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tv   Gaza Under Attack  : PRESSTV  February 1, 2024 12:02pm-12:31pm IRST

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hello and welcome back to gaza under attack. i'm your host said pureza. we'll bring you our panel of guests in moment, but first a quick recap of some of the latest developments. hamas political leader ismail hania says they have received a gaza ceacefire proposal mediated by qatar and egypt. he says hamas is open to discussing any serious and practical initiatives or...
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ideas provided that they lead to a comprehensive cessation of aggression. iran's foreign minister hussen amir abdullahan says the united states knows very well that only a political solution can end israel's ongoing genocide against the gaza strip and the crisis gripping west asia. the un redoubles efforts to keep life-saving funds flowing to anna, its agency for palestinian refugees after more than 10 countries suspended their financial contributions to it. anrua provides crucial aid to over 2 million civilians in the gaza strip. we'll be asking a palestinian journalist, what a suspension of funds means for the palestinians in gaza and beyond? and here in the uk, anti-arms trait protesters target a weapons industry gathering a swanky london hotel, accusing the participants and the british government of complicity in the us-israeli genocidal war on gaza. so far, the carnage in gaza has killed nearly... 27
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thousand palestinians, among them more than 11,000 children. joining me on this edition, british palestinian journalist and political analyst, yusuf and alongside him via skype is ali salam, the tehran-based editor and chief of basira press. gentlemen, thank you for both for being here. i'll start with you, yusuf, the blowback from the icj interim ruling continues to be felled. can i get a reaction? from you as a palestinian who is still wearing that black shirt because you've lost family members, close family members to the genocide? yes, well israel still enjoys this impunity despite the icj ruling and the israely officials they just brack and just of laugh loudly about the icings, they say you can do whatever you want, we're going to continue our war in gaza, the suffering is ongoing and... but at least it's a symbolic
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victory, we have never thought that israel would be broad to justice, i think this will mark the beginning of israel's, the beginning of the end of israel's impunity, at least israel was tried and was accused of genocide, and this should be um a signal that the international community cannot take anymore israel's violations of international law, and israel defying this ruling, this inter ruling and provisional. measures uh because it acts as a country above the international law, as a state, and they are not trying away from just saying, okay, you know, do whatever you want, we're going to continue our carnage and genocide in gaza, just to be clear, according to the interim ruling, um, genocide has either occurred or could occur against the palestinians, according to the icj. ally, how do you explain palestinians continuing to...
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be killed inside gaza in the wake of that message that was sent to the israeli regime by the icj, because the message that was sent to the zionist regime by the icj was that they have to police their own behavior, what was called for was very toothless and it does it won't lead to anything, because this is very psychopathic and wicked regime, if they can kill upwards of 500 children and justify it, "these are people that are not going to stop when you write a strongly worded letter to them. um, that's why the only way to really the ones who are actually enforcing what was found within the icj ruling is the palestinian resistance factions is hezballah, is the various is yemen and it's a very noble blockade, and the iraqi resistance forces who are also putting the zinanis regime under pressure." through the language of
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self-defense and resistance uh by armed means and achieving a sense of military parity and of uh with the with the zionist regime. um, speaking of the israel being a psychopathic uh regime, yusuf, is that the reason really that that they don't see um, but lot of other countries, politicians, people around the world have been telling them that a political solution is the only way forward, violence is not the answer. think israel wants to continue blackmailing and extorting the world for what happened during the holocaust, and it seems palestinians are continuing to pay heavy price. for what happened, um, i asked some some israel is um, you know, who continue to throw accusations and threats to us, journalists, yeah, they are not willing even to consider themselves in our footstep steps, they are not willing to put themselves in our position, so this shows that they have
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kind of psychopathic, psychopathic, you know mentality to reflect their kind of thinking that they don't consider us as human beings, the... under us as demons, they continue to demonize us, dehumanize us, they continue to act as the as if they are the victims, um, they continue to shed tears about what's happened, but we are entering the fourth month now, and it seems that you know they continue to uh kill palestinians destroy palestinian homes and they don't care about all the mass demonstrations and all the calls to put an end to this genucide. exactly, and you have to be psychopath if you send an undercover head squad into a hospital, as we saw that was really shocking, yeah, bank, killing three people, one of them who had already been injured and been recuperating, one example of uh many others, um, alli, um, i want to bring iran into this, despite iran,
