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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 3, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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of of the headlines this hour, damascus says us strikes targeted areas that syrian forces are fighting daesh remnants, once again proving washington's collusion. the terrorists. 120 days into the us israelity genocidal campaign in gaza, the death doll surpasses 27,200, mostly women and children, plus tens of of thousands of people march in the uk's capital, london to voice their support for palestinians facing israeli aggression.
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well welcome to our studios in the capital tahan, this is prasty news. thanks for joining us. the us says that has carried out air strikes on 85 targets inside of iraq in syria. that's after washington pled to respond to deadly drone strike on his troops in jordan. the iraki government says that at least 16 people were killed in us strikes in the country. civilians were among those killed and 36 more people were wounded in the bombings that targeted both civilian and security areas. the us central command claims the targets include rocket, missile and drone depos. the us president says the strikes will continue at times and places of washington's choosing. however, joe biden says that the us does not see conflict in west asia. washington has confirmed the deaths of three of its forces in the drone strike that hit its military base last weekend. mark, the
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first time us military personnel died in attack since the start of the israeli onslot on gaza on october 7. strong reactions now to the us attacks are streaming in from regional countries, not least by iraq and syria themselves. iraq condemned the strikes as a violation of its sovereignty, warned that the attack will have disastrous consequences for the region. iraq's firm ministry says that it has called in the us charged affairs in baghdad to deliver and of
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another strategic mistake by the us that the only serves israeli interests. the palestinan resistance hamas also condemned the strikes, saying that washington has poured oil on the fire in the region. russia says the us is sewing chaos and destruction in the middle east, it is called for security council meeting. the us has conducted air on multiple locations in ibak and syria retaliation for deadly attack on his forces in jordan. to discuss the story further, we were joined earlier by our guest in this program, let's see what they had to say, and now joining us for the program is a gilbert, dr. independent international affairs analys joining us from brussels and sad muhammad marandi, professor at the university of tehran joining us from the iranian capital, gentlemen, i like to say welcome you both to the program here, dr. man and we're going to start with you, if we may
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and it's just ironic here because everything that we're seeing that's transpired in relation to this story has to do with occupation, you got the israelies occupying uh... palestinian land and as a result you have uh groups and the genocide that they're performing there, you have groups trying to defend the palestinians and sure enough who comes to the rescue us forces that are occupying land both in iraq and syria. your initial thoughts, doctor. i think it's pretty clear for your audience that the united states is the occupying power in. iraq iraqi parliament voted to have to have us bases removed and the united states is also illegally occupying one third of syria. the al-tanf area is also part of that territory in syria which is occupied by the united
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states and the united states is trainings of isis there those tribes in they they were loyal to isis and they... carry out attacks on syrian troops from those bases and then they return to those areas controlled by the united states, so what the united states did was, as an occupying power, they attacked the indigenous population, they did not attack iranians, they did not attack the lebanese, and in fact they also intacked attacked iraqi military bases that belong to the... central government in baghdad, but if you hadn't known any of this, you would think that by listening to western media that the united states was attacking some sort of aggressive force that was invading us owned property.
