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tv   SPOTLIGHT Resistance against Aggression  PRESSTV  January 22, 2024 6:02am-6:31am IRST

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hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marsia hashimi, thanks so much for being with us. zianist barbarity continues in the gaza strip and beyond, the israeli regime are not only allowed to make genocidal statements without repercussions, but the regime continues its genocide against palestinians in gaza in real time. the occupied west bank as a war zone as a zianist entity has increased. its killings and overall terror,
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and the regime is continuing its assassinations of resistance leaders in both syria and in lebanon, and despite all of this, israel has failed to achieve its objectives. us and israeli assessments show hamas still has enough munitions to continue fighting israeli forces and the war in gaza will likely last throughout this year. now, this is a glimpse of a regime totally out of control and reaking havoc in the region. stay with us as we take a look at all of this on the spotlight. i'd like to welcome my guests to the program. brett junker is a historian of and journalists out of belgium and tony goslin, historian and investigative journalists out of bristol. thank you both for being with me. well, let's started off with - you brett after more than three months now since the israeli regime started its gen.
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side and the palestinian resistance is still firing rockets, how is it possible after regime forces have been on the ground in gaza for almost the months that they have not even been able to stop the rockets from the resistance being fired? well, this is quite simply because of the fact that the designers entity is completely incapable of actually confronting the palestinian resistance um in any meaningful way, they they... have resorted to doing the only thing that they have always been doing, which is the shock and odd tactics and strategies that we've in also seen in every word that the united states has been waging for the past half century, the the strategy of chaos, the strategy of mass murder and the strategy of trying to demoralize people by sheer me brutality. the problem of course for from a zionist perspective is that this this strategy is completely ineffective, they know of and we all know... of course that the the the
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resistance in gaza, whether that be from hamas or the palestinian islamic jihad or any of the other organizations, is largely conducted in highly secretive bases, of including underground tunnel systems, comparable, if you want to compare it to a similar to sort of similar war that the americans have fought being the one in vietnam, so you can't simply bomb resistance like that out of existence, so designists know that the... the only way they can actually fight this war and win this war is if they were to send in mass ground invasion troops and they won't be able to do this because they know they cannot win a conflict like that man to man because this would be a this would cost an excessive amount of of manpower and the casualties for designus entity would be completely unbearable um if only for the fact that they they will be fighting of course a war of aggression, a war of expansion in which every life that is
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fallen, every life that is lost is life lost meaninglessly and needlessly, whereas the palestinians fight for their very survival of and on their own nation, and they from palestinian perspective, from a gazan perspective, gaza is the last piece of land that they still have after everything they've lost in 1948 and 1967 and every life lost on the gazan and the palestinian side is life lost for the preservation of their people, and that is why despite all the sheer brutality and... terror that israel has released on the palestinians, hamas is still fighting back, the pij is still fighting back, the pflp is still fighting back, the the entire entirety of the palestinian resistance continues. well, tony, why do you think the regime wants to up the anti with the axes of resistance, when already it cannot really handle uh the palestinian resistance in gaza? well, it's trying to spread a wider war with neighboring countries precisely because... because it's losing the
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war with hamas, this is a basically total failed policy in order to destroy hamas, which is what netanyahu keeps repeating, let me also say that it's a failed. policy to bring back the hostages because what's happening is one by one those hostages have been killed by israeli bombs so the what we've learned today marcio is this amazing fact that only around about 20% of those hamas fighters so far after three months or more have actually been killed and what that doesn't tell you is is in a way more interesting because there has been a massive recruitment campaign to get more fighters and because the genocide, many more young men have been joining hamas, i mean obviously it's not just hamas, there are other organizations too, but the actual strategic aim of netanyahu uh, and i think many of us said this right from the start, it's now obvious as total failure, that's why he's trying to uh widen this war to neighboring
