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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 1, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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israel's indiscriminate strikes killed nearly 150 civilians across the gaza strip in 24 hours as total death p from regime's genocide near's 27, palestines un ambassador strongly condemns funding cuts to unra by the us and its allies is inhumane, cruel and irresponsible, and us based starbuxa cuts its annual sales forecasts and misses market expectations amid a global boycott of pro israel companies over the regime's campaign of genocide in gaza.
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hello everyone, it's 4 am in the bessieg gauza strip, you're watching press tv, world news, israeli air strikes and artillery continue pounding the bessieg, gaza strip nearly four months into the regime's genocidal war, the palestinian health ministry says nearly 150. 50 people were killed and over 300 injured in over dozen attacks across the territory in the last day. attacks include aerial strikes targeting the maggrabe neighborhood southeast of gaza, also in bet hanoon in northern gaza, artillery farther left civilians dead and several injured. the southern city of rafa, israely forces targeted vehicle killing four civilians including a child. according to the health ministry, total death toll has reached 26,900. mostly women and children, the
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ministry added nearly all the hospitals in northern gaza are operating with minimal medical personnel due to the displacement of staff. many rights organizations have warned israel's relentless attacks are taking the blockated territory to a breaking point. and joining us for more out of gaza, earlier was our corresponded there muti, abu musab. uh, this... this sound is the sound of the israeli fighter drones and they are buzzing all all the day over the heads of the palestinian resistant and it it has become a matter of fact for the palestinian people that there whenever there is any kind of this having these israeli fighter jones flying on such low heights and distances this means that the israeli incubation forces are going uh to carry out more strikes and more attacks on that area so it's there apparently there
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are yet more massacers to be committed by the israeli incubation forces and apparently you know clearly and you can hear clearly uh how how annoying the voice is um so this we are talking in the same context by the way that the israeli incubation forces all the time striking the several areas and several bars of gaza strip and we can say that the israeli the israeli bombardments hitting all areas of gaza strip simultaneously these as we speak right now that even city and city four palestinian, four palestinian civilians have just been killed by the israelicubition forces in miraj area after the israeli fighter drones targeted their car, their civilian car as they were moving in the street. palestine's union ambassador has severely taken to tas those countries the suspended funding to the un agency for palestinian refugees. riad, scribes everers
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to undermine onra as inhumane, cruel and irresponsible. in dealing with the israeli allegations against some honorable staff, one should never lose sight of these realities and of israel's stated goal for years now of dismantling honor, and they succeeded one time during the... trump administration of denying funding for honor for more than three years. there is no reason to preempt the outcome of the investigation or to take measures that effectively amount to the collective punishment of 30,000 honor staff and millions of refugees, beneficiaries of honora services, undermining honor. would be
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inhumane, cruel and irresponsible. he made the remarks a un security council meeting on the israeli onslot in gaza. mansu was referring to us and several other countries that are pause donations to unra, this after the israeli regime alleged dozen of the agencies employees had taken part in the hamas operation on october 7th against israel then announced it fired number of its staff after israel provided the agency with information. unra denies wrongdoing though emphasizing its role is only to provide relief during security council meeting una chief martin griffice called on the us and its allies to... first their decision saying the entire humanitarian response for gaza is completely dependent upon honora. anra's life saving services, as was mentioned by so many member states yesterday to over three
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quarters of gaza's residence should not be jeopardized by the allegation alleged actions of few individuals. "it is matter of extraordinary disproportion. our humanitarian response for the occupied palestinian territory is dependent, completely dependent on anra being adequately funded and operational. onra was founded back in 1949 to help hundreds of thousands of palestinian refugees following the formation. the designist entity, the un secretary general antonio gutierez also defended the agency saying it is the backbone of all humanitarian operations in gaza. he appealed to all member countries to guarantee the continuity of unra's work. i underscored the importance of
