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tv   Gaza Under Attack  : PRESSTV  January 25, 2024 12:02am-12:30am IRST

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more than half million people in gaza are now facing catastrophic hunger, that according to the united nations. welcome to gaza under attack, i'm said puriza. we'll get to our guests in moment, but first a recap of some of the latest developments. day 111 of the relentless us-israely genocidal campaign in the gaza strip. the result so far, at least 25. 500 palestinians killed including more
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than 10,000 children, that according to health the health ministry in the coastal enklave, and humanitarian catastrophe in gulfing the whole territory, where according to the un, up to 2 million people, over 85% of the population have been displaced, also the deadliest single day for apartide israel's military, 24 occupation soldiers killed, 21 of them in a single incident, the israel the prime minister. though says the gaza carnage will not stop. the lebanese resistance group hezbollah says it's hit an airbase in northern israel with number of rockets in response to recent assassinations in lebanon and syria as well as attacks on of southern lebanon. yemen's ancerola resistance group condemns fresh us uk strikes on the country and vows to press ahead with its operations against ships bound for israeli ports. a lot is happening, let's discuss some
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of it with my guests today, in the studio, angelica gale. angelica is a filmmaker, producer and founder of none of the above media, and via skype from the borders, scotland, author and journalist ivan ridley. thank you both for being here. let me start with you, ivan, 24 israeli occupation soldiers killed in the battered onclave, in a single incident, what kind of impact will that have do you think on the israely population? who have by and large been supportive of the genocide in gaza? well, this will uh, without doubt crush the moral of the israeli army, um, an army which has become known for some of its rather amateurish pranks and youtube and and tik tok escapades, the former. the us marine and
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former un weapons inspector scott ritter has been very derisary about the military abilities and capabilities of the israeli army and i would say that that is largely because this is quite a different army to the one that fought in the 1967 wars, this is an army which police... women and children, which pulls the hijabs of the heads of unarmed palestinian women, which regularly rounds up and arrests and locks up children. this is an army which doesn't ordinarily engage with soldiers, now it is fully engaged with hamas and of course they have seriously underestimated. the abilities of the hamas
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fighters uh who are nothing like uh they obviously expected yeah during uh this war they announced a 111 days ago after the october 7 attack that the mission was to eradicate hamas yeah and so yeah as far as i can see "the leadership is still intact, the soldiers are still fighting, and yesterday was the heaviest day on record uh, for the israeli soldiers who lost 24 of their own. exactly, it sure was. uh, angelica, um, let's talk about these attacks by uh, the us and the uk, the uk has participated in those attacks twice uh, so far, there have been eight of them, um, what i would like to ask
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you is what do you think of it, attack a sovereign country of of yemen uh who are trying to simply to stop the bloodshit by... launching those attacks on ships that are bound uh for israeli ports, instead of deescalating and trying to bring an end to the bloodshit, what the us and the uk are doing is risking a full-fledged war by launching these attacks a sovereign country. yeah, your take on that? i think it's um, it's devastating, it's it's a very dark day within british history, within the us history to to, you know, it's always been in during the gulf war, it was the same feeling, but i think in my lifetime, me, 'you now i'm 22 and i think this this this conflict has been the worst thing that i've ever seen in my entire life and to think that um my own country, a place where i have citizenship continues to support the destruction, the dismantilization of like a whole nation, it's it's so heart-wrenching to to see that um and the
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hooties you know they they are the only people currently right now who are putting action to to be on the side of the palestinians um and then to see them you know still'. be threatened by western democracy that if they do go ahead with trying to blockade these trade roots that they're going to be punished themselves, it's just a real real fall from grace i think and fall of democracy or an understanding of it as well and it's incredibly hypocritical as well because we like to think that we are people of of peace and equality, but i think it it just shows them up to be anything but with doing something like this and again it's it's it's also again being on the side of capitalism more and thinking that's more important than human life um and thinking that... these trade roots are more important and trying to keep them going than than gazans in their own lives and keeping those going instead, so choosing the side of capitalism over human lives, palestinian lives, is is, that's that's the case of what's going on here and it's very typical of the western of these western um superpowers and it's it's my understanding that the