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having said all along, it had nothing to do, no role to play in the operational flood, um, and that the moves. that have been made by yemen, iraqi resistance forces, um, the lebanese resistance force, there are prozinus elements out there in the us, elsewhere, all beating the drums of war against the islamic republic, how is that going down where you are? well, to be honest, the people here in iran and as elsewhere in the region fear nobody but god, and they're not going to be afraid of the weakening and collapsing uh... us empire and european liberal regimes and maybe part of it, i think many of the many of the zionist voices and chicken hawk american voices, they some of them know that they're lying, but some of them actually they they live such in a bubble where they see the world in this kind of paradigm of puppet
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master and puppet that anyone who's under them is is exist in a sort of dependent role that they kind of see any everybody else is having the same role too, they can't imagine that iran's relationship with its various allies is not that of puppets or is not that of dependents, iran rather exports values of self-determination, of independence, of self-respect, of dignity and all these things, and they support them logistically, but they're not there to tell them what they should do once they achieve this level of self-reliance militarily and otherwise this level of self-respect and independence, so... might be unfathemable for many of these zionis and neocons sitting in the air conditioned think tank rooms in washington dc that uh these organizations that are aligned with iran and maybe have their logistical capabilities built up by iran, but ultimately the decision to actually engage in these
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retaliatory operations against the israeli occupation and the american occupation is something that is done individually by each group, so they have a certain level of coordination, there is a joint command center. but uh there there are also things that are just decided uh by each individual um faction within the greater resistance saxis and i think that's a very beautiful thing and it shows that iran does not want to be the babysitter of these various groups in the region they want people to take care of their own problems and that leads to a longer lasting uh change uh and more organic uh movement that way so correctly and they are as you say in a bubble as you say they are... all operationally independent. now we we mentioned the un at the top of the program, the un chief antonio guteres is asking donors to continue funding the aid agencies serving palestinians in gaza known as anrua, following accusations by the israeli regime that several staffers and had participated in
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operation a flood. the allegations triggered wave of funding cuts by major donors including the us, britain and france. these donors account for some seven the secretary general is personally horrified by the accusations against employees of unhua, but his message to donors, especially those who have suspended their contribution, is to at least guarantee the continuity of andwa's operations, as we have tens of thousands of dedicated staff working throughout the region, the dire needs of the desperate population they serve must be met. at this point, the outlook for anna and the million. of people it serves, not only in gaza, but also east jerusalem, in the in the
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west bank, jordan, lebanon, and syria is very bleak. other organization than on has the infrastructure to do the work that they do. it's not as if anyone else can come in tomorrow and do the work that they do. i mean, i've seen a lot of discussions that's just not feasible in any way, shape or form. "we have a process of accountability that's that's going on, while that's going on, people need to survive and we need to continue a support for hono and all our humanitarian work. stephand, speaking there, you said, let me come to you, you've lived in the gaza strip, you have reported from the gaza strip and definitely you have come across with uh anrua staffers, explain to our viewers how important their workers um" the gaz in the coastal onclave, especially at the time of an unfolding genocide? well, i said
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this incitement against onwar, it's not something new. each israeli offensive on gaza, israel uh throws this card that onwar does not take into consideration the employment of prohamas supporters in gaza. i myself, received education in the primary and elementary schools when i was a little kid, and also received healthcare from clinics and centers provided by onorwa. onora is the lifeline for almost 1.5 million palestinians and i think israel uh wants to prolong the suffering of gazas and it wants to, because remember israel's main goal out of from this um revenge is to level gaza and make it unliberable. now onuraa is the main uh international uh organization. so on the fund coming to gaza this means the palestinians will continue to receive the support. from this international uh ngo, there are other factors, the reason why israel wants to end
