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tv   News In Brief  PRESSTV  January 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:03pm IRST

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regional peace and security, this is not a viable path nor a legitimate path. our people are not less deserving of freedom, security and peace. our children's lives are not less sacred. our cause is just and resilience and and and the resilience and steadfastness of our people, their sumood is epic and worthy of the international solidarity they have received from. across the globe, but as mahmoud darwish has said, their hope is for normal life, where they are neither heroes nor victims, life where they are able to live, to thrive, to see their children grow, see them be and come whatever they wish to be, they should not have to fight every day for their survival, for their most basic and and most fundamental rights, for their simply
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dream to live in freedom and dignity on their ancestor land, the nakba should not be prolonged any further, nor repeated time and time again, it must come to immediate end, it is time for international law and un resolutions to be respected fully and for non compplayants to be penalized. it is time for accountability, justice is paramount, it is the foundation. of any sustainable peace, attempts to frame the pursue of justice as somehow contradictory to peace, must see. it is time to conven an international peace conference with the clear objective, upholding international law and implementing un resolutions through resolute act action by all states, organizations and the un. it is time for recognizing the admission of the state of palestine to the un, we were not
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granted veto right over israel's admission to the united nations 75 years ago. israel does not have veto right over the admission of the state of palestine 75 years later. the international consensus on two states in this land must be upheld in world, indeed, there can be no more pretext for endless delay. and obstruction, the disregard for palestinin life, for international law, for the regional and international will to bring about just and lasting peace should no longer be tolerated. we are running out of time. there are two choices: spreading fire or ecease fire. the alternative to freedom, justice and peace, it was what is happening now? we must make sure it stops.