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tv   Documentary Why Yemen 3  PRESSTV  January 28, 2024 9:02am-9:30am IRST

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of maritime trade and control gives superiority in the world, no matter how big a trade on the land is, it won't find a better route for business than the sea. these are the words of of alfred their mahan, the author of the influence of sea power upon history, which deals with importance of sea routes in maritime trade and control. over them, about
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200 million years ago, all of the lands on the earth were connected in a supercontinent named pengia, but gradually the unified continent started to be divided into different chunks. after tens of millions of years, the map of the earth looks like what we see today with several separate continents. now the link between the continents on earth has... has been established in two ways, through land between asia, africa and europe, and through the of oceans in the americas, australia and antarctica. meanwhile, some waterways, natural straights and artificial canals that were constructed later, had a strategic role in shaping the famous maritime corridors today for shipping to access the shortest and most cost-effective routs. points are the
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links that connect the sea and land, today, having control over the strategic points gives astonishing powers to countries. some of of the most important waterways in the world are the malaka, hormos, gibraltar, and babal mandandob straits as well as man-made canals like the suez and panama. the panama canal was constructed in 1914 so ships in the of atlantic ocean won't have to turn all the way around south america. the straight of gibraltar connects the mediterranean to the atlantic ocean, between spain and morocco. it's been officially under british control since 1713. the cape of good hope in the
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southern tip of africa serves as a link between the atlantic and indian oceans. this is part of the route for the ships that sail from the south asia to eastern coast of of america. the boss forestrate in turkey connects the black sea to the sea of marmara and then the mediterranean. besides a straight facilitates countries like russia and ukraine with access to the mediterranean and high seas. we can argue the hormostrate that joins the persian gulf to the sea of oman is now considered the most vital waterway in the world for a transit of energy. the suaz canal in egypt was constructed in 1869 by france and britain.
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besides its strategic importance, it is used to establish a link between europe to west asia and led to a flourishing business in two other natural straights in the world, namely babalmand dub and malakka. the malakka straight is located in southeast asia between the indonesian island of sumatra and the malay peninsula. many experts believe it's the most important maritime choke point in the world. according to the united nations conference on trade and development, about 60% of maritime trade passes through asia. the south china sea alone carries 1/3ird of the global shipping. the route depends on the malaco straight which connects the south china sea and the pacific ocean to the indian ocean. the route is the artery of major economic powers in asia like japan, taiwan.
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south korea and especially china, the second largest economy in the world. every year, over 100 thousand ships in the south china sea sail towards the malaka straight. the babbamanandab straight a straight between the gulf of aden and the red sea and joins asia to the horn of africa. the first move by the uae in this new region of plot was to get israel involved in the babalmandab strategic waterway. israely officials directly suggested that the uae develop the petim island adjacent to the bablemondop straight in order to link it. with the sokotra island in the south of the straight and the gulf of akaba and the port of ialat in the north of the red sea. the development initiated a strategic partnership between the two, the uae and the israeli regime. in may 2021,
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images from the planet lab's commercial satellite were released from the pedium island. it showed that there's a relatively large 1800 meter air strip under. construction on the island, the israeli website depka file affiliated with the masad spy agency for the first time claimed in a report that the uae was behind the construction on pedium. the israeli media said error field for planes to land and takeoff as well as infrastructure for espinage activities on the island were coordinated between the uae and israel to control the ships that sail through bobblem dub towards the suas canal with the iranian commercial ships as a prime targets. what's more, construction of the airport on pedium island gave the uae the chance to transfer some of its equipment from the asab airbase
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in eritria to this island, which is only 3 and a half kilometers away from yemen's mainland, so in case of aerial backup for its forces, it could be done in the shortest time. time possible on the development of petim island by the uae, democratic us senator chris murphy said that construction the base on the island reminds us that, as opposed to what the uae claims, it hasn't gotten out of the yemen war. recent reporting suggest that the administration intends to move forward with the sale of reaper drones to the uae, the emirates already have a record of illegally transferring weapons to... two salaphist militias in yemen, and congress frankly is not received sufficient assurances that such transfers will not happen again. some of the main reasons the saudi arabia got militarily involved in yemen were to reduce its reliance on the straight of hormos, have control over yemen's oil and
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gas resources and use potentials of the country's ports near the red and arab seas. the straight of hormos is considered the most strategic route in the world, 1/3ird of the total natural gas products and a six of the crude oil in the world pass through the hormo straight. among the six arab literal states the persian golf, qatar, kuwait, and bahrain can export their oil products only through the hormones straight. a large number of ports in the uae and saudi arabia are dependent on the strategic. that's why the two countries have been trying for several decades to find alternative routes and diminish their dependence on the horn straight. we're witnessing one of the largest shifts in global geostrategic power that the world is witnessing. the saudi government
