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tv   Gaza Under Attack66  PRESSTV  January 31, 2024 12:02am-12:31am IRST

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of welcome back to gaza under attack everyone, i'm said puraza, plenty to discuss with my guests in the next half hour, but first a quick look at some of the latest developments. the ongoing us-israeli genocidal war on gaza has killed more than 350 palestinians over the past 48 hours, pushing palestinian casualty numbers to more than 26,400 dead and over 65%. others
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wounded. palestinian news agency wafa says two palestinian journalists have been killed in overnight us-israeli strikes on the gaza strip, pushing the total number of reporters killed by israel since october the 7th to 122. an iraqi resistance group claims responsibility for a drone attack that killed three american soldiers and wounded 34 others a base along the jordan syria border. "a fresh strike by yemen's armed forces against an american warship in the gulf of aton in another show of support for palestinians in the gaza strip. the un urges continued funding to anrua's lifesaving aid in gaza after several western countries cut aid to an agency that two million civilians in gaza depend on, and the fallout from the icj ruling this past week that put the israeli regime and its allies on trial. joining me on this edition of the program, student and..."
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activist patricia talib and alongside her reviewer skype from manchester is business manager and activist natasha khan. let me start with natasha. the icj ruling did not go israel's way, although it fell short of calling for a cease fire. the court has found a plausible risk that genocide is occurring or could occur, and that will be difficult for the israelity regime to shrug off, try as it might, won't it? "i feel like we're aware that is the genocide, i mean israel have been you know giving cart blanch to level up gaza, i mean they act with that impunity, and whilst this will you know make the world aware that this is in fact the genocide and they have committed war crimes, i don't think it will do much in the way of um any any justice or or any cease fire insight - for the palestinians and patricia, same question to you, we heard..." yahoo's comments on the
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icj ruling, we heard ben gaver's comments, the so-called minister of national security, calling it anti-semitic, they can't put this behind them, this is going to stick. i think in terms of a shift and public opinion, that is the one thing that i think the icj succeeded in, in terms of abiding by international law, i think israel in general has very long track record of not abiding by international law, and you can see that from the clear dismissal. of israeli officials, so that's one of the issues with the zionist entity, so we had a similar case when the west bank east when parts of jerusalem were claimed to be palestinian, and the the that when the court ruled that it's illegal to keep on building uh settlements in the west bank and that never stopped anybody, it never stopped american investors from investing, it did not stop um uh the west bank looking more and more like an extreme nightmare apartide
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system, so they've never respected international law, you see them using white phosphorus all over the um the region, you see them carpet bombing, which is clearly against international law, now they've also been come there, diicj has ruled that there is case that can be made for genocide, um, is it that same disregard for international law, that sense of immunity provided by the likes of the united states, it has allowed israel to continue with the genocidal campaign in the gaza strip, even in the wake of the icj ruley? definitely, it's been the backing of western countries, so you see this gas lighting, even from the media. we've been talking about the genocide for the past couple of months as anyone that has been a pro palestinian voice has, and you see journalists absolutely dismissing that and making it sound like uh, we're saying something petty, we're being overly emotional at best, you see david cameron ' make a
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statement the uk foreign secretary, yeah, the uk foreign secretary talk about uh essentially how uh israel cannot commit agen side because it's a democratic country at the um absolute. the excuses that were being met with expelling a politician from the connessit for supporting the icj ruling, speaking of democracy. yeah, absolutely, absolutely, it's an apartite terrorist regime, is what it is, and does it, speaking of reporters and journals, does it give you hope at all, are you hopeful that in the wake the icj ruling that these, the global media so to speak, will start using the g- word, the genus. words that they've been dancing around. i do not think so. um, i do not, i think despite the fact that we have enough proof of the war crimes, we've still not heard anything over the past couple of months, um, any sort of real substantial criticism from mainstream media, um, there
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might be some changes uh, in terms of more criticism towards designist entity, but i do not think that that is going to be a statement that is going to be officially um used. all right, let me bring natasha back in. uh, we all know, natasha, that there is a price to be paid for speaking out for palestine, in other words, against apartide israel. what has been your experience with that? um, i think people have always found the topic pack controversial, which i find shocking, considering that we're talking about, um, ethnic cleansing and categorical um, genocide, um, as i said, i said without, i meant they act with. impunity, mean there seems to be no ramification of repercussion, there is no consideration to anything that pre-dated october 7th and dating way back to the nap, um, i protested for palestine, um, i don't know if you've seen the video that went viral, i was a labor conference and i