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keeping undra's vital work going, to meet the dire needs of civilians in gaza and to... ensure its continuity of services to palestine refugeees in the occupied west bank, jordan, lebanon, and syria. hundra is the backbone of all humanitarian response in gaza. i appeal to all member states to guarantee the continuity of ur's life-saving work. israel regime is now calling for unra to be shut down all together, claiming the organization is totally infiltrated by hamas. un agency has some 30,000 staff, 13,000 of whom work in gaza, the palestinians accused israel of fabricating false information to discredit unra. rights groups also rejected israel's claim arguing what few unra employees did cannot justify dismantling the
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entire organization. regime is frequently attacked unra claiming that it perpetuates the conflict by aiding refugees and discouraging their resettlement. political commentator zafar bengesh says suspension of funding to unra is an act of collective punishment against all palestinians. basically the funding that has been cut off to unraw is essentially an act of collective punishment of the palestinian people. you see this allegation came from israel and israel has made a similar. allegations in the past which have proved to be totally false, and of course, you know, when israel makes any allegations, these are quickly picked up by the western media, particularly in the united states, israel is involved in a barberic onslot on gaza, and yet it makes these
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scandalous allegations in order to prevent any help reaching out to the palestinian people, and we need to keep in mind. that this allegation came day after the international court of justice delivered its interrum ruling and this was a way to divert attention from israeli crimes that the world knows now and to turn attention towards whatever little infractions that some under staff may have undertaken. people were desperate. ejected and deep in poverty, however, after the oil sales skyrocketed, the monarch and the cram de lacram of society were rolling in it, so people rose up to
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protest the yonning castle. and welcome back everyone, us-based starbucks is feeling the pinch from a global global boycott campaign against it in protest at the company's support. for the israely onslot on gaza and now the company is cutting its annual sales forecast in the latest sign the global boycots are taking a tol on pro israeli firms. the world's largest chain of coffee houses says it's seen a significant impact on traffic and uh sales in west asia. impact has been also felt in the us where it's been facing a boycott campaign there as well. as a result starbucks has cut its yearly sales forecast and missed market expectations for this year. company's shares are also down 11% compared to last year. starbucks is not the only company to face consumer backlash for
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supporting the israeli campaign of genocide in gaza. other brands like mcdonald's, kfc, coca-cola and pepsi have also faced intense boycots resulting in substantial losses. this week, oil and gas giant chevron also face new global boycott calls related to its work with the israeli regime. most of these companies. stand accuse of providing corporate support for the israeli entity. the amene army says the targeted another american vessel in retaliation for strikes in the country by the us and the uk and in support of the palestinians in gaza. we discuss this with our guests earlier in our news review program. and i welcome uh everyone
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to press tv's news review program where we get in-depth in one of the days top stories. yemany army says is carried out another operation targeting an american vessel in waters near the country following a string of similar attacks in recent weeks. yemen's army uh spokesperson yahya sorry said merchant ship was hit with naval of missiles as it was heading for occupied palestinian territories. he had a operation was carried out hours after yemeni naval forces targeted an american destroyer, the uss gravely in the red sea with several naval missiles. the spokesperson said operation was in response to recent strikes by the us and uk against yemen. general siri noted the country's armed forces will not hesitate to carry out further operations in retaliation for any act of what he called foolishness. he reiterated that all american and british ships in the red. arabian sees are legitimate targets, as long as aggression against yemen persists, sorry
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added operations targeting israel related ships will continue until regime's aggression on and siege of the besieg gaza's trip ends. and now joining us for our news review program is abdul latif al washali press tv correspondents from the yemen capital sana and sand salasad journalists and commentator joining us out of the city of beirot, hello to both of you, welcome to the program. abdul latif, we're going to start with you, good evening, hope you're safe and doing well out there in sana. tell us all you can, but about these anti-israel operations which have now expanded to anti-us and anti-uk operations. thank you so much, since the first day of the aggression of the uk and us aggression against the eminy army has made it clear that they will target any... uh ship or vessel that is linked to not only israel but also to the uk and the us and you know today the