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anserola resistance group have told shipping companies that if they tell them that their ships are not bound for israel, they can simply cross the boble mandep. straight and go wherever it is, they're they're going. let me put the same question to ivan as well uh, which is, i want to read to you what the british prime minister had to say over the past few hours, which was uh, they have carried out that attack in self-defense, and that the uk always reserves the right to do that, and to protect british lives and interests. um, your reaction to that? well, it's absolute rubbish, far from protecting british lives and interests, rishi sunak has opened us all to become targets in a war, not of our choosing, not of our making, um, they have sat for more than hundre days refusing to vote for a cease fire in westminster, yet
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as soon as there are financial considerations, i the hooti rebels disrupting shipping lanes and global... trade, suddenly uh, the bombs are dropping, british bombs are dropping in yemen, and it it is totally wrong, uh, by doing this, rishi sunak has opened up another front, and he's also telling the world, he's not interested in the blood running in gaza, he's not interested in the newborn babies. the pregnant women, the elderly or infirm who are dying because of israeli actions, he's not interested in that, but suddenly when world trade is being
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affected, he is interested, of course he is westminster's most wealthiest individual, so i guess it's quite. conceivable that the hoothii action could be hitting him in his own pocket. um, we've politicians making decisions at the moment who are not going to lose their own children, their own children's lives are not being put up. netanyahu's son is away holidayying in america, he's not fighting, he's not going to pay the blood price for his father's actions. we have a... lot of powerful men who are making or losing, depending which side they're on, lot of money in this war who are making decisions, not on our behalf, but they're making the whole world a less safe place. they sure are, and
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as you say uh, trade, as far as the uk is concerned in this uh case, takes precedence over palestinian lives. let's hear from the palestinians, the palestinian foreign minister says: nothing less than seaspire in gaza is acceptable, meeting his eu counterparts in brussels, riyad al maliki said he expected the european union to collectively work towards a ceasefire, the... you invited the foreign ministers from egypt, jordan and representative of the arab league to take part in talks during the foreign affairs council alongside representatives from tel aviv. here is more. the most important action to be undertaken is a cease fire. we have to call collectively for a cease fire. we cannot accept anything less, we cannot be hesitant about the ceasefire. "every day that we are, we show hesitancy, people are being killed, innocent people are
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being killed, children and and and women and elderly, and this is untolerable and unacceptable. life of palestinians really matter and we cannot accept that you know uh the life of palestinian children uh are being really treated uh less than the life of children anywhere in the world. i want to go to evan again and..." if i may, um, what is your view of of the eu's position? a conditional call for a permanent cease fire is what uh they uh came up with recently, and attempt at reviving the two-state solution, that's to many dead. well, personally speaking, i cannot see how the two state solution is viable. uh, the west bank, the occupied west bank is now... series of little islands interconnected by israeli checkpoints
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and in between these little islands there's more than 500 thousand - illegal settlers who are living there and making the lives of palestinians an absolute misery. i can't see how the two state solution would work, but you know the the eu, what they need to do is ask the palestinians what they want, i find it astonishing that all these world powers can come together and talk about, should we have two state, a one state, you know, what is the future going to look like, what is going to happen the day after this is all over, well how about asking the palestinians what they want, the majority of them, i would imagine would say, just return our... land, return our stolen land, and that is what the
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palestinians i imagine would want, but let's ask them, let's give them a voice. we're in this position today for the very reason that the palestinians have not had a voice. october the 7th did not come as a surprise to me at all, well the date might have, but you cannot keep people. contained in a pressure cooker in the way that the people in gaza have been contained and not expect a blowback, well the israelis got the blowback and many of them are still reeling from shock over that now, and and uh, you know, what we are seeing on the 111th day is a failed military exercise, designed to eradicate hamas from gaza and it's failed. it certainly
