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tv   SPOTLIGHT U.S. ISRAELI GENOCIDE IN GAZA  PRESSTV  February 2, 2024 1:02pm-1:31pm IRST

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over 27 palestinians murdered, the nightmare for the palestinians in the gaza strip never. brands, the us-israely killing machine continues with this genocidal war, and to make matters worse, the second phase of the onslot include deaths due to disease and famon. in this edition of the spotlight, we will look at how this genocide continues without any heat by israel, to the recent recommendations by the icj to prevent genocide from taking place. we also look at how this us backed aggression is not only costing the us image, but also european countries were also deemed as being complicit in this genocide. our guests for this edition of the spotlight include: spokesperson at the
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masar badel movement who joins us from vancouver. also joining us tony gosling who's a historian and investigative journalists who joins us from bristol. thank you so much for both of us for being with us uh and i'll start with you khalid barkot. we're looking at over 27 thousand deaths. it's a grim in milestone. the stats have remained consistent in terms of the. uh breakdown mostly women and children who have uh uh been murdered as a result 70% still hovering around that and uh we're looking at alarm bells going off by international agencies regarding famon disease which is kind of now the second phase of this uh that that continues the the um death of palestinians agencies like msf um and when you take a look at the bigger picture after about four months they can't even be an agreement a cease fire. or pause,
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whatever you like to name it, who is to blame for that, do you think? uh, thank you for the invitation, and yes, well, i think the world understand on at least popular level today, that the main responsible for these for this genocide is the zionist regime in tel aviv backed by the united states and western forces who have been providing military support, political support, financial support to israel to conduct its crimes against the palestinian people for the past 75 years and particularly for the past four months, where israel have been placing the entire palestini people in ghazza under siege for the past 17 years in literally a prison and for the past
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four months they have been bombing palestinians with thousands and tens of thousands of explosives and death from air and sea and land and under the world eyes. the united nation is unanimously unanimously of have called for seizfire and the united states singlehanded. with their follower puppets like the uk have been blocking any efforts to reach you know cease fire basically to reach you a stop to this slaughter carried a daily basis 24 hour seven days a week for the pat since october eight this is the problem problem is the united states and uk uh wants to flux its missiles
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on the region and not just on ghazza okay and to come back with their military colonization of of the region. you had few weeks back at this point tony gosling where you had many us officials including including the national security advisor, including the uh um the head of the military lloyd austin who have said that we're going to transition into this uh low intensity phase. since then you've had the icj ruling which came out and said, you know, you guys, uh, israel, uh, you need to uh prevent any type of genocidal um deaths to happen based on the evidence that was presented by many lawyers, but yet from that point as an example, uh, there has been on and off about 200 uh palestinians who have been killed, um, a a 24-hour basis, and and when you take a look at not only that fact, but the us military support, it's quite shocking to see that uh, and this... back in
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december of 25 of 2023 that israel has received 230 planes from the us with 20 ships loaded with us arms, that's a lot, it looks like it sounds like fe figure it out mathematically about 60 um that comes out uh a monthly basis, mean that's a lot of ammunition. why is it that the us says uh go to a low intensity phase but yet it keeps providing them with the artillery and the firepower to continue with the genocide? well it's like the native american indians used to say uh the white man he speak with forked tongue so they're lying they're lying about their real intentions they are. are actually shoveling more far more aid to israel than even happened during the 19 the 1970s the october war, the yamkipur war, where there was a fantastic amount of american military aid and and israel was actually under threat from the surrounding arab countries, there was a full-scale war going on and and yet
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there is no real threat to israel right now, and yet the americans are giving much more and in fact what the most appalling aid that they've been giving uh is the bombs that have been being used to flatten gaza, to level gaza, into the home to two and a half million people, just being literally flattened by the united states uh aid uh, so i think we have to look at, i mean you mentioning last week's decision at the international court of justice there, and uh, you can talk about diplomacy, you can talk about right and wrong, arguing things - backwards and forwards, uh, but the decision. last week the announcement um at the end of the week about the uh south african decision uh not to not to to demand a cease fire but to uh to recognize that there was a severe danger of genocide - they were they were doing as much as they could i suppose to allow a little