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witnessed - yeah, a palestinian man, um, he came just to challenge mps and let them know that his family had been killed in gaza and he was met with blank stairs and apathy, mean it was got wrenching grief and this is the general um the general attitude towards people um of palestine or anyone that protest with palestine, you almost become a parier in your community in your workplace for expressing any type of emotion, even though our country are explain that deafness than blindness on the part of the politicians here for instance as far as the palestinian plight is concerned that everybody has been seeing for more than three months now. um, i i think it's a lot to do with the propaganda, we see media, a mainstream media, i think it's been really irresponsible and coverage and obviously very prozionis and that's uh pay uh contribute a lot to the general uh public's uh you know perception of what's happening -
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even the language use and the dehumanization of of the palestinians that is for sure natasha uh moving on now hot on the heels of the uh that ic j ruling that said israel had to do its most to limit death and destruction in gaza and facilitate more humanitarian aid, at least 10 countries, including the us, suspended funding to the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees, also known as as anrua, operating the gaza strip. it came after the israeli regime accused number of agency staff of involvement in the october 7th operational flood. ireland and norway have said spending $66 million dollars in aid is the wrong response, honor, which has some 13,00 staff members in gaza, expanded its operations during the israeli bombardment and runs shelters that house hundreds of thousands of newly displaced people. here is palestinian
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prime minister mohamed steya appealing for the resumption of international aid that so many palestinian lives depend on. "the accusations that israel has made against certain staff of the anorwa should have waited until investigation has come up with results. we were extremely shocked that certain number of countries have decided to suspend its aid or their aid for the anarwa. the countries that have announced this suspension, their aid amounts to 70% of the annual budget. the united nation relief and work agency. this measure is extremely dangerous and it is our hope that it will be rever. the suspension of aid is in line with the israeli plans for the force evacuation of our people from gaza into egypt. the
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suspension of aid comes at the most difficult times. at the time when the international court of justice has called for. immediate supply and increase supplies and international aid into gaza, anorwa provide aid for 1.7 million palestinian ingas. okay, let's discuss that with my guests. patricia, i'll start with you. i got two questions for you, one is the timing of it all, as we heard the pm say, and as well as um, his comment there, that this is a prelude to um, the israeli regime trying to ethnically cleanse palestinians, pushing them off the gaza strip all together. um, i think the timing makes sense, right, because even most. the evidence that was presented to the icj was from anarwa, it was mostly from un institutions
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that are un organizations that are working within the strip, so it does make sense, it's this um, it seems like international law actually has become something of a joke, international organizations have become something of a joke where america can just come in and do whatever it pleases, it can cut off funding and punish people with sanctions, even as we can see now un organizations, anything... to support its own interests in whatever region they pleased to interfere uh in, so i think that's something that sadly is expected, it's not something that shocks us anymore, um, and i think as a lebanese citizen and someone who's from the middle east, i do not think that that's that it's shocking that international law has once against failed the people of the middle east, um, and and do you agree with the prime minister there as many, i think... that this is a prelude, but precursor to israel trying to ethnically cleanse the gaza strip
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altogether, absolutely, i think from day one that was something that was clear from the pressure that was exerted onto the egyptian government to take on refugees, the eu offered, it's reported that eu offered money um aid so that they could take them in, this was something that was absolutely there are leak documents from netanyahu's office talking about this matter um and it's not... something that uh designist entity has not done before, it's it's quite clear, um, even in the statements of politicians in their genocidal statements, they want to get rid of palestinians, they see palestinians as a plague to the land that they're entitled to, um, so it absolutely makes, let me put this question to natasha as well, how do you see this? this is obviously collective punishment a time when there is a looming humanitarian catastrophe, 1.8 million displayed palestinian. is lot of them um at risk of experiencing famine and yet more than 10