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the work of onura in gaza, i think it's to do with the refugees, because onerwa stands for united nations relief and works agency for palestini refugees which caters for almost 6 million palestini refugees scattered in the region in gaza strip, west bank including east jerusalem, libaron, syria and jordan, so it wants to end the terminology. refugee because palestinians have been calling and demanding for the return of palestinian refugees, so as long as honor exists, this means palestinians will continue to call for the right of return, and this annoys israel. israel wants only to receive the fund for itself, it doesn't want palestinians to receive recognition uh for the suffering. it's a very important point and also that the agency has said that the apart at israeli military has attacked its premises in the gaza strip at least 260 times have been attacked. mind boggling uh alie, this is clearly collective punishment, um, why have
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the the more than 10 nations now who have paused funding um do so at such a critical time? it came only hours after that icj ruling, it's another we weapon of war that they're using against the palestinian people, if they can't kill them with bombs, they want to try to kill them with starvation, and it just..." shows the complicity of these various nations in the genocided as much as like they try to pretend like they're neutral, especially some of the european countries like france and the uk, which only after so much blood has been shed, then macron came out and issued these statements that there needs to be a cease fire or maybe they didn't call for seasfire, but they they they at least called for some kind of restr. it's it's hypocritical and it's forged and
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it's it's going to lead to more suffering especially on the economic level and level of sustainance for the aid that is even able to reach inside the ga strip because the aid in many cases is being blocked from entering so they're trying to pressure the gazens from all sides but they're clearly losing military has been... practically defeated, they're talking about a withdrawal, they're making it sound like it's just normal routine thing rather than making it look like a resounding defeat uh so they need to try other weapons. uh soft weapons like starvation, and as we speak for the seventh day in a row, israelies, some of them apparently families of captives held in gaza are attempting to block humanitarian uh aid from getting into the gaza strip and to the people who really need that aid so urgently. just a quick
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reminder to our viewers that this is gaza under attack with misaid pura where we shine a spotlight on the ongoing... us israeli carnage in the gaza strip. claims of antisemitism by israel and its cronies have always been used to silence anyone who questions the barbaric zionist ideology. according to muslim scholar sheikh muhammad yasdani. that doesn't make sense because jews, like christians and muslims, all have a shared lineage through prophet noah, and are all like brothers and sisters. for us to criticize one another, is not antisemitism, it is the same family, yes we do belong to the same family, and it's very horrible when zionist movements try to asserp away a title and make it seem as if we're the boss, we're the inheritance of the we the lord of the world, we've been given a promise land from the river to the sea, and so this promise
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land belongs to us, there is no such thing at all, this was then..." and not now, and if this is the case, then in effect, in psychologically, if you reverse this, it's a terrible thing to say, what they are saying is, from the river to the sea, there will be no christians and no muslims and other religion, this is our promise land, and no one else will come within this region and territory. shani also shared with us that criticism by politicians when people protest in western c capitals is another form of distorting realities just as they do when they kill civilians and pretend to be defending themselves. it's disappointing that the government does not see that there is a clear distinction that those who are on the streets, those who are protesting are not protesting in favor of hamas, they are
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protesting and vouching in favor of the sanctity of the... life of civilians in gaza, the innocent in gaza who are not part and affiliated to, and if someone is affiliated, this is where the issue of surgical and targeted strikes are are you know absolutely, we we're blind to it, we we just, it's a bit like 10 pound, it's a paper, we're exchanging paper, but tangibly it's not gold or silver. and so we're blindly accepting that israel has intelligence to be able to bomb someone, but the outcome is in order to bomb one individual hamas, if hypothetically suggesting and hypothetically we understand this, yet he you know the hamas is using for
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instance, you know innocent civilians as a shield, this is you know terrible lie, it's terrible you know um deception that this is the case, first of all prove your point and how is it that you are acting mercifully on the people by allowing them, giving them leaflets, sending them text messages, for goodness sake, sending them text messages before bombing them, how is that striking hamas? wouldn't hamas be two steps ahead knowing that right, my name has got a text message that better clear out over here by the time who's going to clear out faster the innocent civilian or hamas? who's going to you know exit the building faster? so it's just illogical and and this illogical behavior has has given us you know very clear
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understanding that the intention is not to defend, the intention is now... to use the opportunity or the seventh of october opportunity to now desecrate and to demolish the whole of this region and area which can do so well for them personally, it can bring them billions and billions personally. thousands of palestinians continue to flee from the southern gaza city of khannunis as israeli occupation troops advance into the city. most are heading towards raffa near the border with egypt, carrying whatever they can their belongings. 90% of gazans have been displaced by the israeli bombardment of the besieged coastal enclave. have look at this. "my husband remains with the israeli army, they stopped us and allowed children and
