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tv   Iran Today  PRESSTV  January 24, 2024 6:02pm-6:30pm IRST

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the victory of the islamic revolution of iran in 1979 was water shed in iranian politics. the ties between tehran and tel aviv were cut off overnight and instead the palestinian cause became a centerpiece in iran's foreign policy. in humanitarian terms it behooves all to do. everything in their power to put an end to the plight of the palestinians who have long been subjected to the atrocities of the israeli regime. in islamic terms, all of muslims are required to do their best to help their palestinian brothers out. but what about state actors? are they obliged to to do what they can for the palestinian cause? what about their own national interests? when it comes to the islamic republic of iran, it
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seems that the country has spared no effort to support palestine regardless of its national interests. but has the country really sacrificed its national interests for the sake of the palestinian nation? if yes, where is the limit? if not, would it do so? these and more on this episode of iran today. it's been more than four decades that the iranian ruling system has been at the forefront of supporting the palestinian cause. it has gone to many lens to help the holy city of palestine get rid of the.
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occupied regime, and for this cause the islamic republic has been steadfast in spite of any problems or difficulties. palestine holds a special status in the muslim world given that its land contains muslim's first qible or direction of prayer, that is the holy mosk of alaqsa. back in december 1978, the founder of the islamic republic grand ayatollah komeini said, our intention has always been... to stand by our palestinian brothers and whenever we gain power, we will join them in defending their rights, like brothers standing as equals in the same line of battle as them. to know more, we said with mr. mohammed qadiri, an iranian political expert. to mr. qadiri, the islamic republic's problem with israel is totally legitimate and in accordance with international law. مخالفت جمهوری اسلامی ایران. in iran is against
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israel is that it is an occupying regime, according to the united nations security council charter, no entit is entitled to occupy other people's lands. this is totally in line with the islamic republic's policy and discourse over the past four decades. while many in the west have been trying to distort the reality of the israeli occupation, the fact is israel has been violating palestine's national sovereignty, has been displacing and killing millions of palestinians through this. tehran replaced the israeli mission with the palestinian embassy. it also declared the last day of every ramadan as the quds day, calling on muslims around the world to exhibit solidarity. imam komeini reiterated that iran as a muslim country had an obligation to protect other muslim nations around the world, particularly the... an iranian expert
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on west asia. mr. augu told us that it's naive to think that you could coexist with an aggressive regime like israil. it's been said over and over again that the islamic republic of iran truly wants the region to be a place where in human beings can live together in peace and tranquility. but there's a problem here, the very existence of israel, which is an expansionist regime, it's a regime that is pursuing its illegal objectives at the expense of displacing nation. the islamic republic has said that it would recognize a state that comes out of nation-wide referendum participated by the real residents of palestine, whether they're muslims, christians, or jews, but as for the israeli regime, the islamic republic of iran would never recognize such an apart. support
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of palestine cannot be compromised. as major muslim country, iran has focused its attention on the most daunting challenge in the islamic world, that is the question of palestine and the plight of the palestinians. moreover, pro-palestinian sentiments sit well with anti-imperialism, a core principle for the islamic republic. mr. qadiri told us that the islamic republic of iran's support of the palestinian cause is a reflection of the public.
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which we can measure if the iranian nation and ruling system agree with each other over the issue of. one of these criteria is the public support of the palestinian cuss. over the past three months we have seen many spontaneous gatherings across the country in solidarity with the palestinian people. it's ondeniable. you can see the films. at the same time, over 10 to 12 surveys have been conducted recently, all of which show that the nation still believes firmly in defending oppressed people against oppressor. establishment of the islamic republic, iran embedded in its constitution support for freedom fighters across the world. according to the iranian constitution, article 154, the islamic republic of iran has as its ideal
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human felicity throughout human society and considers the attainment of independence, freedom, and rule of justice and truth to be the right of all people of the world. accordingly. while scrupulously refraining from all forms of interference in the internal affairs of other nations, it supports the just struggles of the freedom fighters against the oppressors in every corner of the globe. this is hossin kanoni muqadam, an iranian senior expert on the west asia region. he's also secretary general of the international antionist association. he told us that iran's support of palestine is just part of its religious world. to defend those expelled unjustly from their lands, those unjustly on depression, by the same token, our constitution stipulates defending