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yemani army conducted two operations within hours and this is approved to the uk and to the us and also to the international community that the uk and us aggression against yemen against yemen territories against the yemani army has failed to undermine the capabilities of the yemani army and to stuff the yemen army's operations in the rityland also in the gulf of aid and the yemany army will ac absolutely keep targeting the american and british ships and also the israeli link ships. this ship was heading towards the occupied ports in palestine. the yemani army will absolutely keep targeting those ships until they stop the war, even if they stop the aggression against yemen. the yemen army will continue its operations until the siege that is imposed against our brothers in palestine uh is ended and also the genocidal war that is being carried out by israel is stopp the israelis they love to see the yemen as only just proxies for iran, but the truth is absolutely different and it
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is much more complicated. yemenis has their own uh independent interest and they know what to do, they're not following any orders from any party, so uh if they keep uh just assaulting the yemanis and only and also targeting the yeminies, the yemen army will absolutely keep targeting the ships in the red sea and also on the gulf of aiden. thank you abdul latif and sundo salah welcome to the program. now uh sundo. before the us and uk got involved, there were over two dozen uh israely uh related now with their headed to occupied palestine or leaving from it that were targeted uh by yemini. armed forces, there were no fatalities, these were goods being intercepted and denied uh to go and dock in occupied palestine in support of gazans, but then the us gets involved, the uk gets involved, they kill 11 uh yemeneses on the small boats there in the red sea, then they also killed more yemenese when when they hit multiple cities uh about 10 days ago uh
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your thoughts on the fact that the us and uk have had a really heavy handed response, i mean they're willing to kill yemenese to... protect goods, but they're not willing to protect the women and children of gaza. yes, first of all, we have to remind everyone of us that this war has been launched since since the very beginning, has been supported and sponsored by biden and the us administration, and the us has given the green light for for the zionist regime in in order to shed the blood of the palestinian. babies, the palestinian women, the palestinian civilians, so what are the yemenis have have been doing and are doing currently is legitimate and driveus action against this genocide and the work crimes that are being committed against our palestinian brothers in gaza, the same is
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being done by the lebanese resistance of and the iraq resistance and the other resistance faction, so that's totally legitimate and this is the direct message for for the both the british and the american administration and the entire western governments that are supporting this genocide that is being committed in gaza, that you have, you can't undermine the power of the resistance, and it's our duty to to... and insolidarity and support the palestinian innocents and the palestinian people who are being ethnically cleansed without any action from the so-called international community that all to be helping and protecting the civilians, but on the contrary, on the contrary, we have seen that they have done, they have kept
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silent and turn deaf ears and blind eyes ' with the the support that is being granted for this colonial apertite regime occupy palestinian lans. thank you both for joining us, stay safe to both of you, abdul latif alwash ali, press tv corresponder joining us from sana and sonos alasa joining us from beiroot, lebanon and viewers that brings us to the end of this conclusion or this segment your press tv news program, thank you news review program, pardon, thanks for tuning in and bye-bye for now. welcome back back everyone you're watching press tv world news now over to latin america where nicca rog was honored palestinian people by inauguring inaugurating that is a street named after gaza. our correspondent camil escalante
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reports out of managua. nicadagua has dedicated an avenue in its capital to the people of gaza and palestine. the mayor's office of managua held a ceremony to officially name the street and nearby park which has been named parke palestina and recognition and solidarity with the ongoing 75-year struggle against the zionist occupation. in attendance were nicaraguan solidarity groups and representatives of the palestinian. we are very happy doing this act in honor of the fighting people and their historical struggle and the unconditional bond with the people of nicaragua. we are inaugurating an avenue with the name of gaza,