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has. um, let me bring in angelica now, other than asking palestinians uh, what they want to happen, as we heard ivan say there. what do you think, what kind of plan or what kind of measures do you think you leaders can come up with when they have been so divided on the issue? we've seen for example, some of them speak of slapping. sanctions on um illegal settlers because of the violence they've been committing against the palestinians, any other thing you can think of that they can do, i think those sanctions are very small drop in the ocean to to the larger issue because it just feels like punishment to the activity that's ongoing in front of them rather than you know the idf rather than netanyahu and you know the 30,00 bombs that he's dropped on gaza sin in the 111 days, more bombs have been dropped on gaza than in the six years during the... war and again the levels of punishment and the war crimes, all of that has to be recognized one by one, like
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the use of wise forus as well and um going into hospitals and raiding them and using them as military bases, all of that needs to be in in the way that south africa actually are going out of their way to to call for you know as this is a genocide um and bringing them bringing palestinians the justis and which they deserved, i think it needs to be very thorough process of recognizing the damage in which israel has done to... first of all calling out those war crimes and making sure that the sanctions that are actually being implemented to israel are effective as well and not just in you know to those settlers themselves they may lose out a bit of money or they may lose on visas, but those are very individualistic prob um, very individualistic um sanctions within the communities within israel, it has to be a global sort of shift within how we're seeing israel treating palestine and everybody has to you know be in agreement of of the sanctions of which they they implement into israel and what they're doing currently right
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now um not just to these individual settlers inside israel all right well just a quick reminder to our viewers that this is gaza under attack with me said boreza, a deep dive into the ongoing us-israeli carnage in the gaza strip, more than 100 days since it all began. the suffering continuing to unfold in gaza is beyond comprehension, how can a genocide of such proportion continue unevaded in 2024? well, we asked professor haim brish, author and filmmaker who teaches at the school of oriental and african studies so as for his tech. "i think the reason is that not just israel is such a brutal regime, but the whole west is a brutal set of regimes, um, and they act, they in a sense walk like drunken sailors from war to war, all these
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wars are failing, but in the meantime, tens of thousands, maybe. of thousands of people who've done nothing wrong, um, are dying, are being denied food, um, children who survive with trauma are denied schools, students are denied universities, all of them are denied food and water, um, women are denied giving birth in hospitals, because there are no hospitals, they give birth in the street, if "the baby survives, they may be bombed. we're talking about the situation that has not been known in our lifetime. i am quite old, i'm 77. i have never seen anything like that in my whole lifetime. we also asked professor brashith about ordinary british people,
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whether they think differently, and if so, could they bring about a change at the polls this year? the..." "choices at the polls are very limited, and if this terrible party, the tory party is defeated, which i think it should, um, then um, the labor party is led by devout zionist, someone that has no problem with sending people to rwanda, someone who is actually a war criminal because he's supporting genocide, so i don't think the british people are faced with great choices, um, you can..." defeat a government and you can re-elect another party, but at the moment we're not living in a democracy, the choices are not real. um, the labour party is um concerned about anti-semitism of people like myself, you know, a jew, an israeli, and i'm supposedly an anti-semat, as
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is my friend ilan who is speaking here is as is are all our friends, jews and non jews. are lefty um activists that are against genocide, to be against genocide today is to be anti-semitic, this is nonsensical, but this is the policy of the labor party, so i'm not really holding my breath for the election of, the new leader of the labor party, i remember what he has done to jeremy corbin and to many thousands of people who supported palestine and were... actually chocked out of the party like myself, so i think this is, well, not an easy situation that we are facing. pro-palestinian voices have been raised across the country here, and i traveled to birmingham in the midlands over the weekend to speak with voices outside the capital, london. i asked why they had come
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and the message they wanted to send to the british government. "we've traveled here today to demand the uk government um to support a cease fire in the genocide that's ongoing in um gaza, um the unjustified terror and the um complicity of the us and the uk government to always support um terrorism on a global level - and not recognize the the the the lives of the palestinian people. we've been coming out for week in and weak out for the past throughout england they have been we've had demonstrations and in one way..." we have we have been the people who are putting the stop for our government giving an open cut blank support to israel, they at least restrain, yes we haven't been able to shift them at the moment, but should also be sure that if we weren't here israel would have totally ethnically cleansed the people in gaza, so we putting those breaks on and we hope we'll move on beyond this and