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countries by carrying out acts of war uh in countries like syria in lebanon etc. and these are this is these are real symptoms of totally failed policy. um, so yeah, so with so many more people joining hamas. what he's doing is he's acting as a recruiting sergeant for a potential wider war, and it seems to me that that may be deliberate attempt to get this war bigger and bigger as possible uh, in order to drag in other countries, because i think that there's such total political failure uh in in israel. let's not forget that netanyahu has been criticized. today directly by the british defense secretary, grant shaps, uh, saying that that that there can't be just a one state solution, there needs to be two-state solution, obviously the palestinians do under international law deserve their own state, they obviously jump in here, tony, we are seeing actually more statements correct um from various western
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leaders, at the end of the day is it going to make a difference, is it just basically trying to appease uh perhaps some of their own populist at this point in time because we have... more and more people um participating in in demonstrations and all and also calling for a cease fire, do you really think it makes a difference? it makes a massive difference, and look, let me tell you, it's not, i mean, netanyahu's whole policy is total failure, the guy should be in prison anyway, as we know for the last couple of years with these fraud trials and even his own people are turning against him, in hy we've seen the first palestinian zyonist joint demonstrations, i mean i'm not criticizing zionism now. anymore because around about a quarter of the zionists in israel are totally against this war and against netanyahu uh so i think we we've got to be realistic about looking at uh this this is a sort of medieval king trying to survive and failing all of these policies failing let
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tell you there's a group in britain here called palestine action and they have been shutting down factories around the country in fact in leicester in this country few weeks ago a demonstration there's so much symp for the palestinians that the people of leicester actually came out and they shut this israeli arms factory here in britain down and much of this is being ignored in the western media, but palestine action is taking peaceful, non-violent direct action against israel's factories here and being incredibly successful, so don't just look at the big demonstrations, there's these little quiet actions taking place and many of these people are being acquited when it comes to the british courts too, sure, sure, well brett, uh, what about that? i mean, of course, tony said also there's some zionists also joining in. i would think there are more jews perhaps joining in than the zionists themselves who believe in that settler entity, but but do you think that zionist leaders themselves really believe that by assassinating leaders the resistance that it can actually stop the
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resistance or or what do you see, how do you assess what they're doing right now? well, i, i think from the perspective of of netanyahu, it is, the fact that his power base is slipping. and his his political future and even potentially his future as a free man within the science entity of israel has been in doubt for quite a few years already, after all after he was removed from power or stepped down from power the couple of years ago after the elections that he actually lost um that there was already quite a lot of talk indeed about these trials and these could these these fraud and corruption cases that now that he is back in of course have been his situation is slightly more secure, but he knows for the fact that he can't you know cling to this power forever, so what to do in such case, especially in a in a place like design is entity is looking for an enemy abroad, and of course with design is there always our enemies abroad because they are
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squatting by definition on occupied land, and so the the this this escalation that he is trying to achieve by by involving wider. conflict against lebanon, why the conflict against syria, it it plays into the cards of netanyahu in a way in to preserve his own position and the position of his cronies, but i don't, i have see... serious doubt if they themselves believe in the possibility of a short-term solution, because as indeed has been said and has been shown so many times for every palestinian who dies 10 more rise up to to take the carry on the flag, for every iranian military advisor who gets killed in in iraq or in syria and of course the often the many dozens of civilians who also die as con collateral damage, this only further in... creaces the result of the iraqi people and syrian people and for the driving our design entity and their american backers
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from the region, so what their plan is, i don't think their plan is to let's say to demoralize or to get the resistance to surrender, we know what the plan is in regards to gaza, because they're openly saying it, the plan for gaza is nagba 2.0, the plan is the total ethnic lensing of the gazan population, the driving them out to to europe. or to other places and starting with driving them out to senai, um, either driving them out or killing them and completely colonizing this land as part of the greater israel project. um, whether this is feasible or not, in my opinion, it's absolutely ridiculous for them even have any hope of a chance to achieving the zionist victory, but zionists are not necessarily the most logical orrational people, so they might actually believe that they might pull this off in the end. well, do you think that uh uh time is running out for the regime as resistance