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countries withdraw funding from a un agency whose presence in the gaza strip is so critical at at such a critical time. it's absolutely disgusting. um, obviously the intent there is to kind of penalize anybody that should expose the truth, which has always been israel's tactics and should anyone else uh be. um deemed to be complicit in that, then they to take the same sort of action. um, it's just disgusting what we see, you know, from you, aral bombardment when that there's missiles to chemical weapons and now people are just dying of just common colds and starvation, um, they put an embargo on insulin for children, mean the depravity is just nauseating, um, and i think we all we're all aware of that etnic cleansing agenda and i don't think they take much effort into into concealing that to be honest. exactly. now let me take moment to remind our viewers that you're watching gaza
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under attack with me saiza where we shine a spotlight on the ongoing us-israeli carnage in the gaza strip. as we discussed previously, several western countries have halted their support of gaza's largest date agency, move that could threaten the lives of gazans who currently depend on humanitarian assistance, have neighboring muslim nations done enough to assist their palestinian brothers and sisters. "we asked parvin hussein a muslim mother in london for her thoughts. the muslim nations, well, i think it's a travisty to call the muslims in the first place, because if they were true muslims, they would look out for the ummah. they are not muslims in the first place, they are just stuges of the west, they installed in these countries by the west to meet its own agenda, and they are and they are very..." narrow minded, they are looking at their own monetary economic, so callalled
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economic interest, they want to have trading relationships with israel, that that criminal entity, the occupying people, saudi arabia, the leads all the rest and all the gulf countries are together in this, so they just want to make a quick benefit, quick profit from this. to normalize relationships with some someone like israel, to let the palestinian cause just be forgotten and and that tyran nethanyahu showed the map without without the presence of palestine and israel has these notions where will be the greater israel, so it will not stop, it's a monster, it's a monster which needs to be checked, it wants to invade go into lebanon, it wants it
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wants to just swallow up everything with the height of the western. superpowers. parvine also told us that the people of those countries are fed up with their own governments. the masses are totally against their own rulers, but they have been oppressed tyrannically, and they are imprisoned, they are beheaded, they are put their their uprising is put down, but it will come to bite them, it may not happen in the next decade or it will happen in 20 years time, but it is. that the pathways have been set for general massis to rise up and if you look at what's happening to the common people in america, even though they are not of the from the umma, but they are human as a human being, you would rise up against this atrocity, this oppression, so so so the muslims in these countries are going to rise
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up sooner or later, they can't kill off the entire population, the gen battle of war on gaza has been the deadliest for media workers ever recorded, 120 journalists killed in less than four months, number that dwarfs the figure from the vietnam war and world war ii, 63 and 67 respectively. to commemorate the fallen, south africa-based journalists and pro-palestinian demonstrators have held a vigil in johannesburg to honor those targeted and killed by apartide israel in gaza. "none of us here are actually telling the palestinian stories, we can't, we are too far away, we are relying on our colleagues in gaza and our colleagues closer to the conflict to tell that story. what we can do is support the endeavor, what we can do is ensure that our the language we use in our in
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the in the telling of the story by our newstroms is accurate and that we stand" and insolidarity when they are targeted, that's what we can do. all right, let's continue the conversation with my guests, patricia taleb and natasha khan. um, natasha, the deliberate killing of the voices bringing us the stories from the ground can only mean you're hiding something. yeah, most definitely. i mean rather than going for, i mean, initially, they went with the narrative of trying to get all hamas fighters. and we've seen time and time again them targeting non-combatants women and children um and these are often time brushed over, we saw them not only killing - their own um showing the global sign of peace, the white flag of surrender and they did it to to ours as well which was important as mainstream media um again they try to question the journalistic integrity of these people because when truth is exposed
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they panic um but they made no secret of it, the idea is to make the the ship entirely uninhabitat. not only in terms of the environment, but getting rid of those of professions, those that can expose the truth, those that can offer medical support, those that can educate, the ideas to make it so it's just hell on earth for those that remain, um, honestly despicable, listen to these things and i can't believe this is the world we live in, it is unbelievable indeed, patricia, so if you're a journalists in the gaza strip, you're targeted and murdered by apartide regime. aided and abeted by its western backers, and if you're a journalist outside of the gaza strip in the western world and challenge the status quo of the israeli narrative, you run the risk of losing your job, and this happened in the uk, um, for example, attempt by the former israeli ambassador to the un and the ankba advocate by the name of danny danan, who has tried to