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mr. gib doctor, thank you for your patience, your initial thoughts on the fact that we have the us carrying out 85 air strikes in iraq. and syria against a region that has been pushing back against occupation, against getting colonized in palestine, in syria and in iraq. i just like to introduce one element that was not mentioned in my fellow panelists remarks, and that is that the united states, according to this morning's financial times article on the subject a lead story, united states attacked, knowingly attacked the iran. revolutionary guards of cuds in the iraq and in syria, now that is, we have not heard about any iranian response to that, but it is putting at risk what fragile peace there is in the middle east, and it comes, it is
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important because it underlines the kind of hypocracy, that is american policy, which is just not matter of academic observation. but it's a hypocrisy that can lead to a world war. the united states has made the has made its backing of the ukrainian regime fundamental to its foreign policy, and it has provided arms and training to kiev's forces. when iran provides arms and training to its friends and allies in the middle east, that becomes the subject. of us military targeting, the united states essentially is saying that iran is the beligerant, but no one is yet saying openly, openly that the united states is a coveligent in the ukraine war with the consequences that come from being a cobiliturate right, and you know and
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the back story here, mr. doctor is the fact that hundreds of thousands, not hundreds, not thousands, but hundreds of thousands of civilians have died as a result, of imperialist powers, the us went into iraq, you very well know on false pretext, and how many people did a slaughter in that country, civilians alone in the last 20 years in afghanistan, in in syria where it still has uh itself occupying oil fields there and taking money out of the out of the uh the pockets of the syrian public, and and then not to mention their ally in tel aviv, what that's doing to the indigenous people that should be... being in peace there on the mediterranean, there's one very big distinction between what you've described in the past, going back to american war crimes in in iraq, in afghanistan and elsewhere, but there's a distinction between that and what we're seeing today, the distinction is the case brought before the international court
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of justice by south africa, for the first time in history, the um the belligerants, those who are those who are implementing genocidal policies, are being called to account, the united states was of course practicing genocide in iraq, but nobody said a word, what's going on now is being spoken about and the decision. "the end-term decision of that court is against israel, the final decision, which will come in months will most certainly be against israel for not only having intent to commit genocide, but for actually doing it. now that in that case, the question arises, who will pay for that? we going live now to list to osama hamdan, hamas rep there, let's take a listen to what he's saying, and not and preventing - stopped." the war 120 days welst our people and a heroic resistance in the gazza strip
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are creating the best image of heroics and steadfastness and sacrifice and perseverance in self-defense and in defense of the territory and sanctities and also in defense the dignity and the honor of the umma as a whole. this is legendary epic which is called ala storm. it will go down in history as part the ongoing struggle of people who are standing firm with steadfastness and who are bring about their victory and liberty and independence, bringing it closer, god willing. we pray for the marties, and also we pray for the recovery of the sick and wounded and for liberty for the prisoners and th those being held at captive and victory for our people. we will focus today on three main topics. "the first is the agreement to put an end to the aggression against the gaz strip,
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the second the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the gaz strip number three, the international stances and the escalation taking place in the region. first of all, regarding the talk about an end to the aggression against the gaz strip, the movement, hamas ever since the beginning of the aggression, it stress that it is open to discuss any'. any initiatives or any ideas which would lead to an end that the savage aggression against the palestinian people and also put a stop to this criminal enemy which has carried out all of his killings against civilians, women, children and elderly and destruction of infrastructure and human life in the gaza strip. this enemy, this is the same enemy which is continuing its war against the west bank and al-quds and again. our heroic prisoners being held in the occupation prisons, the movement received the
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general framework proposal which was discussed in the paris conference or during the four way paris meeting which was held recently, and here we underscore that after looking into the general framework just mentioned, and after holding discussions and deliberations between the leadership, we focus on the talks leading to a complete end to the terrorist aggression against the palestinian people and a complete withdraw of the occupation army to outside the gaza strip and also lifting the ongoing siege on the strip, this siege which has continued for 17 years and also providing shelter for the displaced and the reconstruction of what was destroyed by the occupation in his nazi. aggression and also putting an end to the humanitarian sufferings and also a serious
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prisoner swap and international recognition the right of our people to determine their faith and to establish their independent state with complete sovereignty with al-quds as its capital and within this framework we value the efforts pursued by the brothers in qatar and egypt in order to reach an agreement. for sustainable in gazah on the path to putting an end to the ongoing nazi aggression against our palestinian people, and we extend a message to our people who continue to stand firmly in the gaz strip, our people, as a result of their perseverance and steadfasters and support for our heroic resistance have foughted all of the criminal plans of the occupation, this... which proved to be very, very big obstacle to those