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closes in on the entity? i mean, we've seen yemen and it's cutting off ships from coming or going to the regime. we see iraqi resistance and hitting american occupation forces in both iraq and in syria, and of course and there's hezbol love uh emptying the northern border towns of the occupied areas due to their increased attacks. um, your assessment of the regime being able endure pressure in. this way, well look, ancient warrior once said, never upset your enemy or stop your enemy when they're making a mistake, and as i've said, the israeli government, the israeli defense forces are making several massive strategic errors in what they're doing, so i think you know, obviously will be wonderful to stop the uh killing in gaza uh, but the israelis as they continue with these strategies are bringing in all of other states around the world against them and if the entire world is mean
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a way what n is trying to do is one of the sort of massacers like gengis khan did uh back many many hundreds of years ago uh but the trouble is for him uh we've now got 24-hour rolling news channels around the world and we've got this thing called social media where if we want to we can look at some the atrocities directly that have been going on when the internet is not being cut off and uh in gaza itself and so whereas gengis khan could get away with this kind of thing, i'm afraid netanyahu can't uh, because everyone is watching what he's doing, they know what he's doing, they know it's genocide, and they know uh that this is going to uh basically that that israel is going to become a parier state as a result, and various of the uh methods that the israelis have tried to use in order to uh bring themselves into as a credible force in the world are over, this is finished uh and one of the other things that frustrates me marsia is the way that he uses these kind of biblical analogies like talking
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about from the book of samuel about uh the amalekites we must destroy the amalochites well sorry but the amalochites actually were very close to the cananites who uh did practice child sacrifice what he's doing himself is mass child sacrifice this thousands of children that he's been killing in gaz innocent children he's been killing so really he's accused. them of what he is doing, and if you actually go back to the torah, his own book, it talks about in leviticus 25:25, it talks about the land, and it says that the land must not be sold permanently, that's what they not, not to you, netanyahu, for the land is mine, says yahweh, that's god, the land is mine, and you are my tenants, so god is saying to people like netanyahu that it's not your land, it's my land, and this and this... is basically uh why he's he's going down this route of a land grab, he thinks the land is his, he hasn't
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read his own bible. yeah, well, i mean, of course, that's why so many of the jews who really follow the torah actually are against thesignas to begin with, because they say they're not supposed to actually have their own country based on the tour text. well, uh, brett, uh, the regime has now killed several of iran's islamic republic guard core members, and does it really want? a direct confrontation with iran? well, i think there might be a certain thought going around in the heads of netanyahu and his military and and political elite that... "a wider conflict could be the one thing that they need in order to save themselves, so um, the the idea of assassinating iranian revolutionary guards, commanders and and and military advisors abroad and thereby of course violating directly the national sovereignty again of countries like syria, lebanon and
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iraq, i think they are hoping in a way that iran would do what is normally the logical response in such case and that is..." attacking the country or in this case the entity that has been attacking you. uh, of course, if iran were then to immediately directly attack the zionist entity within its own borders to with their own weapons directly, that could uh of course then be used to pull in the united states as a sort of quote and quote defense. of course it doesn't make sense because designs have started the war, but we know from fact that you know the the zionists and the americans will try to twist this in a way that this would trigger some... sort of defensive alliance or something and would therefore involve the united states and probably the united kingdom and other european powers in a direct war, open war against the islamic republic of iran, which then again would probably trigger other very interesting consequences in regards to the shanghai cooperation organization and the like, which
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could potentially involve countries like china and russia, of course that's all speculation at this point, now what we have seen of course... very much to the shagron sometimes of uh of people who are sympathetic to the islamic resistance, keep on saying, keep on asking why isn't iran doing anything, quote and quote, and i think the reason why iran is not directly yet at this moment targeting designers entities exactly in order to try to avoid being pulled in such a third world war scenario, but what iran has been doing very efficiently is targeting and destroying the outreach of like let's say the the... because of design was abroad, they have destroyed an extremely important base in in arbil, in iraq, of course, they have destroyed the zionist influenced terrorist organizations such as they existed in in pakistan, we know that there have been very efficient destructions going on of designist
