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tv   Gaza Under Attack  : PRESSTV  February 2, 2024 12:02am-12:31am IRST

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of welcome back to gaza under attack, i'm said pureza, we'll bring you our guests shortly, but first off a recap of some of the latest developments. israeli occupation forces continue to pound southern gaza targeting the last operating medical facilities in hanjunis, where thousands are seeking shelter. medical facilities are not the only israeli targets, two-thirds of the school the
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gaza strip have been destroyed in what's been described as edge aside, the targeting of the education system and all other sectors of life in palestine. the un's refugee agency, of unrua, which provides humanitarian assistance to millions of palestinians, says there's no clear establishment of wrongdoing by its dismissed staff accused of involvement in operation alsa flood. yemen says its naval units have fired several missiles a us navy ship in the red sea. as iran warns the us against the escalating tensions in the west asia region, saying it won't leave any threat unanswered. in the uk, after months of escalating pro-palestine activism, a change in tone in the country's biggest political parties on the us-israeli genocide in gaza. the brutal u.s. israeli war on gaza has so far killed some 27,000 palestinians, mostly of women and children, and injured 67 thousand.
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in less than four months, joining me on this edition here in the studio, economist and political analyst shabir and via skype from leicester, dr. ismail patel, founder of friends of member of the conflicts for. gentlemen, pleasure to have you with us, i'll start with you, shabir, if i may, um, if the bombardment ofus is anything to go by, it's evident that the israel are one, listening to their allies and two essentially thumbing their noses at the icj and the orders it gave israel to follow in the gaza strip. do you see it that way too? hello, good afternoon, thank you very much uh for the invitation. firstly, condolences to all the marters in uh gaza, in west bank and all the other fronts that are fighting the zionist entity, and of course our prayers for. those who are
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suffering the pain. look, what has happened in the last, as you said, nearly four months and of course the uh, you know, the decisions at hague have clearly shown that the so-called moral aspect of the zionist entity, the moral rectitude, the bubble of mobile moral rectitude has burst open absolutely, for the world to see very clearly. that this idea that the design entity and is sort of the moral army, the so-called, it's not a moral army, it's more a malevolent army, or any other people a terrorist organization, you know, or what i would call the telmudic terrorist, they have actually shown the world that the hypocrisy, the uh, the weesle words that were used to sort of get away with. all
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kinds of henous crimes over the last 75 years and even before have really become very clear, that's why you see you ordinary people, thinking people, people with heart in their chest are actually saying that zionism of is equal to racism, zionism is equal to terrorism, zinanism equal to uh you know immorality. unethical attitude, lack of integrity, all the things that one could use are now becoming very clear, and this is the sort of what i call the brand israel is now losing its luster, and those weasal words definitely were not lost on the uh international court of justice. um, dr. patel, it is very difficult to see how this is an ethnic cleansing taking place before our eyes as the residents in the gaza strip.
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are told by the occupation army to flee, where to is another matter? no, i mean, as you say, they have been asked to move from one place to another, when they move to the second... place that place gets bombed and of course then they asked to move to the third place and then the scenario follows through, so yes this is ethnic cleansing by all means and i think you couldn't find any better adjective to describe it than genocide. i know the icj has called it a plausible genocide, but that opens up a potential avenue to make sure that israel is brought to the court of justice and eventually is charged for those crimes that it's committing today. "the fact that not only israel is doing this in the gaza strip, but we've also noticed recently what it's doing in the west bank that they disguise themselves as doctors and nurses and disabled people and going shoot a patient in his bed, and that if that is not a war crime, i don't know what is a
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war crime really, and i think words almost failus at the level of depravity that israel is lowering itself, and as we come in and talk about this over the past four months, things are getting..." worse and worse and worse. absolutely. shabir, it it seems, it is evident, actually, the public pressure and the unrelenting images emerging from the gaza strip, um, is shifting uk official position. for instance, we heard foreign secretary david cameron, speaking of recognizing palestinian state, and the labor party, we understand, has launched an outreach effort to vo the muslim vote, because they're worried they have lost this. historically loyal muslim voters because of their position on the on the gaza strip and the genocide. well, look, i don't whether it's shifting, because it was britain which actually created designist entity, whatever america is doing is now and other european nations, the blame