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heavily relies its terminals and ports in places like rasal tanura. according to data release by the us energy information administration, they... export 3.4 million barrels of oil produced in saudi arabia per day from these ports. during the past decades, saudi arabia tried to reduce its dependence on the persian gulf terminals and the straight of hormos by expanding its oil pipelines that pass overland called jubal yambu, which snakes through the east to the west of the country. the pipeline carries about 3 million barrels of oil every day from refineries. from the east of saudi arabia, like abqe and al-kore, to the yambu oil terminal in the west on the coast of the red sea, but this pipeline alone cannot reduce saudi arabia's dependence on the hormose straight. it should have augmented its export
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capacities, considering yemen's location as saudi arabia's neighbor and it's adjacency to the strategic bubblemund up straight and the coasts of the red and arab seas. it was the most important option for the saudis. the uae is also seeking to develop the al fujeera port on the other side of the hormose straight. so its commercial ships can directly access the arab sea and the indian ocean, because the saudis want to be able to, they want to run pipeline down from saudi arabia, my pointer from, because it economically be very helpful, right, right now all the oil goes out through the persian gulf, right, and they're worried about what if that gets shut down at some point, what if the iranians closed down the straight off for moves, so the saudis up here want pipeline that would come right down through here and go right out there and they'd put up a big facility and they they would bypass the persian gulf initiative for moving go right
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through that part, but the omanies are livid about this, this is basically their backyard and the saudis are going to use it for their economic benefit, so i don't how to get, but doudis are eyeing that little that little tip the end for economic benefit. in fact, investment on and construction of new pipeline from the north to the south, which is complementary to the east-west oil pipeline in saudi arabia, name. the jubail yambu pipeline help to achieve two-pronked goal: firstly, it can minimize its dependence on the transit of oil products through the hormone straight, and secondly, it creates the necessary infrastructure to extract the rich and intact oil and gas resources in yemen and transfers them to southern terminals in the country. and that's, i mean, the pipeline is still as far as well, intact, and it runs down to an indian ocean facility and... can put it on ships and they move it around the world. yemen is located in the
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bubble mandab area, which gives it an extraordinary strategic importance. there's also another reason why it's on foreign powers radar, it's rich and intact oil and gas resources. the valuable underground treasure in yemen has tempted saudi arabia to pursue its old dream to use the resource. sources and control the energy market in west asia and other parts of the world. i also want to mention what i think has motivated this switch or this ignition of a more interventionist foreign policy um from the gulf states from qatar, uae and saudi arabia in particular, but they share some things in common, and so the first driver of this more interventionist foreign policy is really what i call the magic decade, and magic decade was 2003 to 2014, this enormous um generation of
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revenue from oil and gas um exports and so this allows these states to have the capacity, the economic capacity um to put themselves on the map in different ways uh in a wider widening sphere of influence. before the internal conflicts in yemen in the early 2000s, the country produced 400 thousand barrels of oil per day, and 445 million cubic feet of natural gas. although it was a low amount compared to other countries in west asia, it was huge boom for poor country like yemen and its economy. from 2011 and the start of the conflicts in the country, oil production in yemen saw plunge.
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نحن بلد نعتمد على ايرادات النفط والغاز في تسيير امور بلادنا 60% من موازنه الدوله كانت تاتي من عائدات القاس نعم اليوم هذه المنشاه ا بالعربي الفصيح تقف الامارات حجر عثره في تشغيلها. and about 17 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, but some unofficial figures put
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the volume of the underground resources at 8.9 billion barrels of oil, which is three times higher than the official figure registered by the yemini government. this figure has not been confirmed and it might increase even further, especially since estimates add 5 billion barrels of oil reserves in southern yemen. oh is not a big deal, it's diminishing, they have fair amount of lng, of natural gas. currently, we can say most of the gas fields in the marib governor are under the control of saudi backed mil'. and oil refineries in the country are controlled by the uae for the officials in riad who suffered heavy political and military defeat in the yemen war, economic resources and the transit routes in yemen are considered vital. on the other hand, the
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anstro movement, which controls large populated areas in yemen, is seeking to access a oil and gas resource. in the country as valuable treasure for the future, for reconstruction and progress of the country after decade of devastating war. as for the plundering of yemen's oil resources by saudi arabia, the executive director of the yemen national oil company says. المملكه العربيه السعوديه المستفيده الاكبر هي قوه حالف العدوان بقياده الولايات المتحده الامريكيه هم من يقومون بنهب ثروات وخيرات المواطن اليمني قد وصلت السفينه سارا سوتا يوم نهايه يوم 13/8/2021 الى ميناء شبوه لتحميل ما يقارب 106800 طن من النفط الخام اي ما يقارب 950 الف
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برميل من النفط الخام. al-adari continues that studies by institutes affiliated with major companies that are active in excavation of oil wells prove that the uncharted oil reserves in yemen will be far larger than the official 3 billion barrels and resources in marib, shaba, aljaf and hazarmut are even larger than the fossil fuel resources in all arab countries of the persian gulf put together. "in 2012 the year was not so good because of all the incident we had and bombing of the main pipeline and we produce only 5.2 million tons when our design capacity is about 6.7 and even better in reality whenever we have no shutdown or whenever we have long trend of running. in particular in 2011 the year was quite good
