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tv   News In Brief  PRESSTV  January 31, 2024 3:00am-3:02am IRST

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hamad says open to come to the negotiating table over gaza. says any deal with israel must stop the brutal aggression on gaza and... in the complete withdraw of occupation forces from the palestinian territory. israel hospital and occupy west bank city of jenine assassinating three palestinians while they're asleep. security camera footage circuit leading online shows about dozen undercover soldiers, including three in women's clothing and two dressed as medical staff launching this deadly raid. yemen
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dismisses u.s. threats about intensifying attacks on the country in response to its anti-israely operations in the red sea. so warn washington against any adventurism in the region saying all threats against the emany people are doomed the failure. yes president says it's decided to on her first response or a response to recent deadly drone strike on us bas in jordan but doesn't want a wider war in the. middle east, joe biden said he holds iran responsible for supplying weapons for attack that killed three us troops. china's warn a us against further feeling tensions in the region following deadly attack on us military base in jordan. china says washington should avoid falling into a vicious cycle of retaliation. russia is also called for deescalation saying overall level of tension. is very alarming:
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the islamic revolution, after its victory, managed to change the political geography and geopolitical structure of the region. the credit for this change goes to the nature of the discourse of the islamic revolution. the ideological framework and the valuable human content presented by leader of the revolution imam khumeini may his noble secret. be sanctified as the speaker and founder were able to create new model and introduce new composition to the region and the world as a whole. with the victory of the islamic revolution, the people of the region realized that they could stand against the west and the east and change the equations. the successive failures of the zionist entity and the united states of america and the region indicate that the islamic revolution was the source of inspiration for the peoples of the world and especially in west asia. so