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and the responsibility lies here in london under the ball for declaration and then support and continuous movement of when you part of palestine. was under the british mandate, so it's a british responsibility at the end of the day for whatever is happening in in in palestine. however, i think again, because israel has lost on many fronts, on the military fronts, on the ethical front, on the sort of diplomatic front, a political front, all aspects which were used under the umbrella of hazbara, yeah, he is now becoming hysterical hazbara, because... yeah, the propaganda side, and is becoming hysterical, you see sort of, what i call the tree of tribe, which is levy, hagari and and and ragev, the trio of tribe, they keep on coming on television, mark ragev, keep on coming on
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television and putting narrative of hazbara to sort of again to confuse the public and so forth, so the reality is that whatever mr. cameron says, "the two state solution is dead duck so to speak, the israel is the only thing that i think israel and iran agree on is a one state solution, so so the reality is that mr. netanyahu and his his sort of cohorts have really, you they're not interested in a two state solution, and the reality is that uh, i don't think you the palestinians are being thrown this carrot again just like ozlo, just like other things to..." to stop uh the demand for freedom, complete and unadulterated freedom, and this is perhaps another con that the british are trying to sort of uh put forward a two-state solution. all right, let's keep the ball rolling, the un senior humanitarian and
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reconstruction coordinator for gaza cigaret cog has given her first briefing to the security council charged with distributing life saving aid and leading the reconstruction efforts post bombardment, miss cog outline the obstacles that laid ahead. she also partially addressed the vital work the united nations refugee agency for palestine (anrua) currently undertakes. let's have listen. good afternoon. this is about volume, quality, speed and continuous delivery of humanitarian um and commercial goods to reach the civilians uh of gaza and the mechanism when up and running can really help facilitate that, it helps us to track, it helps us to enhance the transparency, that we know what's coming in, whom it's for, it helps with the verification and obviously to know if it really reach the civilian
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population. it is very critical that we recognize the central role that unra plays in the gaza strip in the delivery of humanitarian aid and prior. of course to the conflicts when schools were open or the the clinics were open or other facilities run by the agency, all those were services in support of the civilian population, um, so i can't precipitate this, there's an ongoing discussion, i think, and donor countries of course have set their parameters and also have give have given clarity, it's an ongoing discussion, there's no substitution for the humanitarian role that is played in gaza. dr. batel, the new aid and reconstruction chief has mammuth task on her hand, no doubt. how can the be talk of aid and reconstruction as the bombardment continues. cock spoke of deconfliction there, but surely a complete cessation. is just to start, absolutely, i mean, we have we are in a sort of almost
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euthopian distopian context where israel is allowed to continue bombing gaza, yet at the same time the many nations, european nations, particularly are stopping aid to the anraw so that they can help the people in gaza, and anna is asking to help those people who are continuously being bombed by god by israel, so this... really is absolutely unfathernable, but we have to do whatever we can and make sure that you in this dark hour the people in gaza, at least humanitarian aid is allowed to enter unimpeded and should not be stopped by israel, and that it's its own as well, it's war crime that people, civilians are suffering at this, israel is stopping that aid getting to them, and and we have very long road to walk here for the people of gaza and palestine. and just shows the hypocrisy and the duplicity of the world community, particularly the powerful world
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community, that they want to in one way or another ensure that israel is successful at eliminating the palestinians and totally ethnically cleansing them, so genocide that is taking that is unfolding at the moment should become successful, and all these measures, the attack on anwer, the stopping the aid of the limitation of omaj aid is going through, all are indicators for us. and alarm bells should be ringing each and every one of us, that we should not listen to what is coming through either london, washington or tel aviv and try and break that siege on gaza and try and do something that at least brings about humanitarian aid on the ground, exactly, and and on that, the complicity of some of these countries, shabir, we've seen the un special raporteur for the occupied palestinian territories, francesca albanese, say that countries who have... funding, suspended funding, maybe breaking the icj ruling, which calls for humanitarian aid, to
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be allowed into gaza. your thoughts? indeed, it's very clear that the complicity is becoming more and more apparent, not only britain, usa, germany and other european nations have been supplying armomen, which are killing the people in in gaza and the west bank. i just want to sort of... making a point on this uh, you know, because 12 individuals were suspect, again i think it's part of hazbara that israel uses continuously, and it's only not now, but israel has been trying to stop anwar working in palestine for the last many, many years, it's not a sort of new thing, they've found an opportunity of these 12 individuals, i would like to ask our government, my government here in london that, those terrorist who killed the individuals in the hospital, is britain going to sanction israel
