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tv   Gaza Under Attack 64  PRESSTV  January 27, 2024 12:02am-12:31am IRST

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the united states of america and western countries did not consider iran a r state or outside international law until after the islamic revolution. this is attributed to the new directions in iranian foreign policy established by the islamic revolution with the palestinian issue at the forefront. this stands. on palestine was not merely tactical or propagandistic, but rather a principal and consistent position that has proven its effectiveness and sincerity over the years. the intellectual support provided by iran to the idea of resistance and the palestinian cause is as important as its logistical support for the axis of resistance. iran's supportive stands towards the hamas movement and its wacking of the palestinian people's right have prompted the world to discuss the necessity to pressure. the islamic republic,
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hence why recently iran has been systematically targeted with security attacks bearing the fingerprints of designist entity and its agents within iran. since mid-december of last year, iran has faced three major attacks: first, a police center in the sistan balushistan province in southeast iran was targeted, resulting in the marterium of at least 11 officers. this attack was claimed by the justice army based in pakistan. on the fourth of this month, on the fourth. anniversary of the assassination of former quds force commander general qasim sulaimani, double terrorist bombing targeted visitors to his grave in kerman, southeast of iran, resulting in over 100 murders. the daesh terrorist organization claimed responsibility for this attack. this occurred just a week after the assassination of general razi musawi in damascus by zionist israel and day after the beirot assassination of sheikh salih, the deputy head of the political bureau of the islamic resistance.
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movement hamas, those operations necessitated a swift iranian response against their perpetrators, prompting the islamic republic to launch air strikes against daesh takfiries in idlib, syria and carry out a missile attack targeting an israeli entity musad headquarters in irbil, iraq. additionally, attack was executed against the justice army militias located in pakistan. the iranian response was compelled to convey political messages to tehran's adversaries by striking military. bases near erviel international airport just few kilometers away from key us military base. now targeting daesh in idlib indicates that iran wants its fores to recognize the reach of its ballistic missiles to various locations in zionist israel such as telaviv and tha. as for targeting arbil, it sends a message that iran possesses sufficient information about the activities of the israeli entity mosad and its agents abroad and that it is capable of delivering painful strikes when necessary. welcome to
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the media stream, i'm osman. since the 15th of last december, iran has been subjected to three major attacks. these sterist operations necessitated rapid iranian response to their perpetrators, jaesh al in pakistan or the justice army in pakistan, daesh in syria and zianist israel. therefore, iran bombed the daesh terrorist organization in idlib and carried out a missile attack targeting the headquarters of the israeli masad in irbil as well as attack on the adl, jash al adl or what's known as the uh justice army militia present in pakistan. now the iranian action had to happen based on the amount of pressure that tehran has subjected
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to recently. to discuss this issue with us from tehran is professor mohammed marandi, academic at tehran university, thanks million for being with us, dr. marandi, now does this clear uh demonstration of strength, if you will conducted by the islamic republic of iran, serve as a diplomatically costly display concerning its relations with its neighbors. i mean, um, wouldn't these attacks contribute to creating an adversarial neighborhood for the islamic republic? well there were three different attacks and they were carried out within 24 hours. the attacks on idlib were against terrorist organizations affiliated with isis and supported by nato and its regional allies, and therefore the syrian government was by no means upset because that... territory belongs to israel,
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it belongs to syria, and it is occupied by syria's enemies and adversaries. with regards to the strike on pakistan. it did create tension, but the local commander, he had to make a choice, he either had to strike them because they had gathered to carry out major terrorist attack against iran, or he would have had to refrain from doing so, if he had refrained from doing so, and we had major atrocity in iran again, especially after the recent spate of... uh terror attacks and the hundred people that were murdered and martered in kerman, that would have caused a major problem among ordinary iranians, so he decided to carry out the attack, knowing that it would cause great displeasure in pakistan.
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the problem is that pakistan doesn't fully control those territories. pakistan's army is on the is focus on india, the border with afghanistan is highly problem. matic and pakistan is very poor, and so this is a sort of no man's land, the pakistani government, the the pakistani military struck a couple of houses near the iranian border, killing a number of pakistani citizens who, it's not yet clear if any of them had anything to do with terrorism, but ultimately the relationship went back to normal and pakistan told the iranians that they will... tried to do something about their military that that it's lack of uh presence in the border area and then finally in arbil the musad presence in ariel is illegal according to iraqi law.