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and we were able to produce 6.9 million ton. one of the largest oil fields inside. saudi arabia is located in rubalhali desert. every year, hundreds of millions of barrels of oil are extracted from that region, but the interesting thing is some experts believe that the main part of the oil field is extended to the south and is under the northern and eastern provinces of yemen, like aljaf and hazarmut. that's why. arabia is seeking to gain control over the northern and eastern desert areas, more than controlling the populated urban areas in yemen, in order to be the soul developer and extractor of the rich oil resources in yemen. the importance of using oil reserves in yemen under special and critical conditions in the world market stands out. what's more? ever since joe biden
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won the president. al election in the us in 2020, he's been trying to stop the war on yemen and control the energy markets in the world by granting privileges to the sana based government, including delisting the antecerolla movement as so-called terrorist organization and mounting pressure on saudi arabia to establish seasfire. he is reversed the designation of the houties as a terrorist organization which threatened to cut off humanitarian aid to millions, by ramping up pressure on the saudiled coalition to stop the war in yemen, the biden administration is scrambling to return the arab country to the oil and gas market in the world in order to make up for the low supply and consequently reduce fuel prices. the us has always supported occupiers in yemen and has saw to
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advance its constant policy of managing energy markets and controlling transit routes. this war have. has to end and to underscore our commitment, we are ending all american support for offensive operations in the war in yemen, including relevant arm sales. despite macro plans, the support by western powers, topping them all, the us, and spending millions of dollars by the uae and saudi arabia implement their goals, nine years after the start of the war in yemen, riyad and abu dhabi have failed. to completely implement their plots in the region, for example, as discussed in detail, the... temarati government is eyeing the expansion of the ports in the south of yemen in order to turn them into international financial and transit hubs, but it hasn't yet
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inaugurated the developed ports in southern and western yemen. you can trace the reasons in the incident that happened on september 11th, 2021 in the almoka port. on that day, the southern transitional council leaders and forces under the command of tarik saleh established the newly developed almoka port with some uae officials in attendance and gradually start receiving shipping at the port. a few hours before the ceremony, the silos constructed at the port came under missile attack and the ceremony was completely cancelled. it was decisive response by yemen's ansur movements to the uae and the forces back. by abu dhabi, the message was as long as the hudaida port and the coasts are illegally occupied by the saudi lead coalition, the rivals won't be
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allowed to use the southern ports. on the other hand, saudi arabia, that wanted to construct oil and gas fields and extend pipelines from yemeni soil in order to reduce its dependence on the hormones trait hasn't even been able to secure its interest in the madip. and gas fields because marib, occupied by the former yemani government of mansur hadi, is besieed by popular forces in yemen. if the conflicts in yemen resume, the saudis and the militants supported by riyad might lose control over the city and the oil fields, which would in turn disrupt a major part of the saudi economic aspiration in yemen. yemen's geopolitical importance on the coast of babandab straight as well as the
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rich natural resources in the country clearly show why several regional and extraaregional powers have been draining their military power, political force and financial resources for over decade to try to control yemen's ports and strategic oil and gas. fields, after some time, with the restoration the political stability, the horn of africa and southwest asia, the countries that can exert their influence on these countries either directly or through proxies will wield astronomical power to impose their political will in west asia and political bickering by gaining control over one of the most vital maritime trade routes in the world.
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now this part of the world has been deprived of peace and calm for many years, people in this region deserve to experience peaceful days, will the country see calm again, with her finally... be new chapter in the history of this land without any tension.
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this is my land and my country. it is not only the 1948 or 1967 borders from the sea to the river. i am not ready to let go of a
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centimeter. israel is here. here like any for by the support of the europe, by the support the united states, that's why they separate the land, well i was at the babel shams protest last week and i'm myself had my head banged against a bus by soldier. illegally on illegal stolen land and they are arresting us, the palestinians. this is historical palestine.
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the israely occupation demonstrates its hattridge on houses of the lord. this mask was reduced to rubble by f-16 war jet. their way led to the destruction of the houses around the mask causing the fall of marchers and injuries amongst neighbors of the mask. "the palestinians did not stand on the romans the masks idly, but they created temporary mosks that don't protect them from neither the cold of winter nor the heat of the summer.
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the headlines on the 114th day of the us israel genocidal war in gaza, occupation forces persist in their aggressive campaign against palestinians, israely occupation forces conduct a fresh raid on the jane camp in the west bank resulting in the abduction of several palestinians and the lebanese resistance movement demonstrates on wavering resolve escalating his fight against this world through using new advanced missiles.