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tv   Iran Today  PRESSTV  January 31, 2024 6:02pm-6:31pm IRST

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of monday, january 15th, at the stroke of midnight, the islamic revolution guard core launches a brage of its ballistic missiles, the targets and israeli spying nest. located in iraqi kurdistan and some terrorist groups based in syria. these high precision strikes came a couple of weeks after twin suicide attack in carmon killed more than 90 mourners who had come to mark the fourth martterdom anniversary of lieutenant general qasim soleymani, the world anti-terrorism hero. after an unusual, suspicious delay daesh claim responsibility for the attack, although many at home and abroad deeply believe. it
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was the israeli regime who had pulled strings. after the carmon tragedy, iran's political and military leadership vowed strong retaliation. but are the recent missile attacks just a tit for tat or revenge for the carnage in kermon? are they a message to tehran's arch foes? has iran eventually run out of its strategic patience with them, and should the region brace itself for new round of tensions. these and more on this episode of iran today. by many credible accounts, the israeli regime is trying to weave a web of spies and terrorists inside and around iran. you can see the fingerprints of tel aviv insporadic attacks and acts of sabotage against the islamic republic. a regime as weak as israel cannot fight iran face to face, hence it seeks to take revenge for its strategic failures indirectly and through its proxies such as daesh.
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to know more, we sat with dr. an iranian expert on the west. asia region, he told us that the operation was precise with no collateral damage. what do you make of the recent irgc, در ماجرای اخیر ما دیدیم که متأسفانه what happened on the fourth maridam anniversary oftenant general? the islamic republic of iran wanted to show that it's able to beat the enemies on their own turf, so three. weeks after the kerman terrorist
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attack, the irgc fired missiles from different locations at their bases in iraq and syria. the missiles hit the spots, leaving no collateral damage behind. in our of bill, some prominent elements associated with musad were targeted. in at least, the points where the terrorists used to gather, train an arm were pounded with missiles. needless to say, tehran is... indispensable part of the resistance access, number of groups united together to counter the hegemony of the united states and its cronies, above all israel in the region. in fact, the regime considers the islamic republic of iran as the main stumbling block to achieving its expansionist neocolonial goals in the region. on the other hand, a direct military action against iran is nothing short of a suicide for the already evicerated regime. the first
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those strike targeted gathering places of daesh commanders and elements in the vicinity of idlib in syria. this is muhammad shaltuki, security expert based in tehran. he said that the missiles targeted the den of anti-iran terroris in edlib. what were iran's in targets in the attacks and how significant and important were they? one of the targets was the gathering place for terrorists in idlib, syria. given some political agreements, idlib has become a home for several terrorist groups and key training place for them, so it's not only a threat for iran, but for the rest of the world. daish khurasan that claimed responsibility for the kermon terrorist attack has been trained in this area. many terrorists are being trained here and sometimes their training facilities are on par with modern professional army, so a the target was a proper choice. سومین هدفی که
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انتخاب شده another target was the eastern part of the euphrates where the remnants of daesh are based, as you know, the terrorist group has no realm to rule over, but it's scattered in small groups in the eastern part the euphretes, area between iraq and syria. the irgc targeted some of daesh commanders, which shows its intelligence superiority over the region. the second strike targeted the main espionize center of israel's most spy agency in the iraqi kurdistan region, 15 kilometers outside the urban area. it was the key headquarters of mossad in erbill governorate made of several layers of concrete and for this reason the irgc used multiple missiles in the strike. reportedly nearly 10 mosad agents and associates were killed in the strikes. mr. shaltuki added
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that unfortunately erbill has become a center for orchestrating anti-iran activities. target because it was a place for plotting, formulating and commanding anti-iran activities. the area has turned into a center for anti-iran intelligence services. they are present there and have conducted several acts against iran from this point. for example, the assassination of morter fakhrizade was orchestrated from erbil. some quadcopter operations against iran have been carried out from this area, add to them foil operations against our country. the irg. missile attacks on locations in syria and iraqi kurdistan demonstrate iran's capacity for carrying out retaliatory operations on simultaneous fronts. the surgical strikes are also indicative of iran's intelligence superiority over the bases and operations of both daesh
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and its paymasters in the region. but which missiles did the irgc use for these attacks? the irgc fired four target. in addition, nine more missiles of syria traversing 1,230 km before striking the different types pound locations of other terrorist groups in other occupied territories inside syria. messages, for example, iran used its khibar shakan missiles for the first time, they were fired from huzastan and traveled for more than 1,230 km. we could fire those missiles from a closer distance, for example from kermanshah or
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kordastan. we chose the father's point to show the precision and range of the missiles that can strike any target in tel aviv, hafa and so... it's a clear message to the israel regime. at the same time, four missiles from kerman shah province and seven missiles from the west azerbaijan province in the northwest the country were fired aiming the zinas space in our bill. shortly after the irgc missile operations, iran's foreign ministry spokesman nasir khan anis said, the action was in defense of the country's sovereignty and security. it was action against terrorism. and part of the islamic republic's just punishment against violators of the country's security. what missels that the irgc specifically employed in the strikes and what were their main characteristics? that این عملیات. for these operations three types of