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the iranians have warned the iraqies many times about this, they are working against iran, they are the israelis have admitted they are at war with iran yahoo said so explicitly, they even working against iraq itself, absolutely, unfortunately arabil is not really fully under the authority of baghdad, so baghdad did condemn the attack, but i think it's quite clear that behind closed doors, the feelings in baghdad are very different from what they're saying officially, they are very angry that arabil is ' conducting uh business and has such close trades ties with israeli regime, but look after after the counterattacks by the islamic republic, we had new assassination last week against five of the islamic revolutionary guard core consultants in damascus in maz, uh now ziness israel seems
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to be provoking the islamic republic of iran, but it has an open front in gaza, it's now having it does have an open front of lebanon, but now it's risking to expand it and provoking the zionist, the zionist israelis are provoking the islam. republic as well, i mean, aren't they risking lot of of their own security by these assassinations? well, iran hit israel's very hard, and it was expected that they would carry out some sort of retaliation, uh, the damage that was done to musad in iraq is uh, is enormous. i would say that musad's existence in iraq has been wiked out for the time being. the israeli regime on the other hand uh they are in serious trouble, they do need to expand the war, the prime minister needs to expand the war and the the regime itself needs to expand feels the need to expand the war because it's lost,
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it's lost on all fronts against hamas and its allies, against hezbullah and against ansarulah and the yemen armed forces, so either they have to accept. defeat or they have to seek a way to reverse this defeat, and the americans are on the side of the israelies. americans have also, contrary to what some people may think, the americans have been a part of this escalation, they bomb the iraqi military in baghdad, killing senior iraqi officials inside a government complex, inside a military base, and they also bombed yemen, even though the yemeni armed. forces and ansar allah have not killed anyone, they've only created a blockade for is for israeli ports because they're carrying out genocide, yet the americans killed naval officers as well as ordinary people in
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striking yemen. well, dr. miranda, i know for fact that iran was promised by many people, especially the biden administration, the stars, the moons and the earth, if they cease to support uh gaza uh... to leave it to fend for itself and just uh stop supporting the resistance, especially in gaza, starting with gaza, but iran doesn't seem willing even think about this uh option, despite the winnings that it could have collected. if it said, well, okay, i can do that, but wouldn't be now the perfect opportunity to hit this some sort of dipl diplomacy jackpot, if you will, you're absolutely correct, if iran holds support for the resistance, and the palestinian people in particular, then the united states and europeans would be willing to go a great, do do a great deal uh for... iran, they would remove all the sanctions and probably go much further, but this is issue
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that for iranians is based upon a principle. iran, when the revolution took place, spoke of two international issues with particular interest. one was supporting the anti-apartite resistance in south africa, and the second was supporting the, anti-apartide resistance in palestine. after the revolution, iran broke off ties with a partide south africa and supported the anc, their military wing, their political wing and other resistance organizations. after the collapse of the regime in south africa, iran restored ties with the country, and this with regards to palestine, iran is following the same principle, iran will not accept. no supremacist regime in palestine, it will not accept the colonization of the palestinian
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country. well, dr. professor mohammed marandi, academic at tehran university, it's always a pleasure to have you with us, it's always not enough time to talk to you, but hopefully inshallah and other upcoming events, hopefully events of victory inshallah. thank you very much for your time and contribution contribution to our show. ladies and gents, please stay tuned because next we are going to talk about the new risky adventure that zionist israel is trying implement in south lebanon. now contrary to the idea that prevailed during the last period of the united states
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trying to avoid expanding the battle, especially towards lebanon, it seems that the lack of options before the aggression coalition made it look at the expanding of this war as last option that would guarantee it going into a regional settlement and sess fire deal on all fronts. more details in this following report. zionist israel. is currently in a canundrum. those running the show in tel aviv realize that the price of expanding the war with lebanon may be high, but the remobilization of its forces on the northern front of palestine and the media escalation against the lebanese islamic resistance hisbullah, including the threat to assassinate sayid hasan nasrullah, confirmed that the political and military level within the zinanis leadership is seriously considering opening a war on the northern front. in line of this possibility, the iranian... and yemeny escalation adds to its messages the readiness of the entire axis of resistance to expand its involvement in the
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battle. this escalation raises the level of american zionist concern seeking a way to avoid a long-term battle in lebanon that would place them in a situation similar to what they are trying escape from in gaza. the israeli occupations portrayal of victory as a tries to market it relies on massacres and scenes of killing and destruction that dominate screens in attempt to terror. the peoples, at the same time, it provides material for the extremist zionist right-wing audience, thirsty for blood, to continue supporting the netanyahu government. these plans are not absent from the mind of the leadership of the resistance axes, which moves carefully and without confusion, supporting its military operations with successful psychological media war, mobilizing its audience for the worst possibilities. the leadership of the resistance understand that this war will be harsher than all previous wars because... its zionist enemy knows that it cannot militarily break the resistance backbone, this will
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drive them to target civilians and infrastructure causing the greatest possible destruction to impose their conditions on the axis of resistance through the gateway of humanitarian tragedy. zionist israel also realizes that its task is not easy as the massacers committed in the gaza strip are unprecedented in human history in terms of scale and intentionality. nevertheless, the resistance has not altered and continues to impose its conditions as seen recently in the deal to supply gaza with medicine, for every israeli entity prisoner, a thousand boxes of medicine for palestinian citizens. after more than 100 days of comprehensive genocidal war on innocent people, zinist israel has not been able to achieve any of its declared or hidden objectives. on the contrary, new costs have been added to its initial losses resulting from the aluxa flot operation, losses that could have been avoided if it had chosen to respond in a different way. today, the absolute same notion applies to lebanon.
