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tv   Gaza Under Attack  : PRESSTV  January 26, 2024 12:02am-12:30am IRST

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of in the entire population of gaza is enduring destruction unparalleled in recent history. the words of un secretary general antonio gutierres. hello and thanks for tuning in. this is gaza under attack. we'll get to our guests in moment, but before that, a quick look at some of the latest developments. the un security council holds its quarterly open debate with the us israeli. genocidal war on
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gaza top of the agenda. israeli occupation forces continue tank and drone strikes on the city of khan unis with at least 210 people killed over the past 24 hours. more than 200 occupation soldiers dead and 4,00 plus wounded in the gaza strip since apartide israel started its ground invasion of the territory. another us-uk strike on yemen. the country's ancerola fighters say their targeting is israeli linked vessels because of tel aviv's genocidal war on gaza. in iraq, resistance groups vow to continue their operations against military bases, where u.s. military forces and trainers are stationed in retaliation for washington's unqualified support for the relentless israeli war on gaza after the us military carried out an air strike against sites used by the iraqi anti-terror forces. in less than four months, the us is... israeli genocidal war on gaza
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has killed at least 25,700 palestinians and wounded at least 63 others, most of them women and children. let's discuss these rapid developments with my guests, professor jonathan rosenhet, emeritus professor at the london school of economics and chair of the british committee for the universities of palestine, and katie durvin, a photographer of and activist who joins us via skype from glosset. thank you both for being here, i'll start with you, professor, if that's okay, the intense shelling in central gaza in khan, as we just heard, has rendered the idea of any safe space um in the entire territory redundant by now, i just want to hear your assessment of where things are where they are headed you think, well there are things that are happening. and then there's the the way
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they're portrayed by spokes people for israel and which are then faithfully relayed by media, which is extraordinary biased in its reporting, we all know it by now that israelis are murdered and palestinians are only killed, it's a there's moral agency in what the the not a negative moral agency and anything that an israeli soldier could do, because they are obviously in the right? that that's um certainly the case of as far as corporate media is concerned, let me um go to katie now, um, israel suffered the biggest loss of occupation soldiers, 24 of them, 21 in a single incident, um, might this change how israelis view the gazan bombardment? um, you hope so, i think um, we're going to see... what we're seeing with um israeli
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soldiers is we're seeing children being brainwashed and sent to kill defenseless civilians and children and i think we're going to see the aftermath of this for israeli soldiers um and israely young people i think um going to see um a big mental health crisis we're probably going to see a big um rise in the suicide rate as well um but i would hope that this might change their minds but i don't now if it will all right uh professor, i want to bring you a quote by you the uk's chief rabbi efraim uh murvis, i'm sure you have your own quotes as well, but he said recently that the use of the term genocide, this of course in relation to the uh south african genocide case against the israeli regime uh with the international court of justice, he says that the term genocide is moral inversion designed to tear
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open the still gaping wound of the holocaust, what is your view of that comment? um, every of jewish person in britain and... probably more of wide than that, has lost sways of relatives in the holocaust. um, it's inevitable, we we we are, we are almost all of us immigrants or children or grandchildren of immigrants in the last um 50 to 100 years, and not all of them came over and the majority were killed, so we we take the holocaus very seriously, but it is played like a playing card by supporters of israel who says, because this happened to... plus anything that we do is merely defense against it ever happening to us again, whereas our concern is that genocide should not happen to anybody anywhere again, least of all by people claiming to be the victims of not the only genocide, but major genocide in the 20, 20th
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century, you talked about the way corporate media has treated um what's happening in that part of the world um, but i want to... about how the politicians here also have responded to it, we saw the prime minister rishi sunak in the early days of this genocide in progress, go to tel aviv, stand next to netanyahu and say he hoped that he would win. um, we heard comments from the uh labor of leader, leader of the labor party rather who said that israel reserve the right to cut off supplies to the palestinians, but recently kier starmer has said, that um netanyahu, the israeli prime minister was wrong to reject moves to establish a palestinian state, the same man that's made that comment now is saying this, what do you think puer starmer's motivation is uh ambition um to become prime