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the oppressed regardless of their religions, moreover, in a moral obligation to help the oppressed people, we are not real muslims if we don't care about the fates of other people, let alone are the muslims: if we help palestine, if we help iraq, syria, hizbillah or yemen, it's all about helping the oppressed in the face of oppresses. it's all about resistance against tyranical powers of the world, against zionism. there's plenty more to be said, but first a quick media review to give other evidets a chance to get a warden. welcome to the new section of the program, we will go over some news. exerts, us should stop supporting israel where on gaza instead of attacking yemen. iran vehemently condemned the us recent air strikes on yemen, which were a reaction to the arab peninsula nation's actions in defense of the gaza strip, which has been the target of a genocide spearheaded by israel
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with assistance from washington. tehran times writes, foreign minister hussein amir abdullahyan made the remarks in a post on x on friday after the us and the uk tar sites in yemen. sano is fully committed to maritime and shipping security, the iranian minister stated. he went to add, rather than attacking yemen, the white house should immediately stop its all-out military and security support for tel aviv against the people of gaza on the west bank in order for security to return to the entire region. iran president, israel must leave occupied palestine as occupation does not bring legitimacy. the iranian. president says occupation does not bring legitimacy lashing out at the israeli regime for having occupied palestinian land for 75 years. quoting from the iranian president, ibrahim raisi, iran front page writes, which legal system and legal school of thought in the world would accept that continued occupation leads to
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ownership and legitimacy. the president once again reiterated iran's backing for palestinian people and their struggles to defend themselves against israel. we have announced loud and clear on numerous occasions that support for palestine and resistant groups are on the islamic republic of iran's agenda, noted. zainast regime was certainly. be eradicated from earth, quoting from leader of the islamic revolution, ayatollah khamenei, marh news writes, do not doubt that the victory is with the righteous front. do not doubt that the userping zionist regime will be eradicated from earth. the great victory of the palestinian nation is that they discredited the west and america and their false claims of human rights. iran attempts to mobilize international support as the gaza war continues. cobble now writes: the iranian government hosted a high-level parliamentary meeting in tehran on wednesday
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january 10, bringing together member states the organization of islamic corporation and asian countries to discuss the ongoing conflict in gaza. the objective of the meeting, as reported by iranian media, was to enhance collaboration among the parliaments of islamic nations concerning the matter of gaza. iran backs south africa's gaza genocide case. against israel at icj. iran calls for bringing perpetuators of crimes in gaza to accountability. annodol agency rights, iran has supported a lawsuit filed by south africa at the international court of justice accusing israel of geneside over its deadly offensive in the gaza strip. in a statement, the iranian foreign ministry said tehran fully supports the south african government's responsible, courageous and honorable action against israel at the... cj over its crimes in gaza and the west bank. it calls on the international community to take decisive
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action to bring the perpetuators of the crimes in gaza to accountability. well, that's all for today, and i invite you to go back to the main narrative. tehran's support of palestine also has pragmatic reasons. contrary to what might seem, iran's unwavering support of palestine contributes to the country's national interest in the first place. also, keeping in mind that " israel is an aggressive regime and as an american neocolonial project, it has an insatiable thirst for occupying other lands if not confronted. after israel occupied palestine, the regime made incursion into lebanon and occupied the southern part of the country. iran's substantial support of hezballah and the resistance groups 700 military operations made the israeli army retreat from lebanese soil in 2000, all after 18 years, the goal on heights a hilly 1,200
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square kilometer plateau that overlooks lebanon and borders jordan is in fact syrian territory occupied by israel in 1967, the regime annexed it in 1981. mr. augu said that iran's security is the country's red line. can you please tell us specifically how fighting for palestine benefits. israel is a regime that seeks to undermine regional security, it fabricates crises, it wages wars and harms countries in the region. for example, the regime is at war with all its neighbors over the issue of water and natural resources. given that the regime is expansionist by nature, it poses a constant threat.
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is an existential threat to the whole region if not the world, so in one sense by helping the palestinian resistance groups, the islamic republic is achieving multiple objectives with one single move, fulfilling its moral and religious obligations, and at the same time, keeping the enemy at bay. iran needs such strategic deterrents in the face of israel which serves in practice as the greatest us base in the region. all said and done, iran support. the palestinian cause is beyond politics. it stems first of all from the ethical principle that we all should help
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the oppressed, as beautifully explained by the great iranian poet saadi shirazi. all human beings are part of a whole in creation of one essence and soul. if one member is afflicted with pain, other members uneasy will remain. if you have no sympathy for human pain, the name of human you cannot retain. back in 1998. hamas founder ahmad yasin met with the leader of the islamic revolution ayatullah sayid ali khamenei. yasin said that hamas needed the support of everyone in all the arab and islamic lands so that the palestinians could stand firmly and strongly and confront the zinus and american aggression. promised the hamas leader to help them, despite all problems.
