will emerge triumphant, forcing the enemy out of our land. operational flood will sweep the enemy away through solidarity in the resistance front, from islamic iran to hezbollah in lebanon, the popular mobilization forces in iraq, and the heroic... as we exist from southern lebanon to iran, iraq and syria, and we will not fear or weaken, no matter the sacrifices, with great pride, honor and faith in martterdam, the funeral procession arrived at the sayidah zainab shrine, peace be upon her, for prayers over the marters bodies. participants emphasized that the enemy's atrocities cannot intimidate them or deter them from continuing on the path of
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resistance until victory is achieved with the placing of the martur's blood. iran's charged the affairs affirmed that there will be be a response to the israeli crime, once again the zionist entity through its aggression violates syrian sovereignty and targets of building housing iranian advisors in damascus. today, as we participate in the funeral ceremonies of these great marters, we offirm to the zionist entity that this crime will not go unpunished, as the islamic republic of iran has reiterated, we will not forget our marters, and the zionist entity will face retaliation from the axis of resistance. bismillah. these are sacrifices made by the heroes of the popular mobilization forces in iraq as well as the resistance in syria and iran. these are marters who give their lives for the resistance front. this is the path of our martars and iman hussein. peace be upon him. this aggression exposes the enemy's setbacks in syria and in gaza which has driven them to
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commit these crimes. the mourners carried the coffens of the marters with mix of sadness and anger. chanting slogans, demanding revenge and punishment, they affirmed their readiness to go all the way on the path of liberating al-quds and all occupied territories, no matter how great the sacrifices may be, they expressed confidence in the capabilities of the excess of resistance and the wisdom of its leadership. once again, syrian and iranian blood mixed to water the land of damascus as a result of an israeli criminal attack, and once again we see syrians and iranians united more than ever, and determined to defeat the zionist regime. ibrahim wahdi. press tv, damascus. global arrage against israel's genocidal war on gaza shows no sign of bating. palestine will be free. palestine will be free. palestine will be free. palestine will be free. from the river to the sea. palestine
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will be free. genocide. thousands of demonstrators hit the streets of brussels to call for immediate cease fire in gaza. the demonstrators called on their government to impose economic and diplomatic sanctions against the israeli regime. also, in barcelona, thousands of protesters attended a rally organized by a palestine solidarity network. similar rallies were held in nearly 100 other spanish cities. the protest has edged an end to the israeli us genocide in gaza. they also blasted the eu stance on the aggression, saying the block is complicit in israel's killing of palestinian children. earlier in a explaining a program, aliza iktiarzade elaborated on ivan's recent missile strikes a mosad spying center in the iraqi kirdistan region and terrorist bases in syria. iran's islamic revolution, guards core
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irgc targeting terrorists in syria. and an israeli spying base in iraqi kurdistan was precise, but looking closer at the strikes at the spying base in iraqi kurdistan, it becomes clear the building was used to carry out masad operations, particularly against iran. first the irgc strikes, it launched a barrage of missiles at an espionage center of the israeli spy agency known as musad in iraqi kurdistan. the musad spy center overall function. was to develop spy operations and commit acts of terrorism in general, but its focus, its main focus was the islamic republic of iran. now this uh base also had an intelligence name to it as well, so uh, it was known as the israeli 8200 intelligence core unit task with conducting surveillance
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and information gathering and generally was a place where many terrorists and sabotage attacks were planned against iran, but "the characters who were who were killed is our main focus, so we have this man uh pesh peshara majid aga desai, he was one of the main players desai headed the falcon group conglomerates covering things like security, oil, gas and construction. interestingly, it provided security services to international oil companies as well, further proof of his deep links to iraqi kurdistan security and intelligence apparatus. another fact was his close proximity with kurdistan's ruling barzani family when all of it is put together his relation to israeli mussad spy agency becomes pretty apparent, so far we have established theiz prominence, he was the main man for musad in airb who coordinated operation. for the spying agency and helped in recruiting agents as well. now his associate, this man nassim, he was the notorious team leader of tasa elite, massad