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bridge for the israelis to climb down uh if they wanted to, but they clearly don't want to do and instead what did we get? we gotuh attack on unrah's age. aid with 20 uh civilians and aid workers shot dead by the israeli defense force as they were giving out aid uh and then we saw on the friday on the day after uh i think is it now 12 mostly nato countries the united states and britain leading the way uh boycotting any funds for the aid agency so i i think this sort of response to uh the united nations uh instruments condemning israel for genocide, there was a a mention of genocide in the judgment, what we've got is a response by the israelis and the americans and the brits uh in flying entirely in the face of that decision, so this is not we're beyond right and wrong, we're now into the realms of good
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and evil, this is evil we're witnessing here, this is wickedness, this is absolutely the very worst that a country can do, and i as a british in a way, i sort of uh, i suppose hum... unitarian ambassador as well as a journalist, look at my government and i warm the world, we now have a medieval style king with king charles ii in britain who is very unlike his mother who took a step back as head of state and saw herself as kind of guardian of the country but didn't get so much involved in politics. charles is now very much involved for example in appointing people like david cameron uh the former supporter of the israeli settlement program uh the... fire up of the war in in libya to be our foreign secretary and this is all part and parcel of what you're dealing with the with the brits now i'm afraid is a medieval style government that we've got and it's something we have to deal with domestically here too all right uh this connection uh khalid barkat that our guests are made
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between the icj ruling and then you have what happened uh um not immediately afterwards but afterwards and that is the uh uh situation with andrra where you have uh the uh funding that is now been uh cut by countries such as the us, the uk and others that uh our guest are mentioned uh is of i can't even say slap in the face, this is a lifeline for the palestinians in the gaza strip and now that has been uh cut, what do you see a relationship there, do you see a concerted effort uh ultimately by countries like the us who have cut this funding uh to basically want the palestinians to experience the worst. in order uh for them to, i guess, get close, if not go for the goal that israel has, and that is the force displacements of palestinians from the gaza strip, which itself is a war crime, yes, absolutely, because what the united states have been doing for many years now, is using starvation
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as a tool to isolate the palestinian people and push them to desper and starvation, this is not the first time. that the united states, germany, uk and others have used honor as a tool to beseach the palestinian people by cutting its funding, and just... imagine trump for example waid the entire war against the honor in order to bring palestinians to agree and to submission and to agree on the so-called deal of the century and palestinians across the board have refused you know trump deal then and today biden is using the same deals the same uh systematic operation against the palestinian people, this is part of the siege that they
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have been trying to do and israel wants to get rid of the honorwa and germany, united states, uk, france, they're trying, they're helping israel in order to liquidate this institution for one simple reason, and that is because they are want to destroy the palestinian people and the palestinian refugees rights, but because honorwa was established. you know 74 years ago in order to assist palestinian refugees and so it is testimony that there are palestinian refugees who were in their homes and their villages and towns and they were displaced by force by the zionist gangs and the uh you know war crimes and genocide and they don't want onorwa to remain even with the very little assistance that honor provide for the palestinian refugees. they don't want this, also let's just remember that this is not just cutting funding on teachers and
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children, schools and and education and health, but it's also the targeted honorwa facilities across ghazza, even schools that belongs to the honor and palestinians have used it as a place where they might find some you know security there, israel have... these schools continuously, not just in the last four months, but every aggression and every war israel have launched against palestinians in gaza, honorable facilities have been you know shelled by the israeli zionist army. now final point on the honor question and that is the want basically to liquidate the palestinian. people cause and push them into the so-called two state solution, which means
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that they want to encircle and besege particularly the palestinian refugees, not just in ghazza, but in every refugee camp, there are over five and a half million refugees who receives some kind of assistant from you know onorwa, and so this is a collective punishment against palestinians in lebanon, in syria, in jordan, in the west bank. and every place that honor provides some services for the palestinians. i have to ask you this uh tony costling because it's something that the un came out and i made point of it uh and that is the fact that journalists have been uh killed uh by the numbers that at this point stand at 122, calling it the deadliest most dangerous aggression or onslot for journalists in recent history. quote we are alarmed at the extraordinarily high numbers of journalists and media workers who have been killed. um what do you think of? that you think that this is uh one of the worst cases that you've seen in terms of the journalists being