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hopefully then bring about the seasfire and an end to the siege of gaza. i say stop sending them arms, tell biden to stop selling them arms, what are these people to do, what are they trying to do, wipe out our whole race, what for, what for, we are riding for palestine, we want to see fire now, we want to stop all the injustices that are happening in the world, and we're showing our demonstration, doing our bit by cycling here together in unity, all faith and non faith, all religions, all ages, we're here showing our support. let's continue the conversation with filmmaker angelica gale and journalist evan ridley, and i go to angelica now, how you heard what the professor have to say, how important? is it do you think for influential jewish voices to speak out to say that this genocide is being committed in their names and they don't want that to happen? i don't think it's hugely important. i think to be
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jewish and to be a zionist of you know two different things and i think that it shouldn't just be upon the jewish community to speak out against this genocide. i think no matter your faith whether or not you have one um you should be able to do your own conduct your own research and come to your own decision as to what you think about this conflict. um i don't think that we should sololy rely on just one whole community to stand up for the palestinian people um and i think that yeah dependent on you know i think everybody should be able to to to voice their opinion on this and it shouldn't just be up to the jewish community in order to do so they shouldn't be the only ones doing the work everybody should be and let me put this final question to ivan and that's uh to do with you the elections the upcoming elections uh here in the uk the position that the major political parties have taken uh on the issue uh of israel, palestine has created a great deal of voter apathy. can you talk about the impact of that on the upcoming election results, the way people will vote, and also
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do you think that there is need for new political party led by the likes of jeremy corbin, for those voters to find a home in. just a minute, this voter apathy because the parties, the mainstream. parties do not represent the views of ordinary people, and that is why there's voter apathy. um, to be brutally frank, the politicians in westminster have been bought and owned by the zionist lobby. if your mp is labor friend of israel or a conservative friend. of israel or a lived friend of israel, they've been bought and sold and you have no influence with your mp at all, and that is the harsh reality.
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this next election is going to be very telling, muslims in britain today, if they vote smart, could change about 50 seats, they hold the balance of power, but what is the the point? of um, you know, do you want uh, the frying pan or do you want the fire? and i'm full of admiration for the jewish professor who spoke so eloquently earlier on, um, because you know, the not all jews are zionists and not all zionists are jews. for instance, this... million christian zionists who are all supporting trump um in the us presidential elections and it's very tough
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for jews to stand up and speak out today in this climate of witch hunts and and bullying state bullying um i'm really sorry i'm gonna have to jump in jump in there buse we have fresh. uh out of time, um, perhaps we can discuss this in further detail later on, but thank you angelica gale and ivan ridley for your contributions, and thank you for watching the show, gaza under attack will be back tomorrow with the latest, until then continue to keep palestine in your hearts. goodbye.
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on monday january 15th, the islamic revolution guard core targeted an israeli spyingness in iraqi kurdistan and some terrorist groups in syria. but is it a tit for tad, a revenge for the carnage in kermon? is it message to the rest of the world? has iran eventually run out of its? strategic patience with the enemies and should the region brace itself for new round of tensions? these and more on this episode of iran today. over the last seven decades the israeli regime has survived by grabbing and useping land, mean the us
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israelid. war on palestinians in gaza. the israeli regime has another dirty plan. according to media reports, israel regime officials are planning to move palestinians from gaza to several african countries. israeli aparted regime is notorious for its impunity and total disregard of international law. this plan will not succeed as long as african nations remain vigilant and continue supporting the liberation of palestine.
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tehran and ankara signed 10 agreements to further boost cooperation in different sectors to key regional players are also demanding collective action to force tel aviv into stopping its genocide in gaza. day 110 of israeli aggression on gaza claims some 210 palestinin lives on union southern gaza is the hardest hit and iraq slams us air raids on resistance groups positions and advises washingtons to force israel regime to stop its genocide in gaza instead.