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minister, yeah, he's he has told so many lies since, but in order to get elected by the party membership, i a member. "i didn't vote for him, but he he said that his aim was to unify the party and he was taking on all of or most of jeremy corbin's mantle, instead of which every he made 10 specific promises, all of which he has broken, now if he is changing his story on the palestine question, it is because he sees some some advantage, he he he his main aim is to be in the center and be the conservative party, the alternative conservative party, um, and he will maneuver..." by fractions to try and stay close to the central position, but distinguish himself, or or to accommodate himself to changes in public mood, because the public in britain is so strongly against what israel is doing, and even even can't
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ignore that, not anymore. um, let's bring in the united nations, the um, un secretary general antonio guteres has addressed the security council during a high-level meeting, where the worsening situation in gaza topped the agenda. here's what he had to say. no effective humanitarian aid operation can function under the conditions that have been forced on palestinians in gaza, and those doing everything possible to help them. the quantity of aid is highly insufficient in light of needs. it is fantasy to think that 2.2 million people can survive on aid alone. "basic commodities from the private sector must tenter in meaningful quantities, as they did for many years before the current fighting. this is essential to address rising needs and avert both the complete breakdown and ever mounting death toll. the un chief
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there speaking, but um, are his words having any impact, um, katie, considering the death?" and and the members of the security council using their veto or abstention powers to to stop seaspire being imposed. um, it it doesn't seem so at the moment, um, but i think anybody who can say that there isn't a genocide unfold in gaza at the moment is not quite in touch with the reality or the humanity. um, so i would hope that cefire will come into place, but it just doesn't seem like israel is willing to listen to anybody. let me uh ask professor rosenhet too, there is a sense professor, in diplomatic terms at least, that even some of israel's allies um are hoping for a change in tone, um, as you say, even the leader of the
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labor party here cannot really continue with the same position because of the sheer number of people have been killed and injured and the destruction in the gaza strip. shortly, tel aviv's actions are no longer defensible? well, i don't think they have been defensible from the beginning, but from the standpoint their handful of western backers. i think i think what it's revealed is that the ability the united states in particular to to pull the plug on israel, which we all sort of assumed, is oversimple. it it does seem as if the even the us is constrained by or cannot, cannot take the actions which would stop israel from behaving in this way, for various reasons which i suspect are the strength of the israel lobby and the uh fact that you haven't been able to get elected to congress basically for decades unless you uh tread the
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the israel line because that money will be thrown at getting alternative candidates elected out in the primaries or attempts that are made uh by the israel lobby groups such as the biggest one is apac to prevent progressive candidates pro-palestine candidates from being elected to us yes indeed and "i think that the um, it is surprising, it's quite clear that biden is embarrassed by what what's going on, and it's surprising that he, he holds back from doing playing the cards, which i think he has to stop israel, he's not, he's unwilling or unable to do that, and i think which is it, unwilling or unable to, that's that we won't know till history is written, history is being written as we speak, isn't it? um, katie, let me bring you back into the conversation, can you..." talk about perhaps the importance of activism to change the
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needle on the israel palestine question? i think we're seeing big changes, i think um, we've never had marches as big as this in the uk forum palestinian rights um and the amount of people are learning about it and even um learning a little bit more about islam and um different cultures and the people that are becoming united i think the biggest. weapon that we have in all of this, peaceful weapon, um, is unity and coming together, different communities, different religions, people with no religion, um, that that's the biggest, the biggest thing that we can do, and obviously we can write to our mps, we can sign petitions, we can go on marches, but really us coming together um and being united, that's that's where we're going to see a big change in this, and that's what we need to do all all across the globe. and since you're a photographer, um, talk about the impact, i
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mean, they say picture speaks a thousand words, the impact of imagery and and the pictures and the images that have been taken and sent um by journalists or photographers who are based in the gaza strip and of course people such as yourself who are doing photography of pro-palestine activism here in london and your appears. around the world, um, i think a lot of the stuff that we've been seeing coming straight out of gaza has been absolutely devastating to watch, and this is stuff that can't be, um, it can't be faked like lot of um, the israeli media is trying to make out that it is, um, it's completely harrowing, and um, i think anybody anybody who can look at it and not feel that they need to do something to stop this happening, so these innocent palestinian people, and i mean i don't know rosenhed um