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get a journalist on britain's sky news fired simply for challenging his remark. about gaza, how do we explain that? how do we wrap our minds around something like that? i think the issue with the zionist entity is that um it's announced a war on truth because the very act of showing what is happening in gaz, the very act of showing the truth of the atrocities that they're committing in itself changes international opinion and this is something that we've seen now with the that ability that we've had through social media to be able to to hear the palestinian voices on the ground without much need for media as the middleman anymore, we've never had the... simplicity of the pro israel media or western media who have traditionally beaten the drums of war as in the case of afghanistan, of
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iraq, of libya, elsewhere, and now against the palestinian people. i think that's something that especially in the west has this propagation that there's a neutral way of presenting, um, there's a way that you can actually present things in a unprejudiced way. this parading of um neutrality that western media claims has fallen short time and time and time again when covering especially the issues of the middle east and especially issues where america has uh benefits and special interests in and that's primarily because you see media conglomerates are very much dominated by the same people um and they all have and push the same political agenda and uh it's one of those situations where the very act of showing the atrocities that are committed by the united states and
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by the zionist entity or by the united states in the war in afghanistan are going to actually change public opinion to the point where they would not be able to commit those atrocities so there is it does make that there's a lot sense that there's a lot yeah uh natasha i want you to talk about the following and i'll... use the uk as an example, on the one hand, the uk contributes with aid to the gaza strip a time like this, and probably has before october, and then on the other hand, it helps israel uh militarily, diplomatically, in every possible way, we saw the prime minister go there, stand by prime minister benjamin netan yahu of israel and say he hoped that he would win, uh, i wonder what winning ' meant to him and the uk being home to israeli weapons manufacturers, all kinds of support, so on the one hand aid to the palestinians, but on
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the other enabling the palestinian oppressors to carry on with their oppression, how do we explain that? uh, i'm i'm not entirely sure, i mean, i think the west of always had an alternative agenda for the existence of israel, i mean, as we all know, zionism was. "i think we have temporarily lost natasha, maybe i can put the same question to you um, patricia, so as i say, humanitarian on the one hand, as we saw in the case of yemen, for example, selling billions of pounds or dollars worth of weaponry to saudi arabia, and then being the bigger donor of humanitarian aid to yemen, here as well, how can they do this and get away with it? i think this is something that also has to do with marketing, american politicians have been talking with and..." this manner in particular all over the middle east. i remember few years ago there was this instance even of the american ambassador uh that had gone national tv even though she's a diplomat that's a foreign diplomat she's not
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allowed to interfere in uh internal issues um and she'd come out and she started with the claims of we're actually the biggest donors of lebanon while they've been um spending millions funding uh the iof and at the same time will only uh fund the lebanese army with a couple thousand dollars per year, so there's this absolutely disproportionate way of presenting things, they come in and they say that they're the biggest donors of humanitarian aid whilst also funding the same, the very same atrocities that are going to require humanitarian aid to begin with, exactly, um, and okay, all right, we're fresh out of time though, right, um, on time, thank you very much, patricia taleb, natasha khan, if she's still with us, if not, thank you very much, it's been a pleasure. speaking to both of you, and thank you for watching us. gaza under attack, we'll be back tomorrow with more. until then, keep palestine in your hearts. goodbye.
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germany has shocked many by backing the us israeli genocide in gaza. namibia says germany is yet to atton for the 20th century genocide in the country. why is germany opposed to the south african case against israel at the icj?
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your headlines here on pressv is really forced. storm major hospitals in south of the gazo strip asking displace people there and crew to evacuate at gunpoint. the hamas political bureau chief says the palestinian's priority is to stop brutal aggression against gaza and complete withdraw of occupation forces. and the us president says he decided a response to recent deadly drone strike a us base in jordan, but