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an avenue that is in our historic center of the city, and we are demonstrating that palestine is there in our home. it's very significant, this reflects the brotherhood and historical relationship between both peoples, both governments. in the midst of the israeli bombing of our people in the gaza strip, nicaragua has demonstrated many times his solidarity towards the palestinian issue. earlier this month, the government of reconciliation and national unity of nicaragua filed a request before the international court of just. to join the case initiated by south africa against israel for the crime of genocide in gaza, saying negaraga is determined to fulfill its obligation to contribute. to preventing and punishing the genocidal acts that are being carried out in the gaza strip, merecen los niños, the children deserve to sleep in
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peace, women to live in peace, palestinian families deserve to live in peace, that is why today we name this park with the great affection, with great solidarity with the people of palestine. this is not just any street, peace to gaza is located in one of the most transited. in the historic center of managua, homage paid by the nicaragan people and their government with the just cause of the palestinian people. camilas galante, press tv, managua. now the us has imposed a barrage of sanctions a number of iraqi institutions, allegging accusations the iraki officials say are completely unreal and baseless. here's a report. in attempt to prevent illicit activity from iraq's financial system, the us treasury department announced on monday that it had imposed
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bearage of sanctions targeting number of iraqi institutions. washington alleges these entities of engaging in money laundering, illegal transactions and supporting anti-us groups. these accusations echo a recurring narrative from the us and its western allies, often employed to... to strengthen their influence in developing countries. america has means it can use in iraq, one of them is the finance, but our government is taking steady steps to prevent any external intervention in the exchange rate. the us treasury on monday identified iraq's al-huda bank as a financial institution of primary money laundering concern, accusing it of serving as a conduit for anti-us financing. simultaneously, the treasury's fin final crimes enforcement network proposed a rule aiming to disconnect the bank from the us financial system. this proposal would bar domestic financial institutions and agencies
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from establishing or maintaining a correspondent account for or on behalf of al-huda bank. additionally, officials claimed that the bank's owner hammed al musawi employed individuals to carry out the purchase of us dollars during currency auctions conducted by iraq's central bank. had. it's a clear message that failure in complying with the us demands will result in brutal sanctions on public and private institutions. this can affect the political block with projects and interests vulnerable to the repercussions of these sanctions. in a related development, the office of foreign assets control has designated the iraqi airline fly baghdad and its ceo for allegedly providing support to anti-us groups. the airline has vehemently denounced. the sanctions, saying that they were not based any material or moral evidence. fly baghdad said in a statement that it will resort to legal means and will demand material
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compensation. the airlines says the decision is grounded on misleading and underreal information that can not stand up to the law. fly baghdad has a contract with the us due to his excellent performance. these accusations are unreal because we are under the supervision. they put us through. checks four times a year, the treasury department's top official said on his visit to baghdad on sunday that they will continue to monitor iraqi individuals, companies and banks. amid the imposition of a fresh wave of sanctions, the us treasury issues cautionary note to iraq regarding potential repercussions. in response, the central bank of iraq affirms its dedication to imposing title financial regulations to mitigate adverse impact on the nation. economy muslim salim, press tv, baghdad, that's r tv, everyone, thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now.
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iranians fed up with the last monarch, took to their streets in 1979 to topple the puppet regime whose strings were being pulled by the us. the uprising had actually started over decade ago under the leadership of imam khomaini who was living in exile. listen to the stories of the protesters who brave the bullets for their cause.
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les bombardements qui ciblent des civil et des infrastructures. i'm deeply concerned about the clear violations of international humanitarian law that we are witnessing in gaza. let me be clear, no party to an armed conflict is above international humanitarian law.
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palestine's ambassador to the united nations condemns the us and its allies for suspending funding to the un agency for palestinian refugees. raad mansur describes efforts made to undermine unra and is inhumane, cruel and irresponsible. is really air strikes and artillery continue to pound gaza for the 118th day. the palestinian health ministry says nearly 100 and 50 people died in over dozen attacks across the territory in a day. death toll has reached 26,900.