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now, because they have broken all the laws. just imagine when mandela was in prison in south africa, if the apartide regime has gone in and killed mandala in the hospital, the world would have completely penalized the partide regime, are we going to penalize the israelis for having commit? not just the henous crime, but broken all international laws by going into the hospital and killing those three individual, all be so callalled terrorist if israel wants to define them as, but they were under security and protection the hospital, so israel has really crossed all borders of criminality that one can imagine, breaking all international law and there's no sanctions, are we going to stop armoment arms being sent to israel? because of this particular cancelation of the weapons licenses absolutely and funding you and and i
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like to also make point on reparations and you know where the you know gaza is going to be we talk about uh you know russia's 300 billion being held in european banks and they're trying to manipulate a way to get hold of that money so that it can be given to ukraine why shouldn't israel be also penalized to send money to gaza for the redevelopment. and sort of reconstruction of gaza post these criminal acts that have been taking place, that's a very, very good question, shabir, just a quick reminder to our viewers if you just..." tuned in. this is gaza under attack with me said puriza, where we shine a spotlight on the ongoing us-israeli carnage in the gaza strip. in the wake of the jewish holocaust by the nazis, displaced jews have the support and sympathy the global community. now, zionists inside occupied palestine have themselves turned into oppressors, committing a genocide against the palestinians inside gaza.
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speaking a conference to commemorate historic and current acts of global genocide. ella connell, a british activist of polish descent, says it's now time for every voice to speak out against what is happening. i hope that people are realizing that injustice is being done and we have to stand united against it. i don't know how you can put more pressure, because people are speaking all the time, but nobody listens, so... "we can only protest, what else can we do? there is more people coming to the protest marches, there is more people to talk about it openly, and i think people just want to see justice done, which is at the moment not so visible, from
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politicians, so i don't know what..." we can do parliament and people of government are simply involved in businesses which are supporting israel and deals are being made, arms deals and different kinds of deals which are supporting israel and they can't back out of it so easily, so that's why governments are in this situations. israel should not exist, basically, and i'm speaking with broken heart, actually, because i do understand about holocaust, but one holocaust doesn't make right to make another holocaust,
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and israeli people have been all all around the world, jewish people were all around the world and they were supported and they were giving homes, they were giving chance to exist, yet they are killing mercilessly palestinians and are not giving them a chance to exist at all, so that's absolutely not acceptable. for human being to do that to human being. earlier this week, anti-arms trait protesters gathered outside the venue of a meeting of lethal weapons dealers here in the british capital, london. organized by the campaign against the arms trade, the protesters accused the arms dealers, mps and military personnel participating in the
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gathering of complicity in the unfolding genocide in gaza. how... how long does it have to take that all of these people are being killed and you've got you're arming an army against the people you know those people are are not even allowed to have an army so uh it is uh extremely sick and it's obsene and unconstionable that governments and that companies are profiting from this from the sale of weapons and weapons technology and this country is complicit in that. according to the campaign against the arms trade, the uk arms industry has profited massively in recent years from selling weapons to saudi arabia for its eight-year war on yemen and to the israeli regime for its ongoing genocidal war on the gaza strip. the dinner event was hosted by the uk's aerospace defense and security industry, sponsors included weapons manufacturers such as bae systems, bapcock
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and mug. bae systems is the lead partner in providing components for f-35 combat aircraft. that are currently bombarding gaza. let's continue the conversation with my guests shabir rasvy and ismail patel and the remainder of the time we have on this show, and dr. patel, there is some signs of uh shift in the uk, how can voters use their power for palestine at the next general elections, should they even try? of course, this is the election year in britain, we hoping to have an election by the end of the year. yeah, and i think we have got a pivotal role to play in britain, and not only muslim community, but i think the great greater wider community of consciousness, that we make sure that the people. we elect, at least being representative of the wider community, and they talk about justice, not just in international arena, but also in britain