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women to pass, but they kept some men with them. my son's belongings are with my husband, it's cold and all my child's clothes and diapers are with him. let's continue the conversation with my guests, yusuf here in the studio and via skype, ali salam in the remainder of the time we have, i just want to put this question quickly to you uh and your take on the following, the fact that eurovision has said that it's not going to ban israel to the competition, whereas it did in 2022, 2022, russia over the ukraine war, and the uk foreign secretary saying the country is ready considering to uh recognize palestine as a state, and then they're not canceling any weapons licenses to israel, nor are they kicking out israely weapons manufacturers and they're cutting um... i think the international community doesn't want to seem that they are criminalizing israel uh for distancing it from the eurovision and also this reflects the stark
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reality of hypocrisy and international policy uh the whole world has seen israel conducting this genucide live streaming digitally online for the past four months and it's just shocking and outrage outrages that israel can get away with what it does now regarding the uk position to recognize the palestinian state, this has has been should have been taken long time ago, it's a step in the in the right direction, but um, i think um this conflicts and contradicts the uk's policy and stance, because you cannot recognize palestinians right to have a state, at the same time you are sending weapons to israel to bomb those people who are aspiring to have this independent state, um, britain should... play a major role to correct the the historical injustice that occurred 75 years ago and we are continuing to suffer as a result of bill for declaration. uh let me
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give this final opportunity to uh alli um to comment on the following: ali, first of all, there's no safe place in gaza, people are getting killed by the hour, but we heard at the start of the show that there has been a proposal for sessfire uh mediated by... in egypt in paris apparently, as we wait the outcome of that, um, how do you think this genocide ending moving forward? the genocide will end when israel finally admits military defeat uh, and they are being defeated quite badly in gaza, they're being defeated in the northern border with hizballah, with the secretary general of hisbolah saying that the... "zianist military is greatly censoring the true level of casualties, both dead and injured among their occupation soldiers, and
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then you have the yemini factor, you have the iraqi factor, and then you have the economic factor that their economy is bleeding day by day, as perhaps there were many factories in the illegal settlements that were located in these areas that are now ghost towns, they're practically liberated at least the..." the settlers don't exist, maybe the military installations exist, but the only hope for the end of this war is the admission of defeat militarily by the zianist regime because of the military strength of the resistance access, there's no hope in the un, there's no hope in egypt or qatar, they're basically doing the bidding of the zionist regime while pretending to be neutral, they're only just useful guess as a medium of of... changing negotiations since the um those who are occupied uh should not have to negotiate directly with their illegitimate occupiers so but other than that they're not
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really trustworthy uh so the the best hope is in the military parity that the resistance axes has with a absolutely blood thirsty regime that has nuclear weapons as part of its arsenal absolutely right um thank you very much to both of you, yusuf and ali salam for sharing your time and your insight with us, and thank you for watching us. gaza under attack, we'll be back tomorrow with the latest. until then, continue to keep palestine in your hearts. goodbye for now.
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this is my land and my country. it is not only the 1948 or 1967 borders from the sea to the river. i am not ready to let go of a centimeter. israel is here like any by the support of the europe, by the support of the united states. that's why they separate the land, but i was at the babel shams protest last week and i myself had a my head banged against a bus by soldier illegally on illegal stolen land and they are arresting us the
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palestinians. this is historical palestine. all of those things were were present. i was fortunate because i fell in with people who had that strong sense of commitment. would say uh, no, you're liars, in fact, iran must be judged as any other nation. not only what i attempt to visit the islamic republic, if i managed to get there, i would testify as a reporter to what i found.
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the headlines, israel's indiscriminate strikes kill nearly 150 civilians across the gaza strip in 24 hours as the total death tool from the regime's genocide. years 27, local city councils in various us states passed cease fire resolutions in solidarity with palestinians and at washington's unequivocal support for israel, and iran kicks off the 10-day nationwide celebrations, marking the 45th anniversary of the victory the islamic revolution in 1979.