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projects supported by the american administration, and also from western capitals, these who always spoke about the values of justice and humanity and international law, and here they are today, turning a blind eye to the crimes of fascism and the genocidal crimes, which are taking place in front of the whole world, everyone can see it, with images and sound, with the support of these capitals, our people who sacrificed themselves and sacrifice blood and also gave materially and also stood firmly, refusing to break, and also wrote down in history chapters of dignity which are unprecedented, these people deserve from the resistance which is from amongst the people, to strive to achieve the victory and to make
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the achievement which is worthy of the people and their sacrifices. for this reason hamas. will stand with where the palestinian people's interests lie, and our priority today is the lift the sufferings on our people and those standing with steadfasters in the gaza strip by reaching a complete end to the aggression and also lifting the siege, the unjust siege against the gaza strip and protecting our people in the west bank and protecting al-aqsa and the sanctities and protecting the rights of our palestinian people on the... to achieving or fulfilling their aspirations for a return and freedom and independence and building their free state with complete sovereignty with its capital. we in the hamamas movement, we are in contact, ongoing contact and we hold ongoing consultations with all of the
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palestinian resistance factions, especially those are comrad. in arms on the battlefield and here we value and we salute all of the national stances which reflected the unity of our people and their cohesion and embracement the resistance as means to deter the occupation and to gain the rights and to liberate the territories and the sanctities and we caution against the danger of the dealing with certain news or what we see about the process. and the steadfastness of our people in the gaz strip, the movement will continue to live up to the sacrifices will remain loyal to the sacrifices of the people, and we underscore that the only
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accurate, credible. authentic source for any developments taking place on the ground is that which is issued by the resistance only within this framework, the fascist criminal netanyahu and the members, his war comrads and those criminal extremists, they continue with the campaign of lies and misleading with their people, they did not and will not succeed in achieving any of their goals, their goals of aggression, failure is following them in all phases of their war and their nazi aggression against our people, and they don't have anything, no choice, but to bow down us and submit to the conditions of our people and our resistance. this lying criminal netanyahu who carries out terrorism
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and crimes and lies about this. few days ago, held a press conference whereby he held a book, the struggle of hitler or for hitler, whereby he alleged that the thugs in the army of occupation found copies of this book as they were stealing the palestinian homes, he must know first of all that this book which has been translated into tens of languages, in 1916 it was the most sold book in germany, it's ally in the aggression against our people and also against onarua, and he must also know that nazism is moderate terrorist example, if you compare it to the zinus brutality, which we see in practice today, and in his so-called book, a place between the nations. this is netanyahu's book, a
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place between the nations or a place beneath the sun, under the sun, according to. the translation because him and others don't live under the sun, live in darkness. this book, whereby netanyahu put together number of zionist lies and lies, he tried to prove a right which doesn't exist for them in palestine, but in this same book he also revealed his criminal perspective towards. our palestinian people and also towards our arab um as a whole. number two, regarding the catastrophic humanitarian situation and the urgent need for aid to come in. in light of the catastrophic deterioration of the humanitarian situation of our people in the gaza strip because of the ongoing aggression and the war of hunger and thirst and
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preventing the emergency aid from coming into all of the gaz strip, the absolute priority which all the efforts must focus on is to put an end to these humanitarian sufferings and end the aggression completely, immediately and urgently and here we call upon all of the countries and governments and those whose conscience is alive in the world, regarding the necessity of rapid and urgent intervention to put pressure on the occupation and the american administration supporting it in its crimes, in order to send all of the aid, the emergency aid and medical and services aid and save our people in the gaz strip, save them from dying from hunger and thirst and illness. and we call specifically on the leaders of our arab and islamic ummah and the organization for islamic cooperation and the arab league, we
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call on them to put together official and popular delegations to break the siege imposed on the gaza strip and to send in aid and to seal the wounds of our people who continue to stand firmly on the ground after the decisions which they took, these zionists occupation continuing with this war of aggression and its committing of horrific massacres and preventing the emergency aid from entering and the also ongoing perpetration of all forms of genocide after the decision of the international court of justice. this is source of shame and it's a blatant violation and it reflects a complete ignorance or defiance of the international community and this also underscores that what is taking place is a crime of genocide which is carried out deliberately and clearly and some countries suspending their funding of honoa because of the zionist misleading