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if the zianist enemy decides to risk its own existence, if it chooses madness. over reason again, now to discuss this issue with us from beirot is dr. omar nashebi, political analyst and lawyer, expert in human rights, supervisor of the al-qaus supplement, which is published weekly with the lebanese newspaper, thanks million for being with us this early, dr. nashabe, now the possibility of escalation in northern palestine raises the level of american and zionist anxiety in the region, which is looking for a way to try and avoid a long-term war, the same thing that's happening in gaza, they don't want to see happening in in northern palestine, but do you consider that access maneuver to eliminate the southern lebanese option from zionist calculation um is possible? well uh, you know uh the uh the front is now open,
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there are you know continuous escalation by the israelis and bombing civilians in southern lebanon and as you said yes uh the the americans are very worried about this apparently and they have presented recently uh they've been talking about a unilateral cease fire that the israelis want to stop bombing uh for 48 hours and they would uh it's like a threat they're using it as a threat that during this unilateral seasfire if hizbullah will fire then they will bomb the whole of south southern lebanon this is a threat and they are repeating the threats constantly, not knowing or you know disregarding the fact that threats do not work with the resistance in southern lebanon and with the access of resistance in general, so they've been bombing civilians, they've been doing this ultimatum and trying to actually make it seen in front of the world as an ultimatum, it's not, it's a direct threat, and yesterday they've been bombing
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civilians, this will create a bigger risk for escalation and the continuous attack today, in khan unis is also increasing the risk for a wider escalation of the confrontation with the israel, israeli criminals who are committing you know genocide in gaza as the uh the tribunal, i hope the uh the the the uh court of intern international court of justice will prove, well dr. nashebi, the resistance leadership obviously know that if these threats are true then they uh will be face something that's that have not been seen yet. in previous wars, because the zionist enemy realizes that it cannot really break the backbone of the resistance militarily, which is why it might take things into its hand, as we saw in gaza, by creating more massacers, by targeting civilians, by breaking the infrastructure and what not, what we really used to see uh from zionist israel, but is that something that hisbollah is ready to face this grave human tragedy,
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are they ready to face this? hisbullah is asking, is calling is saying that this is related to the cefire uh... and the whole axis of resistance are calling for immediate cease fire in gaza and the halt of this genocide that is ongoing for now more than 107 days, what this is what hizbullah is calling for and it will not back down and it's saying that the front in the southern southern lebanon, northern occupied palestine is a front that is open for putting pressure on the israelis to stop the massacred in gaza, hisballah will not back down and the israelis have to know that if the... have like you know uh tens of thousands of people who have been removed from the from the keboots in northern occupied palestine, so they will not be able to go back to their to to the kibots that they were removed from because they were afraid that hizbullah will target the kibots. hisbullah has been targeting military location, but these military locations in occupied palestine are
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hiding behind the so-called you know civilians in occupied palestine and... you know hizbullah will not back down, it is matter of principle, hizbullah will not leave gaza alone, this front has been even if human tragedy is being uh threatened by the zinis israelis, while we know that internally in lebanon, there are political fows against hisballah who might use that against him, the human tragedy is ongoing, the israelis have been committing a genocide ongoing in gaza an unprecedented way, what hizbullah is saying it's demanding an immediate. it seesfire, it hisbullah and the whole axis of resistance in yemen, in syria, in iraq, in iran, they are asking for immediate halt of the genocide, what is the uh, the the the... that hizbullah is not asking for blood and war, hizballah is asking for immediate cease fire, the whole axis of resistance is insisting on immediate cease fire. it is the israelis who are escalating, they are threatening, they are