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yeah sorry um as the palestinian uh foreign minister recently said first of all much of the world is now calling for an end to the bloodshit uh if you look at the map you can tell you what countries are still uh backing israel and and and cheering it on uh to continue what it's doing there. but much of the world, the majority of the world is asking for an end to the bloodshit. um, as the palestinian fm said, this is um, a competition, if you will, between the will of the international community and the whims of an israeli prime minister who refuses all the calls for for sea spire. what is your view of that? i think of some mischaracterization. uh, i don't think that the... "first of all, international community is a term to describe those people who accept the leadership of the
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united states. it's not an international community, it's not the world as a whole, many people are excluded from that or are too powerless to fight against it. as to the being whims of the israeli prime minister, no, not at all, he he has some personal reasons in about this, which is the longer he stays fighting, the longer his prime minister, and so the the longer it is before he goes to prison." " for his corruption, so but but the policy of israel has fundamentally been unaltered over 570 years, which is to get as much land as possible with as few palestinians as... are you telling me that this is um not to do with one man, one party and power, this is this is what policy zionism set out to do in from 1890 onwards, it was a colonization process, that's that's what the leaders at we want to establish a colony in in palestine and pity about the people were already there, all right, just
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quick reminder to our viewers that this is gaza under attack with me, where we take a deep diving to the on? us-israeli carnage in the gaza strip, well a free palestine is closer than most people think, according to sarah russell, a photographer, also and an activist who spoke at the 15th genocide memorial day here in london, she says the activism that's going on will ensure the end of violence in palestine, have a listen, ultimately i think we will see um a free palestine. "and the reason why i say that is that um there's going to always be and never will we stop this um efforts, all efforts to speak the truth and to support um to educate to continue the process towards an end to this tyranny, the end of um this brutal occupation, so it's um, you know, and
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inevitable that um, just say this that truth um is is on the side of the oppressed and that's that's something that um um there are certain uh powers that we we don't see ourselves that they're actually um i think things i'm feeling quite positive though obviously on externally things are very very heartbreaking what we're seeing before our eyes and the sacrifices and the and the palestinian actually have no... um nowhere to to to go but to um embrace um a possible their fate which um ultimately uh it just can't this can't be sustainable the the warring the sort of this genocide that we're we're seeing the ethnic cleansing palestine it has to has to end sarah also said israel
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has no legitimate case and this is why it is self-destructing. "i think it's self-destructive, that whole entity is is very self-destructive, because if you have no real legitimate cause and it's only through destruction, that that's just not sustainable, it's not, it's not ever, it is self-destructible, so that's why i say, i just uh, have very, i think we all know, deep, deep down, um, and maybe we need more courage these days to speak the truth, because it's already." um, otherwise they wouldn't have this need to keep warring to and that's that, it's a kind of tactic, or it is the tactic to divert away from their agenda. with global eyes focused on the ongoing genocide in gaza, the deteriorating situation of palestinians living in other
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parts of the occupied territory may have fallen under the radar, musicians and activists. nathan buran and julia katarina highlighted the plight of palestinians in jerusalem and janin respectively a seminar held in abrar house here in london earlier this week. as young woman who was born and raised in jerusalem, my hometown and the epicenter of the arab israeli conflict. i have witnessed and experienced a plador of injustice, violations of of freedom and human dignity. these experiences strength my desire to be a lawyer. living in jerusalem is like living in through complex legal statuses and overlapping execlusionary and inclusionary circles. so for example, you can be subjected
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to israely civil and military laws, jordanian and palestinian laws, as well as the international. laws, you can hold an israeli id card and israeli travel documents, passport, israeli travel document passport and hold a jordanian passport all while being stateless. family members in the west bank whom we loved early are restricted from participating in the most important moments of our lives, such as birth, birthdays party, wedding funerals, graduations, or even visiting family member or experiencing illnesses. these are all subject to approval the israeli government. and often rejected normal family moments, which is right of the majority of the people experience is not