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110 missile which has range of 300 km, the fat 113 missile which has range of... 500 km and the kaiber sheken missile which has range of 1,450 km and a 600 kg warhead, it can carry out surgical strikes, it's very strategic and can be prepared very soon in comparison to other types of solid fuel ballistic missiles. it's among our missiles that can reach israel, which means those missiles with range of 1,150 kometers or above. we used four jaibar shekan missiles in these retaliatory operations and they... all struck the targets. germany has shocked many by backing the us israeli genocide in gaza. namibia says germany is yet to atton for the 20th century genocide in the country. why is
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germany opposed to the south african case against israel at the icj? there's plenty more to be said, but first a quick media review to give other outlets a chance to get award in. welcome to the news section of the program, we will go over some news headlines. iran demonstrates missile capabilities with regional strikes. with its strikes on iraqi and syrian territory, iran's islamic revolution guards core is showing that it has become a major regional military power. the bbc writes, the airball attack appeared to underscore the message that not only can the irgc carry out precision strikes, but also it has the ability to strike military installations near. international airport where us and other foreign forces are stationed. irgc's herbal missile strike based
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on legitimate defense. iranian foreign minister hussein amir abdullahyan says a missile strike by the islamic revolution guards court a building in aeroble in iraq's cordesan region was conducted on the grounds of legitimate defense. mh news writes amir abdullahyan said in a phone conversation with his dutch counterpark hanke bruin schlot on friday that in strike. the targets in airb, iran sought to deal effectively with terrorism in the region. he said the center of plotting some terrorist attacks in iran which killed many innocent iranian people, was an espionage based in iraq's kurdistan. the iranian minister urged the netherlands to take an appropriate and effective measure to fight terrorism. iran missile attacks aims to prevent violence and terrorism. a member of the iranian parliament emphasized on tuesday that iran's recent strikes on terrorists and mossad facilities in iraq and syria were conducted with the intention of preventing
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the escalation of violence of terrorism in the region, asserting that these actions were in line with international law. tehran times writes, abbas moqtadai xoraskani, speaking to iranian media highlighted that given the cross-border impact of insecurity and violence, especially evident in recent terrorist activities within iran, the right to self-defense is inherent according to international legal principles. possess a legitimate right to quell the roots of violence and terrorism, he stated. iran promises retaliation for israel, assassination of irgc's military advisors. iranian president sayid ibrahim raisi strongly condemned the assassination of five members of the islamic revolution guards core an israeli missile strike on the syrian capital of damascus warning that the zionist regimes move won't remain unpunished. farse news writes: president raisi said a statement on saturday that the continuation of such terrorist and criminal attacks, which are
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indicative of the increasing failure and defeats of the zionist regime in achieving its malicious goals and the depth of its frustration with the fighters of the resistant front will not go unanswered by tehran. well, that's it for today, and i invite you to go back to our main narrative. the islamic republic has always supported peace, security and stability in the region. tehran has all always respected other countries's national sovereignty and at the same time has considered for itself the legal and legitimate right to deter all security threats. terrorism is a global threat and iran is determined to counter terrorism within the framework of joint regional and international cooperation. fighting against daesh was case in point where tehran spared no effort to save iraq from the curse of this blood thirsty terrorist group. statements issued by iraqi and kurdish authorities, however, were not that friendly, calling the
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irgc action violation of iraq's national sovereignty, but was it really? to know the answer, we met with mr. abulfazl amui, he's the spokesman for the national security and foreign policy commission of majlis or the iranian parliament. some say that, uh, the attacks, regardless of the intention, have violated the national sovereignty of iraq, what... what do you think we targeted the mussad base in northern iraq for the sake of our own national interests. it was not a violation of iraq's national sovereignty. we recognize the country's national sovereignty and territorial integrity and we have a friendly relationship with baghdad. if i'm not mistaken, the iraqi constitution stipulates that iraq soil should not be used against a third country. tehran expects it to be noted. if the security agreements between tehran and baghdad had been respected, we
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wouldn't have had to take such actions. we have sent complete explanations for the iraki authorities. at the same time, the door of diplomatic tokes is open, and i think the iraqi authorities are well informed about the activities of this center. politicians in the west rush to use the retaliatory move as a bloody shirt to stare up outrage against tehran. the uk secretary. state david cameron for example said the uk condemns iran's attacks in irbil. these unprovoked and unjustified actions or an unacceptable violation of iraq's sovereignty. territorial integrity, unprovoked and unjustified actions, we asked mr. abul faz zohravan about the violation of iraq's national sovereignty, something that he categorically rejected. mr. zohravan is veteran iranian diplomat with years of experience in politics under his belt. some, including a britain's foreign secretary condemned the attacks as violating