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targeted, so i'm guessing not to tell the story as it's happening, which we're still getting those stories out in one form or another, but the isl regime forces seem not to think so. this is what they call psychological warfare, in simpler terms killing journalists to the telling the truth and bearing witness to... crimes against humanity uh at genocide and war crimes, so this is, i mean, myself personally, as a supporter of the palestinians for many years and the caller out of the crimes of the israeli um apartide system, is that i personally have myself had death threats from something called the jewish defense league here in britain, so i think this is part of their policy, the idea is they want to threaten, bully, kill, uh journalists and and if they can't kill those journalists what they will do is they will threaten bully and
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kill their families uh as we've seen. now uh my colleagues journalists here in bristol in the uk we actually had demonstration about all this saying that they are deliberately targeting journalists we want to make it absolutely clear to the public and of course uh the the the mass media uh is where the bbc uh press tv that those sort of people are really the uh what you might call the nervous system. of humanity and what they're trying to do is to where those nerves are telling people about this genocide, they're trying to cut those nerves, literally poison the nerves so... that people cannot so that humanity finds it difficult to understand what's going on and and and in that way, i mean this is why i say psychological warfare, what we're looking at really, humanity is now in a race to stop a third world war, because i think we need to be quite clear the china and united states are completely opposed, you look at the um the situation in ukraine and russia
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too, you've got the same polarization between the chinese on the russian side and the united states on the ukrainian side. the same exact polarization in israel and palestine and so we know that there's a potential for a religious war around the alaxa mosk and the third temple in jerusalem and that sort of conflict would bring in all these superpowers so there is definite attempt in my mind to start a much wider war and people might think well who wants a war but i can tell you there's a lot of money to be made and lot of territory to be gained so that's why i think it's so important to understand what their plan is and it seems me very simp, put it in simple terms, they're trying to start a fake religious war between these zionists, these kind of uh confected version of judaism which so many jews around the world, religious and non-religious oppose and the whole muslim world, so i think we need to be, we need to be understand, we're on the race to understand that situation and prevent it taking place, indeed, well uh, this piece of
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news came out uh today, khalid barkat, and i'm wondering what you make of it where the us president joe biden has uh issued an executive order um targeting jewish settlers, which he says attack palestinians and the occupied west bank. now i'm curious as to why he would go to that length against the jewish settlers when you have the regime forces in the gaza strip committing war crimes and he doesn't say anything about that. yeah, well i think the united states play here, you know, the... bad, good c kind of you know theory that they are trying to defend you know palestinians in the west bank and that's because they're not actually they are the one who have been not just silent about the settlement movement but most of the money that goes to the settlers comes from the united states and zienist organizations who
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have full support by the united states government and the uh across the is, whether democrats or republicans, look, who's building these colonies in the west bank? it's organizations like the jewish national fund that is fully supported and tax exempt, you know, most of the settlers who are in the west bank actually comes from you, the united states, from new york and chicago and boston and you know, and also from canada and europe, these are a classic example of western. ization in palestine, some of these settlers don't even speak hebrew, they speak, fluid english with no accent, and so at one hand, the united states is responsible for these settlers and their actions and you know their behavior, and on the other hand, the united states is worried about the crumbling
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the palestinian authority in the west bank which gives a more of a present and strength to the... palestinian resistance, so they really are worried about israel and these settlers more than they're worried about the palestinians, but at the same time the united states wants to use this in order to tell netanyahu coalition that you're not helping yourself with these policies and that united states is being trapped and biden is being you know cornered, especially in a time of elections, you know most of... "even israelis don't see eye to eye with people like bingover and smutrich you know in term of especially now these days these forces they are populist forces they're trying to get lot of support from the settlement movement but at the same time they're not really doing you
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know like they're shooting theirselfs and the leg kind of because they're exposing really the israeli project." in front of the entire world, all you have to do is listen to what bingav say to know exactly what design is project in palestine is all about. tony gos, there was a, i'm not too sure what it was, it was, it was described as a jubilent conference where it said cabinet members called to resettle in gaza, and you had the picture of ben gavier with thousands of people, israelis and i think a lot of them were settlers were jumping up and down and they were they were dancing, and they had this... huge screen where you had the gaza strip and there were actual settlement colonies that were mapped out across the gaza strip. a simple google search will bring up lots of images on that. now you have that on the one hand. and on the other hand you have uh what the americans are saying that no uh the palestinians have to stay in the gaza strip or you have what the the pm netanyahu