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possible for palestinians. what's happening in the west bank is is mainly overlooked because of what's happening, because what's happening in gaza is so extreme, and even even before that, they managed to bomb gen in camp uh over a prolonged. period uh, without anyone really taking very much notice or interest in it, um, because the world has become so hardened uh, as the situation has been going on as is for 75 years. all right, let's continue the conversation with jonathan uh rosenhed and katie durbin. thanks for your patience, both of you, uh, professor rosenhed. what is the significance of of jewish voices such as yourself speaking out? um, i mean, you have been suspended from the
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labor party for exactly doing doing so, but that hasn't stopped you? i'm not quite clear why i suspended rather than actually expelled uh, because of course i'm i'm just, i'm not anti-semitic, but they have peculiar definition of antisemitism, which is the if you deny that speaking about israel, uh in a critical way is anti-semitic, then that means you are yourself either an anti-semat or coniving anti-semitis because you self hating jew, guess, that's right, so i have not been expelled, but at our latest count just around 70 jewish members of the labour party have been disciplined anything from a reprimand told to go through training or positively expelled, and that's striking the the proportion of jewish members who... have been disciplined 27, an order of magnitude greater than of non-jewish members, um, it's extraordinary, but in terms of there is a significant um jewish opposition to what
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israel is doing, um, the uh, there is no single jewish community, there are jewish communities, the people with different views, and exactly, for example, there have been massive marches here in in london, um, up to half million or possibly even to... million people on on on regularly on saturdays and we have got a jewish block on that on that march, it started about 20 years ago on palestine demonstration, then there was a handful of people, maybe 10, maybe 50, yeah, it's risen, the last one we reckon there was somewhere between 1500 and 2,000 people marching together with banners of all kinds and different organizations and applauded by other marchers including muslim marchers. it's a great um demonstration of solidarity between people who care about injustice. solidarity, that's that's for sure. very quickly, um, last question to katie, the the
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targeting of and destruction of educational, medical, religious institutions in the name of taking out palestinian resistance, it it is deliberate ploy by the iof, the israeli occupation force, surely is it not? yeah, ethnic cleansing. to just um erase erase all palestinian history and heritage off the map um but it's too late to the the game's up everybody knows everybody's palestinian now we are all in our thousands in our millions we're all palestinians all around the world so we'll never be erased they failed that's for sure all right we're going to have to leave it there that's all the time we have for this program professor jonathan rosenhed. and katie durvin, thank you both for sharing your thoughts with us and thank you for watching this program, gaza under attack, we'll be back tomorrow with the latest, until then continue to keep palestine in your
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hearts, goodbye. after series of systematic attacks with the prince of zinus israel and its proxies all over them, the islamic republic of iran retaliated with heavy blows on the massad in... justice army in pakistan. this was just initial installment on the open account to be followed by additional responses in reaction
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to the assassination of the iran unian islamic revolution guard core commander, mr. razi musawi in syria, and the terrorist bombing that targeted religious visitors to the shrine of quds force commander martur general qasim sulaimani in the city of kerman. undoubtedly the iranian response was timely, appropriate in size and was the first a series of responses that are inevitably forthcoming after last week's zionist assassination of five advisors from the revolutionary guard core in damascus. iran sets new rules this week on limite stream. over the last seven decades, the israeli regime has survived by grabbing and usarping land, i made the us-israeli genocidal war on palestinians in gaza. the israeli regime has another dirty plan. according to media
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reports, israeli regime officials. are planning to move palestinians from gaza to several african countries. israeli aparted regime is notorious for its impunity and total disregard of international law. this plan will not succeed as long as african nations remain vigilant and continue supporting the liberation of palestine. one you're watching basketball here from, i'm your host.
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your headlines on press tv on the 111th day the us israely genocide war on gaza, the palestinian resistance fighters keeping. invaders with steadfastness. the mas movement says it will commit to any decision by the international court of justice for a cease fire in gaza if israel complies as well. themen's leader stresses that the ban on israeli link ships will continue until the end of the war and the blockade on the gaza strip.