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iraq's national sovereignty and claimed it to be unprovoked. what is your opinion? key secretary of state to understand this point, or otherwise he is just trying to distort the reality. the term violation is applicable if our action has destabilized iraq. that's why the irakis have been harmed by terrorist groups and some movements and elements associated with the israeli regime. the presence of elements associated with the israeli regime without the knowledge and permission of baghdad is an example of the
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violation of iraq's sovereignty. or likewise, us bases on iraqi soil is against the country's laws. if they themselves were out of iraq and then fired missiles out of the blue, that could be called the violation of iraq's national sovereignty, but you see that it is them that have violated it in the first place. while critics say such actions from tehran might escalate regional tensions, the fact is the region is already suffering from mounting and unresolved tensions due to the interference of the us and its allies in the first place. and what the islamic republic is doing is mostly a reaction. some say the attacks will add a fuel to the fire because the region is already one of the most volatile regions in the world, what is your opinion. our regional stability is the
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presence of foreign forces and the occupation regime of israel. take a look at the regime's genocide act against the palestinian people. at the same time, the regime creates and supports terrorist groups in the region and unleash them against regional states. we are fully aware that the terrorist groups which act against our country are directed by the zionist regime and the united states. that's why we think the best way to reach peace and stability in the region is to put an end to the occupation of the palestinian lands and at the same time the presence of foreign forces in the region. they know how to solve the problems peacefully because they have lot in common in terms of culture and religion. i think in the absence of foreign instigation and interference, the region can enjoy peace and stability, so we see the root cause in interference of the united states and the
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israeli regime. we believe that the regime will keep fanning the flames of instability in the region. for its own benefits, so countering both the us and israel is to the benefit of iran and other countries in the region. the irgc military action is yet significant from other perspectives. it serves as a reminder that any action against the islamic republic will not go unpunished. some believe it's also a turning point in iran's approach towards any attack its soil. this time around, not. only the irgc took responsibility for the attacks, but also tried to publicize it widely. observers believed the irgc has sought to hammer home a clear message to its enemies, above all the israeli regime, don't mess with tehran. to what extent do you think that the attacks were uh planned and calculated and not just a hap-hazard strike? iran ویژگیشه که تحلیلگرهای
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characteristic. today most of the international newspapers, such as the guardian have acknowledged that iran is the unrival power of the region. i mean today they are talking about the withdraw of us troops from the whole region. we don't say that, that's what is said in prominent newspapers and by western analysts. so imagine that power like iran takes action recklessly or rashly. the missile attacks had clear message. they showed that iran is still in control over what is being unfolded in the region. this. time around the retaliatory strikes came fast and furious. it seems that iran has put aside the in the right place at the right time strategy, or at least accelerated the retaliatory process. to in the right place at the right time soon. do you think that right now we are witnessing the end of iran's strategic patience policy and we are actually at the brink of new
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battle by the resistance access under the leadership of iran in the middle east. من معتقدم این ادبیات رو بایدش کرد. first of all strategic patience doesn't necessarily mean avoiding confrontation and if you engage with the enemy it does mean that you have run out of your strategic patience. when you have a clear strategy, every single step you take is accompanied with composure and patience. mean, you know the blow you have dealt has not been out of anger. when you know what you're doing, it means you still have your own strategic patience. moreover, this time around, according to the statement issued by the irgc, the action was not just in retaliation for the anti-iran acts of terror. but also for the assassinations of syrian, palestinian, lebanese and iraqi figures in the resistance access, an unprecedented move whereby retaliation is not for iran, but for
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the whole resistance front. with the missile operations iran has activated two fronts so far, one in iraq and the other in syria. the questions are, has tehran thrown down the gauntlet and is the country going to engage directly with israel and the... united states and will the next missiles land directly in tel aviv? we just have to wait and see. what do you think the effect of the irgc attacks on terrorist groups basis and those affiliated with musad has in the long run? do you think that it would sustain the peace in the region or on the contrary it would heighten tensions? امروز چیزی که مهم هست عامل قدرت. important is the power factor, power has the final say in politics: we have to defend our national interest, if we do not counter the enemy its own turf, we will have
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to fight them on our own soil, which is not a great idea, through resistance we have managed to undermine the hegemony of the enemy in the region, that's why the americans are refraining from engaging with us directly, they are constantly sending messages to us saying: that they are not going escalate tensions. that's all for today. thank you for watching from the whole team. please do tune in again same time next week and each week after. don't forget to send us your comments and topic requests. you can also follow us on facebook, instagram and x. till next time. take care.
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rest of the headline another mask wave is found in northern gaza, including 30 blindfolded bodies. the un is warning of humanitarian collapse in the gaza strip due to the western donors cutting funding for arawa, and the eu proposes new measures to deal with farmer protests across the continent of rising cost and environmental issues.