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bombing civilians everywhere and they are threatening lebanon and they as if they don't know that these threats don't work with hizballah, hizballah will not back down. well, let us imagine this, despite the fact that there's a 50/50 chance that it might not happen, but let us say the war actually started and israel surprised lebanon with a specific and fast and precise strike over very short period of time, maybe not exceeding couple of days or maybe a week uh and then demanded a cease fire and said i'll go to sease fire. how do you think that the uh resistance in lebanon and the access of resistance would uh retaliate or uh what kind of a position will they hold then? what i can say is that uh today is different from 2006 and they will be asking for a sifire before. the weekends, because they will be asking for seasfire because of the destruction that they will witness in occupied palestine, the resistance is ready to actually bomb any location in all of occupied palestine, as i
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said, and this will create massive destruction in occupied palestine, not only in lebanon, so therefore what we need today is sease fire, we need international pressure from the international community, we're not very hopeful, but we hope that you know somewhere there will be a break. through and the israelis will stop killing the children, bombing hospitals, killing un employees, destroying a whole population in gaza, that is the demand, and any pressure that is necessary to push forward this demand will be done, well the pressure that might escalate in lebanon might bring along more escalation all over west asia, how do you think the united states interests will be affected in case this entire region blows up with war? "well that is really the the thing that we don't understand how can not just the united states but also the the uh the supporters of israel in europe continue with this support
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for israel under false pretext of self-defense, they are committing a genocide, the supporters of israel will be held responsible for any escalation, because i repeat again and we must always repeat that the access of resistance is calling for immediate cease fire." and assault and a halt immediate halt of the genocide that has been on ongoing for more than 108 days. this is the demand, so therefore whoever will actually not respond and block sessfire will be held responsible of any human tragedy that will occur in the future. well, well last question before uh we go, we are seeing lot of uh escalations within designist entities uh government itself. some people want the war to stop right now, others like for example. "who for personal reasons wanted to continue, is there some sort of a scenario that might come from within the zionist entity regime that would stop this war? i think they have so many internal issues among
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them, the zionists and they have because there is such a high level of corruption and there's a such a high level of aggressivity and fanaticism and zionism and racism, i think this will uh create more pressure on the israelis, however i am not really sure that this..." you know can prevent an escalation, because apparently this may be seen as it's seen by some that analys that it may increase the possibility for escalation because netanyahu wants to get away from any accountability in israeli courts, so he may actually push for more, more violence, more destruction, a larger genocide, this is horrendous and i don't understand how come the whole world is incapable of stopping this mad man, we all share. your questions with you, dr. nashebi, given the immensity of the genocide that uh our palestinian brothers and sisters in gaza have been facing and also the west bank, which by the way the mainstream
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media is not talking about for the past 107 or eight days. thank you very much dr. amashi, political analyst and lawyer expert in human rights, supervisor of the al-qaus supplement which is public published weekly with the lebanese newspaperbar. thanks to bilan for uh being with us and speaking about what the world has. just shutting its eyes uh from the horrendous genocidal war against palestinians and the possibility of it escalating into lebanon as well. thank you very much ladies and gents, thank you for watching them stream. please do follow us on uh telegram and on twitter x and we'll see you again next week with new updates from west asia right here on press tv's the medieast stream.
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when palestinian journalist shirin abu agile was killed by nid sniper on may 11, 2022, the israelis meant to get across a clear message that they don't want any narrative other than their own under decades old occupation of palestinian lands and their aggression. "it wasn't the first time israeli sought to put gag on the alternative narrative and every time it has failed. watch the history of the israeli measures and palestinian counter measures in this documentary."
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your headlines on press dv, the international court of justice has ordered israel to take all measures to prevent genocide in gaza, but it fails to call. a cease fire in the beseeg palestinian territory. palestinians hailed the preliminary ruling by the top un court saying it will contribute to isolating this regime. and the israeli regime continues this relentless attacks on gaza where the death toll has topped 26,00, mostly women and children.