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claims which are based illusions, this is considered an irresponsible step and a practical intervention from these countries in the policy of further choking our people and punishing punishing them all. this is considered to be a practical participation in the genocidal war which aziness enemy is. out against the civilians and also the displaced from amongst our people, we call on these countries to immediately back down from this decision, we call on the administration of honor not to surrender to these stances and to continue doing its job and to refuse thesign claims and not to be a partner in these crimes. number three regarding the international stances and the escalation in the region. it is becoming clearer day by day, the scale of the lies and the misleading claims being adopted by the american administration and also the nazi war figures
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by demonizing our resistance and tarnishing the image of people relying on zinus sources which promote certain narratives which have no basis whatsoever like the zakka zionist extremist organization religious. extremist organization and this denies any truth to this narrative whereby this organization created all different forms of lives in order to gather more money from these supporters, whilst the american british aggression continues on the brotherly nation of yemen and the operations, the air and naval bombardment is further intensifying at this time the american administration began new aggression last night whereby get targeted bases or positions in syria and iraq in order to protect the interest of the zionist enemy
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which is dragging the whole region towards a conflagration by continuing with their crimes in the gaza strip. we strongly condemn the american aggressions against the brothers in yemen and in iraq and in syria and we consider this to be a blatant violation. of international law and this comes within the framework of the ongoing american support to the zionist war crimes in the gaza strip and also in protection for the occupation so that they may continue with the mission of destruction and genocide which which they are carrying out against civilians and against the civilian infrastructure in the strip and this did not stop and its intensity never decreased even after the most recent issued by the international court of justice and this shows that the zionists don't care and the americans don't care for what the highest judicial body in the world decided. addition
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to them continuing with their regression against our people in the west bank, like the assassination of injured person who was in the hospital bed, the imati muhammad walid jalamna and his two brothers, the two mate brothers, muhammad and ghazawi, these are images of the operation during the war on gaz, the enemy alleged that we use hospitals, criminals wearing doctors clothing and nurses clothing, and they disguise and disguise themselves as well, they carry a basket with a child, and they walk around disguised as elderly people as well, this reflects the crimes in their minds and also in the way they deal with our people. now going back to the american aggression, this american
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aggression further... deepens the instability in the region and increases the possibility the confrontation further expanding in this region and we underscore that there will be no stability if the zionist occupation of palestine does not come to an end and if the american aggressions in the region don't come to an end we value the efforts and the jihad of our brothers in yemen and in lebanon and in iraq and they're continuing. operations against the zionist enemy and against their interests and against these supporters, and we also pray for the marties, all those marties who fell on the path to the liberation of al-quds, and we pray to god for a speedy recovery for the injured and the wounded, and we also call on all the factions in the ummah and all the free people to join this, to join in the decisive battle of the ummah to achieve victory for al-aqsa and al
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quods and the blood of the women and children and elderly, and now on the occasion of miraj, which now coincides with the heroic battle ofsa and coincides with al quds week, which was called upon by different institutions, religious and popular institutions and organizations in our ummah, we underscore here that the ummah is linked to palestine and first and foremost al-quds and the mosk, this link, this connection goes back to the asr and the salahi liberation, and it doesn't end with storm battle, which is continuing until the project or the aspirations of our people are fulfilled regarding independence and liberation, and here we call on the ummah, all the leaders
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and peoples and all free people of the world to mobilize the efforts and to take serious steps to achieve victory for ala and al-quds and our people in the west bank and to put an end to the aggression against gazza and to to provide iight to our people there. in conclusion, we express our pride in our people in gaza, those who are standing with steadfastness, those who continue to exercise self-defense and defend also their territory and sanctities, we salute our people in the... bank and in al-quds and in the blessed mosk whilst they confront the terrorism of the occupation and the extremist zionists. i conclude by praying for the people, the mies from our people and our those who fell on the path of al-quds. we also pray to god for a speedy recovery for the wounded and the ill, and we pray for the freedom also for those being held in captivity and victory for our
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people and - well you're listening to sama habdan, that's the end of the press conference, he was asking some questions from or taking some questions in from reporters, but basically he talked about how storm will go down in history in order to bring independence for palestinians, he talked about three uh different issues in his uh speech, one regarding this...