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back terrorist groups in in in idlip in in syria as well, so basically they're cutting off the... entity from their outreach with their with their agents abroad beyond their borders and if you cut down design his entity only exclusively to its borders, this is a pretty small piece of land that they're occupying with only about six million uh zionist settlers, six se million zionist settlers who actually live there, so in that in that way what what they think iran is doing is cutting down the outreach of the scientist entity to make sure that... can deal directly with the zionist entity itself without the zionist entity being able to boost up its power abroad, because at the end the day of course the liberation of palestine will have to be done by the palestinian people itself, we know it's not going to come as we have seen in the past from any pan arab coalitions and it's not going to come of course from a from a syrian or an iraky or an
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iranian you know force that comes marching in from abroad, of course this this support from iran is extremely. important, but in the end deliberation of palestine will happen by the palestinians themselves and i think it is as as aggravating as it may be to have to need to have patience, i think i understand and and the reason why iran does let does not let itself be roped into direct military confrontation with the idf at this point. what about the other side of things, tony? do you think the united states wants an expansion of this war or is there a difference of opinion right? now between washington and tel aviv, how do you see it? well, look, i mean, united states has got one the weakest presidents in its history, the real people in charge of the united states of the deep state, that is very close to wall street and the arms industry, now of course the arms industry love a war. i mean, most of us human beings that sit down in cafes and drink coffee and chat, we don't want a war,
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but these people make a tremendous amount of money out of it, and so there is that always that pressure. think coming from the united states and also the us of course is very expansionist uh, but i think we need to we need to look at what is the solution here, what is actually going to most help the palestinians right now, and and i'm convinced that what the hoothies are doing by denying israeli vessels coming into the red sea is an extremely good tactic, they haven't actually been killing anybody, what they've been doing, again it's a form of non-violent direct action, they've been hitting the israelis in the pocket very... very useful and successful and this group palestine action here in the uk uh they they have tactic which i don't know if you've been covering it i'm absolutely inspired to see it what they do in the middle of the night they turn up at one of these israeli arms factories based here in britain and they cover the thing in red paint from top to bottom, right? they quite often break the windows at the very top uh and things like
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that to let water in when it rains, but the idea of of uh of covering these in blood has has been an extremely effective tactic here, so that is sending message not only to these this individual lbit company, but also to other british companies, for example the... landlords, they are getting hit with this red paint job, and and i think this is one of the most effective ways to to actually help the palestinians directly, which is to force british companies uh that are helping in this genocide, and of course we know people like david cameron in our government are need to be targeted too, what what they're doing is they're forcing them to actually divest from these israeli firms to say, well i'm sorry we can't allow you to be uh our tenants anymore. because it's causing us too much of financial difficulty, so this non-violent direct action mass here, i think uh is is going to turn, we're going to see the corner turn partly due to that, whether it's the hoothies or
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palestine action here in the uk and these massive marches, another one of a half million people in london the other week, and what they're doing is they're having one week, every saturday there's a march here in all the major cities, one week, okay tony, i am so sorry, so sorry to interrupt, but we're out of time, appreciate both of you being here. with me, red dunkers, historian and journalists out of belgium, tony gosling, historian and investigative journalists out the uk. thank you, and thank you viewers for being with us on another spotlight, i'm marsia hashim, we hope to see you right here next time, goodbye.
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"this is really genocide, you can see all the dies behind me, all of these casualities,
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they try to find a safety place in the only christian hospital in gaza, and ahli national hospital, arab national hospital, it's the only christian hospital in gaza, they try to find a safety place, they try to find a shelter, and they have been attacked by a partic bombardment and all of these casualities came to the..." hospital came as body parts, amputated without any like signs of life, we have received many casualities today in this massacre, this is really genocide according to the international humanitarian law, if you know what is the internationally humanitarian?
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join us as we explore the strategic importance of bubble mundab. a highly contested area, crucial for global trade and security as well as vital exports like oil, natural gas, wheat and chemical fertilizers.
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your headlines on press tv, palestinian officials in gaza say israel has destroyed over 1000 mosks across the territory as death sold from the israeli regime's genocide tops 25,000. palestinian resistance fighters carry out retalatory strikes against israely forces in gaza destroying their vehicles and killing invading troops. and yemen once again warns against any aggression and violation of his sovereignty ammit the country's anti-israely operations in the red sea.