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says that they have to leave the gaza strip uh there's lot lots of skisms here it doesn't match up is that the whole notion of good cop bad cop by the us when they said that about the gaza strip what do you think the deal is? yeah the they are definitely uh there has to be some sort of almost meaningless attempt. to put the opposite side because there is lot of political pressure, not least of which is by some of the biggest demonstrations in london that we've ever seen uh to in support of palestine uh so the west is is you know in the united states and britain but look i go back if you're looking talking about settlements david cameron was a patron of the organization for british settlements even whilst he was still prime minister someone pointed it out is it is it fair for you as prime minister to be patron of the pro israeli settlement uh criminal organization uh and so he was forced to step down uh so i mean i i want to bring this to just to a
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little more of a personal level because i haven't heard people talking about this aspect of gaza and that is that if we look at this as a almost kind of family thing what the israeli defense force and the israelis are doing in their genocide is they are making it impossible for parents to protect their children. "there's something really fundamental about this, if a parent cannot protect a child, a child looks into a parent's eyes and cries, this is the destruction and this is the evil which the israeli government and the israeli defense forces, soldiers against children uh are are reaking over there, and the you know it disgusts me, but what i'm saying is that that this is, i think they're going for it, this..." is a really big attempt to get major conflict going uh through the the uh the really the sacrifice of these poor people. if it was up to me i would be breaking down the
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walls of gaza and getting those people out of there because we're dealing with maniacs and then of course we have to deal with the israeli defense forces because the thing is the more they're allowed to get away with the more they will do and that is the uh that they will be get worse in the future so uh i think we just have to understand that unless these... atrocities are stopped by the british and the americans i think they have the most political and diplomatic leverage uh that i'm afraid that this could get even worse so we have to uh teach the idf a lesson uh but how we do that is extremely difficult i think the most sensible ways to just get those poor people out of the way because they are just continuing to kill them every single day and uh the united nations seems almost powerless to stop them and and we've now even got the cutting off of aid to these... poor palestinian people uh, so that's the only way i think is pressure on the brits and the americans and the europeans to to turn this around. all right, unfortunately we have to end it on that sad note, but uh uh we just
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don't have the time. khalid barka, thank you, spokes person for the masar badol movement and tony gosling, their historian and investigative journalist from bristol. thank you to you both. with that we come to an end for this edition of the spotlight from the team, it's goodbye. iran's islamic revolution turns 45, major strides like in education and women's advancement, under pressure and sanctions, the economy has advanced. because of being under the sanctions, we became self-sufficient in different kinds of, i mean technological fields. join us in this edition of economic divide. as we explore the economic ups and downs of iran's islamic revolution.
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it was the epoc of belief. it was the epoc of incredulity. it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. there was a king with the golden crown and iron fists on the throne of iran. the shah was a dictator. it was clearer than crystal to them that things were settled forever. the cia formally concluded in august of 1978 that the shah of iran in no serious trouble, but they failed to see the writing on the wall. the american embassy in tehran was wowfully ill informed about what was going on. on the
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street, follow one of the defining moments of the 20th century in what caused the islamic revolution. people were desperate, dejected and deep in poverty. however, after the oil sales skyrocketed, the monarch and the cram de lacram of society were rolling in it, so people rose up to protest the yarning castle.
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imagine something could happen in in in iran, nobody begin of 78 i decided to to try to go to iran, but then after my first trip i came back from iran, everybody laugh at me because i was full to imagine something would happen a country like iran, you know, sometimes you never know, you have some... in your mind and um, well, when really everything started, it was end at the end of august, my pictures were published everywhere, the rest of of the world started to think something is going to happen in your life, who is michell, it's me.
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your f headlines, more than 100 people are killed in overnight is really air strikes on the bessieg gaza strip, syria says is down a number of... really missiles that were targeting the capital damascus, an iranian president says his country will not start a war but will respond decisively to anyone who tries to bully it.