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affiliated spying firm responsible for training terrorist groups and recruiting agents in the west asian region, including the iraqi kurdistan uh for musad. and finally this man uh who we're going to see uh over there, his name is hussein yazdan panah, the secretary general of the kurdistan freedom party. a terror group based in northern iraq, he was one of the key mercenaries for musad in the iraqi kurdistan region whose activities include guiding intelligence and operational team to act against iran. now we have an interesting photo here that shows all three of them in action during an operation of some sort uh and uh perhaps more interestingly we have ilan nassim, a photo of ilan nassim who is carrying a an israeli tour 21 multi-use weapon showing his affiliation with the spy agency. now when it comes to the number of masad agents killed, it's a bit confusing in uh how it was reported. one reports indicated three were killed uh in
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iraqi kurdistan's airbill. another indicated elan was killed along with four other musad agents, the names that you see here, both due to irgc strikes, all in the same location. that makes it seven the number of masad agents that were killed. and that's all we have uh for uh this. explainer and uh for this issue, so i'm going to hand it back uh to the anchor for the rest of the world news. a recent report reveals a dramatic 43% decline in kuwait's petrol exports to europe, primarily attributed to the ongoing situation in the red sea, which has recently been a scene of clashes between american and yemani forces. our kuwait correspondent has this report. kuwait. a key player in the global oil market has recently experienced a significant setback in its petrol exports to europe with a staggering 43% decline, according to a recent s&p report. this
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decrease is mainly caused by escalating pressure on ship owners to steer clear of the red sea, which has seen an exchange of fire between american and yemani forces in recent days. the situation escalated after the us-uk alliance air strikes on yemen earlier this month. the... two countries claim they acted to protect international shipping from yemani attacks. this is while attacks by yemenis are only aimed at israeli vessels, or vessels moving toward the israeli occupied territories. they say this is a targeted effort to apply pressure on israel to move towards an urgency's fire in gaza. the attack of yemani fighters on israeli ships is natural reaction to pressure countries that support israel. to stop their support, while also demanding sease fire in gaza. if the attack on yemen continues, the resistance will continue to respond, and this could get bigger. this situation has especially hurt
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europe significantly, impacting its imports of refined petroleum products in the first half of january. european supply chains are already strained, experiencing delays increased shipping costs and potential financial losses for businesses dependent on the red sea route. appears that europe's steadfast support for israel has had severe repercussions for the continent itself. the yemeny fighters target only israeli vessels and those which are going to israel. the alternative is taking another route from ras raja salah. this transfer takes 15 days or more with higher costs. these factors in the short run will cause inflation. economist sworn of domino effect that could eventually hit european consumers harther than inflation of 2022 during the russia-ukraine conflict, they won europe may face higher energy costs and delayed shipments leading to economic
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crisis. europe finds itself in a precarious position as it appears to be embarking a military involvement in the situation in the region, risking its vested interests in the persian gulf region and its trade connections. in the meantime, the yemeni resistance fighters are being wildly hailed across muslim countries for adopting effect. strategies to pressure israel to agree to a cease fire in gaza. as the world continues to monitor these developments in the red sea, the yemeni resistance fighters continue to fight to pressure israel for immediate cease fire in gaza. this is farah alhashim reporting for press tv, kuwait city. and that's it for this hours bulletin. thank you for being with us, take care and bye-bye.
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the press of coverage of this assassination of bsimmani now entering its uh uh fourth day,
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every news channel claims that it covers the latest breaking news as we do, so that alone is not what sets press tv apart. what mainstream news outlets conveniently leave outs, with breaking news from around the world, we are here to bring to you, we fill in the blanks. we are the other side of the story, the less. presented side of the story, we are tellers of inconvenient truth, while they continue to silence our website, our live broadcast and our social media platforms are persistent, always perseveres, and it makes you wonder what is it we're saying that they don't want you to hear? we are the shadow band, we are the censored, we are the voice of the voiceless, we are prested.
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news in brief for this hour, at least 178 people have been killed and 293 injured in israeli attacks on gaza in the past 24 hours, this raises the death. told there since october the 7th, above 25,000, more than 62,600 people have also been injured. palestinian resistance fighters have carried out fresh retalitory strikes against israeli forces in gaza, destroying their vehicles and killing invading troops. the attacks are in line with stiff resistance being put up by palestinian fighters against israely forces in the besieg territory.