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itself, because we have got major issue at home, and we can bring about a change, and i think those who have attended the demonstrations in london have heard the call saying no cease fire, no vote, and i think that is something we need to echo again and spread it wide to make sure that all those mps who have supported... israel unequivocally and have failed to vote for a cease fire should not be supported at the next general election and i think there is approximately 30 to 40 seats where we can make a difference and that could change the dynamics of the next parliament, we could either have a hung parliament an ideal situation or at least reduce the majority of the labor victory if that is at the present projection, so yes i think the... british community has got a pivotal role to play, democracy and elections are one time where the civil society can play its role in trying
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to bring about the change, because for the next five years again will be silence, marginalized and we have to take to the streets, but elections is the only time i think in a democratic system where the orderry individuals can try and make a change, so i hope no cease fire, no vote take takes hole around the country and nobody. who's voted for the continuous boming of gaza should be voted in next time and it looks like people in power here have heard the voices of those um hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of the uk over the past more than three months - but earlier you heard those um anti-arms trade protesters um in the uk in in london rather wars are no doubt very profitable um a profitable business for the uk so and escalation in regional hostilities can only be good news for the arms trade here, is that the right way to look at it? well look uh, as economist i would say that uh war machine
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appears to be a good economic model uh for european nations, britain and so to follow, but the reality is if you look at it from purely economic point of view, the amount of money that spends on war, if that is... on soft power that britain may have, teaching english, opening educational institutes, health care, all kinds of other things that could bring in more economic activity to the nation, but i think it's a very short cited approach, it's a approach that is lobbied by the arms industry and those associated provided the people in power are not in the pockets of the so-called military industrial complex. absolutely, so if one looks at the calculations, other activities in the sort of economic sphere could be more lucrative, but
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because we've seen this and and because of the lobbying and and as you quite rightly said, that the politicians and and powers that be are, there es open to the military industrial complex if you like, but if they were sort of open to uh more education, more healthcare, more social services, more agriculture, then i think it would be better place for us as britain reaping the economic benefits of that, because britain does have immense soft power in that arena, but somehow we've taken this uh narrow approach which really doesn't help anyone at the end of the day, it may help those number of small companies, but the reality is that you know the wealth is not distributed. a uh equitable and just manner. all right, we're gonna have to leave it there. thank you very much. shabby rasby and dr. ismail patel for sharing
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your thoughts with us and thank you for watching this program. gaza under attack. we'll be back tomorrow with the latest. until then, continue to keep palestine in your hearts. goodbye. the success of the islamic revolution in iran formulated new. equations in all of west asia, no two people can argue about that, with resistance in lebanon and palestine posing a real terror to the israeli entity, the culture of resistance has spread beyond
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gaza and and all the lands of zianist israeli occupied palestine, so much so that the sense of anxiety with settlers is through the roof and with most wanting to leave. the stance alongside the resistance has extended to iraq, yemen, and syria, indicating that the islamic revolution has laid the foundation, supported and participated in the growth and expansion of new powers in west asia. west asia revolution this week on the midiast stream. hey everyone, this is ali razza and in this week's episode of eron tech we're showcasing something very special, this is the... any
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more, it's iran's first uh tactical light cargo playing, so in this week's episode we're going to be talking about history, how it came to be, it's different use cases and everything in between. make sure you stay tuned, i'll see you soon. for decades, iran and israel we're too close. friends, but what did link them together in the first place, and why did they get separated overnight? what did they do during their friendship time, and then when they came at logger heads with one another? these and more on this episode of iran today.
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your headlines on press tv is really bombing stick more palestinian lives in the blockaded gaza strip with death sol exceeding 27,000 since october 7. a group of un rights experts have voiced alarm at soaring numbers of journalists. killed in the gaza strip, denouncing israel's attempt to silence critical reporting and the leader of ansalah movement vows that yemen's anti-israel operations will continue until the genocidal war on gaza ends.