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two years later, in a meeting with hamas officials, ayatollah khamenei said that the government of the islamic republic and the people of iran would consistently be their defenders and supporters and would continue to serve the palestinian people with comprehensive assistance. dr. sayed abdullah
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mutavalian, an iranian expert national security said israel's failure in the face of the israeli regime wanted to annihilate hamas in one week, it wanted to free the captives in one week. 100 days have passed, 100 days in which the israeli regime has shown itsmost atrocities against the palestinians, yet it is failed to achieve its stated objectives. these. izrides are experiencing displacement for the first time over the past seven decades. more than 1 million isrides have been displaced, many of them are living tants. they are fleeing from the occupied territories. it has resulted in low moral among the israelis. their action has ange at the world. they are very unlikely to reach
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any achievement against the resistance movement. i think the war won't end unless in favor of hamas. national interest is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of areas from ideology and culture economy to energy. as for a country such as the islamic republic of iran in which its political system is founded on religious teachings, national interests and religious values are inextricably interworwin. accordingly, supporting the oppressed here, the palestinian people is part of iran's national interest. stipulated in the country's constitution. on the other hand, confronting an aggressive regime like israel, not only does serve iran's national interests, but also contributes to peace in the region. do you think there's an expiration date for iran's support of the palestinian cause? i mean, how long do you think iran will continue this path? تا زمانی که قضیه فلسطین
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در منطقه. "the region will be prone to chaos and crisis, which in turn endangeres our national interests. the israeli regime deliberately tries to export crises throughout the region, which means our national interests might be in danger as a result. the next thing has to do with the economy, which makes a part of our national interest, as long as israel and consequently tensions exist in the region, investment and transportation or in a volatile, shaky state, and above all it's a..." about ethics and morality, how can you live with a clear conscience in a place where a nation is subject to the most heinous crimes imaginable? since the islamic republic of iran is primarily based on moral values, it seems that supporting the oppressed people of palestine is completely in the same direction as our national interests are. all in all,
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the islamic republic is not an ordinary political system, it came out of one of the... revolutions in the 20th century, in which islamic ideology holds a lofty place in its stated national interests. likewise, west asia is not an ordinary region in the world, it's a volatile region characterized by tense arms race and constant geopolitical rivalry wherein a slightest move can have far-fetched consequences. and to top at all, the region is being constantly threatened by nuclear regime which has been armed and financed unconditionally. by the united states of america since its creation. mr. kani muqadam said protecting iran's borders begins far from the country's borderline more. where we think our enemy is trying to harm us, we have
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to destroy the enemy in its nest. the next thing is our security borders. our security borders are not identical with the physical borders on the map. it's wherever the enemy is hatching plots against us. the islamic republic of iran and resistance group such as hamas, plan for the so-called new middle east, which seeks the disintegration of big countries in west asia. it's a desperate attempt by a regime which is geographically small and
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strategically lacks any depth. the plan kicks started by the us invasion of iraq and afghanistan and then libya and was followed by so-called revolutions and cous in other countries such as sudan, somalia, yemen, syria and lebanon. by many accounts, the main target is the islamic republic. of iran, which functions as the heart of the resistance movement. some believe that if iran stops fighting israel and basically stops supporting palestine, then the west would better its relations with iran. to what extent do you agree with this? we must calculate the cost and benefits of supporting resistance groups, which one is to our own interest, supporting them or abandoning them. the fact is, israel and the united states have been striving over the past few decades to disintegrate the region into tiny countries. they are reportedly after dividing
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iran into seven small countries, and syria and iraq each into three countries. they want to do so to other big countries in the region. this is the so-called golivers strategy. israel wants to be like gollivar by turning other countries in the region. iran's support of the palestinian cause is moral, religious and ideological and at the same time based on real politique. there seems to be to opposing views regarding iran's national interests and its support for the palestinian. cause on the one hand, some believe that supporting the palestinian cause is at the expense of the country's national interest, while others maintain that standing
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up for palestine does not endanger iran's national interest and actually their both in the same line, what is your opinion and where do you stand regarding these two rather opposing views? basically there is no conflict between supporting the palestinian. and our national interests, if we're paying something here, it's for establishing security in the region, it's the moral cost of supporting nation that is under the worst of circumstances. this is what the whole world and not just iran should pay, so as to put an end to the palestinian plight. this is the price of having a peaceful region. that's all for today, thank you for watching from the whole team, please do tune in same times next week and each week after. don't forget to send us your comments and topic requests. you can also follow us on facebook, instagram and x, till next time, take care.
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when palestinian journalist shirin abule was killed by nisv. paper on may 11, 2022, the israelis meant to get across a clear message, that they don't want any narrative other than their own under decades old occupation of palestinian lands and their aggression. it wasn't the first time israel sought to put gag on the alternative narrative, and every time it has failed. watch the history of the israeli measures and palestinian counter measures in this documentary.
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"the person most responsible for taking away this freedom in america is donald trump, this going to go on for a while, they got this plan, one more year."
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sur une photo ah ouais.
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first tv headlines this hour day 110 of the israely aggression on gaza claims some 210 palestinin lives on unis in southern gaza is the hardest hit. iraq slams us evades on resistance groups positions and advises washington force the israeli regime to stop his genocide in gaza instead, and turkey's president erdogan officially receives iran's president raise, was arrived in anchora on an official visit. the genocidal war in gaza tops the agenda.